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RFC 2626:
The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)


Network Working Group                                     P. Nesser II
Request for Comments: 2626                  Nesser & Nesser Consulting
Category: Informational                                      June 1999

          The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.


   The Year 2000 Working Group (WG) has conducted an investigation into
   the millennium problem as it regards Internet related protocols.
   This investigation only targeted the protocols as documented in the
   Request For Comments Series (RFCs).  This investigation discovered
   little reason for concern with regards to the functionality of the
   protocols.  A few minor cases of older implementations still using
   two digit years (ala RFC 850) were discovered, but almost all
   Internet protocols were given a clean bill of health.  Several cases
   of "period" problems were discovered, where a time field would "roll
   over" as the size of field was reached.  In particular, there are
   several protocols, which have 32 bit, signed integer representations
   of the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 which will turn
   negative at Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 GMT 2038.  Areas whose protocols will
   be effected by such problems have been notified so that new revisions
   will remove this limitation.

1. Introduction

   According to the trade press billions of dollars will be spend the
   upcoming years on the year 2000 problem, also called the millennium
   problem (though the third millennium will really start in 2001). This
   problem consists of the fact that many software packages and some
   protocols use a two-digit field for the year in a date field. Most of
   the problems seem to be in administrative and financial programs, or
   in the hardcoded microcomputers found in electronic equipment.  A lot
   of organizations are now starting to make an inventory of which
   software and tools they use will suffer from the millennium problem.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

   With the increasing popularity of the Internet, more and more
   organizations use the Internet as a serious business tool.  This
   means that most organizations will want to analyze the millennium
   problems due to the use of Internet protocols and popular Internet
   software. In the trade press the first articles suggest that the
   Internet will collapse at midnight the 31st of December 1999.

   To counter these suggestions, and to avoid having countless companies
   redo the same investigation, this effort was undertaken by the IETF.
   The Year 2000 WG has made an inventory of all-important Internet
   protocols that have been documented in the Request for Comments (RFC)
   series.  Only protocols directly related to the Internet will be

   This document is divided into a number of sections.  Section 1 is the
   Introduction which you are now reading.  Section 2 is a disclaimer
   about the completeness of this effort.  Section 3 describes areas in
   which millenium problems have been found, while Section 4 describes a
   few other "period" problems.  Section 5 describes potential fixes to
   problems that have been identified. Section 6 describes the
   methodology used in the investigation. Sections 7 through 22 are
   devoted to the 15 different groupings of protocols and RFCs.  Section
   23 discusses security considerations, Section 24 is devoted to
   references, and Section 25 is the author contact information.
   Appendix A is the list of RFCs examined broken down by category.
   Appendix B is a PERL program used to make a first cut identification
   of problems, and Appendix C is the output of that PERL program.

   The editor of this document would like to acknowledge the critical
   contributions of the follow for direct performance of research and
   the provision of text: Alex Latzko, Robert Elz, Erik Huizer, Gillian
   Greenwood, Barbara Jennings, R.E. (Robert) Moore, David Mills, Lynn
   Kubinec, Michael Patton, Chris Newman, Erik-Jan Bos, Paul Hoffman,
   and Rick H. Wesson.  The pace with which this group has operated has
   only been achievable by the intimate familiarity of the contributors
   with the protocols and ready access to the collective knowledge of
   the IETF.

2. Disclaimer

   This RFC is not complete.  It is an effort to analyze the Y2K impact
   on hundreds of protocols but is likely to have missed some protocols
   and misunderstood others.  Organizations should not attempt to claim
   any legitimacy or approval for any particular protocol based on this
   document.  The efforts have concentrated on the identification of
   potential problems, rather than solutions to any of the problems that
   have been identified. Any proposed solutions are only that: proposed.
   A formal engineering review should take place before any solution is

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   It should also be noted that the research was performd on RFCs 1
   through 2128.  At that time the IESG was charted with not allowing
   any new RFCs to be published that had any Year 2000 issues.   Since
   that cutoff time there has been work to correct issues discovered by
   this Working Group.  In particular, RWhois as documented by RFC 1714
   has been updated to fix the problems found.  RFC 2167 now documents a
   fixed version of the RWhois protocol.  The work of this group was to
   look backwards, and hence new RFC's which supplant the old are
   expected to make the information in this RFC obsolete.  The work of
   this group will truly be complete when this document is completely

   A number of people have suggested looking into other "special" dates.
   For example, the first leap year, the first "double digit" day
   (January 10, 2000), January 1, 2001, etc.  There is not one place
   where days have been used in the protocols defined by the RFC series
   so there is little reason to believe that any of these special dates
   will have any impact.

3. Summary of Year 2000 Problems

   Here is a brief description of all the Millennium issues discovered
   in the course of this research.  Note that many of the RFCs are
   unclear on the issue.  They mandate the use of UTCTime but do not
   specify whether the two-digit or four-digit year representation
   should be used.

3.1 "Directory Services"

       rfc1274.txt - References UTC date/time
       rfc1276.txt - References UTC date/time for version control.
       rfc1488.txt - References UTC Time as printable strings.
       rfc1608.txt - Refers to uTCTimeSyntax
       rfc1609.txt - Refers to uTCTimeSyntax
       rfc1778.txt - Refers to uTCTimeSyntax

3.2  "Information Services and File Transfer"

   HTTP 1.1, as defined in RFC 2068, requires all newly generated date
   stamps to conform to RFC 1123 date formats which are Year 2000
   compliant, but it also requires acceptance of the older non-compliant
   RFC850 formats.  Some specific recommendations have been passed to
   the HTTP WG.

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   HTML 2.0, as defined in RFC 1866, could allow a very subtle Year 2000
   problem, but once again this recommendation has been passed on the

   RFC 1778 on String Representations of Standard Attribute Syntax's
   define UTC Time in Section 2.21 and uses that definition in Section
   2.25 on User Certificates.  Since UTC Time is being used, there is a
   potential millennium issue.

   RFC 1440 on SIFT/UFT: Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
   defines an optional DATE command in Section 5 of the form mm/dd/yy
   which is subject to millennium issues.

3.3 "Electronic Mail"

   After reviewing all mail-related RFCs, it was discovered that while
   some obsolete standards required two-digit years, all currently used
   standards require four-digit years and are thus not prone to typical
   Year 2000 problems.

   RFCs 821 and 822, the main basis for SMTP mail exchange and message
   format, originally required two-digit years. However, both of these
   RFCs were later modified by RFC 1123 in 1989, which strongly
   recommended 4-digit years.

3.4 "Name Serving"

   While not a protocol issue, there is a common habit of writing serial
   numbers for DNS zone files in the form YYXXXXXX.  The only real
   requirement on the serial numbers is that they be increasing (see RFC
   1982 for a complete description) and a change from 99XXXXXX to
   00XXXXXX cause a failure.  See the section on "Name Serving" for a
   complete description of the issues.

3.5  "Network Management"

   Version 2 of SNMP's MIB definition language (SMIv2) specifies the use
   of UCTTimes for time stamping MIB modules.  Even though these time
   stamps do not flow in any network protocols, there could be as issue
   with management applications, depending on implementations.

3.6  "Network News"

   There does exist a problem in both NNTP, RFC 977, and the Usenet News
   Message Format, RFC 10336.  They both specify two-digit year format.
   A working group has been formed to update the network news protocols
   in general, and addressing this problem is on their list of work

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3.7  "Real-Time Services"

   A Year 2000 problem does occur in the Simple Network Paging Protocol,
   versions 2 & 3. Both define a HOLDuntil option which uses a
   YYMMDDHHMMSS+/-GMT field. Version 3 also defines a MSTAtus command,
   which is required to store,dates and times as YYMMDDHHMMSS+/-GMT.

   There is a small Year 2000 issue in RFC 1786 on the Representation of
   IP Routing Policies in the ripe-81++ Routing Registry.  In Appendices
   C the "changed" object parameter defines a format of <email-address>
   YYMMDD, and similarly in Appendix D "withdrawn" object identifier has
   he format of YYMMDD.  Since these are only identifiers there should
   be little operational impact.  Some application software may need to
   be modified.

3.8 "Security"

   RFC 1507 on Distributed Authentication Security Services (DASS) use
   UTCTime.  Because of the imprecision of the UTC time definition there
   could be problems with this protocol.

   RFCs 1421-1424 specifies that PEM uses UTC time formats which could
   have a Millennium issue.

4. Summary of Other "Periodicity" Problems

   By far, the largest area of "period" problems occurs in the year
   2038.  Many protocols use a 32-bit field to record the number of
   seconds since January 1, 1970.

4.1  "Name Serivces"

   DNS Security uses 32-bit timestamps which will roll over in 2038.
   This issue has been refered to the appropriate Working Group so that
   the details of rollover can be established.

4.2  "Routing"

   IDPR suffers from the classic Year 2038 problem, by having a
   timestamp counter which rolls over at that time.

5. Suggested Solutions

   The real solution to the problem is to use 4 digit year fields for
   applications and hardware systems.  For counters that key off of a
   certain time (January 1, 1970 for example) need to either: define a
   wrapping solution, or to define a larger number space (greater than
   32-bits), or to make more efficient use of the 32-bit space. However,

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   it will be impossible to completely replace currently deployed
   systems, so solutions for handling problems are in order.

5.1 Fixed Solution

   A number of organizations and groups have suggested a fixed solution
   to the problem of two digit years.  Given a two-digit year YY, if YY
   is greater than or equal to 50, the year shall be interpreted as
   19YY; and where YY is less than 50, the year shall be intrepreted as

   While a simple and straightforward solution, it only pushes the
   problem off 40 to 50 years, until the artificially generated Year
   2050 problem needs to be addressed.  However, it is easy to implement
   and deploy, so it might be the most commonly adopted solution.

5.2 Sliding Window

   Another solution is the "sliding window" approach.  In this approach,
   some value N is selected, and any two digit year that is less than or
   equal to the current two digit year plus N is considered the future,
   while any other two digit year is considered in the past.

   For example, choosing N equal to 10,  If the current year is 2012,
   and I get a two digit year that is any of 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
   19, 20, 21 or 22, assume it is 20YY (i.e. the future), otherwise
   consider it to be in the past(1923-1999, 2000-2011).

   This solution has two advantages.  First, no new fixed year problems
   are introduced.  Second, different applications and protocols could
   choose different values of N.  The drawback is that this solution is
   harder to implement, and to work well the value of N will need to be
   constant across different implementations.

6. Methodology

   The first task was dividing the types of RFC's into logical groups
   rather than the strict numeric publishing order.  Sixteen specific
   areas were identified.  They are: "Autoconfiguration" , "Directory
   Services", "Disk Sharing", "Games and Chat" ,"Information Services &
   File Transfer", "Network & Transport Layer", "Electronic Mail",
   "NTP", Name Serving", "Network Management", "News", "Real Time
   Services", "Routing", "Security", "Virtual Terminal", and "Other".
   In addition to these categories, many hundreds of RFC's were
   immediately eliminated based on content.  That is not to say that all
   Informational RFC's were not considered, many did contain some
   technical content or overview whichdemanded scrutiny.

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   Each area was assigned to a team for investigation.  Although each
   team used whatever additional investigation techniques which seemed
   appropriate (including completely reading each RFC, and in some cases
   the source code for the reference implementation) at minimum each
   team used an automatic scanning system to search for the following
   items (case insensitively) in each RFC:

        - date
        - GMT
        - UTCTime
        - year
        - yy (that is not part of yyyy)
        - two-digit, 2-digit, 2digit
        - century
        - 1900 & 2000

   Note that all of these strings except "UTCTime" may occur in
   conjunction with a date format that accommodates the Year 2000
   crossing, as well as with one that does not.  So "hits" on these
   string do not necessarily indicate Year 2000 problems: they simply
   identify elements that need to be examined.

   After the documents were scanned, therefore, each "hit" was examined
   individually.  Those that cause no Year 2000 problems (e.g., those
   that encode the year as a two-byte integer, or as a four-character
   display string) are not discussed here.  Those that do cause Year
   2000 problems are identified in this document, and the nature and
   impact of the problems they cause are described.

7. Autoconfiguration

7.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were primarily the
   BOOT Protocol (BOOTP) and the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
   (DHCP) for both IP version four and six.

   Examination of the BOOTP protocols and most popular implementations
   show no year 2000 problems.  All times are references as 32 bit
   integers in seconds of UTC time.  An investigation of all DHCP and
   the IPv6 Autoconfiguration mechanisms produced no year 2000 problems.
   All references to time, in particular lease lengths, are 32 bit
   integers in seconds, allowing lease times of well over 100 years.

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7.2 Specifics

   The following RFCs were examined for possible millennium problems:
   906, 951, 1048, 1084, 1395, 1497, 1531, 1532, 1533, 1534, 1541, 1542,
   1970, & 1971.  RFC 951's only reference to time or dates is a two-
   byte field in the packet, which is number of second since the hosts,
   was booted.  RFC's 1048, 1084, 1395, 1497, 1531, & 1532 have either
   no references to dates and time, or they are the same as the RFCs,
   which obsoleted them, discussed in the next paragraph.

   RFC 1533 enumerates all the known DHCP field types and a number of
   these have to do with time.  Section 3.4 defines a "Time Offset"
   field which specifies the offset of the clients subnet in seconds
   from UTC.  This 4 byte field has no millennium issues.  Section 9.2
   defines the IP Address Lease Time field which is used by clients to
   request a specific lease time.  This four byte field is an unsigned
   integer containing a number of seconds.  Section 9.9 defines a
   Renewal Time Value field, Section 9.10 defines a Rebinding Time
   Value, both of which are similarly 32 bit fields, which have no
   millennium issues.

   RFC 1534 has no references to times or dates.

   RFC 1541 has two mentions of times/dates.  The first is the "secs"
   field which, similarly to RFC 951, is a 16-bit field for the number
   of seconds since the host has booted.  There is also a discussion in
   section 3.3 about "Interpretation and Representation of Time Values"
   which while clearly states that there is no millennium or period

   RFC 1542 also references the "secs" field mentioned previously.

   RFC 1970 mentions a number of variables, which are time related.  In
   section 4.2 "Router Advertisement Message Format" the following
   fields are defined: Router Lifetime, Reachable Time, & Retrans Timer.
   In section 4.6.2 "Prefix Information" the following are defined:
   Valid Lifetime, & Preferred Lifetime.  In section 6.2.1 "Router
   Configuration Variables the following are defined: MaxRtrAdvInterval,
   MinRtrAdvInterval, AdvReachableTime, AdvRetransTimer,
   AdvDefaultLifetime, AdvValidLifetime, & AdvPreferredLifetime.  All of
   these fields specify counters of some sort which have no millennium
   or periodicity problems.

   RFC 1971 has some discussion of preferred lifetimes, depreciated
   lifetimes and valid lifetimes of leases, but only discusses them in
   an expository way.

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8. Directory Services

8.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were primarily X.500
   related RFC's, Whois, Rwhois, Whois++, and the Lightweight Directory
   Access Protocol (LDAP).

   Upon review of the Directory Services related RFC's, no serious year
   2000 problems were discovered.  Some minor issues were noted and
   explained below in the specific portion of this section.

8.2 Specifics

   RFCs that mentioned UTC Time or made reference to uTCTimeSyntax could
   fail to be Y2K compliant. These should be updated to specify the four
   year version of uTCTimeSyntax rather than giving the option of using
   a two-year date representation. The following RFCs fall into this

       rfc1274.txt - References UTC date/time
       rfc1276.txt - References UTC date/time for version control.
       rfc1488.txt - References UTC Time as printable strings.
       rfc1608.txt - Refers to uTCTimeSyntax
       rfc1609.txt - Refers to uTCTimeSyntax
       rfc1778.txt - Refers to uTCTimeSyntax

   Two RFC's have unusual date specifications and specify their own date
   format. Both of these support Y2K compliant dates.

   RFC1714 (RWhois) specifies date formats that are not Y2K compliant,
   but it also supports dates that are. Implementers of the RWhois
   protocol should only use the %MY4 format

   RFC1834 (Whois++) requires the use of dates, but it didn't specify
   the format, syntax, or representation of the date string to be used.

9. Disk Sharing

9.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were those related
   to the Network File System (NFS).  Other popular disk sharing
   protocols like SMB and AFS were referred to their respective
   trustee's for review.

   After careful review, NFS has no year 2000 problems.

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9.2 Specifics

   The references to time in this protocol are the times of file data
   modification, file access, and file metadata change (mtime, atime,
   and time, respectively).  These times are kept as 32 bit unsigned
   quantities in seconds since 1970-01-01, and so the NFS protocol will
   not experience an Epoch event until the year 2106.

10. Games and Chat

10.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were related to the
   Internet Relay Chat Protocol (IRC).  No millennium problems exist in
   the IRC protocol.

10.2 Specifics

   There is only a single instance of time or date related information
   in the IRC protocol as specified by RFC 1459.  Section 4.3.4 defines
   a TIME message type which queries a server for its local time.  No
   mention is made of the format of the reply or how it is parsed, the
   assumption being specific implementations will handle the reply and
   parse it appropriately.

11. Information Services & File Transfer

11.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were divided among
   World Wide Web (WWW) protocols and File Transfer Protocols (FTP).
   WWW protocols include the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), a
   variety of Uniform Resource formats (URL, URAs, etc.) and the
   HyperText Markup Language(HTML).  FTP protocols include the well
   known FTP protocol, the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) and a
   variety of extensions to these protocols.  Other information services
   includes the Finger Protocol and the LPD protocol.

   HTTP 1.1, as defined in RFC 2068, requires all newly generated date
   stamps to conform to RFC 1123 date formats which are Year 2000
   compliant, but it also requires acceptance of the older non-compliant
   RFC850 formats.  Some specific recommendations are listed below and
   have been passed to the HTTP WG.

   HTML 2.0, as defined in RFC 1866, could allow a very subtle Year 2000
   problem, but once again this recommendation has been passed on the

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   RFC 1778 on String Representations of Standard Attribute Syntax's
   define UTC Time in Section 2.21 and uses that definition in Section
   2.25 on User Certificates.  Since UTC Time is being used, there is a
   potential millennium issue.

   RFC 1440 on SIFT/UFT: Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
   defines an optional DATE command in Section 5 of the form mm/dd/yy
   which is subject to millennium issues.

11.2 Specifics

   The main IETF standards-track document on the HTTP protocol is
   RFC2068 on HTTP 1.1.  It notes that historically three different date
   formats have been used, and that one of them uses a two-digit year
   field.  In section 3.3.1 it requires HTTP 1.1 implementations to
   generate this RFC1123 format:

        Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123

   instead of this RFC850 format:

        Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036

   Unfortunately, many existing servers, serving on the order of one
   fifth of the current HTTP traffic, send dates in the ambiguous RFC850

   Section 19.3 of the RFC2068 says this:

     o  HTTP/1.1 clients and caches should assume that an RFC-850 date
        which appears to be more than 50 years in the future is in fact
        in the past (this helps solve the "year 2000" problem).

   This avoids a "stale cache" problem, which would cause the user to
   see out-of-date data.

   RFC 1986 documents experiments with a simple file transfer program
   over radio links using Enhanced Trivial FTP (ETFTP).  There are a
   number of timers defined which are all in seconds and have no year
   2000 issues.

   In RFC 1866, on HTML 2.0,the <META> tag allows the embedding of
   recommended values for some HTTP headers, including Expires.  E.g.

       <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires"
             CONTENT="Tue, 04 Dec 1993 21:29:02 GMT">

   Servers should rewrite these dates into RFC1123 format if necessary.

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   RFC 1807 defines a format for bibliographic records and it specifies
   a DATE format, which requires 4 digit year fields.

   RFC 1788 defines ICMP Domain Name messages.  Section 3 defines a
   Domain Name Reply Packet, which contains a signed 32-bit integer.
   This timer is not Year 2000 reliant and is certainly large enough for
   it purposes.

   RFC 1784 on TFTP Timeout Intervals and Transfer Size Options uses a
   field for the number of seconds for the timeout.  It is an ASCII
   value from 1 to 255 octets in length.  There is no Y2K issue.

   RFC 1778 on String Representations of Standard Attribute Syntax's
   define UTC Time in Section 2.21 and uses that definition in Section
   2.25 on User Certificates.  Since UTC Time is being used, there is a
   potential millennium issue.

   RFC 1777 on LDAP defines a timelimit in Section 4.3 which is
   expressed in seconds, but does not define any limits.

   RFC 1440 on SIFT/UFT: Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
   defines an optional DATE command in Section 5 of the form mm/dd/yy,
   which is subject to millennium issues.

   RFC 1068 on the Background File Transfer Protocol (BFTP) defines two
   commands in Sections B.2.12 and B.2.13, the Submit and Time commands.
   >From the example usage's given in Appendix C it is clear that this
   protocol will function correctly though the year 9999.

   RFC 1037 on NFILE (a file access protocol) discusses the a Date
   representation in Section 7.1 as the number of seconds since January
   1, 1900, but does not limit the field size.  There should be no Y2K

   RFC 998 on NETBLT defines a Death time in Section 8, which is the
   sender's death time in seconds.

   RFC 978 on the Voice File Interchange Protocol defines the Total Time
   of a message to be a 32-bit number of deci-seconds.  This limits the
   size of a message but has no millennium issues.

   RFC 969 was obsoleted by RFC 998.

   RFC 916 defines the Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol (RATP).
   Three timers are discussed in an expository manner in Section 5.4 and
   its subsections.  There are no relevant issues.

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   RFCs 2122, 2056, 2055, 2054, 2044, 2016, 1960, 1959, 1874, 1865, 1862,
   1843, 1842, 1823, 1815, 1808, 1798, 1785, 1783, 1782, 1779, 1766,
   1738, 1737, 1736, 1729, 1728, 1727, 1639, 1633, 1630, 1625, 1554,
   1545, 1530, 1529, 1528, 1489, 1486, 1436, 1415, 1413, 1350, 1345,
   1312, 1302, 1288, 1278, 1241, 1235, 1196, 1194, 1179, 1123, 1003, 971,
   965, 959, 949, 913, 887, 866, 865, 864, 863, 862, 797, 795, 783, 775,
   765, 751, 743, 742, 740, 737, 725, 722, 707, 691, 683, 662, 640, 624,
   614, 607, 599, 412, 411, 410, 407, and 406 were found to have no
   references to dates or times, and hence no millennium issues.

   RFCs 712, 697, 633, 630, 622, 610, 593, 592, 589, 573, 571, 570, 553,
   551, 549, 543, 535, 532, 525, 520, 514, 506, 505, 504, 501, 499, 493,
   490, 487, 486, 485, 480, 479, 478, 477, 472, 468, 467, 463, 454, 451,
   448, 446, 438, 437, 436, 430, 429, 418, 414, and 409 were not
   available for review.

   RFCS below 400 were considered too obsolete to even consider.

12. Network & Transport Layer

12.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were the Internet
   Protocol (IP) versions four and six, the Transmission Control
   Protocol (TCP), the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), the Point-to-Point
   Protocol (PPP) and its extensions, Internet Control Message Protocol
   (ICMP), the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and Remote Procedure
   Call (RPC) protocol.  A variety of less known protocols were also

   After careful review of the nearly 400 RFC's in this catagory, no
   millennium or year 2000 problems were found.

12.2 Specifics

   RFC 2125 on the PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP) in section
   5.3 discusses the use if mandatory timers, but gives no mention as to
   how they are implemented.

   RFC 2114 on a Data Link Switching Client Access Protocol defines a
   retry timer of five seconds in Section 3.4.1.

   RFC 2097 on the PPP NetBIOS Frame Control Protocol discuesses several
   timer and timeouts in Section 2.1, none of which suffers from a year
   2000 problem.

   RFC 2075 on the IP Echo Host Service discusses timestamps and has no
   millennium issues.

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   RFC 2005 on the Applicability for Mobile IP discusses using
   timestamps as a security measure to avoid replay attacks (Section
   3.), but does not quantify them.  There are no expected issues.

   RFC 2002 on IP Mobility Support uses a 16-bit field for the lifetime
   of a connection and notes the 18.2 hour limitation that this imposes.
   Section 5.6.1 on replay protection requires the use of 64-bit time
   fields, of a similar format to NTP packets.

   RFC 1981 on Path MTU Discovery for IPv6 discusses timestamps and
   their potential use to purge stale information in section 5.3.  There
   is no millennium issues in this use.

   RFC 1963 on the PPP Serial Data Transport Protocol defines a flow
   expiration time in section 4.9 which has no year 2000 issues.

   RFC 1833 on Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2 defines a
   variable in Section 2.2.1 called RPCBPROC_GETTIME which returns the
   local time in seconds since 1/1/1970.  Since this value is not fields
   width dependent, it may or may not wrap around the 32-bit value
   depending on the operating system parameters.

   RFC 1762 on the PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol discusses a
   number of timers in Section 5 (General Considerations).  None of
   these timers experience any millennium issues.

   RFC 1761 on Snoop Version 2 Packet Capture File Format discusses two
   32-bit timestamp values on Section 4 on Packet Record Formats.  The
   first of these may wrap in the year 2038, but should not effect
   anything of any import.

   RFC 1755 on ATM Signalling Support for IP Over ATM discusses timing
   issues in Section 3.4 on VC Teardown.  These limited timers have no
   year 2000 issues.

   RFC 1692 on the Transport Multiplexing Protocol (TMux) defines a TTL
   in Section 2.3 and a timer in Section 3.3.  Neither of these suffer
   from any millennium or year 2000 issues.

   RFC 1661 on PPP defines three timers in Section 4.6, none of which
   have any year 2000 issues.

   RFC 1644 on T/TCP (TCP Extensions for Transactions) mentions RFC 1323
   and the extended timers recommended in it.

   RFC 1575 defines an echo function for CNLP discusses in the narrative
   the use of the Lifetime Field in Section 5.3.  There is nothing to
   suggest that there is any year 2000 issues.

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   RFC 1329 on Dual MAC FDDI Networks discusses ARP cache administration
   in Section 9.3 and 9.4 and various timers to expire entries.

   RFC 1256 on ICMP Router Discovery Messages talks about lifetime
   fields in Section 2 and defines three router configuration variables
   in Section 4.1.  None of these have any millennium issues.

   RFC 792 on ICMP discusses Timestamps and Timestamp Reply messages
   which define a 32-bit timestamp which contains the number of
   milliseconds since midnight UT.

   RFC 791 on the Internet Protocol defines a packet type 68 which is an
   Internet Timestamp, which defines a 32-bit field which contains the
   number of milliseconds since midnght UT.

   RFC 781 was defines the same option which is codified in RFC 791 as a
   packet type 68.

   RFC's 2126, 2118, 2113, 2107, 2106, 2105, 2098, 2067, 2043, 2023,
   2019, 2018, 2009, 2004, 2003, 2001, 1994, 1993, 1990, 1989, 1979,
   1978, 1977, 1976, 1975, 1974, 1973, 1972, 1967, 1962, 1954, 1946,
   1937, 1936, 1934, 1933, 1932, 1931, 1926, 1924, 1919, 1918, 1917,
   1916, 1915, 1897, 1888, 1887, 1885, 1884, 1883, 1881, 1878, 1877,
   1868, 1860, 1859, 1853, 1841, 1832, 1831, 1809, 1795, 1791, 1770,
   1764, 1763, 1756, 1754, 1752, 1744, 1735, 1726, 1719, 1717, 1710,
   1707, 1705, 1698, 1693, 1688, 1687, 1686, 1683, 1682, 1681, 1680,
   1679, 1678, 1677, 1676, 1674, 1673, 1672, 1671, 1670, 1669, 1667,
   1663, 1662, 1638, 1634, 1631, 1629, 1624, 1622, 1621, 1620, 1619,
   1618, 1613, 1605, 1604, 1598, 1590, 1577, 1570, 1561, 1560, 1553,
   1552, 1551, 1549, 1548, 1547, 1538, 1526, 1518, 1498, 1490, 1483,
   1475, 1466, 1454, 1435, 1434, 1433, 1393, 1390, 1385, 1379, 1378,
   1377, 1376, 1375, 1374, 1365, 1363, 1362, 1356, 1347, 1337, 1335,
   1334, 1333, 1332, 1331, 1326, 1323, 1314, 1307, 1306, 1294, 1293,
   1277, 1263, 1240, 1237, 1236, 1234, 1226, 1223, 1220, 1219, 1210,
   1209, 1201, 1191, 1188, 1185, 1172, 1171, 1166, 1162, 1151, 1146,
   1145, 1144, 1141, 1139, 1134, 1132, 1122, 1110, 1106, 1103, 1088,
   1086, 1085, 1078, 1072, 1071, 1070, 1069, 1063, 1062, 1057, 1055,
   1051, 1050, 1046, 1045, 1044, 1042, 1030, 1029, 1027, 1025, 1016,
   1008, 1007, 1006, 1002, 1001, 994, 986, 983, 982, 970, 964, 963, 962,
   955, 948, 942, 941, 940, 936, 935, 932, 926, 925, 924, 922, 919, 917,
   914, 905, 903, 896, 895, 894, 893, 892, 891, 889, 879, 877, 874, 872,
   871, 848, 829, 826, 824, 815, 814, 813, 801, 793, 789, 787, 777, 768,
   761, 760, 759, 730, 704, 696, 695, 692, 690, 689, 687, 685, 680, 675,
   674, 660, 632, 626, 613, 611 were reviewed but were found to have no
   millennium references.

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   RFC's 594, 591, 576, 550, 548, 528, 521, 489, 488, 473, 460, 459, 450,
   449, 445, 442, 434, 426, 417, 398, 395, 394, 359, 357, 348, 347, 346,
   343, 312, 301, 300, 271, 241, 210, 203, 202, 197, 190, 178, 176, 175,
   166, 165, 161, 151, 150, 146, 145, 143, 142, 128, 127, 123, 122, 93,
   91, 80, 79, 70, 67, 65, 62, 60, 59, 56, 55, 54, 53, 41, 38, 33, 23,
   22, 20, 19, 17, 12 were deemed too old to be considered for millennium

13. Electronic Mail

13.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were the Simple Mail
   Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP), Post
   Office Protocol (POP), Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange (MIME),
   and X.400 to SMTP interaction.

   After reviewing all mail-related RFCs, it was discovered that while
   some obsolete standards required two-digit years, all currently used
   standards require four-digit years and are thus not prone to typical
   Year 2000 problems.

13.2 Specifics

   RFCs 821 and 822, the main basis for SMTP mail exchange and message
   format, originally required two-digit years. However, both of these
   RFCs were later modified by RFC 1123 in 1989, which strongly
   recommended 4-digit years.  Although there might be a few very old
   SMTP systems using two-digit years, it is believed that almost all
   mail sent over the Internet today uses four-digit years. Mail that
   contains two-digit years in its SMTP headers will not "fail", but
   might be mis-sorted in message stores and mail user agents. This
   problem is avoided entirely by taking the RFC 1123 change as a
   requirement, rather than merely as a recommendation.

   IMAP versions 1, 2, and 3 used two-digit years, but IMAP version 4
   (defined in RFCs 1730 and 1732 in 1994) requires four-digit years.
   There are still a few IMAP 2 servers and clients in use on the
   Internet today, but IMAP version 4 has already taken over almost all
   of the IMAP market. Mail stored on an IMAP server or client with
   two-digit years will not "fail", but could possibly be mis-sorted or
   prematurely expired.

   RFC 1153 describes a format for digests of mailing lists, and uses
   two-digit dates. This format is not widely used. The use of two-digit
   dates could possibly cause missorting of stored messages.

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   RFC 1327, which describes mapping between X.400 mail and SMTP mail,
   uses the UTCTime format.

   RFC 1422 describes the structure of certificates that were used in
   PEM (and are expected to be used in many other mail and non-mail
   services). Those certificates use dates in UTCTime format. Poorly
   written software might prematurely expire or validate a certificate
   based on comparisons of the date with the current date, although no
   current software is known to do this.

   14. Network Time Protocols

14.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were the Network
   Time Protocol (NTP), and the Time Protocol.

   NTP has been certified year 2000 compliant, while the Time Protocol
   will "roll over" at Thu Feb 07 00:54:54 2036 GMT.  Since NTP is the
   current defacto standard for network time this does not seem to be an

14.2 Specifics

   There is no reference anywhere in the NTP specification or
   implementation to any reference epoch other than 1 January 1900. In
   short, NTP doesn't know anything about the millennium.

   >From the Time Protocol RFC (868):

       S: Send the time as a 32 bit binary number.


       The time is the number of seconds since 00:00 (midnight) 1 January
       1900 GMT, such that the time 1 is 12:00:01 am on 1 January 1900
       GMT; this base will serve until the year 2036.

15. Name Services

15.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were the Domain Name
   System (DNS), it's advanced add on features (Incremental Zone
   Transfer, etc.).

   There have been no year 2000 relayed problems found with the DNS
   protocols, or common implementations of them.

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15.2 Specifics

   One is a common practice of writing serial numbers in zone files as
   if they represent a date, and using only two digits of the year.
   That practice cannot survive into the year 2000.  This is not a
   protocol problem, the serial number is simply an integer, and any
   value is OK, provided it always increases (see rfc1982 for a
   definition of what that means).  In any case, a change from 97abcd
   (or similar) to 00abcd would be a decrease and so is not permitted.
   Zone file maintainers have two choices, one easy (though irrational)
   one would be to continue from 99 to 100 and so on.  The other, is
   simply to switch, at any time between now and when the serial number
   first needs updating after the year 2000, to use 4 digits to
   represent the year instead of 2.  As long as there are no more than 6
   digits in the "abcd" part, and this is done sometime before the year
   2100, this is always an increase, and therefore always safe.  Should
   any zone files be of the form yyabcdefg (with 7 digits after a 2-
   digit year) then the procedures of section 7 of rfc2182 should be
   adopted to convert the serial number to some other value.

   The other item of note is related to timestamps in DNS security.
   Those are represented as 32 bit counts of seconds, based in 1970, and
   hence have no year 2000 problems.  however, they do obviously have a
   natural end of life, and sometime before that time is reached, the
   definitions of those fields need to be corrected, perhaps to allow
   them to represent the number of seconds elapsed since the base,
   modulo 2^32, which is likely to be adequate for the purposes of DNS
   security (signatures and keys are unlikely to need to be valid for
   more than 70 years).  In any case, more work is needed in this area
   in the not too far distant future.

16 Network Management

16.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were the Simple
   Network Management Protocol (SNMP), a large number of Management
   Information Bases (MIBs) and the Common Management Information
   Protocol over TCP/IP (CMOT).

   Although a few discrepancies have been found and outlined below, none
   of them should have an impact on interoperability.

16.2 Specifics

   16.2.1 Use of GeneralizedTime in CMOT as defined in RFCs 1095 and

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   The standards for CMOT specify an unusual use for the GeneralizedTime
   type.  (GeneralizedTime has a four-digit representation of the year.)

   If the system generating the PDU does not have the current time, yet
   does have the time since last boot, then GeneralizedTime can be used
   to encode this information.  The time since last boot will be added
   to the base time "0001 Jan 1 00:00:00.00" using the Gregorian
   calendar algorithm.

   This is really a "Year 0" problem rather than a Year 2000 problem,
   and in any case, CMOT is not currently deployed.

16.2.2 UTCTime in SNMP Definitions

   UTCTime is an ASN.1 type that includes a two-digit representation of
   the year.  There are several options for UTCTime in ASN.1, that vary
   in precision and in local versus GMT, but these options all have
   two-digit years.  The standards for SNMP definitions specify one
   particular format:


   The first usage of UTCTime in the standards for SNMP definitions goes
   all the way back to RFC 1303.  It has persisted unchanged up through
   the current specifications in RFC 1902.  The role of UTCTime in SNMP
   definitions is to record the history of an SNMP MIB module in the
   module itself, via two ASN.1 macros:

       o   LAST-UPDATED
       o   REVISION

   Management applications that store and use MIB modules need to be
   smart about interpreting these UTCTimes, by prepending a "19" or a
   "20" as appropriate.

16.2.3  Objects in the Printer MIB (RFC 1559)

   There are two objects in the Printer MIB that allow use of a date as
   an object value with no explicit guidance for formatting the value.
   The objects are prtInterpreterLangVersion and prtInterpreterVersion.
   Both are defined with a syntax of OCTET STRING.  The descriptions for
   the objects allow the object value to contain a date, version code or
   other product specific information to identify the interpreter or
   language.  The descriptions do not include an explicit statement
   recommending use of a four-digit year when a date is used as the
   object value.

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16.2.4  Dates in Mobile Network Tracing Records (RFC 2041)

   The RFC specifies trace headers and footers with date fields that are
   character arrays of size 32.  While 32 characters certainly provide
   enough room for a four-digit year, there's no explicit statement that
   these years must be represented with four digits.

17 Network News

17.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were related to the
   Network News Protocol (NNTP).

   There does exist a problem in both NNTP, RFC 977, and the Usenet News
   Message Format, RFC 10336.  They both specify two-digit year format.
   A working group has been formed to update the network news protocols
   in general, and addressing this problem is on their list of work

17.2 Specifics

   The NNTP transfer protocols defined in RFC 977.  Sections 3.7.1, the
   definition of the NEWGROUPS command, and 3.8.1, the NEWNEWS command,
   that dates must be specified in YYMMDD format.

   The format for USENET news messages is defined in RFC 1036.  The Date
   line is defined in section 2.1.2 and it is specified in RFC-822
   format.  It specifically disallows the standard UNIX ctime(3) format,
   which would allow for four digit years.  Section 2.2.4 on Expires
   also mandates the same two-digit year format.

18. Real Time Services

18.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were related to IP
   Multicast, RTP, and Internet Stream Protocol.  A Year 2000 problem
   does occur in the Simple Network Paging Protocol, versions 2 & 3.
   Both define a HOLDuntil option which uses a YYMMDDHHMMSS+/-GMT field.
   Version 3 also defines a MSTAtus command, which is required to store,
   dates and times as YYMMDDHHMMSS+/-GMT.

18.2 Specifics

   RFC 2102 discusses Multicast support for NIMROD and has no mention of
   dates or time.  RFC 2090 on TFTP Multicast options is also free from
   any date/time references.

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   RFC 2038 on RTP MPEG formats has three references to time: a
   Presentation Time Stamp (PTS), a Decoding Time Stamp (DTS), and a
   System Clock (SC) reference time.  Each RTP packet contains a
   timestamp derived from the sender 90 kHz clock reference.  Each of
   the header fields are defined in section 2.1, 3, and 3.3 are 32 bit
   fields.  No mention is made of a "zero" start time, so it is presumed
   that this format will be valid until at least 2038.

   Similarly RFC 2035 on the RTP JPEG format defines the same timestamp
   in section 3.  RFC 2032 on RTP H.261 video streams uses a calculated
   time based on the original frame so once again there is no millennium
   issue.  RFC 2029 on the RTP format for Sun's CellB video encoding
   mentions the RTP timestamp in section 2.1.

   RFC 2022 defines support for multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM
   networks.  Section 5.  defines a timeout value for connections
   between one and twenty minutes.  Section 5.1.1 discusses several
   timers that are bound between five and ten seconds, while 5.1.3
   requires an inactivity timer, which should also run between one and
   twenty minutes.  Sections 5.1.5,,, 5.2.2, 5.4, 5.4.1,
   5.4.2, 5.4.3, 6.1.3 and Appendix E all defines numerous timers, none
   of which have any millennium issues.

   RFC 1890 on RTP profiles for audio and video conferences discusses a
   sampling frequency which has no issues.  RFC 1889 on RTP discusses
   time formats in section 4, as the same 64 bit unsigned integer format
   that NTP uses.  There is a "period" problem, which will occur in the
   year 2106.  Section 5.1 is a more formalized discussion of the
   timestamp properties, while Section 6.3.1 discusses a variety of
   different timers all using the 64 bit field format, or a compressed
   32-bit version of the inner octet of bytes.  Section 8.2 discusses
   loop detection and how the various timers are used to determine if
   looping occurs.

   RFC 1861 on Version 3 of the Simple Network Paging Protocol does have
   a Year 2000 problem.  The protocol defines a HOLDuntil command in
   section 4.5.6 and a MSTAtus command in section 4.6.10, both of which
   require dates/times to be stored as YYMMDDHHMMSS+/-GMT.  Clearly this
   format will be invalid after the end of 1999.

   RFC 1821 has no date/time references.  RFC 1819 on Version 2 of the
   Internet Stream Protocol defines a HELLO message format in section
   6.1.2, which does contain a timer which is updated every millisecond.
   No year 2000 problems exist with this protocol.

   RFC 1645 on Version 2 of the Simple Network Paging Protocol contains
   the same HOLDuntil field problem as version 3.  The definition is
   contained section 4.4.6.

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   RFC 1458 on the Requirements of Multicast Protocols discusses a
   retransmission timer in section 4.23. and a general discussion of
   timer expiration in section 5, neither of which have any millennium
   concerns.  RFC 1301 on the Multicast Transport Protocol defines a
   heartbeat interval of time in section 2.1, as well as retention and
   windows.  Formal definitions for each are contained in sections
   2.2.7, 2.2.8 and 2.2.9.  The heartbeat is a 32 bit unsigned field,
   while the Window and Retention are both 16 bit unsigned fields.
   Section 3.4.2 gives examples values for these fields, which indicate
   no millennium issues.

   RFC 1193 on Client Requirements for Real Time Services talks about
   time in section 4.4, but there are no Year 2000 issues.  RFC 1190
   have been obsoleted by RFC 1819, but the hello timer issues are

   RFCs 1789, 1768, 1703, 1614, 1569, 1568, 1546, 1469, 1453, 1313,
   1257, 1197, 1112, 1054, 988, 966, 947, 809, 804, 803, 798, 769, 741,
   511, 508, 420, 408 and 251 contain no date or time references.

19. Routing

19.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were Routing
   Information Protocol (RIP), the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
   protocol, Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR),the Border Gateway
   Protocol (BGP), and the InterDomain Routing Protocol (IDRP).

   After careful examination both BGP and RIP have been found Year 2000

   There is a small Year 2000 issue in RFC 1786 on the Representation of
   IP Routing Policies in the ripe-81++ Routing Registry.  In Appendices
   C the "changed" object parameter defines a format of <email-address>
   YYMMDD, and similarly in Appendix D "withdrawn" object identifier has
   he format of YYMMDD.  Since these are only identifiers there should
   be little operational impact.  Some application software may need to
   be modified.

   IDPR suffers from the classic Year 2038 problem, by having a
   timestamp counter which rolls over at that time.

19.2 Specifics

   RFC 2091 on Extensions to RIP to Support Demand Circuits defines
   three required and one optional timers in section 6.  The Database
   Timer (6.1), the Hold down Timer (6.2), the Retransmission Time (6.3)

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   and the Over-Subscription Timer (6.4) are all counters, which have no
   millennium, issues.  RFC 2081 on the applicability of RIPng discusses
   deletion of routes for a variety of issues, one of which is the
   garbage- collection timer exceeds 120 seconds.  There are no Year
   2000 issues.  RFC 2080 on RIPng for IPv6, discusses various times in
   section 2.6, none of which have any millennium problems.

   RFC 1987 on Ipsilon's General Switch Management protocol there is a
   Duration field defined in section 4, which has no relevant problems.
   Section 8.2 defines the procedure for dealing with timers.  RFC 1953
   on Ipsilon's Flow Management Specification for IPv4 defines the same
   procedure in section 3.2, as well as a lifetime field in the Redirect
   Message (Section 4.1).  There are no millennium issues in either

   There is a small Year 2000 issue in RFC 1786 on the Representation of
   IP Routing Policies in the ripe-81++ Routing Registry.  In Appendices
   C the "changed" object parameter defines a format of <email-address>
   YYMMDD, and similarly in Appendix D "withdrawn" object identifier has
   he format of YYMMDD.  Since these are only identifiers there should
   be little operational impact.  Some application software may need to
   be modified.

   RFC 1771 defines the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).  BGP does not
   have knowledge of absolute time, only relative time.  There are five
   timers defined: Hold Timer, ConnectRetry Timer, KeepAlive Timer,
   MinRoueAdvertisementInterval and MinASOriginationInterval.  There are
   no known issues regarding BGP and the millennium.

   In RFC 1584, which defines Multicast Extensions to OSPF, three timers
   are defined in section 8.2: IGMPPollingInterval, IGMPTimeout, and
   IGMP polling timer.  Section 8.4 defines an age parameter for the
   local groups database and section 9.3 outlines how to implement that
   age parameter.  It is not expected that any connections lifetime will
   be long enough to cause any issues with these timers.

   RFC 1583, OSPF, there are two types of timers defined in section 4.4,
   single-shot timers and interval timers.  There are a number of timers
   defined in Section 9 including: HelloInterval, RouterDeadInterval,
   InfTransDelay, Hello Timer, Wait Timer and RxmtInterval.  Section 10
   also defines the Inactivity Timer.  No millennium problem exists for
   any of these timers.

   RFC 1582 is an earlier version of RFC 2091.  Section 7 documents the
   same timers as noted above, with the same lack of a millennium issue.

   RFC 1504 on Appletalk Update-Based Routing Protocol defines a 10-
   second period in Section 3, and hence has no relevant issues.

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   RFC 1479 which specifies IDPR Version 1, defines a timestamp field in
   section 1.5.1, which is a 32 bit unsigned integer number of seconds
   since January 1, 1970.  The authors recognize the problem of
   timestamp exhaustion in 2038, but feel that the protocol will not be
   in use for that period.  Sections 1.7, 2.1, and 4.3.1 also discuss
   the timestamp field.  RFC 1478 on the IDPR Architecture, also
   discusses the same timestamp field in section 3.3.4.  RFC 1477 again
   refers to the IDPR timestamp in section 4.2.  Thus IDPR has no Year
   2000 issue, but does have a period problem in the year 2038.

   RFC 1075 on Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol devotes
   section 7 to time values.  None of the timers have any millennium
   issues.  RFC 1074, on the NFSNET backbone SPF IGP defines several
   hardcoded timers values in section 5.

   RFC 1058 on RIP discusses the 30-second timers in section 3.3.  There
   is no millennium issues related to RIP.

   RFC 995 on the Requirements for Internet Gateways has extensive
   discussions of timers in section 7.1 and throughout A.1 and A.2.
   None of these timers suffer from the millennium problem.

   RFC 911 on EGP on Berkeley Unix recommend timer values of 30 and 120

   RFC 904 which defines the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).  There are
   a number of timers discussed in sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.4.  None of
   these timers suffer from any relevant problems.

   RFCs 2103, 2092, 2073, 2072, 2042, 2008, 1998, 1997, 1992, 1966, 1955,
   1940, 1930, 1925, 1923, 1863, 1817, 1812, 1793, 1787, 1774, 1773,
   1772, 1765, 1753, 1745, 1723, 1722, 1721, 1716, 1702, 1701, 1668,
   1656, 1655, 1654, 1587, 1586, 1585, 1581, 1520, 1519, 1517, 1482,
   1476, 1439, 1403, 1397, 1388, 1387, 1383, 1380, 1371, 1370, 1364,
   1338, 1322, 1268, 1267, 1266, 1265, 1264, 1254, 1246, 1245, 1222,
   1195, 1164, 1163, 1142, 1136, 1133, 1126, 1125, 1124,1104, 1102, 1092,
   1009, 985, 981, 975, 950, 898, 890, 888, 875, and 823 contain no date
   or time references.

20. Security

20.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were kerberos
   authentication protocol, Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
   (RADIUS), One Time Password System (OTP), Privacy Enhanced Mail
   (PEM), security extensions to a variety of protocols including (but
   not limited to) RIPv2, HTTP, MIME, PPP, IP, Telnet and FTP.

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   Encryption and authentication algorithms are also examined.

   RFC 1507 on Distributed Authentication Security Services (DASS)
   discusses time and secure time in an expository manner in Sections
   1.2.2, 1.4.4 and 2.1.  Section 3.6 defines absolute time as an UTC
   time with a precision of 1 second, and Section 4.1 discusses ANS.1
   encoding of time values.  Because of the imprecision of the UTC time
   definition there could be problems with this protocol.

   RFCs 1421-1424 specifies that PEM uses UTC time formats which could
   have a Millennium issue since the year specification only provides
   the last two digits of the year.

20.2 Specifics

   RFC 2082 on RIP-2 MD5 Authentication requires storage of security
   keys for a specified lifetime in sections 4.1 and 4.2.  There are no
   millennium issues in this protocol.

   RFC 2078 on the GSSAPI Version 2 defines numerous calls that use
   timers for inputs and outputs.  Sections 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5,
   2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 all use the lifetime_rec field, which
   is defined as an integer counter in seconds.  There should be no
   relevant problems with this protocol.

   RFC 2069 on Digest Authentication for HTTP, defines a 'date' and a
   1123 formats which is not subject to millennium issues.  Section 3.2
   discusses dates and times in the context of thwarting replay attacks,
   but have no relevant issues.

   RFC 2065 on DNS Security extensions first discusses time in section
   2.3.3.  The SIG RDATA format is defined in Section 4.1 discusses
   "time signed" field and defines it to be a 32 bit unsigned integer
   number of seconds since January 1, 1970.  There will be a period
   problem in 2038 because of rollover.  Section 4.5 on the file
   representations of SIG RRs specifies the time field is expressed as
   YYYYMMDDHHMMSS which is clearly Year 2000 compliant.

   RFC 2059 on RADIUS account formats defines a "time" attribute, which
   is optional which is a 32 bit unsigned integer number of seconds
   since January 1, 1970.  Likewise RFC 2058 on RADIUS also defines this
   optional attribute in the same way.  There will be a potential period
   problem that occurs on 2038.

   RFC 2035 on the Simple Public Key GSSAPI Mechanism talks about secure
   timestamps in the background and overview sections only in an
   expository manner.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

   RFC 1969 on the PPP DES Encryption Protocol uses time as an example
   in Section 4 when discussing how to encrypt the first packet of a
   stream.  It is suggested that the first 32 bits be used for the
   number of seconds since January 1, 1970.  There could thus be a
   potential operations problem in 2038.

   RFC 1898 on the CyberCash Credit Card Protocol provides an example
   message in Section 2.7 which uses a date field of the form
   YYYYMMDDHHMM that is clearly Y2K compliant.

   RFC 1510, which defines Kerberos Version 5, makes extensive use of
   times in the security model.  There are discussions in the
   Introduction, as well as Sections 1.2, and 3.1.3.  Kerberos uses
   ASN.1 definitions to abstract values, and hence defines a base
   definition for KerberosTime which is a generalized time format in
   Section 5.2.  >From the text: "Example: The only valid format for UTC
   time 6 minutes, 27 seconds after 9 p.m. on 6 November 1985 is
   19851106210627Z."  A side note is that the MIT reference
   implementation of the Kerberos, by default set the expiration of
   tickets to December 31, 1999.  This is not protocol related but could
   have some operational impacts.

   RFC 1509 on GSSAPI C-bindings makes a single reference that all
   counters are in seconds and assigned as 32 bit unsigned integers.
   Hence GSSAPI mechanisms may have problems in 2038.

   RFC 1507 on Distributed Authentication Security Services (DASS)
   discusses time and secure time in an expository manner in Sections
   1.2.2, 1.4.4 and 2.1.  Section 3.6 defines absolute time as an UTC
   time with a precision of 1 second, and Section 4.1 discusses ANS.1
   encoding of time values.  Because of the imprecision of the UTC time
   definition there could be problems with this protocol.

   RFC 1424 on PEM Part IV defines a self-signed certificate request in
   Section 3.1.  The validity period start and end times are both
   suggested to be January 1, 1970.  RFC 1422 on PEM Part II defines the
   validity period for a certificate in Section 3.3.6.  It is
   recommended that UTC Time formats are used, and notes the lack of a
   century so that comparisons between different centuries must be done
   with care.  No suggestions on how to do this are included.  Sections
   3.5.2 also discusses validity period in PEM CRLs.  RFC 1421 on PEM
   Part I discusses validity periods in an expository way.  PEM as a
   whole could have problems after December 31, 1999 based on its use of
   UTC Time.

   RFCs 1113, 1114, and 1115 specify the original version of PEM and
   have been obsoleted bye 1421, 1422, 1423, & 1424.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

   RFCs 2104, 2085, 2084, 2057, 2040, 2015, 1984, 1968, 1964, 1961, 1949,
   1948, 1938, 1929, 1928, 1858, 1852, 1851, 1829, 1828, 1827, 1826,
   1825, 1824, 1760, 1751, 1750, 1704, 1675, 1579, 1535, 1511, 1492,
   1457, 1455, 1423, 1416, 1412, 1411, 1409, 1408, 1321, 1320, 1319,
   1281, 1244, 1186, 1170, 1156, 1108, 1004, 972, 931, 927, 912, and 644
   contain no date or time references.

21. Virtual Terminal

21.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were Telnet and its
   many extensions, as well as the Secure SHell (SSH) protocol.  The X
   window system was not considered since it is not an IETF protocol.
   Official acknowledgement by the trustee's of the X window system was
   given that they will examine the protocol.

   Unencrypted Telnet and TN3270 have both been found to be Year 2000
   Compliant.  The SSH protocols are also Year 2000 compliant.

   21.2 Specifics

   RFC 1013 on the X Windows version 11 alpha protocol defines are 32
   bit unsigned integer timestamp in Section 4.

   RFCs 2066, 1647, 1576, 1572, 1571, 1372, 1282, 1258, 1221, 1205, 1184,
   1143, 1116, 1097, 1096, 1091, 1080, 1079, 1073, 1053, 1043, 1041,
   1005, 946, 933, 930, 929, 907, 885, 884, 878, 861, 860, 859, 858, 857,
   856, 855, 854, 851, 818, 802, 782, 779, 764, 749, 748, 747, 746, 736,
   735, 734, 732, 731, 729, 728, 727, 726, 721, 719, 718, 701, 698, 658,
   657, 656, 655, 654, 653, 652, 651, 647, 636, 431, 399, 393, 386, 365,
   352, 340, 339, 328, 311, 297, 231, and 215 contain no date or time

   RFCs 703, 702, 688, 679, 669, 659, 600, 596, 595, 587, 563, 562, 560,
   559, 513, 495, 470, 466, 461, 447, 435, 377, 364, 318, 296, 216, 206,
   205, 177, 158, 139, 137, 110, 97 were unavailable.

22.  Other

22.1 Summary

   This grouping was a hodge-podge of informational RFCs, April Fool's
   Jokes, IANA lists, and experimental RFCs.  None were found to have
   any millennium issues.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

22.2 Specifics

   RFCs 2123, 2036, 2014, 2000, 1999, 1958, 1935, 1900, 1879, 1855, 1822,
   1814, 1810, 1799, 1776, 1718, 1715, 1700, 1699, 1640, 1627, 1610,
   1607, 1601, 1600, 1599, 1594, 1580, 1578, 1574, 1550, 1540, 1539,
   1527, 1499, 1463, 1462, 1438, 1410, 1402, 1401, 1391, 1367, 1366,
   1360, 1359, 1358, 1349, 1340, 1336, 1325, 1324, 1300, 1291, 1287,
   1261, 1250, 1249, 1206, 1200, 1199, 1177, 1175, 1174, 1152, 1149,
   1140, 1135, 1127, 1118, 1111, 1100, 1099, 1077, 1060, 1039, 1020,
   1019, 999, 997, 992, 990, 980, 960, 945, 944, 943, 939, 909, 902, 900,
   899, 873, 869, 846, 845, 844, 843, 842, 840, 839, 838, 837, 836, 835,
   834, 833, 832, 831, 820, 817, 800, 776, 774, 770, 766, 762, 758, 755,
   750, 745, 717, 637, 603, 602, 590, 581, 578, 529, 527, 526, 523, 519,
   518, 496, 491, 432, 404, 403, 401, 372, 363, 356, 345, 330, 329, 327,
   317, 316, 313, 295, 282, 263, 242, 239, 234, 232, 225, 223, 213, 209,
   204, 198, 195, 173, 170, 169, 167, 154, 149, 148, 147, 140, 138, 132,
   131, 130, 129, 126, 121, 112, 109, 107, 100, 95, 90, 68, 64, 57, 52,
   51, 46, 43, 37, 27, 25, 21, 15, 10, and 9 were examined and none were
   found to have any date or time references, let alone millennium or Year
   2000 issues.

23. Security Considerations

   Although this document does consider the implications of various
   security protocols, there is no need for additional security
   considerations.  The effect of a potential year 2000 problem may
   cause some security problems, but those problems are more of specific
   applications rather than protocol deficiencies introduced in this

24. References

   Because of the exhaustive nature of this investigation, the reader is
   referred to the list of published RFC's available from the IETF
   Secretariat or the RFC Editor, rather than republishing them here.

25. Editors' Address

   Philip J. Nesser II
   Nesser & Nesser Consulting
   13501 100th Ave N.E.
   Suite 5202
   Kirkland, WA 98052

   Phone: 425-481-4303
   EMail: pjnesser@nesser.com

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

Appendix A:  List of RFC's for each Area

   The following list contains the RFC's grouped by area that were
   searched for year 2000 problems.

   Each line contains three fields are separated by '::'.  The first
   filed is the RFC number, the second field is the type of RFC (S =
   Standard, DS = Draft Standard, PS = Proposed Standard, E =
   Experimental, H = Historical, I = Informational, BC = Best Current
   Practice, '' = No Type), and the third field is the Title.

A.1 Autoconfiguration

1971:: PS::  IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
1970:: PS::  Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6)
1542:: PS::  Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol
1541:: PS::  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
1534:: PS::  Interoperation Between DHCP and BOOTP
1533:: PS::  DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions
1532:: PS::  Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol
1531:: PS::  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
1497:: DS::  BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions
1395:: DS::  BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions
1084:: DS::  BOOTP vendor information extensions
1048:: DS::  BOOTP vendor information extensions
951::  DS::  Bootstrap Protocol
906::    ::  Bootstrap loading using TFTP

A.2 Directory Services

2120:: E ::  Managing the X.500 Root Naming Context
2079:: PS::  Definition of X.500 Attribute Types and an Object Class
             to Hold Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
1943::  I::  Building an X.500 Directory Service in the US
1914:: PS::  How to interact with a Whois++ mesh
1913:: PS::  Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service
1838::  E::  Use of the X.500 Directory to support mapping between
             X.400 and RFC 822 Addresses
1837::  E::  Representing Tables and Subtrees in the X.500 Directory
1836::  E::  Representing the O/R Address hierarchy in the X.500
             Directory Information Tree
1835:: PS::  Architecture of the WHOIS++ service
1834::  I::  Whois and Network Information Lookup Service Whois++
1781:: PS::  Using the OSI Directory to Achieve User Friendly Naming
1714::  I::  Referral Whois Protocol (RWhois)
1684::  I::  Introduction to White Pages services based on X.500
1637::  E::  DNS NSAP Resource Records
1632::  I::  A Revised Catalog of Available X.500 Implementations

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1617::  I::  Naming and Structuring Guidelines for X.500 Directory Pilots
1609::  E::  Charting Networks in the X.500 Directory
1608::  E::  Representing IP Information in the X.500 Directory
1562::  I::  Naming Guidelines for the AARNet X.500 Directory Service
1491::  I::  A Survey of Advanced Usages of X.500
1488:: PS::  The X.500 String Representation of Standard Attribute
1487:: PS::  X.500 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
1485:: PS::  A String Representation of Distinguished Names
1484::  E::  Using the OSI Directory to achieve User Friendly Naming
1430::  I::  A Strategic Plan for Deploying an Internet X.500
             Directory Service
1400::  I::  Transition and Modernization of the Internet Registration
1384::  I::  Naming Guidelines for Directory Pilots
1355::  I::  Privacy and Accuracy Issues in Network Information
             Center Databases
1330::  I::  Recommendations for the Phase I Deployment of OSI
             Directory Services (X.500) and OSI Message Handling
             Services (X.400) within the ESnet Community
1309::  I::  Technical Overview of Directory Services Using the
             X.500 Protocol
1308::  I::  Executive Introduction to Directory Services Using the
             X.500 Protocol
1292::  I::  A Catalog of Available X.500 Implementations
1279::   ::  X.500 and Domains
1276:: PS::  Replication and Distributed Operations extensions to
             provide an Internet Directory using X.500
1275::  I::  Replication Requirements to provide an Internet Directory
             using X.500
1274:: PS::  The COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema
1255::  I::  A Naming Scheme for c=US
1218::   ::  A Naming Scheme for c=US
1202::  I::  Directory Assistance Service
1107::   ::  Plan for Internet directory services
 953::  H::  Hostname Server
 812::   ::  NICNAME/WHOIS
 756::   ::  NIC name server - a datagram-based information utility
 752::   ::  Universal host table
============ ==========================================================
Disk Sharing
1813::  I::  NFS Version 3 Protocol Specification
1094::  H::  NFS: Network File System Protocol specification
============ ==========================================================
Games and Chat
1459::  E::  Internet Relay Chat Protocol

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

Information Services & File Transfer
2122:: PS::  VEMMI URL Specification
2070:: PS::  Internationalization of the Hypertext Markup Language
2068:: PS::  Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
2056:: PS::  Uniform Resource Locators for Z39.50
2055::  I::  WebNFS Server Specification
2054::  I::  WebNFS Client Specification
2044::  I::  UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO 10646
2016::  E::  Uniform Resource Agents (URAs)
1986::  E::  Experiments with a Simple File Transfer Protocol for
             Radio Links using Enhanced Trivial File Transfer
             Protocol (ETFTP)
1980::  I::  A Proposed Extension to HTML: Client-Side Image Maps
1960:: PS::  A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters
1959:: PS::  An LDAP URL Format
1945::  I::  Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0
1942::  E::  HTML Tables
1874::  E::  SGML Media Types
1867::  E::  Form-based File Upload in HTML
1866:: PS::  Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
1865::  I::  EDI Meets the Internet: Frequently Asked Questions
             about Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) on the Internet
1862::  I::  Report of the IAB Workshop on Internet Information
              Infrastructure, October 12-14, 1994
1843::  I::  HZ - A Data Format for Exchanging Files of Arbitrarily
             Mixed Chinese and ASCII characters
1842::  I::  ASCII Printable Characters-Based Chinese Character
             Encoding for Internet Messages
1823::  I::  The LDAP Application Program Interface
1815::  I::  Character Sets ISO-10646 and ISO-10646-J-1
1808:: PS::  Relative Uniform Resource Locators
1807::  I::  A Format for Bibliographic Records
1798:: PS::  Connection-less Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
1788::  E::  ICMP Domain Name Messages
1785::  I::  TFTP Option Negotiation Analysis
1784:: PS::  TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options
1783:: PS::  TFTP Blocksize Option
1782:: PS::  TFTP Option Extension
1779:: DS::  A String Representation of Distinguished Names
1778:: DS::  The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes
1777:: DS::  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
1766:: PS::  Tags for the Identification of Languages
1738:: PS::  Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
1737::  I::  Functional Requirements for Uniform Resource Names
1736::  I::  Functional Requirements for Internet Resource Locators
1729::  I::  Using the Z39.50 Information Retrieval Protocol in the
             Internet Environment

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1728::  I::  Resource Transponders
1727::  I::  A Vision of an Integrated Internet Information Service
1639::  E::  FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (FOOBAR)
1633::  I::  Integrated Services in the Internet Architecture
1630::  I::  Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW
1625::  I::  WAIS over Z39.50-1988
1558::  I::  A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters
1554::  I::  ISO-2022-JP-2: Multilingual Extension of ISO-2022-JP
1545::  E::  FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (FOOBAR)
1530::  I::  Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain:
             General Principles and Policy
1529::  I::  Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain:
             Remote Printing -- Administrative Policies
1528::  E::  Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain:
             Remote Printing -- Technical Procedures
1489::  I::  Registration of a Cyrillic Character Set
1486::  E::  An Experiment in Remote Printing
1440::  E::  SIFT/UFT: Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
1436::  I::  The Internet Gopher Protocol (a distributed document
             search and retrieval protocol)
1415:: PS::  FTP-FTAM Gateway Specification
1413:: PS::  Identification Protocol
1345::  I::  Character Mnemonics & Character Sets
1312::  E::  Message Send Protocol
1302::  I::  Building a Network Information Services Infrastructure
1288:: DS::  The Finger User Information Protocol
1278::  I::  A String Encoding of Presentation Address
1241::  E::  A Scheme for an Internet Encapsulation Protocol: Version 1
1235::  E::  The Coherent File Distribution Protocol
1196:: DS::  The Finger User Information Protocol
1194:: DS::  The Finger User Information Protocol
1179::  I::  Line Printer Daemon Protocol
1123::  S::  Requirements for Internet hosts - application and support
1068::   ::  Background File Transfer Program BFTP
1037::  H::  NFILE - a file access protocol
1003::   ::  Issues in defining an equations representation standard
 998::  E::  NETBLT: A bulk data transfer protocol
 978::   ::  Voice File Interchange Protocol VFIP
 971::   ::  Survey of data representation standards
 969::   ::  NETBLT: A bulk data transfer protocol
 965::   ::  Format for a graphical communication protocol
 959::  S::  File Transfer Protocol
 949::   ::  FTP unique-named store command
 916::  H::  Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol RATP
 913::  H::  Simple File Transfer Protocol
 887::  E::  Resource Location Protocol
 866::  S::  Active users

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 865::  S::  Quote of the Day Protocol
 864::  S::  Character Generator Protocol
 863::  S::  Discard Protocol
 862::  S::  Echo Protocol
 797::   ::  Format for Bitmap files
 795::   ::  Service mappings
 783:: DS::  TFTP Protocol revision 2
 775::   ::  Directory oriented FTP commands
 765::   ::  File Transfer Protocol specification
 751::   ::  Survey of FTP mail and MLFL
 743::   ::  FTP extension: XRSQ/XRCP
 742:: PS::  NAME/FINGER Protocol
 740::  H::  NETRJS Protocol
 737::   ::  FTP extension: XSEN
 725::   ::  RJE protocol for a resource sharing network
 722::   ::  Thoughts on interactions in distributed services
 712::   ::  Distributed Capability Computing System DCCS
 707::   ::  High-level framework for network-based resource sharing
 697::   ::  CWD command of FTP
 691::   ::  One more try on the FTP
 683::   ::  FTPSRV - Tenex extension for paged files
 662::   ::  Performance improvement in ARPANET file transfers
             from Multics
 640::   ::  Revised FTP reply codes
 633::   ::  IMP/TIP preventive maintenance schedule
 630::   ::  FTP error code usage for more reliable mail service
 624::   ::  Comments on the File Transfer Protocol
 622::   ::  Scheduling IMP/TIP down time
 614::   ::  Response to RFC 607: "Comments on the File Transfer
 610::   ::  Further datalanguage design concepts
 607::   ::  Comments on the File Transfer Protocol
 599::   ::  Update on NETRJS
 593::   ::  Telnet and FTP implementation schedule change
 592::   ::  Some thoughts on system design to facilitate resource
 589::   ::  CCN NETRJS server messages to remote user
 573::   ::  Data and file transfer: Some measurement results
 571::   ::  Tenex FTP problem
 570::   ::  Experimental input mapping between NVT ASCII and UCSB
             On Line System
 553::   ::  Draft design for a text/graphics protocol
 551::   ::  [Letter from Feinroth re: NYU, ANL, and LBL entering
             the net, and FTP protocol]
 549::   ::  Minutes of Network Graphics Group meeting, 15-17
              July 1973
 543::   ::  Network journal submission and delivery
 542::   ::  File Transfer Protocol

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 535::   ::  Comments on File Access Protocol
 532::   ::  UCSD-CC Server-FTP facility
 525::   ::  MIT-MATHLAB meets UCSB-OLS -an example of resource sharing
 520::   ::  Memo to FTP group: Proposal for File Access Protocol
 514::   ::  Network make-work
 506::   ::  FTP command naming problem
 505::   ::  Two solutions to a file transfer access problem
 504::   ::  Distributed resources workshop announcement
 501::   ::  Un-muddling "free file transfer"
 499::   ::  Harvard's network RJE
 493::   ::  E.W., Jr Graphics Protocol
 490::   ::  Surrogate RJS for UCLA-CCN
 487::   ::  Free file transfer
 486::   ::  Data transfer revisited
 485::   ::  MIX and MIXAL at UCSB
 480::   ::  Host-dependent FTP parameters
 479::   ::  Use of FTP by the NIC Journal
 478::   ::  FTP server-server interaction - II
 477::   ::  Remote Job Service at UCSB
 472::   ::  Illinois' reply to Maxwell's request for graphics
             information NIC 14925
 468::   ::  FTP data compression
 467::   ::  Proposed change to Host-Host Protocol:Resynchronization
             of connection status
 463::   ::  FTP comments and response to RFC 430
 454::   ::  File Transfer Protocol - meeting announcement and a new
             proposed document
 451::   ::  Tentative proposal for a Unified User Level Protocol
 448::   ::  Print files in FTP
 446::   ::  Proposal to consider a network program resource notebook
 438::   ::  FTP server-server interaction
 437::   ::  Data Reconfiguration Service at UCSB
 436::   ::  Announcement of RJS at UCSB
 430::   ::  Comments on File Transfer Protocol
 429::   ::  Character generator process
 418::   ::  Server file transfer under TSS/360 at NASA Ames
 414::   ::  File Transfer Protocol FTP status and further comments
 412::   ::  User FTP documentation
 411::   ::  New MULTICS network software features
 410::   ::  Removal of the 30-second delay when hosts come up
 409::   ::  Tenex interface to UCSB's Simple-Minded File System
 407::  H::  Remote Job Entry Protocol
 406::   ::  Scheduled IMP software releases
 396::   ::  Network Graphics Working Group meeting - second iteration
 387::   ::  Some experiences in implementing Network Graphics
             Protocol Level 0
 385::   ::  Comments on the File Transfer Protocol
 382::   ::  Mathematical software on the ARPA Network

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 374::   ::  IMP system announcement
 373::   ::  Arbitrary character sets
 368::   ::  Comments on "Proposed Remote Job Entry Protocol"
 367::   ::  Network host status
 366::   ::  Network host status
 361::   ::  Deamon processes on host 106
 360::   ::  Proposed Remote Job Entry Protocol
 354::   ::  File Transfer Protocol
 351::   ::  Graphics information form for the ARPANET graphics
             resources notebook
 342::   ::  Network host status
 338::   ::  EBCDIC/ASCII mapping for network RJE
 336::   ::  Level 0 Graphic Input Protocol
 335::   ::  New interface - IMP/360
 332::   ::  Network host status
 325::   ::  Network Remote Job Entry program - NETRJS
 324::   ::  RJE Protocol meeting
 314::   ::  Network Graphics Working Group meeting
 310::   ::  Another look at Data and File Transfer Protocols
 309::   ::  Data and File Transfer workshop announcement
 307::   ::  Using network Remote Job Entry
 306::   ::  Network host status
 299::   ::  Information management system
 298::   ::  Network host status
 294::   ::  On the use of "set data type" transaction in
             File Transfer Protocol
 293::   ::  Network host status
 292::   ::  E.W., Jr Graphics Protocol: Level 0 only
 288::   ::  Network host status
 287::   ::  Status of network hosts
 286::   ::  Network library information system
 285::   ::  Network graphics
 283::   ::  NETRJT: Remote Job Service Protocol for TIPS
 281::   ::  Suggested addition to File Transfer Protocol
 268::   ::  Graphics facilities information
 267::   ::  Network host status
 266::   ::  Network host status
 265::   ::  File Transfer Protocol
 264::   ::  Data Transfer Protocol
 255::   ::  Status of network hosts
 252::   ::  Network host status
 250::   ::  Some thoughts on file transfer
 238::   ::  Comments on DTP and FTP proposals
 217::   ::  Specifications changes for OLS, RJE/RJOR, and SMFS
 199::   ::  Suggestions for a network data-tablet graphics protocol
 192::   ::  Some factors which a Network Graphics Protocol must
 191::   ::  Graphics implementation and conceptualization at

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

             Augmentation Research Center
 189::   ::  Interim NETRJS specifications
 184::   ::  Proposed graphic display modes
 183::   ::  EBCDIC codes and their mapping to ASCII
 181::   ::  Modifications to RFC 177
 174::   ::  UCLA - computer science graphics overview
 172::   ::  File Transfer Protocol
 163::   ::  Data transfer protocols
 141::   ::  Comments on RFC 114: A File Transfer Protocol
 134::   ::  Network Graphics meeting
 133::   ::  File transfer and recovery
 125::   ::  Response to RFC 86: Proposal for network standard format
             for a graphics data stream
 114::   ::  File Transfer Protocol
 105::   ::  Network specifications for Remote Job Entry and Remote
             Job Output Retrieval at UCSB
  98::   ::  Logger Protocol proposal
  94::   ::  Some thoughts on network graphics
  88::   ::  NETRJS: A third level protocol for Remote JobEntry
  86::   ::  Proposal for a network standard format for a data stream
             to control graphics display
  83::   ::  Language-machine for data reconfiguration
 ========== ============================================================
Internet & Network Layer
2126:: PS::  ISO Transport Service on top of TCP (ITOT)
2125:: PS::  The PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP) The PPP
             Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP)
2118::  I::  Microsoft Point-To-Point Compression (MPPC) Protocol
2114::  I::  Data Link Switching Client Access Protocol
2113:: PS::  IP Router Alert Option
2107::  I::  Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol - ATMP
2106::  I::  Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol
2105::  I::  Cisco Systems' Tag Switching Architecture Overview
2098::  I::  Toshiba's Router Architecture Extensions for ATM:Overview
2097:: PS::  The PPP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol (NBFCP)
2075::  I::  IP Echo Host Service
2067:: DS::  IP over HIPPI
2043:: PS::  The PPP SNA Control Protocol (SNACP)
2023:: PS::  IP Version 6 over PPP
2019:: PS::  Transmission of IPv6 Packets Over FDDI
2018:: PS::  TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options
2009::  E::  GPS-Based Addressing and Routing
2005:: PS::  Applicability Statement for IP Mobility Support
2004:: PS::  Minimal Encapsulation within IP
2003:: PS::  IP Encapsulation within IP
2002:: PS::  IP Mobility Support
2001:: PS::  TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit,
             and Fast Recovery Algorithms

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1994:: DS::  PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
1993::  I::  PPP Gandalf FZA Compression Protocol
1990:: DS::  The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)
1989:: DS::  PPP Link Quality Monitoring
1981:: PS::  Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6
1979::  I::  PPP Deflate Protocol
1978::  I::  PPP Predictor Compression Protocol
1977::  I::  PPP BSD Compression Protocol
1976::  I::  PPP for Data Compression in Data Circuit-Terminating
             Equipment (DCE)
1975::  I::  PPP Magnalink Variable Resource Compression
1974::  I::  PPP Stac LZS Compression Protocol
1973:: PS::  PPP in Frame Relay
1972:: PS::  A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over
             Ethernet Networks
1967::  I::  PPP LZS-DCP Compression Protocol (LZS-DCP)
1963::  I::  PPP Serial Data Transport Protocol (SDTP)
1962:: PS::  The PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP)
1954::  I::  Transmission of Flow Labelled IPv4 on ATM Data Links
             Ipsilon Version 1.0
1946::  I::  Native ATM Support for ST2+
1937::  I::  Local/Remote Forwarding Decision in Switched Data
             Link Subnetworks
1936::  I::  Implementing the Internet Checksum in Hardware
1934::  I::  Ascend's Multilink Protocol Plus (MP+)
1933:: PS::  Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers
1932::  I::  IP over ATM: A Framework Document
1931::  I::  Dynamic RARP Extensions and Administrative Support for
             Automatic Network Address Allocation
1926::  I::  An Experimental Encapsulation of IP Datagrams on
             Top of ATM
1924::  I::  A Compact Representation of IPv6 Addresses
1919::  I::  Classical versus Transparent IP Proxies
1918:: BC::  Address Allocation for Private Internets
1917:: BC::  An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return Unused
             IP Networks (Prefixes) to the IANA
1916::  I::  Enterprise Renumbering
1915:: BC::  Variance for The PPP Connection Control Protocol and
             The PPP Encryption Control Protocol
1897::  E::  IPv6 Testing Address Allocation
1888::  E::  OSI NSAPs and IPv6
1887::  I::  An Architecture for IPv6 Unicast Address Allocation
1885:: PS::  Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet
             Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
1884:: PS::  IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture
1883:: PS::  Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification
1881::  I::  IPv6 Address Allocation Management
1878::  I::  Variable Length Subnet Table For IPv4

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1877::  I::  PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol Extensions for
             Name Server Addresses
1868::  E::  ARP Extension - UNARP
1860::  I::  Variable Length Subnet Table For IPv4
1859::  I::  ISO Transport Class 2 Non-use of Explicit Flow Control
             over TCP RFC1006 extension
1853::  I::  IP in IP Tunneling
1841::  I::  PPP Network Control Protocol for LAN Extension
1833:: PS::  Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2
1832:: PS::  XDR
1831:: PS::  RPC
1809::  I::  Using the Flow Label Field in IPv6
1795::  I::  Data Link Switching
1791::  E::  TCP And UDP Over IPX Networks With Fixed Path MTU
1770::  I::  IPv4 Option for Sender Directed Multi-Destination Delivery
1764:: PS::  The PPP XNS IDP Control Protocol (XNSCP)
1763:: PS::  The PPP Banyan Vines Control Protocol (BVCP)
1762:: DS::  The PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (DNCP)
1761::  I::  Snoop Version 2 Packet Capture File Format
1755:: PS::  ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM
1754::  I::  IP over ATM Working Group's Recommendations for the
             ATM Forum's Multiprotocol BOF Version 1
1752:: PS::  The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation Protocol
1744::  I::  Observations on the Management of the Internet Address
1735::  E::  NBMA Address Resolution Protocol (NARP)
1726::  I::  Technical Criteria for Choosing IP
1719::  I::  A Direction for IPng
1717:: PS::  The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)
1710::  I::  Simple Internet Protocol Plus White Paper
1707::  I::  CATNIP
1705::  I::  Six Virtual Inches to the Left
1698::  I::  Octet Sequences for Upper-Layer OSI to Support Basic
             Communications Applications
1693::  E::  An Extension to TCP
1692:: PS::  Transport Multiplexing Protocol (TMux)
1688::  I::  IPng Mobility Considerations
1687::  I::  A Large Corporate User's View of IPng
1686::  I::  IPng Requirements
1683::  I::  Multiprotocol Interoperability In IPng
1682::  I::  IPng BSD Host Implementation Analysis
1681::  I::  On Many Addresses per Host
1680::  I::  IPng Support for ATM Services
1679::  I::  HPN Working Group Input to the IPng Requirements
1678::  I::  IPng Requirements of Large Corporate Networks
1677::  I::  Tactical Radio Frequency Communication Requirements

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             for IPng
1676::  I::  INFN Requirements for an IPng
1674::  I::  A Cellular Industry View of IPng
1673::  I::  Electric Power Research Institute Comments on IPng
1672::  I::  Accounting Requirements for IPng
1671::  I::  IPng White Paper on Transition and Other Considerations
1670::  I::  Input to IPng Engineering Considerations
1669::  I::  Market Viability as a IPng Criteria
1667::  I::  Modeling and Simulation Requirements for IPng
1663:: PS::  PPP Reliable Transmission
1662::  S::  PPP in HDLC-like Framing
1661::  S::  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
1644::  E::  T/TCP -- TCP Extensions for Transactions Functional
1638:: PS::  PPP Bridging Control Protocol (BCP)
1634::  I::  Novell IPX Over Various WAN Media (IPXWAN)
1631::  I::  The IP Network Address Translator (Nat)
1629:: DS::  Guidelines for OSI NSAP Allocation in the Internet
1626:: PS::  Default IP MTU for use over ATM AAL5
1624::  I::  Computation of the Internet Checksum via Incremental
1622::  I::  Pip Header Processing
1621::  I::  Pip Near-term Architecture
1620::  I::  Internet Architecture Extensions for Shared Media
1619:: PS::  PPP over SONET/SDH
1618:: PS::  PPP over ISDN
1613::  I::  cisco Systems X.25 over TCP (XOT)
1605::  I::  SONET to Sonnet Translation
1604:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service
1598:: PS::  PPP in X.25
1590::  I::  Media Type Registration Procedure
1577:: PS::  Classical IP and ARP over ATM
1575:: DS::  An Echo Function for CLNP (ISO 8473)
1570:: PS::  PPP LCP Extensions
1561::  E::  Use of ISO CLNP in TUBA Environments
1560::  I::  The MultiProtocol Internet
1553:: PS::  Compressing IPX Headers Over WAN Media (CIPX)
1552:: PS::  The PPP Internetwork Packet Exchange Control
             Protocol (IPXCP)
1551::  I::  Novell IPX Over Various WAN Media (IPXWAN)
1549:: DS::  PPP in HDLC Framing
1548:: DS::  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
1547::  I::  Requirements for an Internet Standard
             Point-to-Point Protocol
1538::  I::  Advanced SNA/IP
1526::  I::  Assignment of System Identifiers for TUBA/CLNP Hosts
1518:: PS::  An Architecture for IP Address Allocation with CIDR
1498::  I::  On the Naming and Binding of Network Destinations

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1490:: DS::  Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay
1483:: PS::  Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5
1475::  E::  TP/IX
1466::  I::  Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space
1454::  I::  Comparison of Proposals for Next Version of IP
1435::  I::  IESG Advice from Experience with Path MTU Discovery
1434::  I::  Data Link Switching
1433::  E::  Directed ARP
1393::  E::  Traceroute Using an IP Option
1390::  S::  Transmission of IP and ARP over FDDI Networks
1385::  I::  EIP
1379::  I::  Extending TCP for Transactions -- Concepts
1378:: PS::  The PPP AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP)
1377:: PS::  The PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol (OSINLCP)
1376:: PS::  The PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (DNCP)
1375::  I::  Suggestion for New Classes of IP Addresses
1374:: PS::  IP and ARP on HIPPI
1365::  I::  An IP Address Extension Proposal
1363::  E::  A Proposed Flow Specification
1362::  I::  Novell IPX Over Various WAN Media (IPXWAN)
1356:: PS::  Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 and ISDN in the
             Packet Mode
1347::  I::  TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses (TUBA), A Simple
             Proposal for Internet Addressing and Routing
1337::  I::  TIME-WAIT Assassination Hazards in TCP
1335::   ::  A Two-Tier Address Structure for the Internet
1334:: PS::  PPP Authentication Protocols
1333:: PS::  PPP Link Quality Monitoring
1332:: PS::  The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP)
1331:: PS::  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for the Transmission
             of Multi-protocol Datagrams over Point-to-Point Links
1329::  I::  Thoughts on Address Resolution for Dual MAC FDDI Networks
1326::  I::  Mutual Encapsulation Considered Dangerous
1323:: PS::  TCP Extensions for High Performance
1314:: PS::  A File Format for the Exchange of Images in the Internet
1307::  E::  Dynamically Switched Link Control Protocol
1306::  I::  Experiences Supporting By-Request Circuit-Switched T3
1294:: PS::  Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay
1293:: PS::  Inverse Address Resolution Protocol
1277:: PS::  Encoding Network Addresses to Support Operation Over
             Non-OSI Lower Layers
1263::  I::  TCP Extensions Considered Harmful
1256:: PS::  ICMP Router Discovery Messages
1240:: PS::  OSI Connectionless Transport Services on top of UDP
1237:: PS::  Guidelines for OSI NSAP Allocation in the Internet
1236::   ::  IP to X.121 Address Mapping for DDN
1234:: PS::  Tunneling IPX Traffic through IP Networks

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1226::  E::  Internet Protocol Encapsulation of AX.25 Frames
1223::   ::  OSI CLNS and LLC1 Protocols on Network Systems HYPERchannel
1220:: PS::  Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions for Bridging
1219::   ::  On the Assignment of Subnet Numbers
1210::   ::  Network and Infrastructure User Requirements for
             Transatlantic Research Collaboration - Brussels,
             July 16-18, and Washington July 24-25, 1990
1209:: DS::  The Transmission of IP Datagrams over the SMDS Service
1201::  H::  Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks
1191:: DS::  Path MTU Discovery
1188:: DS::  A Proposed Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
             over FDDI Networks
1185::  E::  TCP Extension for High-Speed Paths
1172:: PS::  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Initial Configuration
1171:: DS::  The Point-to-Point Protocol for the Transmission of
             Multi-Protocol Datagrams Over Point-to-Point Links
1166::   ::  Internet Numbers
1162::   ::  Connectionless Network Protocol (ISO 8473) and End
             System to Intermediate System (ISO 9542) Management
             Information Base
1151::  E::  Version 2 of the Reliable Data Protocol (RDP)
1146::  E::  TCP Alternate Checksum Options
1145::  E::  TCP Alternate Checksum Options
1144:: PS::  Compressing TCP/IP headers for low-speed serial links
1141::   ::  Incremental Updating of the Internet Checksum
1139:: PS::  Echo function for ISO 8473
1134:: PS::  Point-to-Point Protocol
1132::  S::  Standard for the transmission of 802.2 packets over
             IPX networks
1122::  S::  Requirements for Internet hosts - communication layers
1110::   ::  Problem with the TCP big window option
1106::   ::  TCP big window and NAK options
1103:: PS::  Proposed standard for the transmission of IP datagrams
             over FDDI Networks
1088::  S::  Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over
             NetBIOS networks
1086::   ::  ISO-TP0 bridge between TCP and X.25
1085::   ::  ISO presentation services on top of TCP/IP based internets
1078::   ::  TCP port service Multiplexer TCPMUX
1072::  E::  TCP extensions for long-delay paths
1071::   ::  Computing the Internet checksum
1070::   ::  Use of the Internet as a subnetwork for experimentation
             with the OSI network layer
1069::   ::  Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addressesin the
             ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol
1063::   ::  IP MTU Discovery options
1062::   ::  Internet numbers

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1057::  I::  RPC
1055::  S::  Nonstandard for transmission of IP datagrams over serial
1051::  S::  Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams and ARP
             packets over ARCNET networks
1050::  H::  RPC
1046::   ::  Queuing algorithm to provide type-of-service for IP links
1045::  E::  VMTP
1044::  S::  Internet Protocol on Network System's HYPERchannel
1042::  S::  Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over
             IEEE 802 networks
1030::   ::  On testing the NETBLT Protocol over divers networks
1029::   ::  More fault tolerant approach to address resolution for
             a Multi-LAN system of Ethernets
1027::   ::  Using ARP to implement transparent subnet gateways
1025::   ::  TCP and IP bake off
1016::   ::  Something a host could do with source quench
1008::   ::  Implementation guide for the ISO Transport Protocol
1007::   ::  Military supplement to the ISO Transport Protocol
1006::  S::  ISO transport services on top of the TCP
1002::  S::  Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP
1001::  S::  Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP
 994::   ::  Final text of DIS 8473,Protocol for Providing the
             Connectionless-mode Network Service
 986::   ::  Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addressesin the
             ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol [Working draft]
 983::   ::  ISO transport arrives on top of the TCP
 982::   ::  Guidelines for the specification of the structure of the
             Domain Specific Part DSP of the ISO standard NSAP address
 970::   ::  On packet switches with infinite storage
 964::   ::  Some problems with the specification of the Military
             Standard Transmission Control Protocol
 963::   ::  Some problems with the specification of the Military
             Standard Internet Protocol
 962::   ::  TCP-4 prime
 955::   ::  Towards a transport service for transaction processing
 948::   ::  Two methods for the transmission of IP datagrams over
             IEEE 802.3 networks
 942::   ::  Transport protocols for Department of Defense data
 941::   ::  Addendum to the networkservice definition covering
             network layer addressing
 940::   ::  Toward an Internet standard scheme for subnetting
 936::   ::  Another Internet subnet addressing scheme
 935::   ::  Reliable link layer protocols

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 932::   ::  Subnetwork addressing scheme
 926::   ::  Protocol for providing the connectionless mode network
 925::   ::  Multi-LAN address resolution
 924::   ::  Official ARPA-Internet protocols for connecting
             personal computers to the Internet
 922::  S::  Broadcasting Internet datagrams in the presence of subnets
 919::  S::  Broadcasting Internet datagrams
 917::   ::  Internet subnets
 914::  H::  Thinwire protocol for connecting personal computers to
             the Internet
 905::   ::  ISO Transport Protocol specification ISO DP 8073
 903::  S::  Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
 896::   ::  Congestion control in IP/TCP internetworks
 895::  S::  Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over
             experimental Ethernet networks
 894::  S::  Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over
             Ethernet networks
 893::   ::  Trailer encapsulations
 892::   ::  ISO Transport Protocol specification [Draft]
 891::  S::  DCN local-network protocols
 889::   ::  Internet delay experiments
 879::   ::  TCP maximum segment size and related topics
 877::  S::  Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over
             public data networks
 874::   ::  Critique of X.25
 872::   ::  TCP-on-a-LAN
 871::   ::  Perspective on the ARPANET reference model
 848::   ::  Who provides the "little" TCP services?
 829::   ::  Packet satellite technology reference sources
 826::  S::  Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol
 824::   ::  CRONUS Virtual Local Network
 815::   ::  IP datagram reassembly algorithms
 814::   ::  Name, addresses, ports, and routes
 813::   ::  Window and acknowlegement strategy in TCP
 801::   ::  NCP/TCP transition plan
 793::  S::  Transmission Control Protocol
 792::  S::  Internet Control Message Protocol
 791::  S::  Internet Protocol
 789::   ::  Vulnerabilities of network control protocols
 787::   ::  Connectionless data transmission survey/tutorial
 781::   ::  Specification of the Internet Protocol IP timestamp option
 777::   ::  Internet Control Message Protocol
 768::  S::  User Datagram Protocol
 761::   ::  DOD Standard Transmission Control Protocol
 760::   ::  DoD standard Internet Protocol
 759::  H::  Internet Message Protocol
 730::   ::  Extensible field addressing

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 704::   ::  IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol change
 696::   ::  Comments on the IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol changes
 695::   ::  Official change in Host-Host Protocol
 692::   ::  Comments on IMP/Host Protocol changes RFCs 687 and 690
 690::   ::  Comments on the proposed Host/IMP Protocol changes
 689::   ::  Tenex NCP finite state machine for connections
 687::   ::  IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol changes
 685::   ::  Response time in cross network debugging
 680::   ::  Message Transmission Protocol
 675::   ::  Specification of Internet Transmission Control Program
 674::   ::  Procedure call documents - version 2
 660::   ::  Some changes to the IMP and the IMP/Host interface
 632::   ::  Throughput degradations for single packet messages
 626::   ::  On a possible lockup condition in IMP subnet due to
             message sequencing
 613::   ::  Network connectivity
 611::   ::  Two changes to the IMP/Host Protocol to improve
             user/network communications
 594::   ::  Speedup of Host-IMP interface
 591::   ::  Addition to the Very Distant Host specifications
 576::   ::  Proposal for modifying linking
 550::   ::  NIC NCP experiment
 548::   ::  Hosts using the IMP Going Down message
 528::   ::  Software checksumming in the IMP and network reliability
 521::   ::  Restricted use of IMP DDT
 489::   ::  Comment on resynchronization of connection status proposal
 488::   ::  NLS classes at network sites
 476::   ::  IMP/TIP memory retrofit schedule rev. 2
 473::   ::  MIX and MIXAL?
 460::   ::  NCP survey
 459::   ::  Network questionnaires
 450::   ::  MULTICS sampling timeout change
 449::   ::  Current flow-control scheme for IMPSYS
 445::   ::  IMP/TIP preventive maintenance schedule
 442::   ::  Current flow-control scheme for IMPSYS
 434::   ::  IMP/TIP memory retrofit schedule
 426::   ::  Reconnection Protocol
 417::   ::  Link usage violation
 398::   ::  ICP sockets
 395::   ::  Switch settings on IMPs and TIPs
 394::   ::  Two proposed changes to the IMP-Host Protocol
 359::   ::  Status of the release of the new IMP System
 357::   ::  Echoing strategy for satellite links
 348::   ::  Discard process
 347::   ::  Echo process
 346::   ::  Satellite considerations
 343::   ::  IMP System change notification
 312::   ::  Proposed change in IMP-to-Host Protocol

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 301::   ::  BBN IMP #5 and NCC schedule March 4, 1971
 300::   ::  ARPA Network mailing lists
 271::   ::  IMP System change notifications
 241::   ::  Connecting computers to MLC ports
 210::   ::  Improvement of flow control
 203::   ::  Achieving reliable communication
 202::   ::  Possible deadlock in ICP
 197::   ::  Initial Connection Protocol - Reviewed
 190::   ::  DEC PDP-10-IMLAC communications system
 178::   ::  Network graphic attention handling
 176::   ::  Comments on "Byte size for connections"
 175::   ::  Comments on "Socket conventions reconsidered"
 166::   ::  Data Reconfiguration Service
 165::   ::  Proffered official Initial Connection Protocol
 161::   ::  Solution to the race condition in the ICP
 151::   ::  Comments on a proffered official ICP
 150::   ::  Use of IPC facilities
 146::   ::  Views on issues relevant to data sharing on computer
 145::   ::  Initial Connection Protocol control commands
 143::   ::  Regarding proffered official ICP
 142::   ::  Time-out mechanism in the Host-Host Protocol
 128::   ::  Bytes
 127::   ::  Comments on RFC 123
 123::   ::  Proffered official ICP
 122::   ::  Network specifications for UCSB's Simple-Minded File
  93::   ::  Initial Connection Protocol
  91::   ::  Proposed User-User Protocol
  80::   ::  Protocols and data formats
  79::   ::  Logger Protocol error
  70::   ::  Note on padding
  67::   ::  Proposed change to Host/IMP spec to eliminate marking
  65::   ::  Comments on Host/Host Protocol document #1
  62::   ::  Systems for interprocess communication in a resource
             sharing computer network
  60::   ::  Simplified NCP Protocol
  59::   ::  Flow control - fixed versus demand allocation
  56::   ::  Third level protocol
  55::   ::  Prototypical implementation of the NCP
  54::   ::  Official protocol proffering
  53::   ::  Official protocol mechanism
  41::   ::  IMP-IMP teletype communication
  38::   ::  Comments on network protocol from NWG/RFC #36
  33::   ::  New Host-Host Protocol
  23::   ::  Transmission of multiple control messages
  22::   ::  Host-host control message formats
  20::   ::  ASCII format for network interchange

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  19::   ::  Two protocol suggestions to reduce congestion at
             swap bound nodes
  17::   ::  Some questions re
  12::   ::  IMP-Host interface flow diagrams
2112:: PS::  The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type
2111:: PS::  Content-ID and Message-ID Uniform Resource Locators
2110:: PS::  MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such
             as HTML (MHTML)
2109:: PS::  HTTP State Management Mechanism
2095:: PS::  IMAP/POP AUTHorize Extension for Simple Challenge/Response
2088:: PS::  IMAP4 non-synchroniziong literals
2087:: PS::  IMAP4 QUOTA extension
2086:: PS::  IMAP4 ACL extension
2077:: PS::  The Model Primary Content Type for Multipurpose
             Internet Mail Extensions
2076::  I::  Common Internet Message Headers
2062::  I::  Internet Message Access Protocol - Obsolete Syntax
2049:: DS::  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Five
2048:: BC::  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four
2047:: DS::  MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three
2046:: DS::  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two
2045:: DS::  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One
2034:: PS::  SMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced Error Codes
2033::  I::  Local Mail Transfer Protocol
2017:: PS::  Definition of the URL MIME External-Body Access-Type
1991::  I::  PGP Message Exchange Formats
1985:: PS::  SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message Queue Starting
1957::  I::  Some Observations on Implementations of the Post Office
             Protocol (POP3)
1947::  I::  Greek Character Encoding for Electronic Mail Messages
1939::  S::  Post Office Protocol - Version 3
1927::  I::  Suggested Additional MIME Types for Associating Documents
1922::  I::  Chinese Character Encoding for Internet Messages
1911::  E::  Voice Profile for Internet Mail
1896::  I::  The text/enriched MIME Content-type
1895::  I::  The Application/CALS-1840 Content-type
1894:: PS::  An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status
1893:: PS::  Enhanced Mail System Status Codes
1892:: PS::  The Multipart/Report Content Type for the Reporting
             of Mail System Administrative Messages
1891:: PS::  SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications
1873::  E::  Message/External-Body Content-ID Access Type
1872::  E::  The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type

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1870::  S::  SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration
1869::  S::  SMTP Service Extensions
1864:: DS::  The Content-MD5 Header Field
1854:: PS::  SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining
1848:: PS::  MIME Object Security Services
1847:: PS::  Security Multiparts for MIME
1846::  E::  SMTP 521 reply code
1845::  E::  SMTP Service Extension for Checkpoint/Restart
1844::  I::  Multimedia E-mail (MIME) User Agent checklist
1830::  E::  SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of Large
             and Binary MIME Messages
1820::  I::  Multimedia E-mail (MIME) User Agent Checklist
1806::  E::  Communicating Presentation Information in Internet
1804::  E::  Schema Publishing in X.500 Directory
1803::  I::  Recommendations for an X.500 Production Directory Service
1801::  E::  MHS use of the X.500 Directory to support MHS Routing
1767:: PS::  MIME Encapsulation of EDI Objects
1741::  I::  MIME Content Type for BinHex Encoded Files
1740:: PS::  MIME Encapsulation of Macintosh files - MacMIME
1734:: PS::  POP3 AUTHentication command
1731:: PS::  IMAP4 Authentication mechanisms
1725:: DS::  Post Office Protocol - Version 3
1711::  I::  Classifications in E-mail Routing
1685::  I::  Writing X.400 O/R Names
1653:: DS::  SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration
1652:: DS::  SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport
1651:: DS::  SMTP Service Extensions
1649::  I::  Operational Requirements for X.400 Management Domains
             in the GO-MHS Community
1648:: PS::  Postmaster Convention for X.400 Operations
1642::  E::  UTF-7 - A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode
1641::  E::  Using Unicode with MIME
1616::  I::  X.400(1988) for the Academic and Research Community
             in Europe
1615::  I::  Migrating from X.400(84) to X.400(88)
1563::  I::  The text/enriched MIME Content-type
1557::  I::  Korean Character Encoding for Internet Messages
1556::  I::  Handling of Bi-directional Texts in MIME
1555::  I::  Hebrew Character Encoding for Internet Messages
1544:: PS::  The Content-MD5 Header Field
1524::  I::  A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia
             Mail Format Information
1523::  I::  The text/enriched MIME Content-type
1522:: DS::  MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Two

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1521:: DS::  MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One
1506::  I::  A tutorial on gatewaying between X.400 and Internet mail
1505::  E::  Encoding Header Field for Internet Messages
1502:: PS::  X.400 Use of Extended Character Sets
1496:: PS::  Rules for downgrading messages from X.400/88 to X.400/84
             when MIME content-types are present in the messages
1495:: PS::  Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies
1494:: PS::  Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies
1468::  I::  Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages
1465::  E::  Routing coordination for X.400 MHS services within a
             multi protocol / multi network environment Table Format
             V3 for static routing
1460:: DS::  Post Office Protocol - Version 3
1456::  I::  Conventions for Encoding the Vietnamese Language VISCII
1437::  I::  The Extension of MIME Content-Types to a New Medium
1429::  I::  Listserv Distribute Protocol
1428::  I::  Transition of Internet Mail from Just-Send-8 to
1427:: PS::  SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration
1426:: PS::  SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport
1425:: PS::  SMTP Service Extensions
1405::  E::  Mapping between X.400(1984/1988) and Mail-11 (DECnet mail)
1357::  I::  A Format for E-mailing Bibliographic Records
1344::  I::  Implications of MIME for Internet Mail Gateways
1343::  I::  A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia
             Mail Format Information
1342:: PS::  Representation of Non-ASCII Text in Internet Message
1341:: PS::  MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
1339::  E::  Remote Mail Checking Protocol
1328:: PS::  X.400 1988 to 1984 downgrading
1327:: PS::  Mapping between X.400(1988) / ISO 10021 and RFC 822
1225:: DS::  Post Office Protocol - Version 3
1211::   ::  Problems with the Maintenance of Large Mailing Lists
1204::  E::  Message Posting Protocol (MPP)
1203::  H::  Interactive Mail Access Protocol - Version 3
1176::  E::  Interactive Mail Access Protocol - Version 2
1168::   ::  Intermail and Commercial Mail Relay Services
1159::  E::  Message Send Protocol
1154::  E::  Encoding Header Field for Internet Messages
1153::  E::  Digest Message Format
1148::  E::  Mapping between X.400 (1988) / ISO 10021 and RFC 822
1138::  I::  Mapping between X.400(1988) / ISO 10021 and RFC 822
1137::  E::  Mapping between full RFC 822 and RFC 822 with restricted
1090::   ::  SMTP on X.25
1082::  H::  Post Office Protocol - version 3
1081:: PS::  Post Office Protocol - version 3

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1064::  H::  Interactive Mail Access Protocol
1056::  I::  PCMAIL
1049::  S::  Content-type header field for Internet messages
1047::   ::  Duplicate messages and SMTP
1026:: PS::  Addendum to RFC 987
 993::   ::  PCMAIL
 987:: PS::  Mapping between X.400 and RFC 822
 984::   ::  PCMAIL
 976::   ::  UUCP mail interchange format standard
 974::  S::  Mail routing and the domain system
 937::  H::  Post Office Protocol - version 2
 934::   ::  Proposed standard for message encapsulation
 918::   ::  Post Office Protocol
 915::   ::  Network mail path service
 910::   ::  Multimedia mail meeting notes
 886::   ::  Proposed standard for message header munging
 876::   ::  Survey of SMTP implementations
 841::   ::  Specification for message format for Computer Based
             Message Systems
 822::  S::  Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text messages
 821::  S::  Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
 808::   ::  Summary of computer mail services meeting held at BBN
             on 10 January 1979
 807::   ::  Multimedia mail meeting notes
 805::   ::  Computer mail meeting notes
 788::   ::  Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
 786::   ::  Mail Transfer Protocol
 785::   ::  Mail Transfer Protocol
 784::   ::  Mail Transfer Protocol
 780::   ::  Mail Transfer Protocol
 773::   ::  Comments on NCP/TCP mail service transition strategy
 772::   ::  Mail Transfer Protocol
 771::   ::  Mail transition plan
 767::   ::  Structured format for transmission of multi-media
 763::   ::  Role mailboxes
 757::   ::  Suggested solution to the naming, addressing, and
             delivery problem for ARPANET message systems
 754::   ::  Out-of-net host addresses for mail
 753::   ::  Internet Message Protocol
 744::   ::  MARS - a Message Archiving and Retrieval Service
 733::   ::  Standard for theformat of ARPA network text messages
 724::   ::  Proposed official standard for the format of ARPA
             Network messages
 720::   ::  Address specification syntax for network mail
 714::   ::  Host-Host Protocol for an ARPANET-type network
 713::   ::  MSDTP-Message Services Data Transmission Protocol
 706::   ::  On the junk mail problem

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 577::   ::  Mail priority
 574::   ::  Announcement of a mail facility at UCSB
 561::   ::  Standardizingnetwork mail headers
 555::   ::  Responses to critiques of the proposed mail protocol
 539::   ::  Thoughts on the mail protocol proposed in RFC524
 534::   ::  Lost message detection
 533::   ::  Message-ID numbers
 524::   ::  Proposed Mail Protocol
 516::   ::  Lost message detection
 512::   ::  More on lost message detection
 510::   ::  Request for network mailbox addresses
 498::   ::  On mail service to CCN
 475::   ::  FTP and network mail system
 469::   ::  Network mail meeting summary
 458::   ::  Mail retrieval via FTP
 453::   ::  Meeting announcement to discuss a network mail system
 333::   ::  Proposed experiment with a Message Switching Protocol
 278::   ::  Revision of theMail Box Protocol
 224::   ::  Comments on Mailbox Protocol
 221::   ::  Mail Box Protocol
 196::   ::  Mail Box Protocol
  58::   ::  Logical message synchronization
  42::   ::  Message data types
2030::  I::  Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4 for IPv4,
             IPv6 and OSI
1769::  I::  Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
1708::  I::  NTP PICS PROFORMA For the Network Time Protocol Version 3
1589::  I::  A Kernel Model for Precision Timekeeping
1361::  I::  Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
1305:: PS::  Network Time Protocol (v3)
1165::  E::  Network Time Protocol (NTP) over the OSI Remote Operations
1129::   ::  Internet time synchronization
1128::   ::  Measured performance of the Network Time Protocol in the
             Internet system
1119::  S::  Network Time Protocol version 2 specification and
1059::   ::  Network Time Protocol version 1 specification and
 958::   ::  Network Time Protocol NTP
 957::   ::  Experiments in network clock synchronization
 956::   ::  Algorithms for synchronizing network clocks
 868::  S::  Time Protocol
 867::  S::  Daytime Protocol
 778::  H::  DCNET Internet Clock Service
 738::   ::  Time server

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  29::   ::  Response to RFC 28
  28::   ::  Time standards
Name Serving
2053::  I::  The AM (Armenia) Domain
2052::  E::  A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)
2010::  I::  Operational Criteria for Root Name Servers
1996:: PS::  A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone Changes
             (DNS NOTIFY)
1995:: PS::  Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS
1982:: PS::  Serial Number Arithmetic
1956::  I::  Registration in the MIL Domain
1912::  I::  Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors
1886:: PS::  DNS Extensions to support IP version 6
1876::  E::  A Means for Expressing Location Information in the
             Domain Name System
1794::  I::  DNS Support for Load Balancing
1713::  I::  Tools for DNS debugging
1712::  E::  DNS Encoding of Geographical Location
1706::  I::  DNS NSAP Resource Records
1664::  E::  Using the Internet DNS to Distribute RFC1327 Mail
             Address Mapping Tables
1591::  I::  Domain Name System Structure and Delegation
1537::  I::  Common DNS Data File Configuration Error
1536::  I::  Common DNS Implementation Errors and Suggested Fixes.
1480::  I::  The US Domain
1464::  E::  Using the Domain Name System To Store Arbitrary
             String Attributes
1394::  I::  Relationship of Telex Answerback Codes to Internet Domains
1386::  I::  The US Domain
1348::  E::  DNS NSAP RRs
1183::  E::  New DNS RR Definitions
1101::   ::  DNS encoding of network names and other types
1035::  S::  Domain names - implementation and specification
1034::  S::  Domain names - concepts and facilities
1033::   ::  Domain administrators operations guide
1032::   ::  Domain administrators guide
1031::   ::  MILNET name domain transition
 973::   ::  Domain system changes and observations
 952::   ::  DoD Internet host table specification
 921::   ::  Domain name system implementation schedule - revised
 920::   ::  Domain requirements
 897::   ::  Domain name system implementation schedule
 883::   ::  Domain names
 882::   ::  Domain names
 881::   ::  Domain names plan and schedule
 849::   ::  Suggestions for improved host table distribution
 830::   ::  Distributed system for Internet name service

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 819::   ::  Domain naming convention for Internet user applications
 811::   ::  Hostnames Server
 810::   ::  DoD Internet host table specification
 799::   ::  Internet name domains
 796::   ::  Address mappings
 627::   ::  ASCII text file of hostnames
 625::   ::  On-line hostnames service
 623::   ::  Comments on on-line host name service
 620::   ::  Request for monitor host table updates
 608::   ::  Host names on-line
 606::   ::  Host names on-line
 289::   ::  What we hope is an official list of host names
 280::   ::  Draft of host names
 273::   ::  More on standard host names
 247::   ::  Proffered set of standard host names
 237::   ::  NIC view of standard host names
 236::   ::  Standard host names
 233::   ::  Standardization of host call letters
 229::   ::  Standard host names
 226::   ::  Standardization of host mnemonics
Network Management
2128:: PS::  Dial Control Management Information Base using SMIv2
2127:: PS::  ISDN Management Information Base
2124::  I::  Light-weight Flow Admission Protocol Specification
             Version 1.0
2108:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater
             Devices using SMIv2
2096:: PS::  IP Forwarding Table MIB
2089::  I::  V2ToV1 Mapping SNMPv2 onto SNMPv1 within a bi-lingual
             SNMP agent
2074:: PS::  Remote Network Monitoring MIB Protocol Identifiers
2064::  E::  Traffic Flow Measurement
2063::  E::  Traffic Flow Measurement
2051:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for APPC
2041::  I::  Mobile Network Tracing
2039::  I::  Applicability of Standards Track MIBs to Management
             of World Wide Web Servers
2037:: PS::  Entity MIB
2024:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Data Link Switching
             using SNMPv2
2021:: PS::  Remote Network Monitoring Management Information
             Base Version 2 using SMIv2
2020:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.12 Interfaces
2013:: PS::  SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the User
             Datagram Protocol using SMIv2
2012:: PS::  SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the
             Transmission Control Protocol

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2011:: PS::  SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Internet
             Protocol using SMIv2
2006:: PS::  The Definitions of Managed Objects for IP Mobility
             Support using SMIv2
1944::  I::  Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices
1910::  E::  User-based Security Model for SNMPv2
1909::  E::  An Administrative Infrastructure for SNMPv2
1908:: DS::  Coexistence between Version 1 and Version 2 of the
             Internet-standard Network Management Framework
1907:: DS::  Management Information Base for Version 2 of the
             Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1906:: DS::  Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network
             Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1905:: DS::  Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network
             Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1904:: DS::  Conformance Statements for Version 2 of the Simple
             Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1903:: DS::  Textual Conventions for Version 2 of the Simple
             Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1902:: DS::  Structure of Management Information for Version 2 of
             the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1901::  E::  Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2
1857::  I::  A Model for Common Operational Statistics
1856::  I::  The Opstat Client-Server Model for Statistics Retrieval
1850:: DS::  OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base
1792::  E::  TCP/IPX Connection Mib Specification
1759:: PS::  Printer MIB
1757:: DS::  Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base
1749:: PS::  IEEE 802.5 Station Source Routing MIB using SMIv2
1748:: DS::  IEEE 802.5 MIB using SMIv2
1747:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for SNA Data Link Control
1743:: DS::  IEEE 802.5 MIB using SMIv2
1742:: PS::  AppleTalk Management Information Base II
1724:: DS::  RIP Version 2 MIB Extension
1697:: PS::  Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
             Management Information Base (MIB) using SMIv2
1696:: PS::  Modem Management Information Base (MIB) using SMIv2
1695:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for ATM Management
             Version 8.0 using SMIv2
1694:: DS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for SMDS Interfaces
             using SMIv2
1666:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for SNA NAUs using SMIv2
1665:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for SNA NAUs using SMIv2
1660:: DS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Parallel-printer-like
             Hardware Devices using SMIv2
1659:: DS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for RS-232-like
             Hardware Devices using SMIv2
1658:: DS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Character Stream

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             Devices using SMIv2
1657:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Fourth Version
             of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP-4) using SMIv2
1650:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like
             Interface Types using SMIv2
1643:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like
             Interface Types
1628:: PS::  UPS Management Information Base
1623::  S::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like
             Interface Types
1612:: PS::  DNS Resolver MIB Extensions
1611:: PS::  DNS Server MIB Extensions
1596:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service
1595:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH
             Interface Type
1593::  I::  SNA APPN Node MIB
1592::  E::  Simple Network Management Protocol Distributed Protocol
             Interface Version 2.0
1573:: PS::  Evolution of the Interfaces Group of MIB-II
1567:: PS::  X.500 Directory Monitoring MIB
1566:: PS::  Mail Monitoring MIB
1565:: PS::  Network Services Monitoring MIB
1564::  I::  DSA Metrics (OSI-DS 34 (v3))
1559:: DS::  DECnet Phase IV MIB Extensions
1525:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Source Routing Bridges
1516:: DS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3
             Repeater Devices
1515:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3
             Medium Attachment Units (MAUs)
1514:: PS::  Host Resources MIB
1513:: PS::  Token Ring Extensions to the Remote Network Monitoring MIB
1512:: PS::  FDDI Management Information Base
1503::  I::  Algorithms for Automating Administration in SNMPv2
1493:: DS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges
1474:: PS::  The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Bridge
             Network Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol
1473:: PS::  The Definitions of Managed Objects for the IP Network
             Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol
1472:: PS::  The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Security
             Protocols of the Point-to-Point Protocol
1471:: PS::  The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Link Control
             Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol
1470::  I::  FYI on a Network Management Tool Catalog
1461:: PS::  SNMP MIB extension for MultiProtocol Interconnect over
1452:: PS::  Coexistence between version 1 and version 2 of the
             Internet-standard Network Management Framework

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1451:: PS::  Manager to Manager Management Information Base
1450:: PS::  Management Information Base for version 2 of the Simple
             Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1449:: PS::  Transport Mappings for version 2 of the Simple Network
             Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1448:: PS::  Protocol Operations for version 2 of the Simple Network
             Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1447:: PS::  Party MIB for version 2 of the Simple Network Management
             Protocol (SNMPv2)
1446:: PS::  Security Protocols for version 2 of the Simple Network
             Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1445:: PS::  Administrative Model for version 2 of the Simple Network
             Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1444:: PS::  Conformance Statements for version 2 of the Simple
             Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1443:: PS::  Textual Conventions for version 2 of the Simple Network
             Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1442:: PS::  Structure of Management Information for version 2 of the
             Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
1441:: PS::  Introduction to version 2 of the Internet-standard
             Network Management Framework
1431::  I::  DUA Metrics
1420:: PS::  SNMP over IPX
1419:: PS::  SNMP over AppleTalk
1418:: PS::  SNMP over OSI
1414:: PS::  Ident MIB
1407:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS3/E3 Interface
1406:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1 and E1
             Interface Types
1404::  I::  A Model for Common Operational Statistics
1398:: DS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like
             Interface Types
1389:: PS::  RIP Version 2 MIB Extension
1382:: PS::  SNMP MIB Extension for the X.25 Packet Layer
1381:: PS::  SNMP MIB Extension for X.25 LAPB
1369::  I::  Implementation Notes and Experience for The Internet
             Ethernet MIB
1368:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater
1354:: PS::  IP Forwarding Table MIB
1353::  H::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Administration of
             SNMP Parties
1352::  H::  SNMP Security Protocols
1351::  H::  SNMP Administrative Model
1346::  I::  Resource Allocation, Control, and Accounting for the
             Use of Network Resources
1318:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Parallel-printer-like

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             Hardware Devices
1317:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for RS-232-like
             Hardware Devices
1316:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Character Stream
1315:: PS::  Management Information Base for Frame Relay DTEs
1304:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the SIP Interface Type
1303::  I::  A Convention for Describing SNMP-based Agents
1298::  I::  SNMP over IPX
1289:: PS::  DECnet Phase IV MIB Extensions
1286:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges
1285:: PS::  FDDI Management Information Base
1284:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like
              Interface Types
1283::  E::  SNMP over OSI
1273::  I::  A Measurement Study of Changes in Service-Level
             Reachability in the Global TCP/IP Internet
1272::  I::  Internet Accounting
1271:: PS::  Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base
1270::  I::  SNMP Communications Services
1269:: PS::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Border Gateway
             Protocol (Version 3)
1262::   ::  Guidelines for Internet Measurement Activities
1253:: PS::  OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base
1252:: PS::  OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base
1248:: PS::  OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base
1247:: DS::  OSPF Version 2
1243:: PS::  AppleTalk Management Information Base
1242::  I::  Benchmarking Terminology for Network Interconnection
1239:: PS::  Reassignment of Experimental MIBs to Standard MIBs
1238::  E::  CLNS MIB - for use with Connectionless Network
             Protocol (ISO 8473) and End System to Intermediate
             System (ISO 9542)
1233::  H::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS3 Interface Type
1232::  H::  Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1 Interface Type
1231:: DS::  IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB
1230::  H::  IEEE 802.4 Token Bus MIB
1229:: DS::  Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB
1228::  E::  SNMP-DPI - Simple Network Management Protocol
             Distributed Program Interface
1227::  E::  SNMP MUX Protocol and MIB
1224::  E::  Techniques for Managing Asynchronously Generated Alerts
1215::  I::  A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the SNMP
1214::  H::  OSI Internet Management
1213::  S::  Management Information Base for Network Management of
             TCP/IP-based internets
1212::  S::  Concise MIB Definitions

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1189::  H::  The Common Management Information Services and Protocols
             for the Internet
1187::  E::  Bulk Table Retrieval with the SNMP
1161::  E::  SNMP over OSI
1158:: PS::  Management Information Base for Network Management of
             TCP/IP-based internets
1157::  S::  A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
1155::  S::  Structure and Identification of Management Information
             for TCP/IP-based Internets
1109::   ::  Report of the second Ad Hoc Network Management Review
1098::   ::  Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP
1095:: DS::  Common Management Information Services and Protocol
             over TCP/IP CMOT
1089::   ::  SNMP over Ethernet
1067::   ::  Simple Network Management Protocol
1066::  H::  Management Information Base for network management of
             TCP/IP-based internets
1065::  H::  Structure and identification of management information
             for TCP/IP-based internets
1052::   ::  IAB recommendations for the development of Internet
             network management standards
1028::  H::  Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol
1024::   ::  HEMS variable definitions
1023::   ::  HEMS monitoring and control language
1022::   ::  High-level Entity Management Protocol HEMP
1021::  H::  High-level Entity Management System HEMS
1012::   ::  Bibliography of Request For Comments 1 through 999
1011::  S::  Official Internet protocols
1010::  S::  Assigned numbers
 996::  H::  Statistics server
 619::   ::  Mean round-trip times in the ARPANET
 618::   ::  Few observations on NCP statistics
 616::   ::  Latest network maps
 615::   ::  Proposed Network Standard Data Pathname Syntax
 612::   ::  Traffic statistics December 1973
 601::   ::  Traffic statistics November 1973
 586::   ::  Traffic statistics October 1973
 579::   ::  Traffic statistics September 1973
 568::   ::  Response to RFC 567 - cross country network bandwidth
 567::   ::  Cross country network bandwidth
 566::   ::  Traffic statistics August 1973
 565::   ::  Storing network survey data at the datacomputer
 557::   ::  Revelations in network host measurements
 546::   ::  Tenex load averages for July 1973
 545::   ::  Of what quality be the UCSB resources evaluators?
 538::   ::  Traffic statistics June 1973
 531::   ::  Feast or famine? A response to two recent RFC's about

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             network information
 522::   ::  Traffic statistics May 1973
 509::   ::  Traffic statistics April 1973
 500::   ::  Integration of data management systems on a computer
 482::   ::  Traffic statistics February 1973
 455::   ::  Traffic statistics January 1973
 443::   ::  Traffic statistics December 1972
 423::   ::  UCLA Campus Computing Network liaison staff for ARPANET
 422::   ::  Traffic statistics November 1972
 421::   ::  Software consulting service for network users
 416::   ::  ARC system will be unavailable for use during
 415::   ::  Tenex bandwidth
 413::   ::  Traffic statistics October 1972
 400::   ::  Traffic statistics September 1972
 392::   ::  Measurement of host costs for transmitting network data
 391::   ::  Traffic statistics August 1972
 389::   ::  UCLA Campus Computing Network liaison staff for ARPA
 388::   ::  NCP statistics
 384::   ::  Official site idents for organizations in the ARPA
 381::   ::  Three aids to improved network operation
 378::   ::  Traffic statistics July 1972
 369::   ::  Evaluation of ARPANET services January-March, 1972
 362::   ::  Network host status
 353::   ::  Network host status
 344::   ::  Network host status
 326::   ::  Network host status
 323::   ::  Formation of Network Measurement Group NMG
 308::   ::  ARPANET host availability data
 304::   ::  Data management system proposal for the ARPA network
 302::   ::  Exercising the ARPANET
 274::   ::  Establishing a local guide for network usage
 227::   ::  Data transfer rates Rand/UCLA
 212::   ::  NWG meeting on network usage
 193::   ::  Network checkout
 188::   ::  Data management meeting announcement
 156::   ::  Status of the Illinois site
 153::   ::  SRI ARC-NIC status
  96::   ::  Interactive network experiment to study modes of
             access tothe Network Information Center
  32::   ::  Connecting M.I.T. computers to the
             ARPA Computer-to-computer communication network
  18::   ::  [Link assignments]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

Network News
1036::   ::  Standard for interchange of USENET messages
 977:: PS::  Network News Transfer Protocol
 850::   ::  Standard for interchange of USENET messages
Real Time Services
:: ::
2102::  I::  Multicast Support for Nimrod
2090::  E::  TFTP Multicast Option
2038:: PS::  RTP Payload Format for MPEG1/MPEG2 Video
2035:: PS::  RTP Payload Format for JPEG-compressed Video
2032:: PS::  RTP payload format for H.261 video streams
2029:: PS::  RTP Payload Format of Sun's CellB Video Encoding
2022:: PS::  Support for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM
1890:: PS::  RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal
1889:: PS::  RTP
1861::  I::  Simple Network Paging Protocol - Version 3 - Two-Way
1821::  I::  Integration of Real-time Services in an IP-ATM Network
1819::  E::  Internet Stream Protocol Version 2 (ST2) Protocol
             Specification - Version ST2+
1789::  I::  INETPhone
1768::  E::  Host Group Extensions for CLNP Multicasting
1703::  I::  Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain
1645::  I::  Simple Network Paging Protocol - Version 2
1614::  I::  Network Access to Multimedia Information
1569::  I::  Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain
1568::  I::  Simple Network Paging Protocol - Version 1(b)
1546::  I::  Host Anycasting Service
1469:: PS::  IP Multicast over Token-Ring Local Area Networks
1458::  I::  Requirements for Multicast Protocols
1453::  I::  A Comment on Packet Video Remote Conferencing and the
             Transport/Network Layers
1313::  I::  Today's Programming for KRFC AM 1313 Internet Talk Radio
1301::  I::  Multicast Transport Protocol
1257::  I::  Isochronous Applications Do Not Require
             Jitter-Controlled Networks
1197::  I::  Using ODA for Translating Multimedia Information
1193::   ::  Client Requirements for Real-Time Communication Services
1190::  E::  Experimental Internet Stream Protocol, Version 2 (ST-II)
1112::  S::  Host extensions for IP multicasting
1054::   ::  Host extensions for IP multicasting
 988::   ::  Host extensions for IP multicasting
 966::   ::  Host groups
 947::   ::  Multi-network broadcasting within the Internet

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 809::   ::  UCL facsimile system
 804::   ::  CCITT draft recommendation T.4 [Standardization of
             Group 3 facsimile apparatus for document transmission]
 803::   ::  Dacom 450/500 facsimile data transcoding
 798::   ::  Decoding facsimile data from the Rapicom 450
 769::   ::  Rapicom 450 facsimile file format
 741::   ::  Specifications for the Network Voice Protocol NVP
 511::   ::  Enterprise phone service to NIC from ARPANET sites
 508::   ::  Real-time data transmission on the ARPANET
 420::   ::  CCA ICCC weather demo
 408::   ::  NETBANK
 251::   ::  Weather data
2103::  I::  Mobility Support for Nimrod
2092::  I::  Protocol Analysis for Triggered RIP
2091:: PS::  Triggered Extensions to RIP to Support Demand Circuits
2081::  I::  RIPng Protocol Applicability Statement
2080:: PS::  RIPng for IPv6
2073:: PS::  An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast Address Format
2072::  I::  Router Renumbering Guide
2042::  I::  Registering New BGP Attribute Types
2008:: BC::  Implications of Various Address Allocation Policies for
             Internet Routing
1998::  I::  An Application of the BGP Community Attribute in
             Multi-home Routing
1997:: PS::  BGP Communities Attribute
1992::  I::  The Nimrod Routing Architecture
1987::  I::  Ipsilon's General Switch Management Protocol
             Specification Version 1.1
1966::  E::  BGP Route Reflection An alternative to full mesh IBGP
1965::  E::  Autonomous System Confederations for BGP
1955::  I::  New Scheme for Internet Routing and Addressing (ENCAPS)
             for IPN
1953::  I::  Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol Specification for
             IPv4 Version 1.0
1940::  I::  Source Demand Routing
1930:: BC::  Guidelines for creation, selection, and registration
             of an Autonomous System (AS)
1925::  I::  The Twelve Networking Truths
1923::  I::  RIPv1 Applicability Statement for Historic Status
1863::  E::  A BGP/IDRP Route Server alternative to a full mesh routing
1817::  I::  CIDR and Classful Routing
1812:: PS::  Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers
1793:: PS::  Extending OSPF to Support Demand Circuits
1787::  I::  Routing in a Multi-provider Internet
1786::  I::  Representation of IP Routing Policies in a Routing
             Registry (ripe-81++)

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1774::  I::  BGP-4 Protocol Analysis
1773::  I::  Experience with the BGP-4 protocol
1772:: DS::  Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet
1771:: DS::  A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)
1765::  E::  OSPF Database Overflow
1753::  I::  IPng Technical Requirements Of the Nimrod Routing and
             Addressing Architecture
1745:: PS::  BGP4/IDRP for IP---OSPF Interaction
1723:: DS::  RIP Version 2 Carrying Additional Information
1722:: DS::  RIP Version 2 Protocol Applicability Statement
1721::  I::  RIP Version 2 Protocol Analysis
1716::  I::  Towards Requirements for IP Routers
1702::  I::  Generic Routing Encapsulation over IPv4 networks
1701::  I::  Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
1668::  I::  Unified Routing Requirements for IPng
1656::  I::  BGP-4 Protocol Document Roadmap and Implementation
1655:: PS::  Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the
1654:: PS::  A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)
1587:: PS::  The OSPF NSSA Option
1586::  I::  Guidelines for Running OSPF Over Frame Relay Networks
1585::  I::  MOSPF
1584:: PS::  Multicast Extensions to OSPF
1583:: DS::  OSPF Version 2
1582:: PS::  Extensions to RIP to Support Demand Circuits
1581::  I::  Protocol Analysis for Extensions to RIP to Support
             Demand Circuits
1520::  I::  Exchanging Routing Information Across Provider Boundaries
             in the CIDR Environment
1519:: PS::  Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
1517:: PS::  Applicability Statement for the Implementation of
             Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
1504::  I::  Appletalk Update-Based Routing Protocol
1482::  I::  Aggregation Support in the NSFNET Policy Routing Database
1479:: PS::  Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol Specification
1478:: PS::  An Architecture for Inter-Domain Policy Routing
1477::  I::  IDPR as a Proposed Standard
1476::  E::  RAP
1439::  I::  The Uniqueness of Unique Identifiers
1403:: PS::  BGP OSPF Interaction
1397:: PS::  Default Route Advertisement In BGP2 And BGP3 Versions Of
             The Border Gateway Protocol
1388:: PS::  RIP Version 2 Carrying Additional Information
1387::  I::  RIP Version 2 Protocol Analysis
1383::  I::  An Experiment in DNS Based IP Routing
1380::  I::  IESG Deliberations on Routing and Addressing
1371::  I::  Choosing a "Common IGP" for the IP Internet (The

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

             IESG's Recommendation to the IAB)
1370:: PS::  Applicability Statement for OSPF
1364:: PS::  BGP OSPF Interaction
1338::  I::  Supernetting
1322::  I::  A Unified Approach to Inter-Domain Routing
1268:: DS::  Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet
1267:: DS::  A Border Gateway Protocol 3 (BGP-3)
1266::  I::  Experience with the BGP Protocol
1265::  I::  BGP Protocol Analysis
1264::  I::  Internet Routing Protocol Standardization Criteria
1254::  I::  Gateway Congestion Control Survey
1246::  I::  Experience with the OSPF Protocol
1245::  I::  OSPF Protocol Analysis
1222::   ::  Advancing the NSFNET Routing Architecture
1195:: PS::  Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in TCP/IP and Dual
1164:: PS::  Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet
1163:: PS::  A Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
1142::  I::  OSI IS-IS Intra-domain Routing Protocol
1136::   ::  Administrative Domains and Routing Domains
1133::   ::  Routing between the NSFNET and the DDN
1131:: PS::  OSPF specification
1126::   ::  Goals and functional requirements for inter-autonomous
             system routing
1125::   ::  Policy requirements for inter Administrative Domain
1124::   ::  Policy issues in interconnecting networks
1105::  E::  Border Gateway Protocol BGP
1104::   ::  Models of policy based routing
1102::   ::  Policy routing in Internet protocols
1092::   ::  EGP and policy based routing in the new NSFNET backbone
1075::  E::  Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
1074::   ::  NSFNET backbone SPF based Interior Gateway Protocol
1058::  S::  Routing Information Protocol
1009::  H::  Requirements for Internet gateways
 995::   ::  End System to Intermediate System Routing Exchange
             Protocol for use in conjunction with ISO 8473
 985::   ::  Requirements for Internet gateways - draft
 981::   ::  Experimental multiple-path routing algorithm
 975::   ::  Autonomous confederations
 950::  S::  Internet standard subnetting procedure
 911::   ::  EGP Gateway under Berkeley UNIX 4.2
 904::  H::  Exterior Gateway Protocol formal specification
 898::   ::  Gateway special interest group meeting notes
 890::   ::  Exterior Gateway Protocol implementation schedule
 888::   ::  STUB Exterior Gateway Protocol
 875::   ::  Gateways, architectures, and heffalumps
 827::   ::  Exterior Gateway Protocol EGP

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 823::  H::  DARPA Internet gateway
2104::  I::  HMAC
2085:: PS::  HMAC-MD5 IP Authentication with Replay Prevention
2084::  I::  Considerations for Web Transaction Security
2082:: PS::  RIP-2 MD5 Authentication
2078:: PS::  Generic Security Service Application Program Interface,
             Version 2
2069:: PS::  An Extension to HTTP
2065:: PS::  Domain Name System Security Extensions
2059::  I::  RADIUS Accounting
2058:: PS::  Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)
2057::  I::  Source directed access control on the Internet.
2040::  I::  The RC5, RC5-CBC, RC5-CBC-Pad, and RC5-CTS Algorithms
2025:: PS::  The Simple Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism (SPKM)
2015::   ::  MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
1984::  I::  IAB and IESG Statement on Cryptographic Technology and
             the Internet
1969::  I::  The PPP DES Encryption Protocol (DESE)
1968:: PS::  The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP)
1964:: PS::  The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism
1961:: PS::  GSS-API Authentication Method for SOCKS Version 5
1949::  E::  Scalable Multicast Key Distribution
1948::  I::  Defending Against Sequence Number Attacks
1938:: PS::  A One-Time Password System
1929:: PS::  Username/Password Authentication for SOCKS V5
1928:: PS::  SOCKS Protocol Version 5
1898::  I::  CyberCash Credit Card Protocol Version 0.8
1858::  I::  Security Considerations for IP Fragment Filtering
1852::  E::  IP Authentication using Keyed SHA
1851::  E::  The ESP Triple DES-CBC Transform
1829:: PS::  The ESP DES-CBC Transform
1828:: PS::  IP Authentication using Keyed MD5
1827:: PS::  IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
1826:: PS::  IP Authentication Header
1825:: PS::  Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol
1824::  I::  The Exponential Security System TESS
1760::  I::  The S/KEY One-Time Password System
1751::  I::  A Convention for Human-Readable 128-bit Keys
1750::  I::  Randomness Recommendations for Security
1704::  I::  On Internet Authentication
1675::  I::  Security Concerns for IPng
1579::  I::  Firewall-Friendly FTP
1535::  I::  A Security Problem and Proposed Correction With Widely
             Deployed DNS Software
1511::  I::  Common Authentication Technology Overview
1510:: PS::  The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)

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1509:: PS::  Generic Security Service API
1508:: PS::  Generic Security Service Application Program Interface
1507::  E::  DASS - Distributed Authentication Security Service
1492::  I::  An Access Control Protocol, Sometimes Called TACACS
1457::  I::  Security Label Framework for the Internet
1455::  E::  Physical Link Security Type of Service
1424:: PS::  Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail
1423:: PS::  Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail
1422:: PS::  Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail
1421:: PS::  Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail
1416::  E::  Telnet Authentication Option
1412::  E::  Telnet Authentication
1411::  E::  Telnet Authentication
1409::  E::  Telnet Authentication Option
1408::  H::  Telnet Environment Option
1321::  I::  The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
1320::  I::  The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm
1319::  I::  The MD2 Message-Digest Algorithm
1281::  I::  Guidelines for the Secure Operation of the Internet
1244::  I::  Site Security Handbook
1186::  I::  The MD4 Message Digest Algorithm
1170::  I::  Public Key Standards and Licenses
1156::  S::  Management Information Base for Network Management of
             TCP/IP-based internets
1115::  H::  Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail
1114::  H::  Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail
1113::  H::  Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail
1108:: PS::  U.S. Department of Defense Security Options for the
             Internet Protocol
1040::   ::  Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail
1038::   ::  Draft revised IP security option
1004::  E::  Distributed-protocol authentication scheme
 989::   ::  Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail
 972::   ::  Password Generator Protocol
 931::  E::  Authentication server
 927::   ::  TACACS user identification Telnet option
 912::   ::  Authentication service
 644::   ::  On the problem of signature authentication for
             network mail
Virtual Terminal
2066::  E::  TELNET CHARSET Option
1647:: PS::  TN3270 Enhancements
1646::  I::  TN3270 Extensions for LUname and Printer Selection
1576::  I::  TN3270 Current Practices
1572:: PS::  Telnet Environment Option
1571::  I::  Telnet Environment Option Interoperability Issues
1372:: PS::  Telnet Remote Flow Control Option

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1282::  I::  BSD Rlogin
1258::  I::  BSD Rlogin
1221::   ::  Host Access Protocol (HAP) Specification - Version 2
1205::   ::  5250 Telnet Interface
1184:: DS::  Telnet Linemode Option
1143::   ::  The Q Method of Implementing TELNET Option Negotiation
1116:: PS::  Telnet Linemode option
1097::   ::  Telnet subliminal-message option
1096::   ::  Telnet X display location option
1091::   ::  Telnet terminal-type option
1080::   ::  Telnet remote flow control option
1079::   ::  Telnet terminal speed option
1073::   ::  Telnet window size option
1053::   ::  Telnet X.3 PAD option
1043::   ::  Telnet Data Entry Terminal option
1041::   ::  Telnet 3270 regime option
1013::   ::  X Window System Protocol, version 11
1005::   ::  ARPANET AHIP-E Host Access Protocol enhanced AHIP
 946::   ::  Telnet terminal location number option
 933::   ::  Output marking Telnet option
 930::   ::  Telnet terminal type option
 929::   ::  Proposed Host-Front End Protocol
 907::  S::  Host Access Protocol specification
 885::   ::  Telnet end of record option
 884::   ::  Telnet terminal type option
 878::   ::  ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol
 861::   ::  Telnet extended options
 860::  S::  Telnet timing mark option
 859::  S::  Telnet status option
 858::  S::  Telnet Suppress Go Ahead option
 857::  S::  Telnet echo option
 856::  S::  Telnet binary transmission
 855::  S::  Telnet option specifications
 854::  S::  Telnet Protocol specification
 851::   ::  ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol
 818::  H::  Remote User Telnet service
 802::   ::  ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol
 782::   ::  Virtual Terminal management model
 779::   ::  Telnet send-location option
 764::   ::  Telnet Protocol specification
 749::   ::  Telnet SUPDUP-Output option
 748::   ::  Telnet randomly-lose option
 747::   ::  Recent extensions to the SUPDUP Protocol
 746::   ::  SUPDUP graphics extension
 736::   ::  Telnet SUPDUP option
 735::   ::  Revised Telnet byte macro option
 734::  H::  SUPDUP Protocol
 732::   ::  Telnet Data Entry Terminal option

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 731::   ::  Telnet Data Entry Terminal option
 729::   ::  Telnet byte macro option
 728::   ::  Minor pitfall in the Telnet Protocol
 727::   ::  Telnet logout option
 726::   ::  Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet option
 721::   ::  Out-of-band control signals in a Host-to-Host Protocol
 719::   ::  Discussion on RCTE
 718::   ::  Comments on RCTE from the Tenex implementation experience
 703::   ::  July, 1975, survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers
 702::   ::  September, 1974, survey of New-Protocol Telnet servers
 701::   ::  August, 1974, survey of New-Protocol Telnet servers
 698::   ::  Telnet extended ASCII option
 688::   ::  Tentative schedule for the new Telnet implementation for
             the TIP
 679::   ::  February, 1975, survey of New-Protocol Telnet servers
 669::   ::  November, 1974, survey of New-Protocol Telnet servers
 659::   ::  Announcing additional Telnet options
 658::   ::  Telnet output linefeed disposition
 657::   ::  Telnet output vertical tab disposition option
 656::   ::  Telnet output vertical tabstops option
 655::   ::  Telnet output formfeed disposition option
 654::   ::  Telnet output horizontal tab disposition option
 653::   ::  Telnet output horizontal tabstops option
 652::   ::  Telnet output carriage-return disposition option
 651::   ::  Revised Telnet status option
 647::   ::  Proposed protocol for connecting host computers to
             ARPA-like networks via front end processors
 636::   ::  TIP/Tenex reliability improvements
 600::   ::  Interfacing an Illinois plasma terminal to the ARPANET
 596::   ::  Second thoughts on Telnet Go-Ahead
 595::   ::  Second thoughts in defense of the Telnet Go-Ahead
 587::   ::  Announcing new Telnet options
 563::   ::  Comments on the RCTE Telnet option
 562::   ::  Modifications to the Telnet specification
 560::   ::  Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet option
 559::   ::  Comments on the new Telnet Protocol and its implementation
 513::   ::  Comments on the new Telnet specifications
 495::   ::  Telnet Protocol specifications
 470::   ::  Change in socket for TIP news facility
 466::   ::  Telnet logger/server for host LL-67
 461::   ::  Telnet Protocol meeting announcement
 447::   ::  IMP/TIP memory retrofit schedule
 435::   ::  Telnet issues
 431::   ::  Update on SMFS login and logout
 399::   ::  SMFS login and logout
 393::   ::  Comments on Telnet Protocol changes
 386::   ::  Letter to TIP users-2
 377::   ::  Using TSO via ARPA Network Virtual Terminal

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 365::   ::  Letter to all TIP users
 364::   ::  Serving remote users on the ARPANET
 352::   ::  TIP site information form
 340::   ::  Proposed Telnet changes
 339::   ::  MLTNET
 328::   ::  Suggested Telnet Protocol changes
 318::   ::  [Ad hoc Telnet Protocol]
 311::   ::  New console attachments to the USCB host
 297::   ::  TIP message buffers
 296::   ::  DS-1 display system
 231::   ::  Service center standards for remote usage
 230::   ::  Toward reliable operation of minicomputer-based
             terminals on a TIP
 216::   ::  Telnet access to UCSB's On-Line System
 215::   ::  NCP, ICP, and Telnet
 206::   ::  User Telnet - description of an initial implementation
 205::   ::  NETCRT - a character display protocol
 177::   ::  Device independent graphical display description
 158::   ::  Telnet Protocol
 139::   ::  Discussion of Telnet Protocol
 137::   ::  Telnet Protocol - a proposed document
 110::   ::  Conventions for using an IBM 2741 terminal as a
             user console for access to network server hosts
  97::   ::  First cut at a proposed Telnet Protocol
2123::  I::  Traffic Flow Measurement
2121::  I::  Issues affecting MARS Cluster Size
2119:: BC::  Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels
2101::  I::  IPv4 Address Behaviour Today
2100::  I::  The Naming of Hosts
2099::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 2000-2099
2083::  I::  PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification Version 1.0
2071::  I::  Network Renumbering Overview
2036::  I::  Observations on the use of Components of the Class
             A Address Space within the Internet
2031::  I::  IETF-ISOC relationship
2028:: BC::  The Organizations Involved in the IETF Standards Process
2027:: BC::  IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall Process
2026:: BC::  The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3
2014:: BC::  IRTF Research Group Guidelines and Procedures
2007::  I::  Catalogue of Network Training Materials
1999::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1900-1999
1988::  I::  Conditional Grant of Rights to Specific Hewlett-Packard
             Patents In Conjunction With the Internet Engineering
             Task Force's Internet-Standard Network Management

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1983::  I::  Internet Users' Glossary
1958::  I::  Architectural Principles of the Internet
1952::  I::  GZIP file format specification version 4.3
1951::  I::  DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3
1950::  I::  ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification version 3.3
1941::  I::  Frequently Asked Questions for Schools
1935::  I::  What is the Internet, Anyway?
1900::  I::  Renumbering Needs Work
1899::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1800-1899
1882::  I::  The 12-Days of Technology Before Christmas
1879::  I::  Class A Subnet Experiment Results and Recommendations
1875::  I::  UNINETT PCA Policy Statements
1871:: BC::  Addendum to RFC 1602 -- Variance Procedure
1855::  I::  Netiquette Guidelines
1822::  I::  A Grant of Rights to Use a Specific IBM patent with
1818::  S::  Best Current Practices
1816::  I::  U.S. Government Internet Domain Names
1814::  I::  Unique Addresses are Good
1811::  I::  U.S. Government Internet Domain Names
1810::  I::  Report on MD5 Performance
1805::  I::  Location-Independent Data/Software Integrity Protocol
1802::  I::  Introducing Project Long Bud
1799::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1700-1799
1797::  E::  Class A Subnet Experiment
1796::  I::  Not All RFCs are Standards
1790::  I::  An Agreement between the Internet Society and Sun
             Microsystems, Inc. in the Matter of ONC RPC and
             XDR Protocols
1776::  I::  The Address is the Message
1775::  I::  To Be "On" the Internet
1758::  I::  NADF Standing Documents
1746::  I::  Ways to Define User Expectations
1739::  I::  A Primer On Internet and TCP/IP Tools
1718::  I::  The Tao of IETF - A Guide for New Attendees of the
             Internet Engineering Task Force
1715::  I::  The H Ratio for Address Assignment Efficiency
1709::  I::  K-12 Internetworking Guidelines
1699::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1600-1699
1691::  I::  The Document Architecture for the Cornell Digital Library
1690::  I::  Introducing the Internet Engineering and Planning

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             Group (IEPG)
1689::  I::  A Status Report on Networked Information Retrieval
1640::  I::  The Process for Organization of Internet Standards
             Working Group (POISED)
1636::  I::  Report of IAB Workshop on Security in the Internet
             Architecture - February 8-10, 1994
1635::  I::  How to Use Anonymous FTP
1627::  I::  Network 10 Considered Harmful (Some Practices
             Shouldn't be Codified)
1606::  I::  A Historical Perspective On The Usage Of IP Version 9
1603::  I::  IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures
y1602::  I::  The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 2
1601::  I::  Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
1599::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1500 - 1599
1597::  I::  Address Allocation for Private Internets
1594::  I::  FYI on Questions and Answer Answers to Commonly
             asked "New Internet User" Questions
1580::  I::  Guide to Network Resource Tools
1578::  I::  FYI on Questions and Answers
1574::  I::  Essential Tools for the OSI Internet
1550::  I::  IP
1543::  I::  Instructions to RFC Authors
1539::  I::  The Tao of IETF - A Guide for New Attendees of the
             Internet Engineering Task Force
1527::  I::  What Should We Plan Given the Dilemma of the Network?
1501::  I::  OS/2 User Group
1499::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1400-1499
1481::  I::  IAB Recommendation for an Intermediate Strategy to
             Address the Issue of Scaling
1467::  I::  Status of CIDR Deployment in the Internet
1463::  I::  FYI on Introducing the Internet--A Short Bibliography
             of Introductory Internetworking Readings for the
             Network Novice
1462::  I::  FYI on "What is the Internet?"
1438::  I::  Internet Engineering Task Force Statements Of
             Boredom (SOBs)
1432::  I::  Recent Internet Books
1417::  I::  NADF Standing Documents
1402::  I::  There's Gold in them thar Networks! Searching for
             Treasure in all the Wrong Places
1401::  I::  Correspondence between the IAB and DISA on the use
             of DNS throughout the Internet

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1399::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1300-1399
1396::  I::  The Process for Organization of Internet Standards
             Working Group (POISED)
1392::  I::  Internet Users' Glossary
1391::  I::  The Tao of IETF
1367::  I::  Schedule for IP Address Space Management Guidelines
1366::  I::  Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space
1359::  I::  Connecting to the Internet What Connecting
             Institutions Should Anticipate
1358::  I::  Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
1349:: PS::  Type of Service in the Internet Protocol Suite
1336::  I::  Who's Who in the Internet Biographies of IAB,
             IESG and IRSG Members
1325::  I::  FYI on Questions and Answers Answers to Commonly
             asked "New Internet User" Questions
1324::  I::  A Discussion on Computer Network Conferencing
1311::  I::  Introduction to the STD Notes
1310::  I::  The Internet Standards Process
1300::  I::  Remembrances of Things Past
1299::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1200-1299
1297::  I::  NOC Internal Integrated Trouble Ticket System
             Functional Specification Wishlist
             ("NOC TT REQUIREMENTS")
1296::  I::  Internet Growth (1981-1991)
1295::  I::  User Bill of Rights for entries and listings in the
             Public Directory
1291::  I::  Mid-Level Networks
1290::  I::  There's Gold in them thar Networks! or Searching for
             Treasure in all the Wrong Places
1287::  I::  Towards the Future Internet Architecture
1261::  I::  Transition of NIC Services
1259::  I::  Building The Open Road
1251::   ::  Who's Who in the Internet
1250::  S::  IAB Official Protocol Standards
1249::  I::  DIXIE Protocol Specification
1217::   ::  Memo from the Consortium for Slow Commotion Research (CSCR)
1216::   ::  Gigabit Network Economics and Paradigm Shifts
1208::   ::  A Glossary of Networking Terms
1207::   ::  Answers to Commonly asked "Experienced Internet User"
1206::   ::  FYI on Questions and Answers - Answers to Commonly
             asked "New Internet User" Questions
1200::  S::  IAB Official Protocol Standards
1199::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1100-1199
1198::  I::  FYI on the X Window System

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1192::   ::  Commercialization of the Internet Summary Report
1181::   ::  RIPE Terms of Reference
1180::   ::  A TCP/IP Tutorial
1178::   ::  Choosing a Name for Your Computer
1177::   ::  FYI on Questions and Answers - Answers to Commonly
             Asked "New Internet User" Questions
1175::   ::  FYI on Where to Start - A Bibliography of
             Internetworking Information
1174::  I::  IAB Recommended Policy on Distributing Internet
             Identifier Assignment and IAB Recommended Policy Change
             to Internet "Connected" Status
1173::   ::  Responsibilities of Host and Network Managers
             Summary of the "Oral Tradition" of the Internet
1169::   ::  Explaining the Role of GOSIP
1167::   ::  Thoughts on the National Research and Education Network
1160::   ::  The Internet Activities Board
1152::   ::  Workshop Report
1150::  I::  F.Y.I. on F.Y.I.
1149::   ::  A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
             on Avian Carriers
1147::  I::  FYI on a Network Management Tool Catalog
1140::  S::  IAB Official Protocol Standards
1135::   ::  Helminthiasis of the Internet
1130::  S::  IAB official protocol standards
1127::   ::  Perspective on the Host Requirements RFCs
1121::   ::  Act one - the poems
1120::   ::  Internet Activities Board
1118::   ::  Hitchhikers guide to the Internet
1117::   ::  Internet numbers
1111::   ::  Request for comments on Request for Comments
1100::  S::  IAB official protocol standards
1099::  I::  Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1000-1099
1093::   ::  NSFNET routing architecture
1087::   ::  Ethics and the Internet
1083::  S::  IAB official protocol standards
1077::   ::  Critical issues in high bandwidth networking
1076::   ::  HEMS monitoring and control language
1039::   ::  DoD statement on Open Systems Interconnection protocols
1020::   ::  Internet numbers
1019::   ::  Report of the Workshop on Environments for
             Computational Mathematics
1018::   ::  Some comments on SQuID
1017::   ::  Network requirements for scientific research
1015::   ::  Implementation plan for interagency research Internet
1014::   ::  XDR
1000::   ::  Request For Comments reference guide
 999::   ::  Requests For Comments summary notes

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 997::   ::  Internet numbers
 992::   ::  On communication support for fault tolerant process groups
 991::  S::  Official ARPA-Internet protocols
 990::   ::  Assigned numbers
 980::   ::  Protocol document order information
 979::   ::  PSN End-to-End functional specification
 968::   ::  Twas the night before start-up
 967::   ::  All victims together
 961::  S::  Official ARPA-Internet protocols
 960::   ::  Assigned numbers
 945::   ::  DoD statement on the NRC report
 944::  S::  Official ARPA-Internet protocols
 943::   ::  Assigned numbers
 939::   ::  Executive summary of the NRC report on transport
             protocols for Department of Defense data networks
 938::  E::  Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol functional
             and interface specification
 928::   ::  Introduction to proposed DoD standard H-FP
 923::   ::  Assigned numbers
 909::  E::  Loader Debugger Protocol
 908::  E::  Reliable Data Protocol
 902::   ::  ARPA Internet Protocol policy
 901::  S::  Official ARPA-Internet protocols
 900::   ::  Assigned Numbers
 899::   ::  Request For Comments summary notes
 880::  S::  Official protocols
 873::   ::  Illusion of vendor support
 870::   ::  Assigned numbers
 869::  H::  Host Monitoring Protocol
 852::   ::  ARPANET short blocking feature
 847::   ::  Summary of Smallberg surveys
 846::   ::  Who talks TCP? - survey of 22 February 1983
 845::   ::  Who talks TCP? - survey of 15 February 1983
 844::   ::  Who talks ICMP, too? - Survey of 18 February 1983
 843::   ::  Who talks TCP? - survey of 8 February 83
 842::   ::  Who talks TCP? - survey of 1 February 83
 840::  S::  Official protocols
 839::   ::  Who talks TCP?
 838::   ::  Who talks TCP?
 837::   ::  Who talks TCP?
 836::   ::  Who talks TCP?
 835::   ::  Who talks TCP?
 834::   ::  Who talks TCP?
 833::   ::  Who talks TCP?
 832::   ::  Who talks TCP?
 831::   ::  Backup access to the European side of SATNET
 828::   ::  Data communications
 825::   ::  Request for comments on Requests For Comments

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 820::   ::  Assigned numbers
 817::   ::  Modularity and efficiency in protocol implementation
 816::   ::  Fault isolation and recovery
 806::   ::  Proposed Federal Information Processing Standard
 800::   ::  Request For Comments summary notes
 794::   ::  Pre-emption
 790::   ::  Assigned numbers
 776::   ::  Assigned numbers
 774::   ::  Internet Protocol Handbook
 770::   ::  Assigned numbers
 766::   ::  Internet Protocol Handbook
 762::   ::  Assigned numbers
 758::   ::  Assigned numbers
 755::   ::  Assigned numbers
 750::   ::  Assigned numbers
 745::   ::  JANUS interface specifications
 739::   ::  Assigned numbers
 717::   ::  Assigned network numbers
 716::   ::  Interim revision to Appendix F of BBN 1822
 708::   ::  Elements of a distributed programming system
 705::   ::  Front-end Protocol B6700 version
 700::   ::  Protocol experiment
 699::   ::  Request For Comments summary notes
 694::   ::  Protocol information
 686::   ::  Leaving well enough alone
 684::   ::  Commentary on procedure calling as a network protocol
 681::   ::  Network UNIX
 678::   ::  Standard file formats
 677::   ::  Maintenance of duplicate databases
 672::   ::  Multi-site data collection facility
 671::   ::  Note on Reconnection Protocol
 667::   ::  BBN host ports
 666::   ::  Specification of the Unified User-Level Protocol
 663::   ::  Lost message detection and recovery protocol
 661::   ::  Protocol information
 645::   ::  Network Standard Data Specification syntax
 643::   ::  Network Debugging Protocol
 642::   ::  Ready line philosophy and implementation
 638::   ::  IMP/TIP preventive maintenance schedule
 637::   ::  Change of network address for SU-DSL
 635::   ::  Assessment of ARPANET protocols
 634::   ::  Change in network address for Haskins Lab
 631::   ::  International meeting on minicomputers and data
 629::   ::  Scenario for using the Network Journal
 628::   ::  Status of RFC numbers and a note on pre-assigned
             journal numbers
 621::   ::  NIC user directories at SRI ARC

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 617::   ::  Note on socket number assignment
 609::   ::  Statement of upcoming move of NIC/NLS service
 604::   ::  Assigned link numbers
 603::   ::  Response to RFC 597
 602::   ::  The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
 598::   ::  RFC index - December 5, 1973
 597::   ::  Host status
 590::   ::  MULTICS address change
 588::   ::  London node is now up
 585::   ::  ARPANET users interest working group meeting
 584::   ::  Charter for ARPANET Users Interest Working Group
 582::   ::  Comments on RFC 580
 581::   ::  Corrections to RFC 560
 580::   ::  Note to protocol designers and implementers
 578::   ::  Using MIT-Mathlab MACSYMA from MIT-DMS Muddle
 569::  H::  NETED
 552::   ::  Single access to standard protocols
 547::   ::  Change to the Very Distant Host specification
 544::   ::  Locating on-line documentation at SRI-ARC
 537::   ::  Announcement of NGG meeting July 16-17
 530::   ::  Report on the Survey project
 529::   ::  Note on protocol synch sequences
 527::   ::  ARPAWOCKY
 526::   ::  Technical meeting
 523::   ::  SURVEY is in operation again
 519::   ::  Resource evaluation
 518::   ::  ARPANET accounts
 515::   ::  Specifications for datalanguage
 503::   ::  Socket number list
 496::   ::  TNLS quick reference card is available
 494::   ::  Availability of MIX and MIXAL in the Network
 492::   ::  Response to RFC 467
 491::   ::  What is "Free"?
 483::   ::  Cancellation of the resource notebook framework meeting
 474::   ::  Announcement of NGWG meeting
 464::   ::  Resource notebook framework
 462::   ::  Responding to user needs
 457::   ::  TIPUG
 456::   ::  Memorandum
 441::   ::  Inter-Entity Communication - an experiment
 440::   ::  Scheduled network software maintenance
 439::   ::  PARRY encounters the DOCTOR
 433::   ::  Socket number list
 432::   ::  Network logical map
 425::   ::  But my NCP costs $500 a day
 419::   ::  To
 405::   ::  Correction to RFC 404
 404::   ::  Host address changes involving Rand and ISI

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 403::   ::  Desirability of a network 1108 service
 402::   ::  ARPA Network mailing lists
 401::   ::  Conversion of NGP-0 coordinates to device specific
 390::   ::  TSO scenario
 379::   ::  Using TSO at  CCN
 376::   ::  Network host status
 372::   ::  Notes on a conversation with Bob Kahn on the ICCC
 371::   ::  Demonstration at International Computer Communications
 370::   ::  Network host status
 363::   ::  ARPA Network mailing lists
 356::   ::  ARPA Network Control Center
 355::   ::  Response to NWG/RFC 346
 350::   ::  User accounts for UCSB On-Line System
 349::   ::  Proposed standard socket numbers
 345::   ::  Interest in mixed integer programming MPSX on NIC
             360/91 at CCN
 334::   ::  Network use on May 8
 331::   ::  IMP System change notification
 330::   ::  Network host status
 329::   ::  ARPA Network mailing lists
 327::   ::  Data and File Transfer workshop notes
 322::   ::  Well known socket numbers
 321::   ::  CBI networking activity at MITRE
 320::   ::  Workshop on hard copy line printers
 319::   ::  Network host status
 317::   ::  Official Host-Host Protocol modification
 316::   ::  ARPA Network Data Management Working Group
 315::   ::  Network host status
 313::   ::  Computer based instruction
 305::   ::  Unknown host numbers
 303::   ::  ARPA Network mailing lists
 295::   ::  Report of the Protocol Workshop, 12 October 1971
 291::   ::  Data management meeting announcement
 290::   ::  Computer networks and data sharing
 282::   ::  Graphics meeting report
 276::   ::  NIC course
 270::   ::  Correction to BBN Report No. 1822 NIC NO 7958
 269::   ::  Some experience with file transfer
 263::   ::  Very Distant Host interface
 256::   ::  IMPSYS change notification
 254::   ::  Scenarios for using ARPANET computers
 253::   ::  Second Network Graphics meeting details
 249::   ::  Coordination of equipment and supplies purchase
 246::   ::  Network Graphics meeting
 245::   ::  Reservations for Network Group meeting
 243::   ::  Network and data sharing bibliography

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 242::   ::  Data descriptive language for shared data
 240::   ::  Site status
 239::   ::  Host mnemonics proposed in RFC 226 NIC 7625
 235::   ::  Site status
 234::   ::  Network Working Group meeting schedule
 232::   ::  Postponement of network graphics meeting
 228::   ::  Clarification
 225::   ::  Rand/UCSB network graphics experiment
 223::   ::  Network Information Center schedule for network users
 219::   ::  User's view of the datacomputer
 218::   ::  Changing the IMP status reporting facility
 214::   ::  Network checkpoint
 213::   ::  IMP System change notification
 211::   ::  ARPA Network mailing lists
 209::   ::  Host/IMP interface documentation
 208::   ::  Address tables
 207::   ::  September Network Working Group meeting
 204::   ::  Sockets in use
 200::   ::  RFC list by number
 198::   ::  Site certification - Lincoln Labs 360/67
 195::   ::  Data computers-data descriptions and access language
 194::   ::  Data Reconfiguration Service - compiler/interpreter
             implementation notes
 187::   ::  Network/440 protocol concept
 186::   ::  Network graphics loader
 185::   ::  NIC distribution of manuals and handbooks
 182::   ::  Compilation of list of relevant site reports
 180::   ::  File system questionnaire
 179::   ::  Link number assignments
 173::   ::  Network data management committee meeting announcement
 171::   ::  Data Transfer Protocol
 170::   ::  RFC list by number
 169::   ::  Computer networks
 168::   ::  ARPA Network mailing lists
 167::   ::  Socket conventions reconsidered
 164::   ::  Minutes of Network Working Group meeting, 5/16
             through 5/19/71
 162::   ::  NETBUGGER3
 160::   ::  RFC brief list
 157::   ::  Invitation to the Second Symposium on Problems in the
             Optimization of Data Communications Systems
 155::   ::  ARPA Network mailing lists
 154::   ::  Exposition style
 149::   ::  Best laid plans
 148::   ::  Comments on RFC 123
 147::   ::  Definition of a socket
 140::   ::  Agenda for the May NWG meeting
 138::   ::  Status report on proposed Data Reconfiguration Service

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

 136::   ::  Host accounting and administrative procedures
 135::   ::  Response to NWG/RFC 110
 132::   ::  Typographical error in RFC 107
 131::   ::  Response to RFC 116
 130::   ::  Response to RFC 111
 129::   ::  Request for comments on socket name structure
 126::   ::  Graphics facilities at Ames Research Center
 124::   ::  Typographical error in RFC 107
 121::   ::  Network on-line operators
 120::   ::  Network PL1 subprograms
 119::   ::  Network Fortran subprograms
 118::   ::  Recommendations for facility documentation
 117::   ::  Some comments on the official protocol
 116::   ::  Structure of the May NWG meeting
 115::   ::  Some Network Information Center policies on handling
 113::   ::  Network activity report
 112::   ::  User/Server Site Protocol
 111::   ::  Pressure from the chairman
 109::   ::  Level III Server Protocol for the Lincoln Laboratory
             NIC 360/67 Host
 108::   ::  Attendance list at the Urbana NWG meeting, February
 107::   ::  Output of the Host-Host Protocol glitch cleaning committee
 106::   ::  User/Server Site Protocol network host questionnaire
 104::   ::  Link 191
 103::   ::  Implementation of interrupt keys
 102::   ::  Output of the Host-Host Protocol glitch cleaning committee
 101::   ::  Notes on the Network Working Group meeting,
             Urbana, Illinois, February 17, 1971
 100::   ::  Categorization and guide to NWG/RFCs
  99::   ::  Network meeting
  95::   ::  Distribution of NWG/RFC's through the NIC
  90::   ::  CCN as a network service center
  89::   ::  Some historic moments in networking
  87::   ::  Topic for discussion at the next Network Working Group
  85::   ::  Network Working Group meeting
  84::   ::  List of NWG/RFC's 1-80
  82::   ::  Network meeting notes
  81::   ::  Request for reference information
  78::   ::  NCP status report
  77::   ::  Network meeting report
  76::   ::  Connection by name
  75::   ::  Network meeting
  74::   ::  Specifications for network use of the UCSB On-Line System
  73::   ::  Response to NWG/RFC 67
  72::   ::  Proposed moratorium on changes to network protocol

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

  71::   ::  Reallocation in case of input error
  69::   ::  Distribution list change for MIT
  68::   ::  Comments on memory allocation control commands
  66::  ::  NIC - third level ideas and other noise
  64::   ::  Getting rid of marking
  63::   ::  Belated network meeting report
  61::   ::  Note on interprocess communication in a resource
             sharing computer network
  57::   ::  Thoughts and reflections on NWG/RFC 54
  52::   ::  Updated distribution list
  51::   ::  Proposal for a Network Interchange Language
  50::   ::  Comments on the Meyer proposal
  49::   ::  Conversations with S. Crocker UCLA
  48::   ::  Possible protocol plateau
  47::   ::  BBN's comments on NWG/RFC #33
  46::   ::  ARPA Network protocol notes
  45::   ::  New protocol is coming
  44::   ::  Comments on NWG/RFC 33 and 36
  43::   ::  Proposed meeting [LIL]
  40::   ::  More comments on the forthcoming protocol
  39::   ::  Comments on protocol re
  37::   ::  Network meeting epilogue, etc
  36::   ::  Protocol notes
  35::   ::  Network meeting
  34::   ::  Some brief preliminary notes on the Augmentation
             Research Center clock
  31::   ::  Binary message forms in computer
  30::   ::  Documentation conventions
  27::   ::  Documentation conventions
  25::   ::  No high link numbers
  24::   ::  Documentation conventions
  21::   ::  Network meeting
  16::   ::  M.I.T
  15::   ::  Network subsystem for time sharing hosts
  13::   ::  [Referring to NWG/RFC 11]
  11::   ::  Implementation of the Host-Host software procedures
             in GORDO
  10::   ::  Documentation conventions
   9::   ::  Host software
   8::   ::  Functional specifications for the ARPA Network
   7::   ::  Host-IMP interface
   6::   ::  Conversation with Bob Kahn
   5::   ::  Decode Encode Language
   4::   ::  Network timetable
   3::   ::  Documentation conventions
   2::   ::  Host software
   1::   ::  Host software

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

Appendix B:  Automatic Script to Implement Methodology


# Program to read text files (such as RFCs and Internet Drafts) and
#    output items that might relate to year 2000 issues, particularly
#    2-digit years.

# Version 1.1a. Slight modification by Philip J. Nesser
#    (phil@nesser.com) to split lines from old RFC's that are
#    too wide to conform with current RFC standards.

# Version 1.1. By Paul Hoffman (phoffman@imc.org). This is a
#    quick-and-dirty hack and could be written more elegantly and
#    more efficiently. There may be bugs in this software. For
#    example, there was an off-by-one-line bug in version 1.0.
#    Use this code at your own risk. This code may be freely
#    redistributed.

# Some people like using disk files, others like STDIN and STDOUT.
#    This program accomodates both types by setting the $UsageType
#    variable. 'file' means input comes from the first argument on
#    the command line, output goes to that filename with a ".out"
#    extension; 'std' means STDIN and STDOUT.
$UsageType = 'file';  # Should be 'file' or 'std'

# @CheckWords is a list of words to look for. This list is used in
#    addition to the automatic checking for "yy" on a line without "YYYY".
#    You might want to add "year yyyy" to this list, but then a large
#    proportion of the RFCs and drafts get selected

@CheckWords = qw(UTCTime two-digit 2-digit 2digit century 1900 2000);

if($UsageType eq 'file') {
        if($ARGV[0] eq '')
                { die "You must specify the name of the file to open.\n" }
        $InName = $ARGV[0];
        unless(-r $InName) { die "Could not read $InName.\n" }
        open(IN, $InName) or die "Could not open $InName.\n";
        $OutName = "$InName.out";
        open(OUT, ">$OutName") or die "Could not write to $OutName.\n";
        $OutStuff = '';  # Holder for what we're going to print out
} else {  # Do STDIN and STDOUT
        open(IN, "-"); open(OUT, ">-");

# Read the whole file into an array. This is a tad wasteful of memory
#    but makes the output easier.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

@All = ();
while(<IN>) { push(@All, $_) }
$LastLine = $#All;

# Process the instance of "yy" not followed by "yy"
for($i = 0; $i <= $LastLine; $i += 1 ) {
        next unless(grep(/yy/i, $All[$i]));
        next if(grep(/yyyy/i, $All[$i]));
        &PrintFive($i, "'yy' on a line without 'yyyy'");

# Next do the words that should cause extra concern
foreach $Word (@CheckWords) {
        for($i = 0; $i <= $LastLine; $i += 1 ) {
                next unless(grep(/$Word/i, $All[$i]));
                &PrintFive($i, "$Word");

# All done. If writing to a file, and nothing got written, delete the
#    file so that you can quickly scan for the ".out" files.
#    (A better-written program would have waited to do the opens
#    until here so the unlink wouldn't be necessary. Oh, well.)
if($UsageType eq 'file') {
        if(length($OutStuff) > 0) {
                $OutStuff = "+=+=+=+=+= File $InName +=+=+=+=+= \n$OutStuff\n
                print OUT $OutStuff; close(OUT);
        } else {  # Nothing to put in the .out
                unlink($OutName) or die "Couldn't unlink $OutName\n";

# Print the five lines around the word found
sub PrintFive {
    my $Where = shift(@_); my $Msg = shift(@_);
    my ($WhereRealLine, $Start, $End, $j);

    $WhereRealLine = $Where + 1;
    $OutStuff .= "$Msg found at line $WhereRealLine:\n";
    $Start = $WhereRealLine - 2; $End = $WhereRealLine + 2;
    if($Where < 2) { $Start = 0 }
    if($Where > $LastLine - 2) { $End = $LastLine }
    for($j = $Start; $j <= $End; $j += 1) {
        if (length($All[$j-1]) > 64) {
            $FirstHalf = substr($All[$j-1], 0, 64) . "\n";
            $LastHalf = "$j(continued):\t\t" . substr($All[$j-1], 64);

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

            $OutStuff .= "$j:  " . $FirstHalf . $LastHalf;
        else {
        $OutStuff .= "$j:  " . $All[$j-1]
    $OutStuff .= "\n";

Appendix C:  Output of the script in Appendix B on all RFC's from 1
          through 2479

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0052.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 141:
140:      Chuck Rose                              Case University
141:      Jennings Computing Center               (216) 368-2000
142:      Case Western Reserve University                x2808
143:      10900 Euclid Avenue

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0090.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 71:
69:                           consoles);
71:                        j) Six data communication ports (3 dial @
71(continued):          2000 baud,
72:                           1 dedicated @ 4800 baud, and 2 dedicate
72(continued):          d @ 50,000
73:                           baud) for remote batch entry terminals;

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0230.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 92:
90:  as for conventional synchronous block communication, since start
90(continued):           and
91:  stop bits for each character would need to be transmitted. This
91(continued):          loss
92:  is not substantial and does occur now for 2000 bps TIP-terminal
93:  communication.

2000 found at line 134:
132:  92 transmitting sites in the U.S. and Canada were used with stan
132(continued):         dard
133:  Bell System Dataphone datasets used at both ends.  At both 1200
133(continued):         and
134:  2000 bps, approximately 82% of the calls had error rates of 1 er
134(continued):         ror in

Nesser                       Informational                     [Page 81]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

135:  10^5 bits or better, assuming an equal number of short, medium,
135(continued):         and
136:  long hauls.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0241.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 32:
30:     justifiable on the basis that the IMP and Host computers were
31:     expected to be either in the same room (up to 30 feet of cabl
31(continued):          e) or,
32:     via the Distant Host option, within 2000 feet on well- contro
32(continued):          lled,
33:     shielded cables.  A connection through common carrier facilit
33(continued):          ies is
34:     not comparably free of errors.  Usage of common- carrier line
34(continued):          s for

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0263.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 22:
20:  of the occasional desire to interface a Host to some IMP via a
21:  long-distance connection (where long-distance, in this context,
22:  is any cable run longer than 2000 feet but may typically be tens
23:  of miles) via either a hard-wire or telephone circuit.  We belie
23(continued):          ve
24:  that any good solution to the general problem of interfacing Hos
24(continued):          ts

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0662.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 143:
141:  by a rather short cable (approximately 100 feet long.) The CISL
141(continued):         Multics is
142:  connected to the IMP number 6 (port 0) by an approximately l5OO
142(continued):         feet long cable.
143:  8oth IMPs are in close physical proximity (approximately 2000 fe
143(continued):         et,) and are
144:  connected to each other by a 5O kilobits per second line. The re
144(continued):         sults given
145:  above show considerable improvement in the performance with the
145(continued):         new IMP DIM.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0713.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 830:
828:  succeeding bytes in the stream used to encode the object.
830:  A data object requiring 20000 (47040 octal) bytes would
831:  appear in the stream as follows.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999


2000 found at line 837:
835:  10000010 -- specifying that the next 2 bytes
836:  contain the stream length
837:  01001110 -- first byte of number 20000
838:  00100000 -- second byte
839:  .

2000 found at line 845:
843:  .
845:  Interpretation of the contents of the 20000 bytes in
846:  the stream can be performed by a module which knows the
847:  specific format of the non-atomic type specified by DEFGH in

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0724.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2-digit found at line 1046:
1044:                                                  <4-digit-year>
1045:           <slash-date>      ::=   <numeric-month> "/" <date-of-mo
1045(continued):                nth>
1046:                                                   "/" <2-digit-ye
1046(continued):                ar>
1047:           <numeric-month>   ::=   <one or two decimal digits>
1048:           <day-of-month>    ::=   <one or two decimal digits>

2-digit found at line 1062:
1060:                                 | "December" | "Dec"
1061:           <4-digit-year>    ::=   <four decimal digits>
1062:           <2-digit-year>    ::=   <two decimal digits>
1063:           <time>            ::=   <24-hour-time> "-" <time-zone>
1064:           <24-hour-time>    ::=   <hour> <minute>

2-digit found at line 1675:
1675:       <2-digit-year>    ::=   <two decimal digits>
1676:       <4-digit-year>    ::=   <four decimal digits>
1677:       <24-hour-time>    ::=   <hour> <minute>

2-digit found at line 1829:
1828:       <slash-date>      ::=   <numeric-month> "/" <date-of-month>
1829:                                               "/" <2-digit-year>
1830:       <space>           ::=   <TELNET ASCII space (decimal 32)>

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0731.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1571:
1569:             RFC 728, 1977.
1571:       9.  Hazeltine 2000 Desk Top Display Operating Instructions.
1572:             Hazeltine IB-1866A, 1870.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0732.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1681:
1679:         1977.
1681:    9.   Hazeltine 2000 Desk Top Display Operating Instructions. H
1681(continued):                azeltine
1682:         IB-1866A, 1870.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0733.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2-digit found at line 333:
332:  "<n>(element)" is  equivalent  to  "<n>*<n>(element)";  that  is
332(continued):         ,
333:  exactly  <n>  occurrences of (element).  Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digi
333(continued):         t
334:  number, and 3ALPHA is a string of three alphabetic characters.

2digit found at line 333:
332:  "<n>(element)" is  equivalent  to  "<n>*<n>(element)";  that  is
332(continued):         ,
333:  exactly  <n>  occurrences of (element).  Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digi
333(continued):         t
334:  number, and 3ALPHA is a string of three alphabetic characters.

2digit found at line 947:
945:              /  "Sunday"    / "Sun"
947:  date        =  1*2DIGIT ["-"] month         ; day month year
948:                 ["-"] (2DIGIT /4DIGIT)       ;  e.g. 20 Aug [19]7
948(continued):         7

2digit found at line 948:
947:  date        =  1*2DIGIT ["-"] month         ; day month year

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

948:                 ["-"] (2DIGIT /4DIGIT)       ;  e.g. 20 Aug [19]7
948(continued):         7
950:  month       =  "January"   / "Jan"  / "February"  / "Feb"

2digit found at line 967:
965:                                              ;  (seconds optional
965(continued):         )
967:  hour        =  2DIGIT [":"] 2DIGIT [ [":"] 2DIGIT ]
968:                                              ; 0000[00] - 2359[59
968(continued):         ]

2digit found at line 1718:
1716:  CTL         =  <any TELNET ASCII control character and DEL>
1718:  date        =  1*2DIGIT ["-"] month ["-"] (2DIGIT /4DIGIT)
1719:  date-field  =  "Date"       ":" date-time
1720:  date-time   =  [ day-of-week "," ] date time

2digit found at line 1754:
1752:  host-indicator =  1*( ("at" / "@") node )
1753:  host-phrase =  phrase  host-indicator
1754:  hour        =  2DIGIT [":"] 2DIGIT [ [":"] 2DIGIT ]
1755:  HTAB        =  <TELNET ASCII horizontal-tab>

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0734.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 184:
182:  Bit name  Value           Meaning
184:  %TOALT            200000,,0       characters  175  and 176  are
184(continued):         converted to
185:                            altmode (033) on input.

2000 found at line 264:
262:                             NORMALLY OFF.
264:  %TOSA1              2000,,0       characters  001-037  should
264(continued):           be  displayed
265:                            using  the  Stanford/ITS  extended
265(continued):           ASCII
266:                            graphics character set instead of
266(continued):           uparrow

2000 found at line 354:

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352:  %TXTOP    4000    This character has the [TOP] key depressed.
354:  %TXSFL    2000    Reserved, must be zero.
356:  %TXSFT    1000    Reserved, must be zero.

2000 found at line 634:
632:  Value     Key
634:   2000     Reserved
635:   1000     Reserved
636:   0400     <META>

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0738.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 41:
39:  without sending anything.
41:  The time is the number of seconds since 0000 (midnight) 1 Januar
41(continued):          y 1900
42:  GMT, such that the time 1 is 12:00:01 am on 1 January 1900 GMT;
42(continued):          this
43:  base will serve until the year 2036.  As a further example, the
43(continued):          most

1900 found at line 42:
41:  The time is the number of seconds since 0000 (midnight) 1 Januar
41(continued):          y 1900
42:  GMT, such that the time 1 is 12:00:01 am on 1 January 1900 GMT;
42(continued):          this
43:  base will serve until the year 2036.  As a further example, the
43(continued):          most
44:  recent leap year as of this writing began from the time 2,398,29
44(continued):          1,200

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0745.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 562:
560:  Circuits, EIA standard RS-422," April 1975; Engineering Dept.,
561:  Electronic Industries Assn., 2001 Eye St., N.W., Washington, D.C
561(continued):         .,
562:  20006.
564:  REA bulletin 345-67, Rural Electrification Admin., U.S. Dept. of

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0746.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 341:
339:           %TDGRF                 ;Enter graphics.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

340:           %GOCLR                 ;Clear the screen.
341:           %GOMVA xx yy           ;Set cursor.
342:           %GODLA xx yy           ;Draw line from there.
343:           << repeat last two commands for each line >>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 342:
340:           %GOCLR                 ;Clear the screen.
341:           %GOMVA xx yy           ;Set cursor.
342:           %GODLA xx yy           ;Draw line from there.
343:           << repeat last two commands for each line >>
344:           %TDNOP                 ;Exit graphics.

2000 found at line 859:
857:  %TRGIN  0,,400000  terminal can provide graphics input.
859:  %TRGHC  0,,200000  terminal has a hard-copy device to which outp
859(continued):         ut can
860:                     be diverted.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0752.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 218:
216:  word 4          The name of the site in SIXBIT.
217:  word 5          The user name who compiled the file, usually in
217(continued):         SIXBIT.
218:  word 6          Date of compilation as SIXBIT YYMMDD.
219:  word 7          Time of compilation as SIXBIT HHMMSS.
220:  word 8          Address in file of NAME table.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0754.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 76:
75:  Messages are transmitted as a character string to an address whi
75(continued):          ch is
76:  specified "outside" the message.  The destination host ("YYY") i
76(continued):          s
77:  specified to the sending (or user) FTP as the argument of the "o
77(continued):          pen
78:  connection" command, and the destination user ("XXX") is specifi
78(continued):          ed to

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 81:
79:  the receiving (or server) FTP as the argument of the "MAIL" (or
79(continued):          "MLFL")
80:  command.  In Tenex, when mail is queued this outside information
80(continued):           is
81:  saved in the file name ("[---].XXX@YYY").

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

83:  The proposed solutions are briefly characterized.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 239:
239:     "[---].XXX@YYY", not anything from the header.  Only the stri
239(continued):         ng "XXX"
240:     is passed to the FTP server.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0759.txt +=+=+=+=+=
two-digit found at line 1414:
1412:        yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss,fff+hh:mm
1414:      Where yyyy is the four-digit year, mm is the two-digit month
1414(continued):                , dd is
1415:      the two-digit day, hh is the two-digit hour in 24 hour time,
1415(continued):                 mm is
1416:      the two-digit minute, ss is the two-digit second, and fff is
1416(continued):                 the

two-digit found at line 1415:
1414:      Where yyyy is the four-digit year, mm is the two-digit month
1414(continued):                , dd is
1415:      the two-digit day, hh is the two-digit hour in 24 hour time,
1415(continued):                 mm is
1416:      the two-digit minute, ss is the two-digit second, and fff is
1416(continued):                 the
1417:      decimal fraction of the second.  To this basic date and time
1417(continued):                 is

two-digit found at line 1416:
1414:      Where yyyy is the four-digit year, mm is the two-digit month
1414(continued):                , dd is
1415:      the two-digit day, hh is the two-digit hour in 24 hour time,
1415(continued):                 mm is
1416:      the two-digit minute, ss is the two-digit second, and fff is
1416(continued):                 the
1417:      decimal fraction of the second.  To this basic date and time
1417(continued):                 is
1418:      appended the offset from Greenwich as plus or minus hh hours
1418(continued):                 and mm

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0767.txt +=+=+=+=+=
two-digit found at line 710:
708:        yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss,fff+hh:mm

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

710:      Where yyyy is the four-digit year, mm is the two-digit month
710(continued):         , dd is
711:      the two-digit day, hh is the two-digit hour in 24 hour time,
711(continued):          mm is
712:      the two-digit minute, ss is the two-digit second, and fff is
712(continued):          the

two-digit found at line 711:
710:      Where yyyy is the four-digit year, mm is the two-digit month
710(continued):         , dd is
711:      the two-digit day, hh is the two-digit hour in 24 hour time,
711(continued):          mm is
712:      the two-digit minute, ss is the two-digit second, and fff is
712(continued):          the
713:      decimal fraction of the second.  To this basic date and time
713(continued):          is

two-digit found at line 712:
710:      Where yyyy is the four-digit year, mm is the two-digit month
710(continued):         , dd is
711:      the two-digit day, hh is the two-digit hour in 24 hour time,
711(continued):          mm is
712:      the two-digit minute, ss is the two-digit second, and fff is
712(continued):          the
713:      decimal fraction of the second.  To this basic date and time
713(continued):          is
714:      appended the offset from Greenwich as plus or minus hh hours
714(continued):          and mm

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0786.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 71:
70:           The date-time will be in the default TOPS20 ODTIM forma
70(continued):          t
71:           "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss" (24 hour time).
73:        The files will named "arbitrary.NIMAIL.-1", where "arbitra
73(continued):          ry" will

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0788.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1592:
1590:              <daytime> ::= "at" <SP> <date> <SP> <time>
1592:              <date> ::= <dd> "-" <mon> "-" <yy>
1594:              <time> ::= <hh> ":" <mm> ":" <ss> "-" <zone>

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1602:
1600:                        "JUL" | "AUG" | "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "D
1600(continued):                EC"
1602:              <yy> ::= the two decimal integer year of the century
1602(continued):                 in the
1603:                        range 01 to 99.

century found at line 1602:
1600:                        "JUL" | "AUG" | "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "D
1600(continued):                EC"
1602:              <yy> ::= the two decimal integer year of the century
1602(continued):                 in the
1603:                        range 01 to 99.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0809.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 3349:
3348:        #define WID     0000000   /* Write Image Data */
3349:        #define WGD     0020000   /* Write Graphic Data */
3350:        #define WAC     0022000   /* Write AlphanumCh */

2000 found at line 3350:
3348:        #define WID     0000000   /* Write Image Data */
3349:        #define WGD     0020000   /* Write Graphic Data */
3350:        #define WAC     0022000   /* Write AlphanumCh */
3352:        #define LWM     0024000   /* Load Write Mode */

2000 found at line 3379:
3378:        #define ERS     0030000   /* Erase */
3379:        #define ERL     0032000   /* Erase Line */
3380:        #define SLU     0034000   /* Special Location Update */
3381:        #define   SCRL_ZAP 0100   /* unlimited scroll speed */

2000 found at line 3392:
3390:        #define LLB     0070000   /* Load Lb */
3391:        #define LLC     0074000   /* Load Lc */
3392:        #define   LGW     02000   /* perform write */
3394:        #define NOP     0110000   /* No-Operation */

2000 found at line 3396:

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3394:        #define NOP     0110000   /* No-Operation */
3396:        #define SPD     0120000   /* Select Special Device */
3397:        #define LPA     0130000   /* Load Peripheral Address */
3398:        #define LPR     0140000   /* Load Peripheral Register */

2000 found at line 3405:
3403:        #define   ALPHA   06000   /* LPR - Alphanumeric data */
3404:        #define   GRAPH   04000   /* LPR - Graphic data */
3405:        #define   IMAGE   02000   /* LPR - Image data */
3406:        #define   LTHENH  01000   /* take lo byte then hi byte */
3407:        #define   DROPBYTE 0400   /* drop last byte */

2000 found at line 3408:
3406:        #define   LTHENH  01000   /* take lo byte then hi byte */
3407:        #define   DROPBYTE 0400   /* drop last byte */
3408:        #define INTERR    02000   /* SPD - Interrupt Enable */
3409:        #define TEST      04000   /* SPD - Diagnostic Test */

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0810.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 146:
144:     , (comma)          is used as a data element delimiter
146:     XXX/YYY            indicates protocol information of the type
147:                        TRANSPORT/SERVICE.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0820.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 674:
672:   311031700035 00     PURDUE-TN
672(continued):            [CXK]
673:   311060800027 00     UWISC-TN
673(continued):            [CXK]
674:   311030200024 00     UDEL-TN
674(continued):            [CXK]
675:   234219200149 23     UCL-VTEST
675(continued):             [PK]
676:   234219200300 23     UCL-TG
676(continued):             [PK]

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0821.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1944:
1942:              <daytime> ::= <SP> <date> <SP> <time>
1944:              <date> ::= <dd> <SP> <mon> <SP> <yy>

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1946:              <time> ::= <hh> ":" <mm> ":" <ss> <SP> <zone>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1954:
1952:                        "JUL" | "AUG" | "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "D
1952(continued):                EC"
1954:              <yy> ::= the two decimal integer year of the century
1954(continued):                 in the
1955:                        range 00 to 99.

century found at line 1954:
1952:                        "JUL" | "AUG" | "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "D
1952(continued):                EC"
1954:              <yy> ::= the two decimal integer year of the century
1954(continued):                 in the
1955:                        range 00 to 99.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0822.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1635:
1633:       5.1.  SYNTAX
1635:       date-time   =  [ day "," ] date time        ; dd mm yy
1636:                                                   ;  hh:mm:ss zzz

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2701:
2699:       dates       =   orig-date                   ; Original
2700:                     [ resent-date ]               ; Forwarded
2701:       date-time   =  [ day "," ] date time        ; dd mm yy
2702:                                                   ;  hh:mm:ss zzz
2703:       day         =  "Mon"  / "Tue" /  "Wed"  / "Thu"

2-digit found at line 344:
343:            "<n>(element)" is equivalent to "<n>*<n>(element)"; th
343(continued):         at is,
344:       exactly  <n>  occurrences  of (element). Thus 2DIGIT is a 2
344(continued):         -digit
345:       number, and 3ALPHA is a string of three alphabetic characte
345(continued):         rs.

2digit found at line 344:

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

343:            "<n>(element)" is equivalent to "<n>*<n>(element)"; th
343(continued):         at is,
344:       exactly  <n>  occurrences  of (element). Thus 2DIGIT is a 2
344(continued):         -digit
345:       number, and 3ALPHA is a string of three alphabetic characte
345(continued):         rs.

2digit found at line 1641:
1639:                   /  "Fri"  / "Sat" /  "Sun"
1641:       date        =  1*2DIGIT month 2DIGIT        ; day month yea
1641(continued):                r
1642:                                                   ;  e.g. 20 Jun
1642(continued):                82

2digit found at line 1650:
1648:       time        =  hour zone                    ; ANSI and Mili
1648(continued):                tary
1650:       hour        =  2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT [":" 2DIGIT]
1651:                                                   ; 00:00:00 - 23
1651(continued):                :59:59

2digit found at line 2697:
2695:       CTL         =  <any ASCII control           ; (  0- 37,  0.
2695(continued):                - 31.)
2696:                       character and DEL>          ; (    177,
2696(continued):                 127.)
2697:       date        =  1*2DIGIT month 2DIGIT        ; day month yea
2697(continued):                r
2698:                                                   ;  e.g. 20 Jun
2698(continued):                82
2699:       dates       =   orig-date                   ; Original

2digit found at line 2747:
2745:       field-name  =  1*<any CHAR, excluding CTLs, SPACE, and ":">
2746:       group       =  phrase ":" [#mailbox] ";"
2747:       hour        =  2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT [":" 2DIGIT]
2748:                                                   ; 00:00:00 - 23
2748(continued):                :59:59
2749:       HTAB        =  <ASCII HT, horizontal-tab>   ; (     11,
2749(continued):                   9.)

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0850.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 227:
225:  network.  One format that is acceptable to both is
227:       Weekday, DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS TIMEZONE
229:  Several examples of  valid  dates  appear  in  the  sample

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0867.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 67:
65:        Another popular syntax is that used in SMTP:
67:           dd mmm yy hh:mm:ss zzz
69:           Example:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0868.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 19:
17:  This protocol provides a site-independent, machine readable date
17(continued):           and
18:  time.  The Time service sends back to the originating source the
18(continued):           time in
19:  seconds since midnight on January first 1900.
21:  One motivation arises from the fact that not all systems have a

1900 found at line 83:
81:  The Time
83:  The time is the number of seconds since 00:00 (midnight) 1 Janua
83(continued):          ry 1900
84:  GMT, such that the time 1 is 12:00:01 am on 1 January 1900 GMT;
84(continued):          this
85:  base will serve until the year 2036.

1900 found at line 84:
83:  The time is the number of seconds since 00:00 (midnight) 1 Janua
83(continued):          ry 1900
84:  GMT, such that the time 1 is 12:00:01 am on 1 January 1900 GMT;
84(continued):          this
85:  base will serve until the year 2036.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0869.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1639:
1637:                    400      HDH
1638:                   1000      Cassette Writer

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1639:                   2000      Propagation Delay Measurement
1640:                   4000      X25
1641:                  10000      Profile Measurements

2000 found at line 1642:
1640:                   4000      X25
1641:                  10000      Profile Measurements
1642:                  20000      Self Authenticating Password
1643:                  40000      Host traffic Matrix
1644:                 100000      Experimental/Special

2000 found at line 1669:
1667:                200      Trace ON
1668:               1000      Statistics ON
1669:               2000      Message Generator ON
1670:               4000      Packet Trace ON
1671:              10000      Host Data Checksum is BAD

2000 found at line 1672:
1670:               4000      Packet Trace ON
1671:              10000      Host Data Checksum is BAD
1672:              20000      Reload Location SET

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0884.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 236:
234:        GENERAL-TERMINAL-100A
235:        HAZELTINE-1500
236:        HAZELTINE-2000
237:        HP-2621
238:        HP-2640A

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0899.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 337:
335:     provides a site-independent, machine readable date and time.
335(continued):          The
336:     Time service sends back to the originating source the time in
336(continued):          seconds
337:     since midnight on January first 1900.
339:  867     Postel       May 83      Daytime Protocol

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0900.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1595:
1593:     HAZELTINE-1510
1594:     HAZELTINE-1520
1595:     HAZELTINE-2000

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1596:     HP-2621
1597:     HP-2621A

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0909.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 859:
857:       responses from the target.  A session begins when a host op
857(continued):         ens  a
858:       transport  connection to a target listening on a well known
858(continued):          port.
859:       LDP uses RDP port number zzz or TCP port number  yyy.   Whe
859(continued):         n  the
860:       connection  has been established, the host sends a HELLO co
860(continued):         mmand,
861:       and the target  replies  with  a  HELLO_REPLY.   The  HELLO
861(continued):         _REPLY

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0923.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1769:
1767:     HAZELTINE-1510
1768:     HAZELTINE-1520
1769:     HAZELTINE-2000
1770:     HP-2621
1771:     HP-2621A

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0937.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 327:
325:        FOLD mailbox                      - Error
326:        READ [n]                          #xxx
327:        RETR                              =yyy
328:        ACKS
329:        ACKD

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0943.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1829:
1827:     HAZELTINE-1510
1828:     HAZELTINE-1520
1829:     HAZELTINE-2000
1830:     HP-2621
1831:     HP-2621A

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0952.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 159:
157:     ,(comma)        is used as a data element delimiter
159:     XXX/YYY         indicates protocol information of the type
160:                     TRANSPORT/SERVICE.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0956.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 748:
747:        3.  The data format should be based on the UDP Time format
747(continued):         , which
748:            specifies 32-bit time in seconds since 1 January 1900,
748(continued):          but
749:            extended additional bits for the fractional part of a
749(continued):         second.

1900 found at line 826:
824:     experiment the results indicated by UDP and ICMP are compared
824(continued):         .  In
825:     the UDP Time protocol time is indicated as a 32-bit field in
825(continued):         seconds
826:     past 0000 UT on 1 January 1900, while in the ICMP Timestamp m
826(continued):         essage
827:     time is indicated as a 32-bit field in milliseconds past 0000
827(continued):          UT of
828:     each day.

2000 found at line 1392:
1390:           CU-ARPA.CS.CORNELL.EDU  -1              -514
1391:           UCI-ICSE.ARPA           -1              -1896
1392:           UCI-ICSC.ARPA           1               2000
1393:           DCN9.ARPA               -7              -6610
1394:           TRANTOR.ARPA            10              10232

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0958.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 41:
39:     NTP provides the protocol mechanisms to synchronize time in p
39(continued):          rinciple
40:     to precisions in the order of nanoseconds while preserving a
41:     non-ambiguous date, at least for this century.  The protocol
41(continued):          includes
42:     provisions to specify the precision and estimated error of th
42(continued):          e local
43:     clock and the characteristics of the reference clock to which
43(continued):           it may

1900 found at line 143:
142:     NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit fixed-point number
142(continued):         , in
143:     seconds relative to 0000 UT on 1 January 1900.  The integer p
143(continued):         art is
144:     in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in the last 32 bit

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

144(continued):         s, as
145:     shown in the following diagram.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0960.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1659:
1657:   2624-522-80900 52   DFVLR5-X25
1657(continued):                  [HDC1]
1658:   2041-170-10000 00   SHAPE-X25
1658(continued):                   [JFW]
1659:   5052-737-20000 50   UQNET
1659(continued):                   [AXH]
1660:   3020-801-00057 50   DMC-CRC1
1660(continued):                  [JR17]
1661:       Unassigned
1661(continued):                   [JBP]

2000 found at line 1984:
1982:     AEGIS
1983:     APOLLO
1984:     BS-2000
1985:     CEDAR
1986:     CGW

2000 found at line 2350:
2348:     HAZELTINE-1510
2349:     HAZELTINE-1520
2350:     HAZELTINE-2000
2351:     HP-2621
2352:     HP-2621A

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0973.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 377:
375:        We might add the following to the parent zone:
377:         99.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA. 2000 NS  Q.ISI.EDU.
378:                              2000 NS  XX.MIT.EDU.
379:         Q.ISI.EDU.           2000 A   <address of Q.ISI.EDU.>

2000 found at line 378:
377:         99.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA. 2000 NS  Q.ISI.EDU.
378:                              2000 NS  XX.MIT.EDU.
379:         Q.ISI.EDU.           2000 A   <address of Q.ISI.EDU.>
380:         XX.MIT.EDU.          2000 A   <address of XX.MIT.EDU.>

2000 found at line 379:
377:         99.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA. 2000 NS  Q.ISI.EDU.
378:                              2000 NS  XX.MIT.EDU.

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379:         Q.ISI.EDU.           2000 A   <address of Q.ISI.EDU.>
380:         XX.MIT.EDU.          2000 A   <address of XX.MIT.EDU.>

2000 found at line 380:
378:                              2000 NS  XX.MIT.EDU.
379:         Q.ISI.EDU.           2000 A   <address of Q.ISI.EDU.>
380:         XX.MIT.EDU.          2000 A   <address of XX.MIT.EDU.>
382:        and the following to the child zone:

2000 found at line 384:
382:        and the following to the child zone:
384:         99.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA. 2000 NS  Q.ISI.EDU.
385:                              2000 NS  XX.MIT.EDU.
386:                              5000 SOA <SOA information>

2000 found at line 385:
384:         99.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA. 2000 NS  Q.ISI.EDU.
385:                              2000 NS  XX.MIT.EDU.
386:                              5000 SOA <SOA information>
387:         Q.ISI.EDU.           2000 A   <address of Q.ISI.EDU.>

2000 found at line 387:
385:                              2000 NS  XX.MIT.EDU.
386:                              5000 SOA <SOA information>
387:         Q.ISI.EDU.           2000 A   <address of Q.ISI.EDU.>
388:         XX.MIT.EDU.          2000 A   <address of XX.MIT.EDU.>

2000 found at line 388:
386:                              5000 SOA <SOA information>
387:         Q.ISI.EDU.           2000 A   <address of Q.ISI.EDU.>
388:         XX.MIT.EDU.          2000 A   <address of XX.MIT.EDU.>
390:     SOA serials

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0977.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 814:
812:     the same format as the LIST command.
814:     The date is sent as 6 digits in the format YYMMDD, where YY i
814(continued):         s the
815:     last two digits of the year, MM is the two digits of the mont
815(continued):         h (with
816:     leading zero, if appropriate), and DD is the day of the month

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

816(continued):          (with

century found at line 817:
815:     last two digits of the year, MM is the two digits of the mont
815(continued):         h (with
816:     leading zero, if appropriate), and DD is the day of the month
816(continued):          (with
817:     leading zero, if appropriate).  The closest century is assume
817(continued):         d as
818:     part of the year (i.e., 86 specifies 1986, 30 specifies 2030,
818(continued):          99 is
819:     1999, 00 is 2000).

2000 found at line 819:
817:     leading zero, if appropriate).  The closest century is assume
817(continued):         d as
818:     part of the year (i.e., 86 specifies 1986, 30 specifies 2030,
818(continued):          99 is
819:     1999, 00 is 2000).
821:     Time must also be specified.  It must be as 6 digits HHMMSS w
821(continued):         ith HH

2000 found at line 1190:
1189:     (client asks for new newsgroups since April 3, 1985)
1190:     C:      NEWGROUPS 850403 020000
1192:     S:      231 New newsgroups since 03/04/85 02:00:00 follow

2000 found at line 1275:
1274:     (client asks for new newsgroups since 2 am, May 15, 1985)
1275:     C:      NEWGROUPS 850515 020000
1276:     S:      235 New newsgroups since 850515 follow
1277:     S:      net.fluff

2000 found at line 1282:
1281:     (client asks for new news articles since 2 am, May 15, 1985)
1282:     C:      NEWNEWS * 850515 020000
1283:     S:      230 New news since 850515 020000 follows
1284:     S:      <1772@foo.UUCP>

2000 found at line 1283:
1281:     (client asks for new news articles since 2 am, May 15, 1985)
1282:     C:      NEWNEWS * 850515 020000
1283:     S:      230 New news since 850515 020000 follows

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1284:     S:      <1772@foo.UUCP>
1285:     S:      <87623@baz.UUCP>

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0985.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 505:
503:        Very Distant Host (VDH) methods are not recommended for ne
503(continued):         w
504:        implementations.  The Distant Host (DH) method is used whe
504(continued):         n the
505:        host and IMP are separated by not more than about 2000 fee
505(continued):         t of
506:        cable, while the HDLC Distant Host is used for greater dis
506(continued):         tances
507:        where a modem is required.  Retransmission, resequencing a
507(continued):         nd flow

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0987.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 1100:
1098:           X.408 (sections 4.2.2 and 5.2.2).
1100:        3.3.5.  UTCTime
1102:           Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax conta
1102(continued):                in: Year

UTCTime found at line 1102:
1100:        3.3.5.  UTCTime
1102:           Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax conta
1102(continued):                in: Year
1103:           (lowest two digits), Month, Day of Month, hour, minute,
1103(continued):                 second
1104:           (optional), and Timezone.  822.date-time also contains
1104(continued):                an

UTCTime found at line 1107:
1105:           optional day of the week, but this is redundant.  There
1105(continued):                fore a
1106:           symmetrical mapping can be made between these construct
1106(continued):                s <5>.
1107:           The UTCTime format which specifies the timezone offset
1107(continued):                should
1108:           be used, in line with CEN/CENELEC recommendations.

UTCTime found at line 3395:

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3394:        The extended syntax of zone defined in the JNT Mail Protoc
3394(continued):                ol
3395:        should be used in the mapping of UTCTime defined in chapte
3395(continued):                r 3.
3397:     5.  Lack of separate 822-P1 originator specification

UTCTime found at line 3910:
3908:     <5>  In practice, a gateway will need to parse various illega
3908(continued):                l
3909:          variants on 822.date-time.  In cases where 822.date-time
3909(continued):                 cannot
3910:          be parsed, it is recommended that the derived UTCTime is
3910(continued):                 set to
3911:          the value at the time of translation.

2digit found at line 2785:
2783:                              last-trace ";"
2784:                              "ext" 1*DIGIT
2785:                              "flags" 2DIGIT
2786:                              [ "intended" mailbox ] ";"
2787:                              [ "info" printablestring ]

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0990.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 2265:
2263:   2624-522-80900 52   DFVLR5-X25
2263(continued):                   [GB7]
2264:   2041-170-10000 00   SHAPE-X25
2264(continued):                   [JFW]
2265:   5052-737-20000 50   UQNET
2265(continued):                   [AXH]
2266:   3020-801-00057 50   DMC-CRC1
2266(continued):                  [JR17]
2267:   2624-522-80902 77   DFVLRVAX-X25
2267(continued):                   [GB7]

2000 found at line 2584:
2582:     AEGIS
2583:     APOLLO
2584:     BS-2000
2585:     CEDAR
2586:     CGW

2000 found at line 2945:
2943:     HAZELTINE-1510
2944:     HAZELTINE-1520
2945:     HAZELTINE-2000

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2946:     HP-2621
2947:     HP-2621A

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc0996.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 76:
75:          Process type: 000027  options: 040000
76:          Subnet: DMV  status: 376  hello: 15  timeout: 2000
77:          Foreign address: []  max size: 576
78:          Input packets      3645    Output packets  3690

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1000.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 3105:
3103:        protocol provides a site-independent, machine readable dat
3103(continued):                e and
3104:        time.  The Time service sends back to the originating sour
3104(continued):                ce the
3105:        time in seconds since midnight on January first 1900.
3107:     867     Postel       May 83      Daytime Protocol

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1009.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1412:
1410:        method is used when the host and IMP (the Defense Communic
1410(continued):                ation
1411:        Agency calls it a Packet Switch Node or PSN) are separated
1411(continued):                 by not
1412:        more than about 2000 feet of cable, while the HDLC Distant
1412(continued):                 Host
1413:        (HDH) is used for greater distances where a modem is requi
1413(continued):                red.
1414:        Under HDH, retransmission, resequencing and flow control a
1414(continued):                re

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1010.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 969:
967:   2624-522-80900 52   DFVLR5-X25
967(continued):            [GB7]
968:   2041-170-10000 00   SHAPE-X25
968(continued):            [JFW]
969:   5052-737-20000 50   UQNET
969(continued):            [AXH]
970:   3020-801-00057 50   DMC-CRC1
970(continued):           [JR17]
971:   2624-522-80902 77   DFVLRVAX-X25
971(continued):            [GB7]

2000 found at line 1353:

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1351:     AEGIS
1352:     APOLLO
1353:     BS-2000
1354:     CEDAR
1355:     CGW

2000 found at line 1719:
1717:     HAZELTINE-1510
1718:     HAZELTINE-1520
1719:     HAZELTINE-2000
1720:     HP-2621
1721:     HP-2621A

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1024.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 535:
534:     The local system clock, measured in milliseconds since 00:00
534(continued):         1
535:     January 1900 UTC.  Assumed to be only a local estimate of the
535(continued):          time.
536:     The value 0 is reserved for an uninitialized clock (For examp
536(continued):         le, an
537:     uninitialized time-of-day chip.)

1900 found at line 546:
544:     A network synchronized clock, which is assumed to be synchron
544(continued):         ized
545:     across some part of a network.  The clock value is measured i
545(continued):         n
546:     milliseconds since 00:00 1 January 1900 UTC.  Specific inform
546(continued):         ation
547:     about the synchronization protocol is found in the system var
547(continued):         iable
548:     dictionary.  The value 0 is used to indicate an uninitialized
548(continued):          clock.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1036.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 196:
194:      both is:
196:                        Wdy, DD Mon YY HH:MM:SS TIMEZONE
198:      Several examples of valid dates appear in the sample message
198(continued):          above.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1037.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 541:
539:      Date                A numeric data token.  The date is expre

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

539(continued):         ssed in
540:                          Universal Time format, which measures a
540(continued):         time as
541:                          the number of seconds since January 1, 1
541(continued):         900, at
542:                          midnight GMT.

1900 found at line 2544:
2542:     The creation date of the file.  The date is expressed in Univ
2542(continued):                ersal
2543:     Time format, which measures a time as the number of seconds s
2543(continued):                ince
2544:     January 1, 1900, at midnight GMT.  Creation date does not nec
2544(continued):                essarily
2545:     mean the time the file system created the directory entry or
2545(continued):                records
2546:     of the file.  For systems that support modification or append
2546(continued):                ing to

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1038.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 317:
316:     The values of this field are assigned by DCA Code R130, Washi
316(continued):         ngton,
317:     D.C.  20305-2000.  Each value corresponds to a requestor who,
317(continued):          once
318:     assigned, becomes the authority for the remainder of the opti
318(continued):         on
319:     definition for that value.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1050.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 323:
321:  7.3 Program Number Assignment
323:     Program numbers are given out in groups of hexadecimal 200000
323(continued):         00
324:     (decimal 536870912) according to the following chart:

2000 found at line 327:
326:                   0 - 1fffffff   defined by Sun
327:            20000000 - 3fffffff   defined by user
328:            40000000 - 5fffffff   transient
329:            60000000 - 7fffffff   reserved

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1057.txt +=+=+=+=+=

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 339:
337:  7.3 Program Number Assignment
339:     Program numbers are given out in groups of hexadecimal 200000
339(continued):         00
340:     (decimal 536870912) according to the following chart:

2000 found at line 343:
342:                   0 - 1fffffff   defined by Sun
343:            20000000 - 3fffffff   defined by user
344:            40000000 - 5fffffff   transient
345:            60000000 - 7fffffff   reserved

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1059.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 142:
140:     mechanisms to synchronize time in principle to precisions in
140(continued):         the
141:     order of nanoseconds while preserving a non-ambiguous date we
141(continued):         ll into
142:     the next century.  The protocol includes provisions to specif
142(continued):         y the
143:     characteristics and estimate the error of the local clock and
143(continued):          the
144:     time server to which it may be synchronized.  It also include
144(continued):         s

1900 found at line 574:
572:     frequency to the TA time scale.  At 0000 hours on 1 January 1
572(continued):         972 the
573:     NTP time scale was set to 2,272,060,800, representing the num
573(continued):         ber of
574:     TA seconds since 0000 hours on 1 January 1900.  The insertion
574(continued):          of leap
575:     seconds in UTC does not affect the oscillator itself, only th
575(continued):         e
576:     translation between TA and UTC, or conventional civil time.
576(continued):         However,

1900 found at line 649:
647:     main product of the protocol, a special timestamp format has
647(continued):         been
648:     established.  NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsi
648(continued):         gned
649:     fixed-point number, in seconds relative to 0000 UT on 1 Janua
649(continued):         ry 1900.
650:     The integer part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction par

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

650(continued):         t in the
651:     last 32 bits, as shown in the following diagram.

1900 found at line 690:
688:     the Integer Part) has been set and that the 64-bit field will
689:     overflow some time in 2036.  Should NTP be in use in 2036, so
689(continued):         me
690:     external means will be necessary to qualify time relative to
690(continued):         1900 and
691:     time relative to 2036 (and other multiples of 136 years).
692:     Timestamped data requiring such qualification will be so prec
692(continued):         ious

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1060.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2324:
2322:     AB-00-03-00-00-00       6004    DEC Local Area Transport
2322(continued):                (LAT) - old
2323:     AB-00-04-00-xx-xx       ????    Reserved DEC customer private
2323(continued):                 use
2324:     AB-00-04-01-xx-yy       6007    DEC Local Area VAX Cluster gr
2324(continued):                 oups
2325:                                     System Communication Architec
2325(continued):                ture (SCA)
2326:     CF-00-00-00-00-00       9000    Ethernet Configuration Test
2326(continued):                 protocol (Loopback)

2000 found at line 2729:
2727:   2624-522-80900 52   FGAN-SIEMENS-X25
2727(continued):                   [GB7]
2728:   2041-170-10000 00   SHAPE-X25
2728(continued):                   [JFW]
2729:   5052-737-20000 50   UQNET
2729(continued):                   [AXH]
2730:   3020-801-00057 50   DMC-CRC1
2730(continued):                   [VXT]
2731:   2624-522-80329 02   FGAN-FGANFFMVAX-X25
2731(continued):                   [GB7]

2000 found at line 3155:
3153:     AEGIS                     MACOS                     TP3010
3154:     APOLLO                    MINOS                     TRSDOS
3155:     BS-2000                   MOS                       ULTRIX
3156:     CEDAR                     MPE5                      UNIX
3157:     CGW                       MSDOS                     UNIX-BSD

2000 found at line 3508:
3506:     HAZELTINE-1520                        IBM-3278-5-E

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

3507:     HAZELTINE-1552                        IBM-3279-2-E
3508:     HAZELTINE-2000                        IBM-3279-3-E
3509:     HAZELTINE-ESPRIT                      IMLAC
3510:     HP-2392                               INFOTON-100

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1064.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1321:
1319:                         "NO" SP text_line / "BAD" SP text_line)
1321:     date            ::= string in form "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss-zzz"
1323:     envelope        ::= "(" env_date SP env_subject SP env_from S
1323(continued):                P

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1085.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 1501:
1500:                 commonReference
1501:                     UTCTime,
1503:                 additionalReferenceInformation[0]

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1094.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 878:
877:        0040000 This is a directory; "type" field should be NFDIR.
878:        0020000 This is a character special file; "type" field sho
878(continued):         uld
879:                be NFCHR.
880:        0060000 This is a block special file; "type" field should
880(continued):         be

2000 found at line 883:
881:                NFBLK.
882:        0100000 This is a regular file; "type" field should be NFR
882(continued):         EG.
883:        0120000 This is a symbolic link file;  "type" field should
883(continued):          be
884:                NFLNK.
885:        0140000 This is a named socket; "type" field should be NFN
885(continued):         ON.

2000 found at line 887:
885:        0140000 This is a named socket; "type" field should be NFN
885(continued):         ON.
886:        0004000 Set user id on execution.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

887:        0002000 Set group id on execution.
888:        0001000 Save swapped text even after use.
889:        0000400 Read permission for owner.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1108.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 187:
185:     throughout DoD common user data networks, users of these netw
185(continued):         orks
186:     should submit requirements for additional Protection Authorit
186(continued):         y Flags
187:     to DISA DISDB, Washington, D.C.  20305-2000, for review and a
187(continued):         pproval.
188:     Such review and approval should be sought prior to design,
189:     development or deployment of any system which would make use
189(continued):         of

2000 found at line 774:
772:     data networks, and to maximize interoperability, each activit
772(continued):         y should
773:     submit its plans for the definition and use of an Additional
773(continued):         Security
774:     Info Format Code to DISA DISDB, Washington, D.C.  20305-2000
774(continued):         for
775:     review and approval.  DISA DISDB will forward plans to the In
775(continued):         ternet
776:     Activities Board for architectural review and, if required, a
776(continued):          cleared

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1114.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 922:
920:                issuer          Name,
921:                list            SEQUENCE RCLEntry,
922:                lastUpdate      UTCTime,
923:                nextUpdate      UTCTime}

UTCTime found at line 923:
921:                list            SEQUENCE RCLEntry,
922:                lastUpdate      UTCTime,
923:                nextUpdate      UTCTime}
925:        RCLEntry        ::=     SEQUENCE {

UTCTime found at line 927:
925:        RCLEntry        ::=     SEQUENCE {
926:                subject         CertificateSerialNumber,

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

927:                revocationDate  UTCTime}
929:  3.4  Certificate Definition and Usage

UTCTime found at line 1296:
1295:           Validity ::=    SEQUENCE{
1296:                   notBefore       UTCTime,
1297:                   notAfter        UTCTime}

UTCTime found at line 1297:
1295:           Validity ::=    SEQUENCE{
1296:                   notBefore       UTCTime,
1297:                   notAfter        UTCTime}
1299:           SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::=        SEQUENCE{

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1117.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4965:
4963:          jwmanly%amherst.bitnet@MITVMA.MIT.EDU
4964:  [JWN10] Norris, James W         a02jwn1%niu.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.E
4964(continued):                DU
4965:  [JY24]  Yu, Jessica             jyy@MERIT.EDU
4966:  [JY33]  Yoshida, Jun            ---none---
4967:  [KA4]   Auerbach, Karl          auerbach@CSL.SRI.COM

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1123.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 3239:
3237:           The syntax for the date is hereby changed to:
3239:              date = 1*2DIGIT month 2*4DIGIT

century found at line 3253:
3252:           All mail software SHOULD use 4-digit years in dates, to
3252(continued):                 ease
3253:           the transition to the next century.
3255:           There is a strong trend towards the use of numeric time
3255(continued):                zone

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1133.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 493:

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

491:     Telephone:      313 936-2655
492:     Fax:            313 747-3745
493:     EMail:          jyy@merit.edu
495:     Hans-Werner Braun

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1138.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 1471:
1469:     the full BNF easier to parse.
1471:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1473:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax contain:  Y
1473(continued):                ear

UTCTime found at line 1473:
1471:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1473:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax contain:  Y
1473(continued):                ear
1474:     (lowest two digits), Month, Day of Month, hour, minute, secon
1474(continued):                d
1475:     (optional), and Timezone.  822.date-time also contains an opt
1475(continued):                ional

UTCTime found at line 1482:
1480:          In practice, a gateway will need to parse various illega
1480(continued):                l
1481:          variants on 822.date-time.  In cases where 822.date-time
1482:          cannot be parsed, it is recommended that the derived UTC
1482(continued):                Time
1483:          is set to the value at the time of translation.

UTCTime found at line 1485:
1483:          is set to the value at the time of translation.
1485:     The UTCTime format which specifies the timezone offset should
1485(continued):                 be
1486:     used.

UTCTime found at line 4469:
4468:     The extended syntax of zone defined in the JNT Mail Protocol
4468(continued):                should
4469:     be used in the mapping of UTCTime defined in Chapter 3.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

4471:  6.  Lack of 822-MTS originator specification

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1147.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 9715:
9713:            cerns to security and management personnel at DDN faci
9713(continued):                li-
9714:            ties.  It is available online, via kermit or anonymous
9714(continued):                 FTP,
9715:            from nic.ddn.mil, in SCC:DDN-SECURITY-yy-nn.TXT (where
9715(continued):                 "yy"
9716:            is the year and "nn" is the bulletin number).  The SCC
9716(continued):                 pro-
9717:            vides immediate assistance with DDN-related host secur
9717(continued):                ity

century found at line 1096:
1094:            "NETMON." These tools were independently developed, ar
1094(continued):                e
1095:            functionally different, run in different environments,
1095(continued):                 and
1096:            are no more related than Richard Burton the 19th centu
1096(continued):                ry
1097:            explorer and Richard Burton the 20th century actor.  B
1097(continued):                YU's
1098:            tool "NETMON" is listed as "NETMON (I)," MITRE's as "N
1098(continued):                ETMON

century found at line 1097:
1095:            functionally different, run in different environments,
1095(continued):                 and
1096:            are no more related than Richard Burton the 19th centu
1096(continued):                ry
1097:            explorer and Richard Burton the 20th century actor.  B
1097(continued):                YU's
1098:            tool "NETMON" is listed as "NETMON (I)," MITRE's as "N
1098(continued):                ETMON
1099:            (II)," and the tool from SNMP Research as "NETMON (III
1099(continued):                )."

2000 found at line 4134:
4132:                 libraries), but this has not been done.  Curses i
4132(continued):                s very
4133:                 slow and cpu intensive on VMS, but the tool has b
4133(continued):                een

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

4134:                 run in a window on a VAXstation 2000.  Just don't
4134(continued):                 try
4135:                 to run it on a terminal connected to a 11/750.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1148.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 1475:
1473:     the full BNF easier to parse.
1475:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1477:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax contain:  Y
1477(continued):                ear

UTCTime found at line 1477:
1475:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1477:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax contain:  Y
1477(continued):                ear
1478:     (lowest two digits), Month, Day of Month, hour, minute, secon
1478(continued):                d
1479:     (optional), and Timezone.  822.date-time also contains an opt
1479(continued):                ional

UTCTime found at line 1486:
1484:          In practice, a gateway will need to parse various illega
1484(continued):                l
1485:          variants on 822.date-time.  In cases where 822.date-time
1486:          cannot be parsed, it is recommended that the derived UTC
1486(continued):                Time
1487:          is set to the value at the time of translation.

UTCTime found at line 1489:
1487:          is set to the value at the time of translation.
1489:     The UTCTime format which specifies the timezone offset should
1489(continued):                 be
1490:     used.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

UTCTime found at line 4566:
4565:     The extended syntax of zone defined in the JNT Mail Protocol
4565(continued):                should
4566:     be used in the mapping of UTCTime defined in Chapter 3.
4568:  6.  Lack of 822-MTS originator specification

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1152.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 937:
935:     Reservation Multiple-Access).
937:     Finally, Yechiam Yemeni (YY, Columbia University) discussed h
937(continued):         is work
938:     on a protocol silicon compiler.  In order to exploit the pote
938(continued):         ntial
939:     parallelism, he is planning to use one processor per connecti
939(continued):         on.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1153.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 119:
119:  Date: ddd, dd mmm yy hh:mm:ss zzz
120:  From: listname-REQUEST@fqhn
121:  Reply-To: listname@fqhn

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 122:
120:  From: listname-REQUEST@fqhn
121:  Reply-To: listname@fqhn
122:  Subject: listname Digest Vyy #nn
123:  To: listname@fqhn

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 125:
123:  To: listname@fqhn
125:  listname Digest             ddd, dd mmm yy       Volume yy : Iss
125(continued):         ue   nn
127:  Today's Topics:

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 137:
135:  ----------------------------------------------------------------
135(continued):         ------

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

137:  Date: ddd, dd mmm yy hh:mm:ss zzz
138:  From: Joe User <username@fqhn>
139:  Subject: Message One Subject

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 147:
145:  ------------------------------
147:  Date: ddd, dd mmm yy hh:mm:ss zzz
148:  From: Jane User <username@fqhn>
149:  Subject: Message Two Subject

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 157:
155:  ------------------------------
157:  End of listname Digest Vyy Issue #nn
158:  ************************************

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1161.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 322:
320:     on the protocol-ID
322:                                   03019000
324:  5.  Acknowledgements

2000 found at line 210:
208:     (1)  <nsap> is a hex string defining the nsap, e.g.,
210:                       "snmp"/NS+4900590800200038bafe00
212:     Similarly, SNMP traps are, by convention, sent to a manager l
212(continued):         istening

2000 found at line 291:
289:     (1)  <nsap> is a hex string defining the nsap, e.g.,
291:                       "snmp"/NS+4900590800200038bafe00
293:     Similarly, SNMP traps are, by convention, sent to a manager l
293(continued):         istening

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1164.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1267:
1265:     Phone:  (313) 936-3000

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1267:     Email:  JYY@MERIT.EDU

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1166.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 8270:
8268:     [JWN10]         Norris, James W.
8269:                     a02jwn1%niu.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
8270:     [JY24]          Yu, Jessica              jyy@MERIT.EDU
8271:     [JY33]          Yoshida, Jun             ---none---
8272:     [JY35]          Young, Jeff              ---none---

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1167.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 89:
87:     are also likely play a role along with Switched Multi-megabit
87(continued):           Data
88:     Service (SMDS) provided by telecommunications carriers.  It a
88(continued):          lso
89:     would be fair to ask what role FTS-2000 might play in the sys
89(continued):          tem, at
90:     least in support of government access to the NREN, and possib
90(continued):          ly in
91:     support of national agency network facilities.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1173.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 72:
70:     only choice; I don't see any prospect of either the governmen
70(continued):          t or
71:     private enterprise building a monolithic, centralized, ubiqui
71(continued):          tous "Ma
72:     Datagram" network provider in this century.
74:  2. Responsibilities of Network Managers

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1176.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1435:
1433:                         "NO" SP text_line / "BAD" SP text_line)
1435:     date            ::= string in form "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss-zzz"
1437:     envelope        ::= "(" env_date SP env_subject SP env_from S
1437(continued):                P

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1185.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 208:
206:        1.1MBps, no matter how high the theoretical transfer rate
206(continued):         of the

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

207:        path.  This corresponds to cycling the sequence number spa
207(continued):         ce in
208:        Twrap= 2000 secs, which is safe in today's Internet.
210:        Based on this reasoning, an earlier RFC [McKenzie89] has c
210(continued):         autioned

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1190.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 7630:
7628:                                       link failure
7630:          2000  DefaultRecoveryTimeout Interval between successive
7631:                                       HELLOs to/from active neigh
7631(continued):                bors

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1191.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 925:
923:                65535  Hyperchannel                  RFC 1044
924:     65535
925:     32000             Just in case
926:                17914  16Mb IBM Token Ring           ref. [6]
927:     17914

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1203.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2102:
2100:                      "NO" SP text_line / "BAD" SP text_line)
2102:  date            ::= string in form "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss-zzz"
2104:  envelope        ::= "(" env_date SP env_subject SP env_from SP

2000 found at line 2614:
2612:          question.  For example:
2614:            tag42 FETCH 197 BODY 2000:3999
2616:          would fetch the second two thousand bytes of the body of
2616(continued):                 message

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1207.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 136:
134:        directory.  Information includes packet counts by NSS and
134(continued):         byte
135:        counts for type of use (ftp, smtp, telnet, etc.).  Filenam
135(continued):         es are
136:        of the form 'NSFyy-mm.type'.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

138:        Files are available for anonymous ftp; use 'guest' as the

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1210.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1548:
1546:     Franci Bigi (1)
1547:     CEC
1548:     Rue de la Loi 2000
1549:     B-1049
1550:     Brussels

2000 found at line 1756:
1754:     Rolf Speth (1)
1755:     CEC
1756:     Rue de la Loi 2000
1757:     B-1049
1758:     Brussels

2000 found at line 1773:
1771:     Jose Torcato (1), (2)
1772:     CEC, TR 61 0/10
1773:     Rue de la Loi 2000
1774:     B-1049
1775:     Brussels

2000 found at line 1801:
1799:     Karel De Vriendt (1)
1800:     CEC
1801:     Rue de la Loi 2000
1802:     B-1049
1803:     Brussels

2000 found at line 1837:
1835:     Rosalie Zobel (1) (2)
1836:     CEC
1837:     Rue de la Loi 2000
1838:     B-1049
1839:     Brussels

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1211.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 1591:
1590:     westine 49% mconnect OSI3.NCSL.NIST.GOV
1591:     connecting to host OSI3.NCSL.NIST.GOV (0x6c300681), port 0x19
1591(continued):                00
1592:     connection open
1593:     220 osi3.ncsl.nist.gov sendmail 4.0/NIST(rbj/dougm) ready at

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 2363:
2361:        Office Automation Division
2362:        Code H610
2363:        Washington, DC 20305-2000
2365:        Hostname: DCA-EMS.DCA.MIL

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1218.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1249:
1247:     Rapport Communication, Inc.
1248:     3055 Q Street NW
1249:     Washington, DC  20007
1251:     Tel: +1 202-342-2727

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1224.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 983:
981:        and placed in an ethernet packet).  120 request packets ar
981(continued):         e sent
982:        each cycle (3 for each of 40 nodes), and 120 response pack
982(continued):         ets are
983:        expected.  72000 bytes (240 packets at 300 bytes each) mus
983(continued):         t be
984:        transferred during each poll cycle, merely to determine th
984(continued):         at the
985:        network is fine.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1244.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2481:
2479:              and concerns to security and management personnel at
2479(continued):                 DDN
2480:              facilities.  It is available online, via kermit or a
2480(continued):                nonymous
2481:              FTP, from the host NIC.DDN.MIL, in SCC:DDN-SECURITY-
2481(continued):                yy-
2482:              nn.TXT (where "yy" is the year and "nn" is the bulle
2482(continued):                tin
2483:              number).  The SCC provides immediate assistance with
2483(continued):                 DDN-

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2482:
2480:              facilities.  It is available online, via kermit or a
2480(continued):                nonymous
2481:              FTP, from the host NIC.DDN.MIL, in SCC:DDN-SECURITY-
2481(continued):                yy-
2482:              nn.TXT (where "yy" is the year and "nn" is the bulle
2482(continued):                tin
2483:              number).  The SCC provides immediate assistance with

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2483(continued):                 DDN-
2484:              related host security problems; call (800) 235-3155
2484(continued):                (6:00

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1251.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 316:
314:             where growing above 100 network numbers seemed excess
314(continued):         ive.
315:             Todays number of networks in the global infrastructur
315(continued):         e
316:             exceeds 2000 connected networks, and many more if iso
316(continued):         lated
317:             network islands get included.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1254.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 592:
590:     number of packet arrivals, over which packets are dropped wit
590(continued):         h
591:     uniform probability.  For instance, in a sample implementatio
591(continued):         n, if
592:     this interval spanned 2000 packet arrivals, and a suitable
593:     probability of drop was 0.001, then two random variables woul
593(continued):         d be
594:     drawn in a uniform distribution in the range of 1 to 2,000.
594(continued):         The

2000 found at line 859:
857:     indicates that to get good, consistent performance, we may ne
857(continued):         ed to
858:     have up to 5 to 10 times the number of active source-destinat
858(continued):         ion
859:     pairs. In a typical gateway, this may require around 1000 to
859(continued):         2000
860:     queues.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1255.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1361:
1359:     Rapport Communication, Inc.
1360:     3055 Q Street NW
1361:     Washington, DC  20007
1363:     Tel: +1 202-342-2727

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1259.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 345:
343:     should never go back to any monopoly arrangement like the pre

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

343(continued):         -
344:     divestiture AT&T which held back market-driven innovation in
345:     telecommunications for half a century.  Given the interconnec
345(continued):         tion
346:     technology now available, we should never again have to accep
346(continued):         t the
347:     argument that we have to sacrifice interoperability for effic
347(continued):         iency,

century found at line 594:
593:        In light of the possibilities for new service offerings by
593(continued):          the
594:        21st century, as well as the growing importance of
595:        telecommunications and information services to US economic
595(continued):          and
596:        social development, limiting our concept of universal serv
596(continued):         ice to

century found at line 744:
742:     If we have the vision and commitment to try this, the transfo
742(continued):         rmation
743:     of the network frontier from wilderness to civilization need
743(continued):         not
744:     display the brutality of 19th century imperialism.  As commer
744(continued):         cial
745:     opportunities to offer applications and services develop,
746:     entrepreneurs will discover that ease of use sells. The norma
746(continued):         l,

2000 found at line 1115:
1113:     California v. FCC (9th Cir. 1990).
1115:     18.  NTIA Telecomm 2000 at 79.
1117:     19.  Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1270.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 594:
592:     Hopkinton, Mass. 01748
594:     Phone: (508) 435-2000
596:     Email: kasten@europa.clearpoint.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1274.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 1051:
1049:       lastModifiedTime ATTRIBUTE

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1051:               uTCTimeSyntax
1052:       ::= {pilotAttributeType 23}

UTCTime found at line 2990:
2988:       lastModifiedTime ATTRIBUTE
2990:               uTCTimeSyntax
2991:       ::= {pilotAttributeType 23}

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1276.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 558:
556:          }
558:  EDBVersion ::= UTCTime
558(continued):             40
560:  ___________________Figure_2:__Replication_Protocol______________
560(continued):         _______

UTCTime found at line 938:
936:          }
938:  EDBVersion ::= UTCTime
939:  END

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1283.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 317:
315:     on the protocol-ID
317:                                   03019000
319:     This is an X.25 protocol-ID assigned for local purposes.

2000 found at line 206:
204:     (1)  <nsap> is a hex string defining the nsap, e.g.,
206:                       "snmp"/NS+4900590800200038bafe00
208:     Similarly, SNMP traps are, by convention, sent to a manager l
208(continued):         istening

2000 found at line 278:
276:     (1)  <nsap> is a hex string defining the nsap, e.g.,

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

278:                       "snmp"/NS+4900590800200038bafe00

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1284.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1146:
1144:     Hopkinton Mass 01748
1146:     Phone: 508-435-2000
1147:     EMail: kasten@europa.clearpoint.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1285.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 219:
217:            -- The unique identifier for the FDDI station.  This i
217(continued):         s a
218:            -- string of 8 octets, represented as
219:            --                                X' yy yy xx xx xx xx
219(continued):          xx xx'
220:            -- with the low order 6 octet (xx) from a unique IEEE
221:            -- assigned address.  The high order two bits of the I
221(continued):         EEE

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 232:
231:            -- (Universal/Local) bit should both be zero.  The fir
231(continued):         st two
232:            -- octets, the yy octets, are implementor-defined.
233:            --
234:            -- The representation of the address portion of the st
234(continued):         ation id

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1290.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 549:
547:        Anonymous FTP to nis.nsf.net
548:        cd stats
549:        get nsfyy-mm.ptraffic  where yy is year, 91 and mm is mont
549(continued):         h, 06
550:        get nsf91-06.ptraffic  ptraffic is the packet traffic

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 552:
550:        get nsf91-06.ptraffic  ptraffic is the packet traffic
552:        get nsfyy-mm.btraffic  where yy is year, 91 and mm is mont
552(continued):         h, 06
553:        get nsf91-06.btraffic  btraffic is the byte traffic

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1292.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 3648:
3648:         When comparing attributes of UTCtime syntax, if the secon
3648(continued):                ds field
3649:         is omitted, QUIPU does not perform the match correctly (i
3649(continued):                .e., the
3650:         seconds field in  the attribute values should be ignored,
3650(continued):                but  are

2000 found at line 4158:
4157:     UCOM.X 500 runs on: Sun 3, Sun 4, IBM RS 6000, Philips P 9000
4157(continued):                , DEC
4158:     machines, Bull DPX 2000, HP 9000/300, Siemens IN 6000 and 386
4158(continued):                -based
4159:     PCs.   It can easily be ported to any UNIX machine.

2000 found at line 4803:
4803:     3Com's OSI/TCP CS/2000 and CS/2100.

2000 found at line 4807:
4807:     The "SW/2000-OT Vers  1.0" software runs on 3Com's OSI/TCP CS/
4807(continued):                2000 and
4808:     CS/2100, both stand-alone systems.

2000 found at line 4812:
4812:     The dual-stack OSI/TCP terminal server and its "SW/2000-OT Ve
4812(continued):                rs 1.0"
4813:     software is available from:

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1295.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 98:
96:     Rapport Communication
97:     3055 Q Street NW
98:     Washington, DC  20007
100:     Phone: +1 202-342-2727

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1303.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 189:
187:             TYPE NOTATION ::=
188:                               "LAST-UPDATED"
189:                                   value(update      UTCTime)
190:                               "PRODUCT-RELEASE"
191:                                   value(release     DisplayString
191(continued):         )

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1305.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 428:
426:  mechanisms to synchronize time in principle to precisions in the
426(continued):          order
427:  of nanoseconds while preserving a non-ambiguous date well into t
427(continued):         he next
428:  century. The protocol includes provisions to specify the charact
428(continued):         eristics
429:  and estimate the error of the local clock and the time server to
429(continued):          which
430:  it may be synchronized. It also includes provisions for operatio
430(continued):         n with a

century found at line 4529:
4527:  political and ritual needs characteristic of the societies in wh
4527(continued):                ich they
4528:  flourished. Astronomical observations to establish the winter an
4528(continued):                d summer
4529:  solstices were in use three to four millennia ago. By the 14th c
4529(continued):                entury
4530:  BC the Shang Chinese had established the solar year as 365.25 da
4530(continued):                ys and
4531:  the lunar month as 29.5 days. The lunisolar calendar, in which t
4531(continued):                he

century found at line 4548:
4546:  with the Shang Chinese, the ancient Egyptians had thus establish
4546(continued):                ed the
4547:  solar year at 365.25 days, or within about 11 minutes of the pre
4547(continued):                sent
4548:  measured value. In 432 BC, about a century after the Chinese had

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

4548(continued):                 done
4549:  so, the Greek astronomer Meton calculated there were 110 lunar m
4549(continued):                onths of
4550:  29 days and 125 lunar months of 30 days for a total of 235 lunar
4550(continued):                 months

century found at line 4565:
4563:  not complete until 8 AD.
4565:  The seven-day Sumerian week was introduced only in the fourth ce
4565(continued):                ntury AD
4566:  by Emperor Constantine I. During the Roman era a 15-year census
4566(continued):                cycle,
4567:  called the Indiction cycle, was instituted for taxation purposes
4567(continued):                . The

century found at line 4588:
4586:  but 14 of these were removed in the Gregorian calendar. While th
4586(continued):                e
4587:  Gregorian calendar is in use throughout most of the world today,
4587(continued):                 some
4588:  countries did not adopt it until early in the twentieth century.
4589:  While it remains a fascinating field for time historians, the ab
4589(continued):                ove
4590:  narrative provides conclusive evidence that conjugating calendar
4590(continued):                 dates

century found at line 4620:
4618:  sometimes used to represent dates near our own era in convention
4618(continued):                al time
4619:  and with fewer digits, is defined as MJD = JD <196> 2,400,000.5.
4620:  Following the convention that our century began at 0h on 1 Janua
4620(continued):                ry 1900,
4621:  at which time the tropical year was already 12h old, that eclect
4621(continued):                ic
4622:  instant corresponds to MJD 15,020.0. Thus, the Julian timescale
4622(continued):                ticks in

century found at line 4640:
4638:  through observations of the Sun, Moon and planets. In 1958 the s
4638(continued):                tandard
4639:  second was defined as 1/31,556,925.9747 of the tropical year tha
4639(continued):                t began
4640:  this century. On this scale the tropical year is 365.2421987 day
4640(continued):                s and
4641:  the lunar month - one complete revolution of the Moon around the

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4641(continued):                 Earth -
4642:  is 29.53059 days; however, the actual tropical year can be deter
4642(continued):                mined

1900 found at line 851:
849:  product of the protocol, a special timestamp format has been
850:  established. NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsigned
850(continued):          fixed-
851:  point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 1900. The i
851(continued):         nteger
852:  part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in the last 3
852(continued):         2 bits.
853:  This format allows convenient multiple-precision arithmetic and

1900 found at line 873:
871:  integer part) has been set and that the 64-bit field will overfl
871(continued):         ow some
872:  time in 2036. Should NTP be in use in 2036, some external means
872(continued):         will be
873:  necessary to qualify time relative to 1900 and time relative to
873(continued):         2036
874:  (and other multiples of 136 years). Timestamped data requiring s
874(continued):         uch
875:  qualification will be so precious that appropriate means should
875(continued):         be

1900 found at line 4620:
4618:  sometimes used to represent dates near our own era in convention
4618(continued):                al time
4619:  and with fewer digits, is defined as MJD = JD <196> 2,400,000.5.
4620:  Following the convention that our century began at 0h on 1 Janua
4620(continued):                ry 1900,
4621:  at which time the tropical year was already 12h old, that eclect
4621(continued):                ic
4622:  instant corresponds to MJD 15,020.0. Thus, the Julian timescale
4622(continued):                ticks in

1900 found at line 4724:
4722:  always coincident with it. At 0h on 1 January 1972 (MJD 41,317.0
4722(continued):                ), the
4723:  first tick of the UTC Era, the NTP clock was set to 2,272,060,80
4723(continued):                0,
4724:  representing the number of standard seconds since 0h on 1 Januar
4724(continued):                y 1900

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4725:  (MJD 15,020.0). The insertion of leap seconds in UTC and subsequ
4725(continued):                ently
4726:  into NTP does not affect the UTC or NTP oscillator, only the con
4726(continued):                version

2000 found at line 4489:
4487:  the Mid-Continent Chain, the deployment of LORAN-C transmitters
4487(continued):                now
4488:  provides complete coverage of the U.S. LORAN-C timing receivers,
4488(continued):                 such as
4489:  the Austron 2000, are specialized and extremely expensive (up to
4490:  $20,000). They are used primarily to monitor local cesium clocks
4490(continued):                 and are
4491:  not suited for unattended, automatic operation. While the LORAN-
4491(continued):                C system

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1309.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 48:
47:     As the pace of industry, science, and technological developme
47(continued):          nt
48:     quickened over the past century, it became increasingly proba
48(continued):          ble that
49:     someone in a geographically distant location would be trying
49(continued):          to solve
50:     the same problems you were trying to solve, or that someone i
50(continued):          n a

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1314.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1109:
1107:     00DE        YPosition              011F   0005   00000001  00
1107(continued):                00016C
1108:     00EA        Group4Options          0125   0004   00000001  00
1108(continued):                000002
1109:     00F6        ResolutionUnit         0128   0003   00000001  00
1109(continued):                020000
1110:     0102        Software               0131   0002   00000008  00
1110(continued):                000174
1111:     010E        DateTime               0132   0002   00000014  00
1111(continued):                00017C

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1323.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 320:
318:        1.1MBps, no matter how high the theoretical transfer rate
318(continued):         of the
319:        path.  This corresponds to cycling the sequence number spa
319(continued):         ce in

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

320:        Twrap= 2000 secs, which is safe in today's Internet.
322:        It is important to understand that the culprit is not the
322(continued):         larger

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1325.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 611:
609:        In addition, back issues of the Report are available for a
609(continued):         nonymous
610:        FTP from the host NIS.NSF.NET in the 'imr' directory with
610(continued):         the file
611:        names in the form IMRYY-MM.TXT, where YY is the last two d
611(continued):         igits of
612:        the year and MM two digits for the month.  For example, th
612(continued):         e June
613:        1991 Report is in the file IMR91-06.TXT.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1327.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2618:
2616:          attributes remaining in the O/R address shall be encoded
2616(continued):                 on
2617:          the LHS.  This is to ensure a reversible mapping. For
2618:          example, if the is an addres /S=XX/O=YY/ADMD=A/C=NN/ and
2618(continued):                 a
2619:          mapping for /ADMD=A/C=NN/ is used, then /S=XX/O=YY/ is
2620:          encoded on the LHS.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2619:
2617:          the LHS.  This is to ensure a reversible mapping. For
2618:          example, if the is an addres /S=XX/O=YY/ADMD=A/C=NN/ and
2618(continued):                 a
2619:          mapping for /ADMD=A/C=NN/ is used, then /S=XX/O=YY/ is
2620:          encoded on the LHS.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2665:
2664:             C          = "XX"
2665:             ADMD       = "YY"
2666:             O          = "ZZ"
2667:             "RFC-822"  = "Smith(a)ZZ.YY.XX"

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2667:
2665:             ADMD       = "YY"
2666:             O          = "ZZ"

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2667:             "RFC-822"  = "Smith(a)ZZ.YY.XX"
2669:     This is mapped first to an RFC 822 address, and then back to
2669(continued):                the

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2673:
2672:             C          = "XX"
2673:             ADMD       = "YY"
2674:             O          = "ZZ"
2675:             Surname    = "Smith"

UTCTime found at line 1483:
1481:     the full BNF easier to parse.
1483:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1485:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax contain:  Y
1485(continued):                ear

UTCTime found at line 1485:
1483:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1485:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax contain:  Y
1485(continued):                ear
1486:     (lowest two digits), Month, Day of Month, hour, minute, secon
1486(continued):                d
1487:     (optional), and Timezone.  822.date-time also contains an opt
1487(continued):                ional

UTCTime found at line 1494:
1492:          In practice, a gateway will need to parse various illega
1492(continued):                l
1493:          variants on 822.date-time.  In cases where 822.date-time
1494:          cannot be parsed, it is recommended that the derived UTC
1494(continued):                Time
1495:          is set to the value at the time of translation.

UTCTime found at line 1497:
1495:          is set to the value at the time of translation.
1497:     When mapping to X.400, the UTCTime format which specifies the
1498:     timezone offset shall be used.

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UTCTime found at line 5143:
5142:        The extended syntax of zone defined in the JNT Mail Protoc
5142(continued):                ol shall
5143:        be used in the mapping of UTCTime defined in Chapter 3.
5145:     7.  Lack of 822-MTS originator specification

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1330.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1770:
1768:     While ESnet will provide X.400 routing service for systems, i
1768(continued):                t cannot
1769:     provide routing via commercial X.400 carriers at this time.
1769(continued):                The
1770:     FTS-2000 charge for routing X.400 messages is $.45 (US) plus
1770(continued):                X.25
1771:     packet charges.  This could result in a charge of several dol
1771(continued):                lars for
1772:     large messages, a real possibility with the multi-media capac
1772(continued):                ity of

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1336.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 378:
376:             where growing above 100 network numbers seemed excess
376(continued):         ive.
377:             Todays number of networks in the global infrastructur
377(continued):         e
378:             exceeds 2000 connected networks, and many more if iso
378(continued):         lated
379:             network islands get included.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1338.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 401:
399:     3.2.  Historic growth rates
401:        MM/YY     ROUTES                        MM/YY     ROUTES
402:                  ADVERTISED                              ADVERTIS
402(continued):         ED
403:        ------------------------                ------------------
403(continued):         -----

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1060:
1058:        1071 Beal Ave.
1059:        Ann Arbor, MI 48109
1060:        email: jyy@merit.edu

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1340.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3390:
3388:     AB-00-03-00-00-00        6004    DEC Local Area Transport
3388(continued):                 (LAT) - old
3389:     AB-00-04-00-xx-xx        ????    Reserved DEC customer private
3389(continued):                use
3390:     AB-00-04-01-xx-yy        6007    DEC Local Area VAX Cluster
3390(continued):                groups
3391:                              Sys. Communication Architecture (SCA)
3392:     CF-00-00-00-00-00        9000    Ethernet Configuration Test
3392(continued):                protocol

1900 found at line 4066:
4064:    2422-650-23500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4064(continued):                 [OXG]
4065:    2422-330-02500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4065(continued):                 [OXG]
4066:    2422-350-01900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4066(continued):                 [OXG]
4067:    2422-410-00700 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4067(continued):                 [OXG]
4068:    2422-539-06200 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4068(continued):                 [OXG]

2000 found at line 1300:
1298:     nkd              1650/tcp
1299:     nkd              1650/udp
1300:     callbook         2000/tcp
1301:     callbook         2000/udp
1302:     dc               2001/tcp

2000 found at line 1301:
1299:     nkd              1650/udp
1300:     callbook         2000/tcp
1301:     callbook         2000/udp
1302:     dc               2001/tcp
1303:     wizard           2001/udp    curry

2000 found at line 4013:
4011:    2624-522-80900 52   FGAN-SIEMENS-X25
4011(continued):                [GB7]
4012:    2041-170-10000 00   SHAPE-X25
4012(continued):                [JFW]
4013:    5052-737-20000 50   UQNET
4013(continued):                [AXH]
4014:    3020-801-00057 50   DMC-CRC1
4014(continued):                [VXT]
4015:    2624-522-80329 02   FGAN-FGANFFMVAX-X25

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4015(continued):                [GB7]

2000 found at line 4838:
4836:     AIX/370                    LOCUS                     SWIFT
4837:     AIX-PS/2                   MACOS                     TAC
4838:     BS-2000                    MINOS                     TANDEM
4839:     CEDAR              MOS                       TENEX
4840:     CGW                        MPE5                      TOPS10

2000 found at line 5188:
5186:     HAZELTINE-1520                         IBM-3278-3
5187:     HAZELTINE-1552                         IBM-3278-4
5188:     HAZELTINE-2000                         IBM-3278-5
5189:     HAZELTINE-ESPRIT                       IBM-3279-2
5190:     HITACHI-5601                           IBM-3279-3

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1348.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 143:
141:     Or in net 11110031f67293.nsap-in-addr.arpa:
143:     67894444333322220000  NSAP-PTR        host.school.de.
145:     The RR data is the ASCII representation of the digits.  It is
145(continued):          encoded

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1357.txt +=+=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 260:
259:  ID (M) -- This is the second field of any record.  It is also a
260:          mandatory field.  Its format is "ID:: XXX//YYY", where X
260(continued):         XX is
261:          the publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher
261(continued):         )
262:          and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the publicati
262(continued):         on as

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 262:
260:          mandatory field.  Its format is "ID:: XXX//YYY", where X
260(continued):         XX is
261:          the publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher
261(continued):         )
262:          and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the publicati
262(continued):         on as
263:          assigned by the publisher.  This ID is typically printed
263(continued):          on
264:          the cover, and may contain slashes.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 682:
681:     In order to avoid conflicts among the symbols of the publishi
681(continued):         ng
682:     organizations (the XXX part of the "ID:: XXX//YYY") it is sug
682(continued):         gested
683:     that the various organizations that publish reports (such as
684:     universities, departments, and laboratories) register their

2-digit found at line 291:
290:          The format for ENTRY date is "Month Day, Year".  The mon
290(continued):         th must
291:          be alphabetic (spelled out).    The "Day" is a 1- or 2-d
291(continued):         igit
292:          number.  The "Year" is a 4-digit number.

2-digit found at line 457:
455:  DATE (O) -- The publication date.  The formats are "Month Year"
455(continued):         and
456:          "Month Day, Year".  The month must be alphabetic (spelle
456(continued):         d out).
457:          The "Day" is a 1- or 2-digit number.  The "Year" is a 4-
457(continued):         digit
458:          number.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1361.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 132:
130:     main product of the protocol, a special timestamp format has
130(continued):         been
131:     established. NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsig
131(continued):         ned
132:     fixed-point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 19
132(continued):         00. The
133:     integer part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in
133(continued):          the
134:     last 32 bits. This format allows convenient multiple-precisio
134(continued):         n

1900 found at line 145:
143:     overflow some time in 2036. Should NTP or SNTP be in use in 2
143(continued):         036,
144:     some external means will be necessary to qualify time relativ
144(continued):         e to

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145:     1900 and time relative to 2036 (and other multiples of 136 ye
145(continued):         ars).
146:     Timestamped data requiring such qualification will be so prec
146(continued):         ious
147:     that appropriate means should be readily available. There wil
147(continued):         l exist

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1379.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 847:
847:     objective an MSL of at least 2000 seconds.  If there were no
847(continued):         TIME-
848:     WAIT delay, the ultimate limit on transaction rate would be s
848(continued):         et by
849:     speed-of-light delays in the network and by the latency of ho
849(continued):         st

2000 found at line 988:
986:        the official delay of 240 seconds, formula [1] implies a u
986(continued):         pper
987:        bound (as RTT -> 0) of TRmax = 268 Tps; with our target MS
987(continued):         L of
988:        2000 sec, TRmax = 32 Tps.  These values are unacceptably l
988(continued):         ow.
990:        To improve this transaction rate, we could use TCP timesta
990(continued):         mps to

2000 found at line 1079:
1077:        segment lifetime MSL.  For reasonable limiting values of R
1077(continued):                , Ts,
1078:        and MSL, formula [6] leads to a very low value of TRmax.
1078(continued):                For
1079:        example, with MSL= 2000 secs, R=10**9 Bps, and Ts = 0.5 se
1079(continued):                c, TRmax
1080:        < 2*10**-3 Tps.

2000 found at line 1136:
1134:             TRmax * MSL < 2**31
1136:        For example, if MSL =  2000 seconds then TRmax < 10**6 Tp.
1136(continued):                  These
1137:        are acceptable limits for transaction processing.  However
1137(continued):                , if
1138:        they are not, we could augment CC with TCP timestamps to o
1138(continued):                btain

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2000 found at line 1276:
1275:       (a) no timestamps       2**31/MSL        MSL        3rd seq
1275(continued):                uence
1276:                          e.g., MSL=2000 sec
1276(continued):                space
1277:                               TRmax = 10**6

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1405.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 378:
376:     maps into
378:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=zzz; O=ooo; OU=uuu; DD.Dnet=net;
379:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 384:
383:          xx  = country code of the gateway performing the convers
383(continued):         ion
384:          yyy = Admd of the gateway performing the conversion
385:          zzz = Prmd of the gateway performing the conversion
386:          ooo = Organisation of the gateway performing the convers
386(continued):         ion

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 474:
472:       it is connected to. In this case the mapping is trivial:
474:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=zzz; O=ooo; OU=uuu; DD.Dnet=net;
475:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 477:
475:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;
477:     (see sect. 5.2 for explication of 'xx','yyy','zzz','ooo','uuu
477(continued):         ','net')
479:     maps into

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 487:
485:       described into section 5.4 apply:
487:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=www; DD.Dnet=net;
488:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;

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'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 492:
490:     maps into
492:          gwnode::gw%"C=xx;ADMD=yyy;PRMD=www;DD.Dnet=net;
493:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;"

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 595:
593:     maps into
595:         C=xx; ADMD=yyy; DD.Dnet=net;
596:         DD.Mail-11=route::gwnode::gw(p)(q)x400-text-address(q);

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1409.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 311:
309:                                          IAC SB AUTHENTICATION RE
309(continued):         PLY
310:                                          KERBEROS_V4 CLIENT|MUTUA
310(continued):         L
311:                                          RESPONSE yy yy yy yy yy
311(continued):         yy yy yy
312:                                          IAC SE

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1411.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 163:
161:                                          IAC SB AUTHENTICATION RE
161(continued):         PLY
162:                                          KERBEROS_V4 CLIENT|MUTUA
162(continued):         L
163:                                          RESPONSE yy yy yy yy yy
163(continued):         yy yy yy
164:                                          IAC SE

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1415.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 2814:
2812:        2         1016 Grouping threshold violation       |    503
2813:        2         1017 Inconsistent PDU request           |    503
2814:        2         2000 Association with user not allowed  |    532
2815:        2         2002 Unsupported service class          |    504
2816:        0         2003 Unsupported functional unit        |    211

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1416.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 318:
316:                                          IAC SB AUTHENTICATION RE
316(continued):         PLY
317:                                          KERBEROS_V4 CLIENT|MUTUA
317(continued):         L
318:                                          RESPONSE yy yy yy yy yy
318(continued):         yy yy yy
319:                                          IAC SE

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1417.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 156:
154:                         c/o Rapport Communication
155:                         3055 Q Street NW
156:                         Washington, DC 20007
157:                         US

2000 found at line 198:
196:     Rapport Communication
197:     3055 Q Street NW
198:     Washington, DC  20007
200:     Phone: +1 202-342-2727

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1421.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1148:
1146(continued):                DTAL
1147(continued):                MQsw
1148(continued):                DzAN
1149(continued):                YgAw
1150:      XwJYCsnp6lQCxYykNlODwutF/jMJ3kL+3PjYyHOwk+/9rLg6X65B/LD4bJHt
1150(continued):                O5XW

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1150:
1148(continued):                DzAN
1149(continued):                YgAw
1150:      XwJYCsnp6lQCxYykNlODwutF/jMJ3kL+3PjYyHOwk+/9rLg6X65B/LD4bJHt
1150(continued):                O5XW
1151:      cqAz/7R7XhjYCm0PcqbdzoACZtIlETrKrcJiDYoP+DkZ8k1gCk7hQHpbIwID
1151(continued):                AQAB

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1152:      MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAA38AAICPv4f9Gx/tY4+p+4DB7MV+tKZnvBoy8zgo
1152(continued):                MGOx

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1256:
1254(continued):                DTAL
1255(continued):                MQsw
1256(continued):                DzAN
1257(continued):                YgAw
1258:      XwJYCsnp6lQCxYykNlODwutF/jMJ3kL+3PjYyHOwk+/9rLg6X65B/LD4bJHt
1258(continued):                O5XW

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1258:
1256(continued):                DzAN
1257(continued):                YgAw
1258:      XwJYCsnp6lQCxYykNlODwutF/jMJ3kL+3PjYyHOwk+/9rLg6X65B/LD4bJHt
1258(continued):                O5XW
1259:      cqAz/7R7XhjYCm0PcqbdzoACZtIlETrKrcJiDYoP+DkZ8k1gCk7hQHpbIwID
1259(continued):                AQAB
1260:      MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAA38AAICPv4f9Gx/tY4+p+4DB7MV+tKZnvBoy8zgo
1260(continued):                MGOx

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1422.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 1596:
1595:     Validity ::=    SEQUENCE{
1596:             notBefore       UTCTime,
1597:             notAfter        UTCTime}

UTCTime found at line 1597:
1595:     Validity ::=    SEQUENCE{
1596:             notBefore       UTCTime,
1597:             notAfter        UTCTime}
1599:     SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::=        SEQUENCE{

UTCTime found at line 1640:
1638:             signature       AlgorithmIdentifier,
1639:             issuer          Name,
1640:             lastUpdate      UTCTime,
1641:             nextUpdate      UTCTime,
1642:             revokedCertificates

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

UTCTime found at line 1641:
1639:             issuer          Name,
1640:             lastUpdate      UTCTime,
1641:             nextUpdate      UTCTime,
1642:             revokedCertificates
1643:                             SEQUENCE OF CRLEntry OPTIONAL}

UTCTime found at line 1647:
1645:     CRLEntry ::= SEQUENCE{
1646:             userCertificate SerialNumber,
1647:             revocationDate UTCTime}
1649:  References

century found at line 463:
461:     confusion relating to daylight savings time.  Note that UTCT
462:     expresses the value of a year modulo 100 (with no indication
462(continued):         of
463:     century), hence comparisons involving dates in different cent
463(continued):         uries
464:     must be performed with care.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1432.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 711:
709:            Digital Press
710:            buddenhagen@cecv01.enet.dec.com McGraw-Hill
711:            617-276-1498                    212-512-2000
712:            fax: 617-276-4314               1221 Ave. of the Ameri
712(continued):         cas
713:            Digital Equipment Corporation   New York, NY 10020

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1437.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 185:
183:     generation of the X.400 specification, X.400-1996.  This will
183(continued):          give
184:     the community ample time to define a more complete specificat
184(continued):         ion for
185:     matter transport as part of X.400-2000, and possibly even a r
185(continued):         eadily-
186:     implementable specification as part of X.400-2004, although s
186(continued):         ome will
187:     no doubt argue that this would be too strong a break with tra
187(continued):         dition.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1440.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 332:
330:     The time stamp on the file as it appears at the sending site

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

330(continued):         may be
331:     sent and applied to the copy at the receiving site.  The form
331(continued):          is US
332:     mm/dd/yy and hh:mm:ss.  A time zone is optional.  If the time
332(continued):          zone is
333:     omitted, local time is assumed.  If the DATE command is omitt
333(continued):         ed, time
334:     and date of arrival are assumed.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1442.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 362:
360:            BEGIN
361:                TYPE NOTATION ::=
362:                              "LAST-UPDATED" value(Update UTCTime)
363:                              "ORGANIZATION" Text
364:                              "CONTACT-INFO" Text

UTCTime found at line 378:
376:                            | Revisions Revision
377:                Revision ::=
378:                              "REVISION" value(Update UTCTime)
379:                              "DESCRIPTION" Text

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1453.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 516:
515:     [XTP92]     Xpress Transfer Protocol, version 3.6, XTP Forum,
516:                 1900 State Street, Suite D, Santa Barbara, Califo
516(continued):         rnia
517:                 93101 USA, January 11, 1992.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1458.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1026:
1024:     Reading, MA 01867
1026:     Phone:  (617) 942-2000
1027:     EMail:  rebraudes@tasc.com

2000 found at line 1035:
1033:     Reading, MA 01867

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1035:     Phone:  (617) 942-2000
1036:     EMail: gszabele@tasc.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1465.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 499:
497:                  Switzerland
499:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
500:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
501:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 500:
499:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
500:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
501:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>
502:                  The <Update-info> contains also the format ident
502(continued):         ifier.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 501:
499:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
500:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
501:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>
502:                  The <Update-info> contains also the format ident
502(continued):         ifier.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 512:
511:                  The date of the last update of a document is giv
511(continued):         en in
512:                  the form 'yymmdd'.
513:                  A start date must be set.  A document can be pub
513(continued):         lished
514:                  this way before the information in it is valid.
514(continued):          (This

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1673:
1671:                              | <DirectoryName> )
1673:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
1674:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
1675:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1674:
1673:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \

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1674:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
1675:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1675:
1673:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
1674:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
1675:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>
1677:        <window-size> ::= "RTS-window-size: " \

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1467.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 408:
407:     [6] Solensky, F., Internet Growth Charts, "big-internet" mail
407(continued):         ing
408:         list, munnari.oz.au:big-internet/nsf-netnumbers-<yymm>.ps
410:  9. Other relevant documents

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1470.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 247:
247:             <YYMMDD>
249:  Keywords

2000 found at line 4696:
4694:                 libraries), but this has not been done.  Curses i
4694(continued):                s very
4695:                 slow and cpu intensive on VMS, but the tool has b
4695(continued):                een
4696:                 run in a window on a VAXstation 2000.  Just don't
4696(continued):                 try
4697:                 to run it on a terminal connected to a 11/750.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1479.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 752:
750:     We note that none of the IDPR protocols contain explicit prov
750(continued):         isions
751:     for dealing with an exhausted timestamp space.  As timestamp
751(continued):         space
752:     exhaustion will not occur until well into the next century, w
752(continued):         e expect
753:     timestamp space viability to outlast the IDPR protocols.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1486.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 745:
743:          Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1993 20:34:12 -0800
744:          Subject: Comments on "An Experiment in Remote Printing"
745:          Message-ID: <19930411203412000.123@tpd.org>
746:          MIME-Version: 1.0
747:          Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1488.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 302:
300:  2.21.  UTC Time
302:     Values of type uTCTimeSyntax are encoded as if they were Prin
302(continued):         table
303:     Strings with the strings containing a UTCTime value.

UTCTime found at line 303:
302:     Values of type uTCTimeSyntax are encoded as if they were Prin
302(continued):         table
303:     Strings with the strings containing a UTCTime value.
305:  2.22.  Guide (search guide)

UTCTime found at line 377:
375:   <algorithm-id> ::= <oid> '#' <algorithm-parameters>
377:   <utc-time> ::= an encoded UTCTime value
379:   <hex-string> ::= <hex-digit> | <hex-digit> <hex-string>

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1500.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1950:
1948:                                         The text version is sent.
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1951:
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.
1953:           help                          to get information on how
1953(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1507.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 5111:

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5110:     Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
5111:             NotBefore       UTCTime,
5112:             NotAfter        UTCTime
5113:             }

UTCTime found at line 5112:
5110:     Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
5111:             NotBefore       UTCTime,
5112:             NotAfter        UTCTime
5113:             }

UTCTime found at line 6297:
6295:     Version ::=      INTEGER { 1988(0)} SerialNumber ::= INTEGER
6295(continued):                Validity
6296:     ::=     SEQUENCE{
6297:             notBefore               UTCTime,
6298:             notAfter                UTCTime}

UTCTime found at line 6298:
6296:     ::=     SEQUENCE{
6297:             notBefore               UTCTime,
6298:             notAfter                UTCTime}
6300:     SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE {

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1512.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 243:
241:            FddiSMTStationIdType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
242:            -- The unique identifier for the FDDI station.  This i
242(continued):         s a
243:            -- string of 8 octets, represented as X' yy yy xx xx x
243(continued):         x xx
244:            -- xx xx' with the low order 6 octet (xx) from a uniqu
244(continued):         e IEEE
245:            -- assigned address.  The high order two bits of the I
245(continued):         EEE

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 248:
246:            -- address, the group address bit and the administrati
246(continued):         on bit
247:            -- (Universal/Local) bit should both be zero.  The fir
247(continued):         st two
248:            -- octets, the yy octets, are implementor-defined.
249:            --
250:            -- The representation of the address portion of the st
250(continued):         ation id

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1519.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 401:
399:     3.2  Historic growth rates
401:        MM/YY     ROUTES                        MM/YY     ROUTES
402:                  ADVERTISED                              ADVERTIS
402(continued):         ED
403:        ------------------------                ------------------
403(continued):         -----

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1318:
1316:     Ann Arbor, MI 48109
1318:     EMail: jyy@merit.edu

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1527.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 793:
791:     ubiquitous as the current telephone network and provides all
792:     Americans with access to information in much the same way as
792(continued):         public
793:     libraries were created for a similar purpose a century ago.
795:     Congress must understand that the NREN is not just a new tech
795(continued):         nology

century found at line 875:
873:     regulated companies from becoming viable players.  We must re
873(continued):         alize
874:     that we are about to enter a power struggle for the control o
874(continued):         f the
875:     information resources of the 21st century that promises to be
875(continued):          every
876:     bit as harsh and bruising as the power struggle for natural r
876(continued):         esources
877:     was at the end of the last century.

century found at line 877:
875:     information resources of the 21st century that promises to be
875(continued):          every
876:     bit as harsh and bruising as the power struggle for natural r
876(continued):         esources
877:     was at the end of the last century.
879:     While the intentions of most appear to be good, as this study
879(continued):          has

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1537.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 165:
163:     Example: zone file for foo.xx:
165:     pqr          MX 100  relay.yy.
166:     xyz          MX 100  relay.yy           (no trailing dot!)

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 166:
165:     pqr          MX 100  relay.yy.
166:     xyz          MX 100  relay.yy           (no trailing dot!)

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 177:
175:     When fully written out this stands for:
177:        pqr.foo.xx.  MX 100  relay.yy.
178:        xyz.foo.xx.  MX 100  relay.yy.foo.xx.   (name extension!)

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 178:
177:        pqr.foo.xx.  MX 100  relay.yy.
178:        xyz.foo.xx.  MX 100  relay.yy.foo.xx.   (name extension!)
180:  6. Missing secondary servers

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 256:
255:           foo.xx.      MX 100  gateway.xx.
256:                        MX 200  fallback.yy.
257:           *.foo.xx.    MX 100  gateway.xx.
258:                        MX 200  fallback.yy.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 258:
256:                        MX 200  fallback.yy.
257:           *.foo.xx.    MX 100  gateway.xx.
258:                        MX 200  fallback.yy.
259:  8. Hostnames

2000 found at line 89:
87:            86400 ; Refresh     24 hours
88:             7200 ; Retry        2 hours

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89:          2592000 ; Expire      30 days
90:           345600 ; Minimum TTL  4 days

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1540.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1836:                                         The text version is sent.
1838:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1838(continued):                umber.
1839:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1839(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1839:
1838:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1838(continued):                umber.
1839:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1839(continued):                '.
1841:           help                          to get information on how
1841(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1555.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 155:
153:     In addition, Listserv usually maintains automatic archives of
153(continued):          all
154:     postings to a list.  These archives, contained in the file "l
154(continued):         istname
155:     LOGyymm", do not contain the MIME headers, so all encoding
156:     information will be lost.  This is a limitation of the Listse
156(continued):         rv
157:     software.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1564.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 811:
810:     The following searches should be tried.  Unless otherwise sta
810(continued):         ted, the
811:     "XXX" or "YYY" part of the search filter should be chosen in
811(continued):         such a
812:     way as to return a single result.  Unless stated otherwise th
812(continued):         e
813:     results should return all attributes for the entry.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 848:
847:             objectClass=person AND
848:             (commonName=XXX* OR telephoneNumber=*YYY)
850:     75. Search returning all entries (i.e., 100 entries in the si
850(continued):         ngle

2000 found at line 527:
526:     42. If the DSA runs as a static server, state the start-up ti
526(continued):         me for a
527:         DSA with a database of 20000 entries.  If this varies wid
527(continued):         ely
528:         according to configuration options, give figures for the
528(continued):         various
529:         options.  ...............................................
529(continued):         ........

2000 found at line 709:
708:     i.  The tests should be made against an organisational databa
708(continued):         se of
709:         20000 entries.  Some tests are against subsets of this da
709(continued):         ta, and
710:         so the database should be set up according to the followi
710(continued):         ng
711:         instructions.

2000 found at line 713:
711:         instructions.
713:         Create an organisational DSA with 20000 entries below the
714:         organisation node.  Sub-divide this data into a number of
715:         organisational units, one of which should contain 1000 en
715(continued):         tries,

2000 found at line 808:
806:         unit.
808:     ii. An organisation subtree search, on the subtree of 20000 e
808(continued):         ntries.
810:     The following searches should be tried.  Unless otherwise sta
810(continued):         ted, the

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2000 found at line 851:
850:     75. Search returning all entries (i.e., 100 entries in the si
850(continued):         ngle
851:         level search, and all 20000 entries in the subtree search
851(continued):         :
853:             objectClass=*

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1578.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1946:
1944:     700 13th Street, NW
1945:     Suite 950
1946:     Washington, DC  20005
1947:     USA

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1589.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1979:
1977:        presumably with negligible frequency error.
1979:        #define MAXPHASE 512000      /* max phase error (us) */
1980:        #ifdef PPS_SYNC
1981:        #define MAXFREQ 100          /* max frequency error (ppm)
1981(continued):                */

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1593.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1088:
1086:                             response(6)
1088:    --              enumeration values between 2000 and 3999 are r
1088(continued):                eserved
1089:    --              for IP socket traces,

2000 found at line 1149:
1147:                             testReq(26),
1149:    --              enumeration values between 2000 and 3999 are r
1149(continued):                eserved
1150:    --              for IP socket traces.
1151:                             ipTestFrame(2001),

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1594.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 379:
377:                                         The text version is sent.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

379:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
379(continued):         umber.
380:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
380(continued):         '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 380:
379:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
379(continued):         umber.
380:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
380(continued):         '.
382:           help                          to get information on how
382(continued):          to use

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 574:
572:        In addition, back issues of the Report are available for a
572(continued):         nonymous
573:        FTP from the host ftp.isi.edu in the in-notes/imr director
573(continued):         y, with
574:        the file names in the form imryymm.txt, where yy is the la
574(continued):         st two
575:        digits of the year and mm two digits for the month.  For e
575(continued):         xample,
576:        the July 1992 Report is in the file imr9207.txt.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1595.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 300:
299:             ifSpeed           Speed of line rate for SONET/SDH,
300:                               (e.g., 155520000 bps).
302:             ifPhysAddress     The value of the Circuit Identifier
302(continued):         .

2000 found at line 357:
355:             ifSpeed           set to speed of SONET/SDH path
356:                               (e.g., an STS-1 path has a
357:                               rate of 50112000 bps.)
359:             ifPhysAddress     Circuit Identifier or OCTET STRING
359(continued):         of

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1600.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1950:
1948:                                         The text version is sent.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1951:
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.
1953:           help                          to get information on how
1953(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1607.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 12:
12:                        A VIEW FROM THE 21ST CENTURY
14:  Status of this Memo

century found at line 60:
58:  Cerf
58(continued):          [Page 1]
60:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
60(continued):          ril 1994

century found at line 116:
114:  Cerf
114(continued):         [Page 2]
116:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
116(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 172:
170:  Cerf
170(continued):         [Page 3]
172:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap

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172(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 228:
226:  Cerf
226(continued):         [Page 4]
228:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
228(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 284:
282:  Cerf
282(continued):         [Page 5]
284:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
284(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 340:
338:  Cerf
338(continued):         [Page 6]
340:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
340(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 396:
394:  Cerf
394(continued):         [Page 7]
396:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
396(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 452:
450:  Cerf
450(continued):         [Page 8]
452:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
452(continued):         ril 1994

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century found at line 508:
506:  Cerf
506(continued):         [Page 9]
508:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
508(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 564:
562:  Cerf                                                           [
562(continued):         Page 10]
564:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
564(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 620:
618:  Cerf                                                           [
618(continued):         Page 11]
620:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
620(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 676:
674:  Cerf                                                           [
674(continued):         Page 12]
676:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
676(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 732:
730:  Cerf                                                           [
730(continued):         Page 13]
732:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
732(continued):         ril 1994

2000 found at line 663:
661:     transmission, switching and computing in a cost-effective
662:     way.  For a long time, this technology involved rather

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

663:     bulky equipment - some of the early 3DV clips from 2000-
664:     2005 showed rooms full of gear required to steer beams
665:     around. A very interesting combination of fiber optics and

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1608.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 240:
238:       provider   :: DistinguishedNameSyntax,
239:        /* points to network provider */
240:       onlineDate :: uTCTimeSyntax
241:        /* date when network got connected to the Internet */

UTCTime found at line 370:
368:       asGuardian :: DistinguishedNameSyntax, */
369:        /* DN of guardian of this AS */
370:       lastModifiedDate :: UTCtimeSyntax */
371:        /* important as routes change frequently */

UTCTime found at line 423:
421:           that the number was assigned to. This does not
422:           imply that assTo "owns" this number now. */
423:       assDate :: uTCTimeSyntax,
424:        /* date of assignment for this number */
425:       nicHandle :: CaseIgnoreStringSyntax,

UTCTime found at line 1048:
1046:     speed:                       id-nw-at.10    :numericString
1047:     traffic:                     id-nw-at.11    :numericString
1048:     configurationDate:           id-nw-at.12    :utcTime
1049:     configurationHistory:        id-nw-at.13    :caseIgnoreString
1050:     nodeName,nd:                 id-nw-at.14    :caseIgnoreString

UTCTime found at line 1071:
1071:     onlineDate:                  id-nw-at.27    :utcTime
1072:     ipNodeName,IPnd:             id-nw-at.28    :caseIgnoreString
1073:     protocol:                    id-nw-at.29    :caseIgnoreString

UTCTime found at line 1083:
1081:     assBy:                       id-nw-at.37    :DN
1082:     assTo:                       id-nw-at.38    :DN
1083:     assDate:                     id-nw-at.39    :utcTime

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1084:     nicHandle:                   id-nw-at.40    :caseIgnoreString
1085:     relNwElement:                id-nw-at.41    :DN

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1609.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 588:
586:        /* (average) use in percent of nominal bandwidth
587:              [ this needs more specification later ] */
588:       configurationDate ::  uTCTimeSyntax,
589:        /* date when network was configured in current
590:              shape */

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1610.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1950:
1948:                                         The text version is sent.
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1951:
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.
1953:           help                          to get information on how
1953(continued):                 to use

century found at line 926:
924:               An Experimental protocol.
926:        1607 - A View from the 21st Century
928:               This is an information document and does not specif
928(continued):         y any

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1614.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1565:
1563:     The general format of a Gopher+ view descriptor is:

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1565:        xxx/yyy zzz: <nnnK>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1575:
1575:     where xxx is a general type-of-information advisory, yyy is w
1575(continued):                hat
1576:     information format you need understand to interpret this info
1576(continued):                rmation,
1577:     zzz is a language advisory (coded using POSIX definitions), a
1577(continued):                nd nnn

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1584:
1582:     the need to be consistent in the use of type/encoding attribu
1582(continued):                tes with
1583:     the MIME specification.  The Gopher+ Type Registry may thus
1584:     eventually disappear, together with the set of xxx/yyy values
1584(continued):                 it
1585:     currently contains.)

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1625.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 255:
253:               ( use = "wb", relation = "ro", term = 0 )
254:               AND
255:               ( use = "wb", relation = "ro", term = 2000 )
256:              )

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1632.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 3795:
3793:       association is rejected. However, if a chain operation is r
3793(continued):                equired
3794:       to  check the DN, the bind IS allowed.
3795:     - When comparing attributes of UTCtime syntax, if the seconds
3795(continued):                 field
3796:       is  omitted, QUIPU does not perform the match correctly (i.e
3796(continued):                ., the
3797:       seconds field in the attribute values should be ignored, bu
3797(continued):                t are

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 1214:
1212:      1-800-257-OPEN (U.S. and Canada)
1213:      1-612-482-6736 (worldwide)
1214:      FAX: 1-612-482-2000 (worldwide)
1215:      EMAIL: info@cdc.com
1216:               or

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1635.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 605:
603:     Most archive machines perform other functions as well.  Pleas
603(continued):         e
604:     respect the needs of their primary users and restrict your FT
604(continued):         P access
605:     to non-prime hours (generally between 1900 and 0600 hours loc
605(continued):         al time
606:     for that site) whenever possible.  It is especially important
606(continued):          to
607:     remember this for sites located on another continent or acros
607(continued):         s a

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1645.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 590:
588:      554 Error, failed (technical reason)
590:  4.4.6 HOLDuntil <YYMMDDHHMMSS> [+/-GMTdifference]
592:     The HOLDuntil command allows for the delayed delivery of a me
592(continued):         ssage,

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1646.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 428:
427:                  Command Rejected                     0X10030000
428:                  Intervention Required                0X08020000
429:                  Data Check                           0X10010000
430:                  Operation Check                      0X10050000

2000 found at line 431:
429:                  Data Check                           0X10010000
430:                  Operation Check                      0X10050000
431:                  Component Disconnected (LU)          0X08020000
433:     Note 2*:   Device End -  A positive response to the Server's
433(continued):         data

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1647.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1355:
1353:                   0x00           Command Reject        0x10030000

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1355:                   0x01        Intervention Required    0x08020000
1357:                   0x02           Operation Check       0x10050000

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1671.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 410:
408:     Phone:  +41 22 767-4967
409:     Fax:    +41 22 767-7155
410:     Telex:  419000 cer ch
411:     EMail: brian@dxcoms.cern.ch

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1679.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 95:
93:     examined below. The time frame for design, development, and
94:     deployment of HPN based systems and subsystems is 1996 into t
94(continued):          he
95:     twenty first century.
97:     Three general problem domains have been identified by the HPN
97(continued):           working

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1689.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 6899:
6897:     vision of how information management must change in the 1990s
6897(continued):                 to meet
6898:     the social and economic opportunities and challenges of the 2
6898(continued):                1st
6899:     century.  Members of the Coalition Task Force include, among
6899(continued):                others,
6900:     higher education institutions, publishers, network service pr
6900(continued):                oviders,
6901:     computer hardware, software, and systems companies, library n
6901(continued):                etworks

2000 found at line 421:
419:        archie did for the world of ftp.  A central server periodi
419(continued):         cally
420:        scans the complete menu hierarchies of Gopher servers appe
420(continued):         aring on

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

421:        an ever-expanding list (over 2000 sites as of November 199
421(continued):         3).  The
422:        resulting index is provided by a veronica server and can b
422(continued):         e
423:        accessed by any gopher client.

2000 found at line 471:
470:        There are currently (as of November 1993) some 500 registe
470(continued):         red WAIS
471:        databases with an estimated 2000 additional databases that
471(continued):          are not
472:        yet registered.  There are approximately another 100 comme
472(continued):         rcial
473:        WAIS databases.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1693.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 574:
572:         4  Baker          Boston                $849    Sportswea
572(continued):         r
573:         5  Baker          Washington          $3,100    Weights
574:         6  Baker          Washington           $2000    Camping G
574(continued):         ear
575:         7  Baker          Atlanta               $290    Baseball
575(continued):         Gloves
576:         8  Baker          Boston              $1,500    Sportswea
576(continued):         r

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1696.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 109:
109:      LAST-UPDATED "9406120000Z"
110:      ORGANIZATION "IETF Modem Management Working Group"

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1698.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 513:
511:     31  80  {1         - RDN, [SET OF]
512:     30  80  {2         - AttributeValueAssertion, [SEQUENCE]
513:     06  03  5504yy     -- OID identifying an attribute named in
514:                        -- the Directory standard
515:                        -- which one is determined by yy

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 515:
513:     06  03  5504yy     -- OID identifying an attribute named in
514:                        -- the Directory standard
515:                        -- which one is determined by yy

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

516:     13  La  xxxxxx     -- [Printable string]
517:                        -- could be T61 string, with tag 14

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 522:
521:     The most likely attributes for an RDN have the following hex
521(continued):         values
522:     for yy.
524:          CommonName               03

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 903:
903:        yy is exactly one octet (i.e., one hex digit per y) holdin
903(continued):         g part
904:        of the length

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 918:
916:        innermost nest of construction)
918:        yy - as part of a value - a variable value, each y represe
918(continued):         nts one
919:        hex digit

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1699.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 1050:
1050:  1607    Cerf         Apr 94   A VIEW FROM THE 21ST CENTURY
1052:  This document is a composition of letters discussing a possible
1052(continued):                future.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1700.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 9905:
9903:  AB-00-03-00-00-00       6004    DEC Local Area Transport (LAT) -
9903(continued):                 old
9904:  AB-00-04-00-xx-xx       ????    Reserved DEC customer private us
9904(continued):                e
9905:  AB-00-04-01-xx-yy       6007    DEC Local Area VAX Cluster group
9905(continued):                s
9906:                                  Sys. Communication Architecture
9906(continued):                (SCA)
9907:  CF-00-00-00-00-00       9000    Ethernet Configuration Test prot
9907(continued):                ocol

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1900 found at line 10173:
10171:   2422-650-23500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10171(continued):               G]
10172:   2422-330-02500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10172(continued):               G]
10173:   2422-350-01900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10173(continued):               G]
10174:   2422-410-00700 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10174(continued):               G]
10175:   2422-539-06200 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10175(continued):               G]

1900 found at line 10255:
10255:  2422-190-41900 00    T-G Airfreight AS     [OX
10255(continued):               G]
10256:  2422-616-16100 00    Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10256(continued):               G]
10257:  2422-150-50700-00    Tollpost-Globe Int.   [OX
10257(continued):               G]

1900 found at line 11112:
11110:  1569    621     ??              Something from Emulex
11111:  1571    623     UNKNOWN???      Running on a Novell Server
11112:  1900    076C    Xerox
11113:  2857    0b29    Site Lock
11114:  3113    0c29    Site Lock Applications

2000 found at line 2822:
2820:  tcp-id-port     1999/tcp   cisco identification port
2821:  tcp-id-port     1999/udp   cisco identification port
2822:  callbook        2000/tcp
2823:  callbook        2000/udp
2824:  dc              2001/tcp

2000 found at line 2823:
2821:  tcp-id-port     1999/udp   cisco identification port
2822:  callbook        2000/tcp
2823:  callbook        2000/udp
2824:  dc              2001/tcp
2825:  wizard          2001/udp    curry

2000 found at line 10120:
10118:   2624-522-80900 52   FGAN-SIEMENS-X25      [GB
10118(continued):               7]
10119:   2041-170-10000 00   SHAPE-X25             [JF
10119(continued):               W]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

10120:   5052-737-20000 50   UQNET                 [AX
10120(continued):               H]
10121:   3020-801-00057 50   DMC-CRC1              [VX
10121(continued):               T]
10122:   2624-522-80329 02   FGAN-FGANFFMVAX-X25   [GB
10122(continued):               7]

2000 found at line 11572:
11570:  AMIGA-1200/LC040
11571:  AMIGA-1200/040
11572:  AMIGA-2000
11573:  AMIGA-2000/010
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020

2000 found at line 11573:
11571:  AMIGA-1200/040
11572:  AMIGA-2000
11573:  AMIGA-2000/010
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030

2000 found at line 11574:
11572:  AMIGA-2000
11573:  AMIGA-2000/010
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030

2000 found at line 11575:
11573:  AMIGA-2000/010
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040

2000 found at line 11576:
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040
11578:  AMIGA-2000/EC040

2000 found at line 11577:
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040
11578:  AMIGA-2000/EC040
11579:  AMIGA-2000/040

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 11578:
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040
11578:  AMIGA-2000/EC040
11579:  AMIGA-2000/040
11580:  AMIGA-3000

2000 found at line 11579:
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040
11578:  AMIGA-2000/EC040
11579:  AMIGA-2000/040
11580:  AMIGA-3000
11581:  AMIGA-3000/EC040

2000 found at line 12014:
12012:  AIX/370
12013:  AIX-PS/2
12014:  BS-2000
12015:  CEDAR
12016:  CGW

2000 found at line 12356:
12354:  HAZELTINE-1520
12355:  HAZELTINE-1552
12356:  HAZELTINE-2000
12358:  HITACHI-5601

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1705.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1166:
1164:     will be made.
1166:     node.sub.domain.name    IN     TA   xx.yy.zz.aa.bb.cc.dd.ee
1168:     ee.dd.cc.bb.aa.zz.yy.aa.in-addr.tcp IN  PTR node.sub.domain.n
1168(continued):                ame.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1168:
1166:     node.sub.domain.name    IN     TA   xx.yy.zz.aa.bb.cc.dd.ee
1168:     ee.dd.cc.bb.aa.zz.yy.aa.in-addr.tcp IN  PTR node.sub.domain.n
1168(continued):                ame.
1170:     Using these entries, along with the existing DNS A records, a

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1172:
1170:     Using these entries, along with the existing DNS A records, a
1171:     requesting node can determine where the remote node is locate
1171(continued):                d.  The
1172:     format xx.yy.zz is the IEEE assigned portion and aa.bb.cc.dd.
1172(continued):                ee is
1173:     the encoded machine serial number as described in section 4.1
1173(continued):                .

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1712.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 208:
206:  @     IN    SOA     marsh.cs.curtin.edu.au. postmaster.cs.curtin
206(continued):         .edu.au.
207:                  (
208:                          94070503        ; Serial (yymmddnn)
209:                          10800           ; Refresh (3 hours)
210:                          3600            ; Retry (1 hour)

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1713.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 104:
102:     University, but then Eric Wassenaar from Nikhef did a major r
102(continued):         ewrite
103:     and still seems to be actively working on improving it.  The
103(continued):         program
104:     is available from ftp://ftp.nikhef.nl/pub/network/host_YYMMDD
104(continued):         .tar.Z
105:     (YYMMDD is the date of the latest release).

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 105:
103:     and still seems to be actively working on improving it.  The
103(continued):         program
104:     is available from ftp://ftp.nikhef.nl/pub/network/host_YYMMDD
104(continued):         .tar.Z
105:     (YYMMDD is the date of the latest release).
107:     By default, host just maps host names to Internet addresses,
107(continued):         querying

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1714.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 414:
412:     Example of use:
414:     -limit 2000
416:  2.3.3 schema

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1718.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 969:
967:     mailing list.  File names beginning with "1" (one) contain ge
967(continued):         neral
968:     IETF information.  This is only a partial list of the availab
968(continued):         le
969:     files.  (The 'yymm' below refers to the year and month.)
971:     o  0mtg-agenda.txt                Agenda for the meeting

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 972:
971:     o  0mtg-agenda.txt                Agenda for the meeting
972:     o  0mtg-at-a-glance-yymm.txt      Logistics information for t
972(continued):         he meeting
973:     o  0mtg-rsvp.txt                  Meeting registration form
974:     o  0mtg-sites.txt                 Future meeting sites and da
974(continued):         tes

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 975:
973:     o  0mtg-rsvp.txt                  Meeting registration form
974:     o  0mtg-sites.txt                 Future meeting sites and da
974(continued):         tes
975:     o  0mtg-multicast-guide-yymm.txt  Schedule for MBone-multicas
975(continued):         t sessions
976:     o  0mtg-traveldirections-yymm.txt Directions to the meeting s
976(continued):         ite
977:     o  0tao.txt                       This document

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 976:
974:     o  0mtg-sites.txt                 Future meeting sites and da
974(continued):         tes
975:     o  0mtg-multicast-guide-yymm.txt  Schedule for MBone-multicas
975(continued):         t sessions
976:     o  0mtg-traveldirections-yymm.txt Directions to the meeting s
976(continued):         ite
977:     o  0tao.txt                       This document

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1720.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2230:
2228:                                         The text version is sent.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2230:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2230(continued):                umber.
2231:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2231(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2231:
2230:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2230(continued):                umber.
2231:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2231(continued):                '.
2233:           help                          to get information on how
2233(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1730.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 3334:
3332:     date            ::= date_text / <"> date_text <">
3334:     date_day        ::= 1*2digit
3335:                         ;; Day of month

2digit found at line 3337:
3335:                         ;; Day of month
3337:     date_day_fixed  ::= (SPACE digit) / 2digit
3338:                         ;; Fixed-format version of date_day

2digit found at line 3348:
3346:     date_year       ::= 4digit
3348:     date_year_old   ::= 2digit
3349:                         ;; OBSOLETE, (year - 1900)

2digit found at line 3657:
3655:     TEXT_CHAR       ::= <any CHAR except CR and LF>
3657:     time            ::= 2digit ":" 2digit ":" 2digit
3658:                         ;; Hours minutes seconds

1900 found at line 3349:
3348:     date_year_old   ::= 2digit

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

3349:                         ;; OBSOLETE, (year - 1900)
3351:     date_time       ::= <"> (date_time_new / date_time_old) <">

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1732.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 254:
253:        The format of dates and times has changed due to the impen
253(continued):         ding end
254:        of the century.  Clients that fail to accept a four-digit
254(continued):         year or
255:        a signed four-digit timezone value will not work properly
255(continued):         with
256:        IMAP4.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1733.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 94:
92:     message or part of a message.  For example, a user connected
92(continued):          to an
93:     IMAP4 server via a dialup link can determine that a message h
93(continued):          as a
94:     2000 byte text segment and a 40 megabyte video segment, and e
94(continued):          lect to
95:     fetch only the text segment.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1739.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 1044:
1042:           1.EDU            Reserved Domain
1043:           2.EDU            Reserved Domain
1044:           22CF.EDU         22nd Century Foundation
1045:           3.EDU            Reserved Domain
1046:     ** There are 1499 more matches.  Show them? N

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1740.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 383:
381:        This field denotes the version of AppleSingle format in th
381(continued):         e event
382:        the format evolves (more fields may be added to the header
382(continued):         ).  The
383:        version described in this note is version $00020000 or
384:        0x00020000.

2000 found at line 384:
382:        the format evolves (more fields may be added to the header
382(continued):         ).  The
383:        version described in this note is version $00020000 or

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384:        0x00020000.
386:     Filler

2000 found at line 590:
588:     #define F_fStationary   0x0800 /* file is a stationary pad */
589:     #define F_fNameLocked   0x1000 /* file can't be renamed by Fi
589(continued):         nder */
590:     #define F_fHasBundle    0x2000 /* file has a bundle */
591:     #define F_fInvisible    0x4000 /* file's icon is invisible */
592:     #define F_fAlias        0x8000 /* file is an alias file (Syst
592(continued):         em 7) */

2000 found at line 624:
623:         uint32 magicNum; /* internal file type tag */
624:         uint32 versionNum; /* format version: 2 = 0x00020000 */
625:         uchar8 filler[16]; /* filler, currently all bits 0 */
626:         uint16 numEntries; /* number of entries which follow */

2000 found at line 752:
751:     /* Times are stored as a "signed number of seconds before of
751(continued):         after
752:      * 12:00 a.m. (midnight), January 1, 2000 Greenwich Mean Time
752(continued):          (GMT).
753:      * Applications must convert to their native date and time
754:      * conventions." Any unknown entries are set to 0x80000000

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1747.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 736:
735:                              sdlcPortAdminTopology == multipoint
735(continued):         "
736:                      DEFVAL { 2000 }
737:                      ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 9 }

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1752.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1929:
1928:     We recommend that a new IPng Transition (NGTRANS) Working Gro
1928(continued):                up be
1929:     formed with Bob Gilligan of Sun Microsystems and xxx of yyy a
1929(continued):                s co-
1930:     chairs to design the mechanisms and procedures to support the

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1931:     transition of the Internet from IPv4 to IPv6 and to give advi
1931(continued):                ce on

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1758.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 180:
178:                         c/o Rapport Communication
179:                         2721 N Street NW
180:                         Washington, DC 20007
181:                         US

2000 found at line 205:
203:     Rapport Communication
204:     2721 N Street NW
205:     Washington, DC  20007
207:     Phone: +1 202-342-2727

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1759.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1488:
1486:        -- on Unicode in the MIBenum range of 1000-1999.
1487:        -- See IANA Registry for vendor developed character sets
1488:        -- in the MIBenum range of 2000-xxxx.
1489:     }

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1769.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 218:
216:     main product of the protocol, a special timestamp format has
216(continued):         been
217:     established. NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsig
217(continued):         ned
218:     fixed-point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 19
218(continued):         00. The
219:     integer part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in
219(continued):          the
220:     last 32 bits. In the fraction part, the non-significant low-o
220(continued):         rder

1900 found at line 248:
246:     overflow some time in 2036. Should NTP or SNTP be in use in 2
246(continued):         036,
247:     some external means will be necessary to qualify time relativ
247(continued):         e to
248:     1900 and time relative to 2036 (and other multiples of 136 ye
248(continued):         ars).
249:     Timestamped data requiring such qualification will be so prec

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249(continued):         ious
250:     that appropriate means should be readily available. There wil
250(continued):         l exist

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1778.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 309:
307:  2.21.  UTC Time
309:     Values of type uTCTimeSyntax are encoded as if they were Prin
309(continued):         table
310:     Strings with the strings containing a UTCTime value.

UTCTime found at line 310:
309:     Values of type uTCTimeSyntax are encoded as if they were Prin
309(continued):         table
310:     Strings with the strings containing a UTCTime value.
312:  2.22.  Guide (search guide)

UTCTime found at line 399:
399:       <utc-time> ::= an encoded UTCTime value
401:       <hex-string> ::= <hex-digit> | <hex-digit> <hex-string>

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1780.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2118:
2116:                                         The text version is sent.
2118:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2118(continued):                umber.
2119:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2119(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2119:
2118:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2118(continued):                umber.
2119:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2119(continued):                '.
2121:           help                          to get information on how
2121(continued):                 to use

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1786.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2992:
2990:     USA
2991:     +1 313 936 2655
2992:     jyy@merit.edu

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3694:
3693:       Format:
3694:            <email-address> YYMMDD

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3704:
3703:            <email-address> should be the address of the person wh
3703(continued):                o made
3704:            the last change. YYMMDD denotes the date this change w
3704(continued):                as made.
3706:       Example:

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3950:
3949:          Format:
3950:               <email-address> YYMMDD
3952:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
3952(continued):                 who

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3953:
3952:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
3952(continued):                 who
3953:               made the last change. YYMMDD denotes the date this
3953(continued):                change
3954:               was made.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4170:
4169:          Format:
4170:               <email-address> YYMMDD
4172:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
4172(continued):                 who

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4173:
4172:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
4172(continued):                 who
4173:               made the last change. YYMMDD denotes the date this
4173(continued):                change
4174:               was made.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4305:
4304:          Format:
4305:               YYMMDD
4307:               YYMMDD denotes the date this route was withdrawn.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4307:
4305:               YYMMDD
4307:               YYMMDD denotes the date this route was withdrawn.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4394:
4393:          Format:
4394:               <email-address> YYMMDD
4396:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
4396(continued):                 who

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4397:
4396:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
4396(continued):                 who
4397:               made the last change. YYMMDD denotes the date this
4397(continued):                change
4398:               was made.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1800.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1950:
1948:                                         The text version is sent.
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n

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1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1951:
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.
1953:           help                          to get information on how
1953(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1806.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 8:
7:  Network Working Group                                          R
7(continued):           . Troost
8:  Request for Comments: 1806                           New Century
8(continued):            Systems
9:  Category: Experimental                                         S
9(continued):           . Dorner
10:                                                     QUALCOMM Inco
10(continued):          rporated

century found at line 402:
401:     Rens Troost
402:     New Century Systems
403:     324 East 41st Street #804
404:     New York, NY, 10017 USA

century found at line 408:
406:     Phone: +1 (212) 557-2050
407:     Fax: +1 (212) 557-2049
408:     EMail: rens@century.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1807.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 318:
316:          mandatory field.   The ID field identifies the bibliogra
316(continued):         phic
317:          record and is used in management of these records.

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318:          Its format is "ID:: XXX//YYY", where XXX is the
319:          publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher)
320:          and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 320:
318:          Its format is "ID:: XXX//YYY", where XXX is the
319:          publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher)
320:          and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the
321:          publication as assigned by the publisher.  This ID is
322:          typically printed on the cover, and may contain slashes.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 767:
765:          in its "ID::".
767:          Format:   END:: XXX//YYY
769:          Example:  END:: OUKS//CS-TR-91-123

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 778:
777:     In order to avoid conflicts among the symbols of the publishi
777(continued):         ng
778:     organizations (the XXX part of the "ID:: XXX//YYY") it is sug
778(continued):         gested
779:     that the various organizations that publish reports (such as
780:     universities, departments, and laboratories) register their

2-digit found at line 348:
346:          The format for ENTRY date is "Month Day, Year".  The
347:          month must be alphabetic (spelled out).  The "Day" is a
348:          1- or 2-digit number.  The "Year" is a 4-digit number.
350:          Format:   ENTRY:: <date>

2-digit found at line 513:
511:  DATE (O) -- The publication date.  The formats are "Month Year"
512:          and "Month Day, Year".  The month must be alphabetic
513:          (spelled out).  The "Day" is a 1- or 2-digit number.  Th
513(continued):         e
514:          "Year" is a 4- digit number.

1900 found at line 406:
404:          omitted, the record is assumed to be a new record and no
404(continued):         t
405:          a revision.  If the revision date is specified as 0, thi
405(continued):         s

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406:          is assumed to be January 1, 1900 (the previous RFC, used
407:          revision data of 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. this specification is
407(continued):         for
408:          programs that might process records from RFC1357).

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1815.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 187:
185:        8 BASIC GREEK                      0370-03CF
186:        10 CYRILLIC                        0400-04FF
187:        32 GENERAL PUNCTUATION             2000-206F  See note 1,
187(continued):         below.
188:        39 MATHEMATICAL OPERATORS          2200-22FF  See note 1,
188(continued):         below.
189:        44 BOX DRAWING                     2500-257F

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1819.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 5855:
5853:      5   HelloLossFactor         Number of consecutively missed H
5853(continued):                ELLO
5854:                                  messages before declaring link f
5854(continued):                ailure
5855:   2000   DefaultRecoveryTimeout  Interval between successive HELL
5855(continued):                Os
5856:                                  to/from active neighbors

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1831.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 401:
399:  7.3 Program Number Assignment
401:     Program numbers are given out in groups of hexadecimal 200000
401(continued):         00
402:     (decimal 536870912) according to the following chart:

2000 found at line 405:
404:                0 - 1fffffff   defined by rpc@sun.com
405:         20000000 - 3fffffff   defined by user
406:         40000000 - 5fffffff   transient
407:         60000000 - 7fffffff   reserved

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1848.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1881:
1879:          Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
1881:          AfR1WSeyLhy5AtcX0ktUVlbFC1vvcoCjYWy/yYjVj48eqzUVvGTGMsV6

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1881(continued):                MdlynU
1882:          d4jcJgRnQIQvIxm2VRgH8W8MkAlul+RWGu7jnxjp0sNsU562+RZr0f4F
1882(continued):                3K3n4w
1883:          onUUP265UvvMj23RSTguZ/nl/OxnFM6SzDgV39V/i/RofqI=

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1994:
1992:        U6B13vzpE8wMSVefzaCTSpXRSCh08ceVEZrIYS53/CKZV2/Sga71pGNlux
1992(continued):                8MsJpY
1993:        Lwdj5Q3NKocg1LMngMo8yrMAe+avMjfOnhui49Xon1Gft+N5XDH/+wI9qx
1993(continued):                I9fkQv
1994:        NZVDlWIhCYEkxd5ke549tLkJjEqHQbgJW5C+K/uxdiD2dBt+nRCXcuO0Px
1994(continued):                3yKRyY
1995:        g/9BgTf36padSHuv48xBg5YaqaEWpEzLI0Qd31vAyP23rqiPhfBn6sjhQ2
1995(continued):                KrWhiF
1996:        2l3TV8kQsIGHHZUkaUbqkXJe6PEdWWhwsqCFPDdkpjzQRrTuJH6xleNUFg
1996(continued):                +CG1V+

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1861.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 766:
764:      554 Error, failed (technical reason)
766:  4.5.6 HOLDuntil <YYMMDDHHMMSS> [+/-GMTdifference]
768:     The HOLDuntil command allows for the delayed delivery of a me
768(continued):         ssage,

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1061:
1059:     the current transaction should be kept in the following forma
1059(continued):                t:
1061:      YYMMDDHHMMSS+GMT   (example: 950925143501+7)

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1865.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 1564:
1563:     START
1564:     GET ITU-1900
1565:     END

2000 found at line 1745:
1743:                     Logistics Management Institute
1744:                     Attn. Library
1745:                     2000 Corporate Ridge
1746:                     McLean, Virginia, 22102-7805

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1866.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1078:
1076:      <div class=chapter><h1>foo</h1><p>...</div>
1077:        => <H1>,"foo",</H1>,<P>,"..."
1078:      xxx <P ID=z23> yyy
1079:        => "xxx ",<P>," yyy
1080:      Let α & β be finite sets.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1079:
1077:        => <H1>,"foo",</H1>,<P>,"..."
1078:      xxx <P ID=z23> yyy
1079:        => "xxx ",<P>," yyy
1080:      Let α & β be finite sets.
1081:        => "Let α & β be finite sets."

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1876.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 103:
101:               exponent.
103:               Since 20000000m (represented by the value 0x29) is
103(continued):         greater
104:               than the equatorial diameter of the WGS 84 ellipsoi
104(continued):         d
105:               (12756274m), it is therefore suitable for use as a

2000 found at line 219:
218:  rwy04L.logan-airport.boston.  LOC   42 21 28.764 N 71 00 51.617
218(continued):         W
219:                                      -44m 2000m

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1880.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2062:
2060:                                         The text version is sent.
2062:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2062(continued):                umber.
2063:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2063(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2063:
2062:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2062(continued):                umber.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2063:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2063(continued):                '.
2065:           help                          to get information on how
2065(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1888.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 859:
857:     Group Leader, Communications Systems      Phone:  +41 22 767-
857(continued):         4967
858:     Computing and Networks Division           Fax:    +41 22 767-
858(continued):         7155
859:     CERN                                      Telex:  419000 cer
859(continued):         ch
860:     European Laboratory for Particle Physics  Email: brian@dxcoms
860(continued):         .cern.ch
861:     1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1889.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 518:
516:     Wallclock time (absolute time) is represented using the times
516(continued):         tamp
517:     format of the Network Time Protocol (NTP), which is in second
517(continued):         s
518:     relative to 0h UTC on 1 January 1900 [5]. The full resolution
518(continued):          NTP
519:     timestamp is a 64-bit unsigned fixed-point number with the in
519(continued):         teger
520:     part in the first 32 bits and the fractional part in the last
520(continued):          32

2000 found at line 1526:
1524:                        v                 ^
1525:     ntp_sec =0xb44db705 v               ^ dlsr=0x0005.4000 (    5
1525(continued):                .250s)
1526:     ntp_frac=0x20000000  v             ^  lsr =0xb705:2000 (46853
1526(continued):                .125s)
1527:       (3024992016.125 s)  v           ^
1528:     r                      v         ^ RR(n)

2000 found at line 1535:
1533:     A     0xb710:8000 (46864.500 s)
1534:     DLSR -0x0005:4000 (    5.250 s)
1535:     LSR  -0xb705:2000 (46853.125 s)
1536:     -------------------------------
1537:     delay 0x   6:2000 (    6.125 s)

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2000 found at line 1537:
1535:     LSR  -0xb705:2000 (46853.125 s)
1536:     -------------------------------
1537:     delay 0x   6:2000 (    6.125 s)
1539:             Figure 2: Example for round-trip time computation

2000 found at line 3182:
3180:      * Big-endian mask for version, padding bit and packet type p
3180(continued):                air
3181:      */
3182:     #define RTCP_VALID_MASK (0xc000 | 0x2000 | 0xfe)
3183:     #define RTCP_VALID_VALUE ((RTP_VERSION << 14) | RTCP_SR)

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1890.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 293:
292:     The sampling frequency should be drawn from the set: 8000, 11
292(continued):         025,
293:     16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100 and 48000 Hz. (The Apple Ma
293(continued):         cintosh
294:     computers have native sample rates of 22254.54 and 11127.27,
294(continued):         which
295:     can be converted to 22050 and 11025 with acceptable quality b
295(continued):         y

2000 found at line 568:
567:     Sampling rate and channel count are contained in the payload.
567(continued):          MPEG-I
568:     audio supports sampling rates of 32000, 44100, and 48000 Hz (
568(continued):         ISO/IEC
569:     11172-3, section 1.1; "Scope"). MPEG-II additionally supports
569(continued):          ISO/IEC
570:     11172-3 Audio...").

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1898.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1271:
1269:      3rWM5Ir3ier3/7WM5Ir36+v35v73ife1jOWK94n3/7T3/ffm5uD+7N339/f3
1269(continued):                9/eq3ff3
1270:      9/eFiJK5tLizsoeSmpW7uLS8/7iio7Wisfv38biio7uyufv3tfv35uH+7N3d
1270(continued):                9/exuKX3
1271:      5+z3vuu4oqO7srnsvvz8/venoqO0v7al/7iio7WisYy+iv7s3ff3p6KjtL+2
1271(continued):                pf/wi7nw
1272:      3ard3Q==
1273:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$

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'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1273:
1271:      5+z3vuu4oqO7srnsvvz8/venoqO0v7al/7iio7WisYy+iv7s3ff3p6KjtL+2
1271(continued):                pf/wi7nw
1272:      3ard3Q==
1273:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1275:     #############################################################
1275(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1328:
1326:     merchant-date: 19950121100505.nnn
1327:     merchant-response-code: failure/success/etc.
1328:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1329:     pr-signed-hash:
1330:      a/0meaMHRinNVd8nq/fKsYg5AfTZZUCX0S3gkjAhZTmcrkp6RZvppmDd/P7l
1330(continued):                boFLFDBh

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1340:
1338:      rHzP5YqaMnk5iRBHvwKb5MaxKXGOOef5ms8M5W8lI2d0XPecH4xNBn8BMAJ6
1338(continued):                iSkZmszo
1339:      QfDeWgga48g2tqlA6ifZGp7daDR81lumtGMCvg==
1340:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1342:     #############################################################
1342(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1474:
1472:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1472(continued):                PEc36xgr
1473:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1474:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1476:     #############################################################
1476(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1482:
1480:     order-id: 12313424234242
1481:     merchant-amount: usd 10.00
1482:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1483:     pr-signed-hash:
1484:      a/0meaMHRinNVd8nq/fKsYg5AfTZZUCX0S3gkjAhZTmcrkp6RZvppmDd/P7l
1484(continued):                boFLFDBh

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1490:
1488:     date: 19950121100505.nnn
1489:     merchant-signature:
1490:      v4qZMe2d7mUXztVdC3ZPMmMgYHlBA7bhR96LSehKP15ylqR/1KwwbBAX8CEq
1490(continued):                ns55UIYY

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1491:      GGMwPMGoF+GDPM7GlC6fReQ5wyvV1PnETSVO9/LAyRz0zzRYuyVueOjWDlr5

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1593:
1591:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1591(continued):                PEc36xgr
1592:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1593:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1595:     #############################################################
1595(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1602:
1600:     order-id: 1231-3424-234242
1601:     merchant-amount: usd 10.00
1602:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1603:     pr-signed-hash:
1604:      a/0meaMHRinNVd8nq/fKsYg5AfTZZUCX0S3gkjAhZTmcrkp6RZvppmDd/P7l
1604(continued):                boFLFDBh

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1692:
1690:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1690(continued):                PEc36xgr
1691:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1692:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1694:     #############################################################
1694(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1804:
1802:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1802(continued):                PEc36xgr
1803:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1804:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1806:     #############################################################
1806(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1821:
1819:     response-code: failure/success/etc.
1820:     order-id: 1231-3424-234242
1821:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1822:     pr-signed-hash:
1823:      8zqw0ipqtLtte0tBz5/5VPNJPPonfTwkfZPbtuk5lqMykKDvThhO0ycrfT7e
1823(continued):                Xrn/hLUC

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1827:

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 183]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1825:     retrieval-reference-number: 432112344321
1826:     authorization-code: a12323
1827:     card-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1828:     {
1829:     card-prefix: nnxxxx  [Returned if merchant is not full-PAN]

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1948:
1946:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1946(continued):                PEc36xgr
1947:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1948:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1950:     #############################################################
1950(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1958:
1956:     order-id: 12313424234242
1957:     merchant-amount: usd 10.00
1958:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2050:
2048:      CEUEvQhcmruopwEeehv+bejc3fDDZ23JKrbhlZ17lSvFR14PKFsi32pXFqTO
2048(continued):                0ej9GTc5
2049:      L6c8nM3tI1qdHNCe0N5f7ASdKS0tYSxAYJLIR6MqPrXjNJEaRx7Vu1odMlkg
2049(continued):                rzGOV1fo
2050:      5w33BQHK3U2h+1e5zYBeHY3ZYG4nmylYYXIye4xpuPN4QU0dGrWZoImYE44Q
2050(continued):                Owjd5ozl
2051:      xulPBjj6cpEI/9wTwR3tpkBb4ZfYirxxnoj9JUkPK9Srv9iJ
2052:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2052:
2050:      5w33BQHK3U2h+1e5zYBeHY3ZYG4nmylYYXIye4xpuPN4QU0dGrWZoImYE44Q
2050(continued):                Owjd5ozl
2051:      xulPBjj6cpEI/9wTwR3tpkBb4ZfYirxxnoj9JUkPK9Srv9iJ
2052:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
2054:     #############################################################
2054(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2064:
2062:     response-code: failure/success/etc.
2063:     order-id: 1231-3424-234242
2064:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
2065:     pr-signed-hash:
2066:      IV8gWHx1f8eCkWsCsMOE3M8mnTbQ7IBBcEmyGDAwjdbaLu5Qm/bh06OX1npe
2066(continued):                2d3Hijxy

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2068:
2066:      IV8gWHx1f8eCkWsCsMOE3M8mnTbQ7IBBcEmyGDAwjdbaLu5Qm/bh06OX1npe
2066(continued):                2d3Hijxy
2067:      +X8vKcVE6l6To27u7A7UmGm+po9lCUSLxgtyqyn3jWhHZpc5NZpwoTCf2pAK
2068:     card-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
2069:     card-number: 4811123456781234
2070:     card-type: visa

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2151:
2149:     transaction: 123123213
2150:     date: 19950121100505.nnn
2151:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
2153:     #############################################################
2153(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2193:
2191:            by their CyberCash application...
2192:     supported-versions: 08.win, 0.81win, 0.8mac
2193:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
2195:     #############################################################
2195(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2359:
2359:      35XiC9Yn8flE4Va14UxMf2RCR1B/XoV6AEd64KwPeCYyOYvwbRcYpRMBXFLy
2359(continued):                YgWM+ME1
2360:      +yp7c66SrCBhW4Q8AJYQ+5j5uyO7uKyyq7OhrV0IMpRDPjiQXZMooLZOifJP
2360(continued):                mpvJ66hC
2361:      VZuWMuA6LR+TJzWUm4sUP9Zb6zMQShedUyOPrtw1vkJXU1vZ5aI8OJAgUcLE
2361(continued):                itcD+dsY

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2360:
2359:      35XiC9Yn8flE4Va14UxMf2RCR1B/XoV6AEd64KwPeCYyOYvwbRcYpRMBXFLy
2359(continued):                YgWM+ME1
2360:      +yp7c66SrCBhW4Q8AJYQ+5j5uyO7uKyyq7OhrV0IMpRDPjiQXZMooLZOifJP
2360(continued):                mpvJ66hC
2361:      VZuWMuA6LR+TJzWUm4sUP9Zb6zMQShedUyOPrtw1vkJXU1vZ5aI8OJAgUcLE
2361(continued):                itcD+dsY
2362:      Df4CzA00fC10POkJ58HZB/pSBfUrHAa+IqMHyZkV/HBi9TjTwmktJi+8T9or
2362(continued):                XS0jSvor

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2502:
2500:      lw51IHbmo1Jj7H6wyNnRpEjy4tM73jcosBfGeQDHxgyH1uaiFNr2D+WvmuYo

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2500(continued):                7eun2dsy
2501:      Wve2O/FwicWHvkg5aDPsgOjzetsn1JCNZzbW
2502:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
2504:     #############################################################
2504(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2591:
2589:     x-opaque: [if can't decrypt]
2590:      9/eFiJK5tLizsoeSmpW7uLS8/7iio7Wisfv38biio7uyufv3tfv35uH+7N3d
2590(continued):                9/exuKX3
2591:      5+z3vuu4oqO7srnsvvz8/venoqO0v7al/7iio7WisYy+iv7s3ff3p6KjtL+2
2591(continued):                pf/wi7nw
2593:     #############################################################
2593(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2653:
2651:     x-opaque: [if can't decrypt]
2652:      9/eFiJK5tLizsoeSmpW7uLS8/7iio7Wisfv38biio7uyufv3tfv35uH+7N3d
2652(continued):                9/exuKX3
2653:      5+z3vuu4oqO7srnsvvz8/venoqO0v7al/7iio7WisYy+iv7s3ff3p6KjtL+2
2653(continued):                pf/wi7nw
2655:     #############################################################
2655(continued):                ########

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1900.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 8:
7:  Network Working Group                                       B. C
7(continued):           arpenter
8:  Request for Comments: 1900                                    Y.
8(continued):            Rekhter
9:  Category: Informational
9(continued):                IAB
10:                                                             Febru
10(continued):          ary 1996

1900 found at line 60:
58:  Carpenter & Rekhter          Informational
58(continued):          [Page 1]
60:  RFC 1900                 Renumbering Needs Work            Febru
60(continued):          ary 1996

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1900 found at line 116:
114:  Carpenter & Rekhter          Informational
114(continued):         [Page 2]
116:  RFC 1900                 Renumbering Needs Work            Febru
116(continued):         ary 1996

1900 found at line 172:
170:  Carpenter & Rekhter          Informational
170(continued):         [Page 3]
172:  RFC 1900                 Renumbering Needs Work            Febru
172(continued):         ary 1996

1900 found at line 207:
205:     Phone:  +41 22 767-4967
206:     Fax:    +41 22 767-7155
207:     Telex:  419000 cer ch
208:     EMail: brian@dxcoms.cern.ch

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1902.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2027:
2025:     Several clauses defined in this document use the UTC Time for
2025(continued):                mat:
2027:       YYMMDDHHMMZ
2029:       where: YY - last two digits of year

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2029:
2027:       YYMMDDHHMMZ
2029:       where: YY - last two digits of year
2030:              MM - month (01 through 12)
2031:              DD - day of month (01 through 31)

UTCTime found at line 136:
134:  BEGIN
135:      TYPE NOTATION ::=
136:                    "LAST-UPDATED" value(Update UTCTime)
137:                    "ORGANIZATION" Text
138:                    "CONTACT-INFO" Text

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 187]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

UTCTime found at line 152:
150:                  | Revisions Revision
151:      Revision ::=
152:                    "REVISION" value(Update UTCTime)
153:                    "DESCRIPTION" Text

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1910.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1702:
1702:      LAST-UPDATED "9601120000Z"
1703:      ORGANIZATION "IETF SNMPv2 Working Group"
1704:      CONTACT-INFO

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1917.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 259:
257:     should be noted that careful extrapolations of the current tr
257(continued):         ends
258:     suggest that the address space will be exhausted early in the
258(continued):          next
259:     century.
261:  3. Problem

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1920.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2174:
2172:                                         The text version is sent.
2174:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2174(continued):                umber.
2175:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2175(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2175:
2174:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2174(continued):                umber.
2175:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2175(continued):                '.
2177:           help                          to get information on how
2177(continued):                 to use

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 188]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1900 found at line 851:
849:               An Experimental protocol.
851:        1900 - Renumbering Needs Work
853:               This is an information document and does not specif
853(continued):         y any

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1941.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 2826:
2824:     700 13th Street, NW
2825:     Suite 950
2826:     Washington, DC  20005
2827:     Phone:  202-434-8954
2828:     EMail:  sellers@quest.arc.nasa.gov

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1945.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2-digit found at line 500:
498:         Specific repetition: "<n>(element)" is equivalent to
499:         "<n>*<n>(element)"; that is, exactly <n> occurrences of
500:         (element). Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digit number, and 3ALPHA is
500(continued):          a
501:         string of three alphabetic characters.

2digit found at line 500:
498:         Specific repetition: "<n>(element)" is equivalent to
499:         "<n>*<n>(element)"; that is, exactly <n> occurrences of
500:         (element). Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digit number, and 3ALPHA is
500(continued):          a
501:         string of three alphabetic characters.

2digit found at line 872:
870:         asctime-date   = wkday SP date3 SP time SP 4DIGIT
872:         date1          = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT
873:                          ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982)
874:         date2          = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT

2digit found at line 874:
872:         date1          = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT
873:                          ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982)
874:         date2          = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT
875:                          ; day-month-year (e.g., 02-Jun-82)
876:         date3          = month SP ( 2DIGIT | ( SP 1DIGIT ))

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2digit found at line 876:
874:         date2          = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT
875:                          ; day-month-year (e.g., 02-Jun-82)
876:         date3          = month SP ( 2DIGIT | ( SP 1DIGIT ))
877:                          ; month day (e.g., Jun  2)

2digit found at line 879:
877:                          ; month day (e.g., Jun  2)
879:         time           = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT
880:                          ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1967.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 276:
274:                    +-----+----....................----+
276:        where:  C0 and 80 are representative LZS-DCP headers; nn,
276(continued):         xx, yy,
277:                and zz are values determined by the packet's conte
277(continued):         xt.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1980.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 301:
299:              ALT="Our products">
300:        <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="0,51,100,100 HREF="technology.htm
300(continued):         l"
301:              ALT="Technology for the next century">
302:        </MAP>

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1997.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 130:
128:     690 may define research, educational and commercial community
128(continued):          values
129:     that may be used for policy routing as defined by the operato
129(continued):         rs of
130:     that AS using community attribute values 0x02B20000 through
131:     0x02B2FFFF).

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1999.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 14:
12:                        Request for Comments Summary
14:                           RFC Numbers 1900-1999
16:  Status of This Memo

1900 found at line 18:
16:  Status of This Memo
18:     This RFC is a slightly annotated list of the 100 RFCs from RF
18(continued):          C 1900
19:     through RFCs 1999.  This is a status report on these RFCs.  T
19(continued):          his memo
20:     provides information for the Internet community.  It does not
20(continued):           specify

1900 found at line 60:
58:  Elliott                      Informational
58(continued):          [Page 1]
60:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
60(continued):          ary 1997

1900 found at line 116:
114:  Elliott                      Informational
114(continued):         [Page 2]
116:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
116(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 172:
170:  Elliott                      Informational
170(continued):         [Page 3]
172:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
172(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 228:
226:  Elliott                      Informational
226(continued):         [Page 4]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

228:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
228(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 284:
282:  Elliott                      Informational
282(continued):         [Page 5]
284:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
284(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 340:
338:  Elliott                      Informational
338(continued):         [Page 6]
340:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
340(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 396:
394:  Elliott                      Informational
394(continued):         [Page 7]
396:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
396(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 452:
450:  Elliott                      Informational
450(continued):         [Page 8]
452:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
452(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 508:
506:  Elliott                      Informational
506(continued):         [Page 9]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

508:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
508(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 564:
562:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
562(continued):         Page 10]
564:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
564(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 620:
618:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
618(continued):         Page 11]
620:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
620(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 676:
674:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
674(continued):         Page 12]
676:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
676(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 732:
730:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
730(continued):         Page 13]
732:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
732(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 788:
786:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
786(continued):         Page 14]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

788:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
788(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 844:
842:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
842(continued):         Page 15]
844:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
844(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 900:
898:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
898(continued):         Page 16]
900:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
900(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 956:
954:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
954(continued):         Page 17]
956:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
956(continued):         ary 1997

1900 found at line 1012:
1010:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
1010(continued):                Page 18]
1012:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
1012(continued):                ary 1997

1900 found at line 1068:
1066:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
1066(continued):                Page 19]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1068:  RFC 1999                  Summary of 1900-1999              Janu
1068(continued):                ary 1997

1900 found at line 1095:
1095:  1900    Carpenter    Feb 96   Renumbering Needs Work
1097:  Hosts in an IP network are identified by IP addresses, and the I
1097(continued):                P

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2000.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3070:
3068:                                         The text version is sent.
3070:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
3070(continued):                umber.
3071:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
3071(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3071:
3070:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
3070(continued):                umber.
3071:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
3071(continued):                '.
3073:           help                          to get information on how
3073(continued):                 to use

1900 found at line 1264:
1262:               This memo.
1264:        1999 - Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1900-1999
1266:               This is an information document and does not specif
1266(continued):                y any

2000 found at line 8:
7:  Network Working Group                        Internet Architectu
7(continued):           re Board
8:  Request for Comments: 2000                             J. Postel
8(continued):           , Editor

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 195]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

9:  Obsoletes: 1920, 1880, 1800, 1780, 1720,                   Febru
9(continued):           ary 1997
10:  1610, 1600, 1540, 1500, 1410, 1360,

2000 found at line 60:
58:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track
58(continued):          [Page 1]
60:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
60(continued):          ary 1997

2000 found at line 116:
114:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track
114(continued):         [Page 2]
116:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
116(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 172:
170:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track
170(continued):         [Page 3]
172:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
172(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 228:
226:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track
226(continued):         [Page 4]
228:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
228(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 284:
282:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track
282(continued):         [Page 5]
284:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
284(continued):         ary 1997

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 340:
338:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track
338(continued):         [Page 6]
340:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
340(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 396:
394:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track
394(continued):         [Page 7]
396:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
396(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 452:
450:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track
450(continued):         [Page 8]
452:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
452(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 508:
506:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track
506(continued):         [Page 9]
508:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
508(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 564:
562:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
562(continued):         Page 10]
564:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
564(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 620:
618:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
618(continued):         Page 11]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

620:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
620(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 676:
674:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
674(continued):         Page 12]
676:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
676(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 732:
730:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
730(continued):         Page 13]
732:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
732(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 788:
786:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
786(continued):         Page 14]
788:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
788(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 844:
842:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
842(continued):         Page 15]
844:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
844(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 900:
898:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
898(continued):         Page 16]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

900:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
900(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 956:
954:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
954(continued):         Page 17]
956:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
956(continued):         ary 1997

2000 found at line 1012:
1010:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1010(continued):                Page 18]
1012:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1012(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1068:
1066:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1066(continued):                Page 19]
1068:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1068(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1124:
1122:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1122(continued):                Page 20]
1124:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1124(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1180:
1178:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1178(continued):                Page 21]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1180:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1180(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1236:
1234:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1234(continued):                Page 22]
1236:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1236(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1260:
1258:               A Proposed Standard protocol.
1260:        2000 - Internet Official Protocol Standards
1262:               This memo.

2000 found at line 1292:
1290:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1290(continued):                Page 23]
1292:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1292(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1348:
1346:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1346(continued):                Page 24]
1348:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1348(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1404:
1402:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1402(continued):                Page 25]
1404:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1404(continued):                ary 1997

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 1460:
1458:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1458(continued):                Page 26]
1460:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1460(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1516:
1514:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1514(continued):                Page 27]
1516:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1516(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1572:
1570:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1570(continued):                Page 28]
1572:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1572(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1628:
1626:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1626(continued):                Page 29]
1628:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1628(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1684:
1682:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1682(continued):                Page 30]
1684:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1684(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1740:
1738:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1738(continued):                Page 31]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1740:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1740(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1796:
1794:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1794(continued):                Page 32]
1796:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1796(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1852:
1850:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1850(continued):                Page 33]
1852:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1852(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1859:
1857:  Protocol   Name                                      Status    R
1857(continued):                FC STD *
1858:  ========   =====================================     ======== ==
1858(continued):                == === =
1859:  --------   Internet Official Protocol Standards      Req      20
1859(continued):                00   1
1860:  --------   Assigned Numbers                          Req      17
1860(continued):                00   2
1861:  --------   Host Requirements - Communications        Req      11
1861(continued):                22   3

2000 found at line 1908:
1906:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1906(continued):                Page 34]
1908:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1908(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 1964:
1962:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
1962(continued):                Page 35]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1964:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
1964(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2020:
2018:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2018(continued):                Page 36]
2020:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2020(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2076:
2074:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2074(continued):                Page 37]
2076:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2076(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2132:
2130:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2130(continued):                Page 38]
2132:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2132(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2188:
2186:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2186(continued):                Page 39]
2188:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2188(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2244:
2242:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2242(continued):                Page 40]
2244:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2244(continued):                ary 1997

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999


2000 found at line 2300:
2298:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2298(continued):                Page 41]
2300:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2300(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2356:
2354:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2354(continued):                Page 42]
2356:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2356(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2412:
2410:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2410(continued):                Page 43]
2412:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2412(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2468:
2466:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2466(continued):                Page 44]
2468:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2468(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2524:
2522:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2522(continued):                Page 45]
2524:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2524(continued):                ary 1997

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 204]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 2580:
2578:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2578(continued):                Page 46]
2580:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2580(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2636:
2634:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2634(continued):                Page 47]
2636:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2636(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2692:
2690:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2690(continued):                Page 48]
2692:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2692(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2748:
2746:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2746(continued):                Page 49]
2748:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2748(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2804:
2802:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2802(continued):                Page 50]
2804:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2804(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2860:
2858:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2858(continued):                Page 51]

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 205]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2860:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2860(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2916:
2914:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2914(continued):                Page 52]
2916:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2916(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 2972:
2970:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
2970(continued):                Page 53]
2972:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
2972(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 3028:
3026:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
3026(continued):                Page 54]
3028:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
3028(continued):                ary 1997

2000 found at line 3084:
3082:  Internet Architecture Board Standards Track                    [
3082(continued):                Page 55]
3084:  RFC 2000                   Internet Standards              Febru
3084(continued):                ary 1997

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2007.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1156:
1155:  Access-Type: gopher

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 206]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1156:  URL: <URL:gopher://gopher.cic.net:2000/11/hunt>
1158:  Access-Type: www

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2015.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 153:
152:       hIwDY32hYGCE8MkBA/wOu7d45aUxF4Q0RKJprD3v5Z9K1YcRJ2fve87lMlD
152(continued):         lx4Oj
153:       eW4GDdBfLbJE7VUpp13N19GL8e/AqbyyjHH4aS0YoTk10QQ9nnRvjY8nZL3
153(continued):         MPXSZ
154:       g9VGQxFeGqzykzmykU6A26MSMexR4ApeeON6xzZWfo+0yOqAq6lb46wsvld
154(continued):         Z96YA
155:       AABH78hyX7YX4uT1tNCWEIIBoqqvCeIMpp7UQ2IzBrXg6GtukS8NxbukLea
155(continued):         mqVW3

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2025.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 751:
749:             context-id       Random-Integer,   -- see Section 6.3
750:             pvno             BIT STRING,       -- protocol versio
750(continued):         n number
751:             timestamp        UTCTime OPTIONAL, -- mandatory for S
751(continued):         PKM-2
752:             randSrc          Random-Integer,
753:             targ-name        Name,

UTCTime found at line 923:
921:             context-id       Random-Integer,  -- see Section 6.3
922:             pvno [0]         BIT STRING OPTIONAL, -- prot. versio
922(continued):         n number
923:             timestamp        UTCTime OPTIONAL, -- mandatory for S
923(continued):         PKM-2
924:             randTarg         Random-Integer,
925:             src-name [1]     Name OPTIONAL,

UTCTime found at line 2159:
2157:             context-id       Random-Integer,
2158:             pvno             BIT STRING,
2159:             timestamp        UTCTime OPTIONAL, -- mandatory for S
2159(continued):                PKM-2
2160:             randSrc          Random-Integer,
2161:             targ-name        Name,

UTCTime found at line 2248:
2247:             pvno [0]         BIT STRING OPTIONAL,
2248:             timestamp        UTCTime OPTIONAL, -- mandatory for S

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 207]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2248(continued):                PKM-2
2249:             randTarg         Random-Integer,
2250:             src-name [1]     Name OPTIONAL,

UTCTime found at line 2459:
2458:     Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
2459:             notBefore         UTCTime,
2460:             notAfter          UTCTime
2461:     }

UTCTime found at line 2460:
2458:     Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
2459:             notBefore         UTCTime,
2460:             notAfter          UTCTime
2461:     }

UTCTime found at line 2493:
2491:             signature               AlgorithmIdentifier,
2492:             issuer                  Name,
2493:             thisUpdate              UTCTime,
2494:             nextUpdate              UTCTime OPTIONAL,
2495:             revokedCertificates     SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {

UTCTime found at line 2494:
2492:             issuer                  Name,
2493:             thisUpdate              UTCTime,
2494:             nextUpdate              UTCTime OPTIONAL,
2495:             revokedCertificates     SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
2496:                  userCertificate       CertificateSerialNumber,

UTCTime found at line 2497:
2495:             revokedCertificates     SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
2496:                  userCertificate       CertificateSerialNumber,
2497:                  revocationDate        UTCTime           } OPTION
2497(continued):                AL
2498:     }

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2028.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 320:
318:     Digital Equipment Corporation
319:     1401 H Street NW
320:     Washington DC 20005
322:     Phone:  +1 202 383 5615

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2030.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 321:
319:     main product of the protocol, a special timestamp format has
319(continued):         been
320:     established. NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsig
320(continued):         ned
321:     fixed-point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 19
321(continued):         00. The
322:     integer part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in
322(continued):          the
323:     last 32 bits. In the fraction part, the non-significant low o
323(continued):         rder can

1900 found at line 362:
360:     64-bit field will overflow some time in 2036 (second 4,294,96
360(continued):         7,296).
361:     Should NTP or SNTP be in use in 2036, some external means wil
361(continued):         l be
362:     necessary to qualify time relative to 1900 and time relative
362(continued):         to 2036
363:     (and other multiples of 136 years). There will exist a 200-pi
363(continued):         cosecond
364:     interval, henceforth ignored, every 136 years when the 64-bit
364(continued):          field

1900 found at line 375:
373:        following convention: If bit 0 is set, the UTC time is in
373(continued):         the
374:        range 1968-2036 and UTC time is reckoned from 0h 0m 0s UTC
374(continued):          on 1
375:        January 1900. If bit 0 is not set, the time is in the rang
375(continued):         e 2036-
376:        2104 and UTC time is reckoned from 6h 28m 16s UTC on 7 Feb
376(continued):         ruary
377:        2036. Note that when calculating the correspondence, 2000
377(continued):         is not a

2000 found at line 377:
375:        January 1900. If bit 0 is not set, the time is in the rang
375(continued):         e 2036-
376:        2104 and UTC time is reckoned from 6h 28m 16s UTC on 7 Feb
376(continued):         ruary
377:        2036. Note that when calculating the correspondence, 2000
377(continued):         is not a
378:        leap year. Note also that leap seconds are not counted in
378(continued):         the
379:        reckoning.

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 209]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2048.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 738:
737:       To: ietf-types@iana.org
738:       Subject: Registration of MIME media type XXX/YYY
740:       MIME media type name:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2050.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 638:
636:     [RFC 1814] Gerich, E., "Unique Addresses are Good", June 1995
636(continued):         .
638:     [RFC 1900] Carpenter, B., and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs
638(continued):         Work",
639:        February 1996.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2052.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 420:
418:          Errors", RFC 1912, February 1996.
420:     RFC 1900: Carpenter, B., and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs W
420(continued):         ork",
421:          RFC 1900, February 1996.

1900 found at line 421:
420:     RFC 1900: Carpenter, B., and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs W
420(continued):         ork",
421:          RFC 1900, February 1996.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2060.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 3782:
3780:  date            ::= date_text / <"> date_text <">
3782:  date_day        ::= 1*2digit
3783:                      ;; Day of month

2digit found at line 3785:
3783:                      ;; Day of month

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

3785:  date_day_fixed  ::= (SPACE digit) / 2digit
3786:                      ;; Fixed-format version of date_day

2digit found at line 4101:
4099:  TEXT_CHAR       ::= <any CHAR except CR and LF>
4101:  time            ::= 2digit ":" 2digit ":" 2digit
4102:                      ;; Hours minutes seconds

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2062.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 330:
328:                     ::= partial
330:     date_year_old   ::= 2digit
331:                         ;; (year - 1900)

1900 found at line 331:
330:     date_year_old   ::= 2digit
331:                         ;; (year - 1900)
333:     date_time_old   ::= <"> date_day_fixed "-" date_month "-" dat
333(continued):         e_year

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2063.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 716:
715:                           start time = 1            start time =
715(continued):         1
716:     Usage record N:       flow count = 2000      flow count = 200
716(continued):         0 (done)
718:                           start time = 1            start time =
718(continued):         5

2000 found at line 725:
724:     In the continuing flow case, the same flow was reported when
724(continued):         its
725:     count was 2000, and again at 3000:  the total count to date i
725(continued):         s 3000.
726:     In the OLD/NEW case, the old flow had a count of 2000.  Its r
726(continued):         ecord

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 211]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 726:
724:     In the continuing flow case, the same flow was reported when
724(continued):         its
725:     count was 2000, and again at 3000:  the total count to date i
725(continued):         s 3000.
726:     In the OLD/NEW case, the old flow had a count of 2000.  Its r
726(continued):         ecord

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2068.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2-digit found at line 772:
770:       Specific repetition: "<n>(element)" is equivalent to
771:       "<n>*<n>(element)"; that is, exactly <n> occurrences of (el
771(continued):         ement).
772:       Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digit number, and 3ALPHA is a string of
772(continued):         three
773:       alphabetic characters.

2digit found at line 772:
770:       Specific repetition: "<n>(element)" is equivalent to
771:       "<n>*<n>(element)"; that is, exactly <n> occurrences of (el
771(continued):         ement).
772:       Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digit number, and 3ALPHA is a string of
772(continued):         three
773:       alphabetic characters.

2digit found at line 1163:
1161:            asctime-date = wkday SP date3 SP time SP 4DIGIT
1163:            date1        = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT
1164:                           ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982)
1165:            date2        = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT

2digit found at line 1165:
1163:            date1        = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT
1164:                           ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982)
1165:            date2        = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT
1166:                           ; day-month-year (e.g., 02-Jun-82)
1167:            date3        = month SP ( 2DIGIT | ( SP 1DIGIT ))

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 212]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2digit found at line 1167:
1165:            date2        = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT
1166:                           ; day-month-year (e.g., 02-Jun-82)
1167:            date3        = month SP ( 2DIGIT | ( SP 1DIGIT ))
1168:                           ; month day (e.g., Jun  2)

2digit found at line 1170:
1168:                           ; month day (e.g., Jun  2)
1170:            time         = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT
1171:                           ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59

2digit found at line 7652:
7651:            warning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text
7652:            warn-code  = 2DIGIT
7653:            warn-agent = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym
7654:                            ; the name or pseudonym of the server
7654(continued):                adding

1900 found at line 1083:
1081:     for TCP connections on that port of that host, and the Reques
1081(continued):                t-URI
1082:     for the resource is abs_path. The use of IP addresses in URL'
1082(continued):                s SHOULD
1083:     be avoided whenever possible (see RFC 1900 [24]). If the abs_
1083(continued):                path is
1084:     not present in the URL, it MUST be given as "/" when used as
1084(continued):                a
1085:     Request-URI for a resource (section 5.1.2).

1900 found at line 8249:
8248:     [24] Carpenter, B., and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs Work",
8248(continued):                 RFC
8249:     1900, IAB, February 1996.
8251:     [25] Deutsch, P., "GZIP file format specification version 4.3
8251(continued):                ." RFC

2000 found at line 8453:
8451:    o  HTTP/1.1 clients and caches should assume that an RFC-850 d
8451(continued):                ate
8452:       which appears to be more than 50 years in the future is in
8452(continued):                fact

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 213]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

8453:       in the past (this helps solve the "year 2000" problem).

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2071.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 738:
736:        December 1995.
738:   [16] Carpenter, B., and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs Work", R
738(continued):         FC 1900,
739:        February 1996.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2072.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 206:
204:     Many discussions of renumbering emphasize interactions among
205:     organizations' numbering plans and those of the global Intern
205(continued):         et
206:     [RFC1900].  There can be equally strong motivations for renum
206(continued):         bering
207:     in organizations that never connect to the global Internet.

1900 found at line 209:
207:     in organizations that never connect to the global Internet.
209:     According to RFC1900, "Unless and until viable alternatives a
209(continued):         re
210:     developed, extended deployment of Classless Inter-Domain Rout
210(continued):         ing
211:     (CIDR) is vital to keep the Internet routing system alive and
211(continued):          to

1900 found at line 2606:
2604:    February 1996.
2606:    [RFC1900] Carpenter, B., and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs Wo
2606(continued):                rk", RFC
2607:    1900, February 1996.

1900 found at line 2607:
2606:    [RFC1900] Carpenter, B., and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs Wo
2606(continued):                rk", RFC
2607:    1900, February 1996.

Nesser                       Informational                    [Page 214]

RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2609:    [RPS] Alaettinoglu, C., Bates, T., Gerich, E., Terpstra, M., a
2609(continued):                nd C.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2074.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 2041:
2039:         From [RFC1831]:
2041:         Program numbers are given out in groups of hexadecimal 20
2041(continued):                000000
2042:         (decimal 536870912) according to the following chart:

2000 found at line 2045:
2044:                       0 - 1fffffff   defined by rpc@sun.com
2045:                20000000 - 3fffffff   defined by user
2046:                40000000 - 5fffffff   transient
2047:                60000000 - 7fffffff   reserved

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2077.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 315:
313:           Subject: model data file
315:           I1ZSTUwgVjEuMCBhc2NpaQojIFRoaXMgZmlsZSB3YXMgIGdlbmVyY..
315(continued):         .
316:           byBDb21tdW5pY2F0aW9ucwojIGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuY2hhY28uY29tC..
316(continued):         .
317:           IyB1c2VkIGluIHJvb20gMTkyICh0ZXN0IHJvb20pCiAgIAojIFRvc..
317(continued):         .

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2095.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 131:
129:       C: A0001 AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5
130:       S: + PDE4OTYuNjk3MTcwOTUyQHBvc3RvZmZpY2UucmVzdG9uLm1jaS5uZX
130(continued):         Q+
131:       C: dGltIGI5MTNhNjAyYzdlZGE3YTQ5NWI0ZTZlNzMzNGQzODkw
132:       S: A0001 OK CRAM authentication successful

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 161:
159:        AUTHENTICATE command (or the similar POP3 AUTH command), y
159(continued):         ielding
161:             dGltIGI5MTNhNjAyYzdlZGE3YTQ5NWI0ZTZlNzMzNGQzODkw

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2096.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 134:
133:  ipForward MODULE-IDENTITY
134:      LAST-UPDATED "9609190000Z"     -- Thu Sep 26 16:34:47 PDT 19
134(continued):         96
135:      ORGANIZATION "IETF OSPF Working Group"
136:      CONTACT-INFO

1900 found at line 147:
146:              "The MIB module for the display of CIDR multipath IP
146(continued):          Routes."
147:      REVISION      "9609190000Z"
149:              "Revisions made by the OSPF WG."

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2099.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 14:
12:                        Request for Comments Summary
14:                           RFC Numbers 2000-2099
16:  Status of This Memo

2000 found at line 18:
16:  Status of This Memo
18:     This RFC is a slightly annotated list of the 100 RFCs from RF
18(continued):          C 2000
19:     through RFCs 2099.  This is a status report on these RFCs.  T
19(continued):          his memo
20:     provides information for the Internet community.  It does not
20(continued):           specify

2000 found at line 60:
58:  Elliott                      Informational
58(continued):          [Page 1]
60:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
60(continued):          rch 1997

2000 found at line 116:
114:  Elliott                      Informational
114(continued):         [Page 2]

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116:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
116(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 172:
170:  Elliott                      Informational
170(continued):         [Page 3]
172:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
172(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 228:
226:  Elliott                      Informational
226(continued):         [Page 4]
228:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
228(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 284:
282:  Elliott                      Informational
282(continued):         [Page 5]
284:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
284(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 340:
338:  Elliott                      Informational
338(continued):         [Page 6]
340:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
340(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 396:
394:  Elliott                      Informational
394(continued):         [Page 7]
396:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma

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396(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 452:
450:  Elliott                      Informational
450(continued):         [Page 8]
452:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
452(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 508:
506:  Elliott                      Informational
506(continued):         [Page 9]
508:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
508(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 564:
562:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
562(continued):         Page 10]
564:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
564(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 620:
618:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
618(continued):         Page 11]
620:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
620(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 676:
674:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
674(continued):         Page 12]
676:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
676(continued):         rch 1997

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2000 found at line 732:
730:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
730(continued):         Page 13]
732:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
732(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 788:
786:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
786(continued):         Page 14]
788:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
788(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 844:
842:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
842(continued):         Page 15]
844:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
844(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 900:
898:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
898(continued):         Page 16]
900:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
900(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 956:
954:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
954(continued):         Page 17]
956:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
956(continued):         rch 1997

2000 found at line 1012:
1010:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
1010(continued):                Page 18]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1012:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
1012(continued):                rch 1997

2000 found at line 1068:
1066:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
1066(continued):                Page 19]
1068:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
1068(continued):                rch 1997

2000 found at line 1124:
1122:  Elliott                      Informational                     [
1122(continued):                Page 20]
1124:  RFC 2099                  Summary of 2000-2099                Ma
1124(continued):                rch 1997

2000 found at line 1144:
1144:  2000    I.A.B.       Feb 97   INTERNET OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDAR
1144(continued):                DS
1146:  This memo describes the state of standardization of protocols us
1146(continued):                ed in

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2101.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 353:
352:        Changing providers is just one possible reason for renumbe
352(continued):         ring.
353:        The informational document [RFC 1900] shows why renumberin
353(continued):         g is an
354:        increasingly frequent event.  Both DHCP [RFC 1541] and PPP
354(continued):          [RFC
355:        1661] promote the use of dynamic address allocation.

1900 found at line 534:
532:     solutions for renumbering sites.  The need to contain the  ov
532(continued):         erhead
533:     in a rapidly growing Internet routing system is likely to mak

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

533(continued):         e
534:     renumbering  more and more common [RFC 1900].
536:     The need to scale the Internet routing system, and the use of
536(continued):          CIDR as

1900 found at line 632:
630:     Protocol", RFC 1825, September 1995.
632:     [RFC 1900] Carpenter, B., and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs
632(continued):         Work",
633:     RFC 1900, February 1996.

1900 found at line 633:
632:     [RFC 1900] Carpenter, B., and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs
632(continued):         Work",
633:     RFC 1900, February 1996.
635:     [RFC 1918] Rekhter, Y.,  Moskowitz, B., Karrenberg, D., de Gr
635(continued):         oot, G.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2109.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1054:
1052:     date value in a fixed-length variant format in place of Max-A
1052(continued):                ge:
1054:     Wdy, DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS GMT
1056:     Note that the Expires date format contains embedded spaces, a
1056(continued):                nd that

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2116.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 4132:
4130:        * MAIL.X-OD V2.3
4132:        * MAIL.2000 V1.2, AKOM
4134:        * MS-Mail

2000 found at line 5393:
5391:           1-800-257-OPEN (U.S. and Canada)
5392:           1-612-482-6736 (worldwide)
5393:           FAX: 1-612-482-2000 (worldwide)
5394:           EMAIL: info@cdc.com
5395:             or

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2134.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 30:
29:     To:    Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
30:            Washington, D.C.  20001
32:         We, the undersigned natural persons of the age of eightee
32(continued):          n years

2000 found at line 140:
138:     8. The address, including street and number, of the initial
139:        registered office of the corporation is c/o C T Corporatio
139(continued):         n
140:        System, 1030 15th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, an
140(continued):         d the
141:        name of its initial registered agent at such address is C
141(continued):         T
142:        Corporation System.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2150.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 2197:
2195:     scholarly music resources. http://rism.harvard.edu/RISM/
2197:     Crescendo is used in the web pages at http://mcentury.citi.do
2197(continued):                c.ca
2198:     along with a growing number of others.  One very interesting
2198(continued):                use of
2199:     Crescendo occurs on the Music Theory Online publication, a se
2199(continued):                rious

century found at line 3150:
3148:     Joseph Aiuto
3149:     Sepideh Boroumand
3150:     Michael Century
3151:     Kelly Cooper
3152:     Lile Elam

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2151.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1805:
1803:    * About Hill Associates
1804:    * HAI Products and Services Catalog
1805:    * Datacomm/2000-ED Series
1806:    * Contacting Hill Associates
1807:    * Employment Opportunities

2000 found at line 2808:
2807:  [23] _____, Editor, "Internet Official Protocol Standards,"

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2808:       STD 1/RFC 2000, Internet Architecture Board, February 1997.
2810:  [24] _____, "Introduction to the STD Notes," RFC 1311, USC/Infor
2810(continued):                mation

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2156.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3210:
3208:          the prefix, all attributes remaining in the OR address s
3208(continued):                hall be
3209:          encoded on the LHS.  This is to ensure a reversible mapp
3209(continued):                ing. For
3210:          example, if there is an address /S=XX/O=YY/ADMD=A/C=NN/
3210(continued):                and a
3211:          mapping for /ADMD=A/C=NN/ is used, then /S=XX/O=YY/ is e
3211(continued):                ncoded
3212:          on the LHS.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3211:
3209:          encoded on the LHS.  This is to ensure a reversible mapp
3209(continued):                ing. For
3210:          example, if there is an address /S=XX/O=YY/ADMD=A/C=NN/
3210(continued):                and a
3211:          mapping for /ADMD=A/C=NN/ is used, then /S=XX/O=YY/ is e
3211(continued):                ncoded
3212:          on the LHS.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3317:
3316:                C          = "XX"
3317:                ADMD       = "YY"
3318:                O          = "ZZ"
3319:                "RFC-822"  = "Smith(a)ZZ.YY.XX"

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3319:
3317:                ADMD       = "YY"
3318:                O          = "ZZ"
3319:                "RFC-822"  = "Smith(a)ZZ.YY.XX"
3321:     This is mapped first to an RFC 822 address, and then back to
3321(continued):                the

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3325:
3324:                C          = "XX"
3325:                ADMD       = "YY"
3326:                O          = "ZZ"
3327:                Surname    = "Smith"

UTCTime found at line 1705:
1703:           "yen*{165}"
1705:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1707:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax contain: Ye
1707(continued):                ar,

UTCTime found at line 1707:
1705:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1707:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax contain: Ye
1707(continued):                ar,
1708:     Month, Day of Month, hour, minute, second (optional), and Tim
1708(continued):                ezone
1709:     (technically a time differential in UTCTime).  822.date-time
1709(continued):                also

UTCTime found at line 1709:
1707:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 822.date-time syntax contain: Ye
1707(continued):                ar,
1708:     Month, Day of Month, hour, minute, second (optional), and Tim
1708(continued):                ezone
1709:     (technically a time differential in UTCTime).  822.date-time
1709(continued):                also
1710:     contains an optional day of the week, but this is redundant.
1710(continued):                 With
1711:     the exception of Year, a symmetrical mapping can be made betw
1711(continued):                een

UTCTime found at line 1717:
1715:        In practice, a gateway will need to parse various illegal
1715(continued):                variants
1716:        on 822.date-time.  In cases where 822.date-time cannot be
1716(continued):                parsed,
1717:        it is recommended that the derived UTCTime is set to the v
1717(continued):                alue at
1718:        the time of translation.  Such errors may be noted in an R
1718(continued):                FC 822
1719:        comment, to aid detection and correction.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

UTCTime found at line 1721:
1719:        comment, to aid detection and correction.
1721:     When mapping to X.400, the UTCTime format which specifies the
1722:     timezone offset shall be used.

UTCTime found at line 1745:
1743:     RFC 822, as modified by RFC 1123, requires use of a four digi
1743(continued):                t year.
1744:     Note that the original RFC 822 uses a two digit date, which i
1744(continued):                s no
1745:     longer legal.  UTCTime uses a two digit date.  To map a year
1745(continued):                from RFC
1746:     822 to X.400, simply use the last two digits.  To map a year
1746(continued):                from
1747:     X.400 to RFC 822, assume that the two digit year refers to a
1747(continued):                year in

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2162.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 797:
795:        maps into
797:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=zzz; O=ooo; OU=uuu; DD.Dnet=net;
798:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 806:
804:        maps into
806:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=zzz; O=ooo; OU=uuu; DD.Dnet=net;
807:          DD.Mail-11=node-clns::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 812:
811:          xx  = country code of the gateway performing the convers
811(continued):         ion
812:          yyy = Admd of the gateway performing the conversion
813:          zzz = Prmd of the gateway performing the conversion
814:          ooo = Organisation of the gateway performing the convers
814(continued):         ion

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 915:
913:       it is connected to. In this case the mapping is trivial:
915:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=zzz; O=ooo; OU=uuu; DD.Dnet=net;

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

916:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 918:
916:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;
918:     (see sect. 5.2 for explication of 'xx','yyy','zzz','ooo','uuu
918(continued):         ','net')
920:     maps into

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 926:
924:     and for DECnet/OSI addresses
926:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=zzz; O=ooo; OU=uuu; DD.Dnet=net;
927:          DD.Mail-11=node-clns::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 937:
935:       described into section 5.4 apply:
937:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=www; DD.Dnet=net;
938:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 942:
940:     maps into
942:          gwnode::gw%"C=xx;ADMD=yyy;PRMD=www;DD.Dnet=net;
943:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;"

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 961:
959:     Again for DECnet/OSI addresses:
961:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=www; DD.Dnet=net;
962:          DD.Mail-11=node-clns::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 966:
964:     maps into
966:          gwnode::gw%"C=xx;ADMD=yyy;PRMD=www;DD.Dnet=net;
967:          DD.Mail-11=node-clns::localpart;"

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1095:
1093:     maps into

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1095:         C=xx; ADMD=yyy; DD.Dnet=net;
1096:         DD.Mail-11=route::gwnode::gw(p)(q)x400-text-address(q);

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1104:
1102:     maps into
1104:         C=xx; ADMD=yyy; DD.Dnet=net;
1105:         DD.Mail-11=gwnode::gw(p)(q)x400-text-address(q);

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2167.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 1026:
1025:     year = 4digit
1026:     month = 2digit
1027:     day = 2digit
1028:     hour = 2digit

2digit found at line 1027:
1025:     year = 4digit
1026:     month = 2digit
1027:     day = 2digit
1028:     hour = 2digit
1029:     minute = 2digit

2digit found at line 1028:
1026:     month = 2digit
1027:     day = 2digit
1028:     hour = 2digit
1029:     minute = 2digit
1030:     second = 2digit

2digit found at line 1029:
1027:     day = 2digit
1028:     hour = 2digit
1029:     minute = 2digit
1030:     second = 2digit
1031:     milli-second = 3digit

2digit found at line 1030:
1028:     hour = 2digit
1029:     minute = 2digit
1030:     second = 2digit
1031:     milli-second = 3digit
1032:     host-name = dns-char *(dns-char / ".")

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2digit found at line 3186:
3185:     year = 4digit
3186:     month = 2digit
3187:     day = 2digit
3188:     hour = 2digit

2digit found at line 3187:
3185:     year = 4digit
3186:     month = 2digit
3187:     day = 2digit
3188:     hour = 2digit
3189:     minute = 2digit

2digit found at line 3188:
3186:     month = 2digit
3187:     day = 2digit
3188:     hour = 2digit
3189:     minute = 2digit
3190:     second = 2digit

2digit found at line 3189:
3187:     day = 2digit
3188:     hour = 2digit
3189:     minute = 2digit
3190:     second = 2digit

2digit found at line 3190:
3188:     hour = 2digit
3189:     minute = 2digit
3190:     second = 2digit

2000 found at line 1229:
1227:     C -class rwhois.net domain host
1228:     S %class domain:description:Domain information
1229:     S %class domain:version:19970103101232000
1230:     S %class

2000 found at line 3626:
3624:      soa          000800h
3625:      status       001000h
3626:      xfer         002000h
3627:      X            004000h

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2170.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 427:
425:                                          Server: MyAgent/1.0
426:                                          ATM-Service: CBR
427:                                          ATM-QoS-PCR: 2000
428:                                          Content-type: video/mpeg

2000 found at line 464:
462:                                          Server: MyAgent/1.0 ATM.
462(continued):         address
463:                                          ATM-Service: CBR
464:                                          ATM-QoS-PCR: 2000
465:                                          Content-type: video/mpeg

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2179.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 292:
290:       a setuid file anywhere in the system, including those on NF
290(continued):         S
291:       mounted partitions.
292:     * "find / -group kmem -perm -2000 -print" will do the same fo
292(continued):         r kmem
293:       group permissions.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2182.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 495:
494:     Instead, for this example, set the primary's serial number to
495:     2000000000, and wait for the secondary servers to update to t
495(continued):         hat
496:     zone.  The value 2000000000 is chosen as a value a lot bigger
496(continued):          than
497:     the current value, but less that 2^31 bigger (2^31 is 2147483
497(continued):         648).

2000 found at line 496:
494:     Instead, for this example, set the primary's serial number to
495:     2000000000, and wait for the secondary servers to update to t
495(continued):         hat
496:     zone.  The value 2000000000 is chosen as a value a lot bigger
496(continued):          than
497:     the current value, but less that 2^31 bigger (2^31 is 2147483

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

497(continued):         648).
498:     This is then an increment of the serial number [RFC1982].

2000 found at line 502:
500:     Next, after all servers needing updating have the zone with t
500(continued):         hat
501:     serial number, the serial number can be set to 4000000000.
502:     4000000000 is 2000000000 more than 2000000000 (fairly clearly
502(continued):         ), and

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2183.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 8:
7:  Network Working Group                                          R
7(continued):           . Troost
8:  Request for Comments: 2183                           New Century
8(continued):            Systems
9:  Updates: 1806                                                  S
9(continued):           . Dorner
10:  Category: Standards Track                          QUALCOMM Inco
10(continued):          rporated

century found at line 587:
586:          Rens Troost
587:          New Century Systems
588:          324 East 41st Street #804
589:          New York, NY, 10017 USA

century found at line 593:
591:          Phone: +1 (212) 557-2050
592:          Fax: +1 (212) 557-2049
593:          EMail: rens@century.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2195.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 131:
129:       C: A0001 AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5
130:       S: + PDE4OTYuNjk3MTcwOTUyQHBvc3RvZmZpY2UucmVzdG9uLm1jaS5uZX
130(continued):         Q+
131:       C: dGltIGI5MTNhNjAyYzdlZGE3YTQ5NWI0ZTZlNzMzNGQzODkw
132:       S: A0001 OK CRAM authentication successful

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 161:

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

159:        AUTHENTICATE command (or the similar POP3 AUTH command), y
159(continued):         ielding
161:             dGltIGI5MTNhNjAyYzdlZGE3YTQ5NWI0ZTZlNzMzNGQzODkw

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2200.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2118:
2116:                                         The text version is sent.
2118:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2118(continued):                umber.
2119:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2119(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2119:
2118:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2118(continued):                umber.
2119:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2119(continued):                '.
2121:           help                          to get information on how
2121(continued):                 to use

2000 found at line 9:
7:  Network Working Group                        Internet Architectu
7(continued):           re Board
8:  Request for Comments: 2200                             J. Postel
8(continued):           , Editor
9:  Obsoletes: 2000, 1920, 1880, 1800, 1780,                       J
9(continued):           une 1997
10:  1720, 1610, 1600, 1540, 1500, 1410, 1360,
11:  1280, 1250, 1200, 1140, 1130, 1100, 1083

2000 found at line 921:
919:               level of standard.
921:        2099 - Request for Comments Summary - RFC Numbers 2000-209
921(continued):         9
923:               This is an information document and does not specif
923(continued):         y any

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2203.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1096:
1094:        GSS_S_GAP_TOKEN                 0x00000010
1095:        GSS_S_BAD_MECH                  0x00010000
1096:        GSS_S_BAD_NAME                  0x00020000
1097:        GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE              0x00030000
1098:        GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS              0x00040000

2000 found at line 1113:
1111:        GSS_S_UNAVAILABLE               0x00100000
1112:        GSS_S_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT         0x00110000
1113:        GSS_S_NAME_NOT_MN               0x00120000
1114:        GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_READ    0x01000000
1115:        GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_WRITE   0x02000000

2000 found at line 1115:
1113:        GSS_S_NAME_NOT_MN               0x00120000
1114:        GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_READ    0x01000000
1115:        GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_WRITE   0x02000000
1116:        GSS_S_CALL_BAD_STRUCTURE        0x03000000

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2204.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 292:
290:        available for transmission.
292:     Date stamp (YYMMDD)
294:        A file qualifier indicating the date the Virtual File was
294(continued):         made

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1866:
1864:     |   1 | SFIDDSN   | Virtual File Dataset Name             | V
1864(continued):                 X(26) |
1865:     |  27 | SFIDRSV1  | Reserved                              | F
1865(continued):                 X(9)  |
1866:     |  36 | SFIDDATE  | Virtual File Date stamp, (YYMMDD)     | V
1866(continued):                 X(6)  |
1867:     |  42 | SFIDTIME  | Virtual File Time stamp, (HHMMSS)     | V
1867(continued):                 X(6)  |
1868:     |  48 | SFIDUSER  | User Data                             | V
1868(continued):                 X(8)  |

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1895:
1893:     SFIDDATE  Virtual File Date stamp                           S
1893(continued):                tring(6)
1895:       Format: 'YYMMDD'  6 decimal digits representing the year, m

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1895(continued):                onth
1896:               and day respectively [ISO-8601].

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2394:
2392:     |   1 | EERPDSN   | Virtual File Dataset Name             | V
2392(continued):                 X(26) |
2393:     |  27 | EERPRSV1  | Reserved                              | F
2393(continued):                 X(9)  |
2394:     |  36 | EERPDATE  | Virtual File Date stamp, (YYMMDD)     | V
2394(continued):                 X(6)  |
2395:     |  42 | EERPTIME  | Virtual File Time stamp, (HHMMSS)     | V
2395(continued):                 X(6)  |
2396:     |  48 | EERPUSER  | User Data                             | V
2396(continued):                 X(8)  |

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2429:
2427:     EERPDATE  Virtual File Date stamp                           S
2427(continued):                tring(6)
2429:       Format: 'YYMMDD'  6 decimal digits representing the year, m
2429(continued):                onth
2430:               and day respectively [ISO-8601].

2000 found at line 304:
302:     field.  Since the ODETTE-FTP only uses this information to id
302(continued):         entify a
303:     particular Virtual File it will continue to operate correctly
303(continued):          in the
304:     year 2000 and beyond.
306:     The User Monitor may use the Virtual File Date attribute in l
306(continued):         ocal

2000 found at line 308:
306:     The User Monitor may use the Virtual File Date attribute in l
306(continued):         ocal
307:     processes involving date comparisons and calculations.  Any s
307(continued):         uch use
308:     falls outside the scope of this protocol and year 2000 handli
308(continued):         ng is a
309:     local implementation issue.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2227.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1949:
1947:         Toward the Development of Web Measurement Standards.  Thi

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1947(continued):                s is a
1948:         draft paper, currently available at http://
1949:         www2000.ogsm.vanderbilt.edu/novak/web.standards/webstand.
1949(continued):                html.
1950:         Cited by permission of the author; do not quote or cite w
1950(continued):                ithout
1951:         permission.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2234.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2-digit found at line 424:
423:     That is, exactly  <N>  occurrences  of <element>. Thus 2DIGIT
423(continued):          is a
424:     2-digit number, and 3ALPHA is a string of three alphabetic
425:     characters.

2digit found at line 423:
421:          <n>*<n>element
423:     That is, exactly  <N>  occurrences  of <element>. Thus 2DIGIT
423(continued):          is a
424:     2-digit number, and 3ALPHA is a string of three alphabetic
425:     characters.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2235.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 862:
861:  1997
862:       2000th RFC: "Internet Official Protocol Standards"
864:       71,618 mailing lists registered at Liszt, a mailing list di
864(continued):         rectory

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2244.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 3555:
3553:                          ;; Timestamp in UTC
3555:     time-day           = 2DIGIT ;; 01-31
3557:     time-hour          = 2DIGIT ;; 00-23

2digit found at line 3557:
3555:     time-day           = 2DIGIT ;; 01-31
3557:     time-hour          = 2DIGIT ;; 00-23
3559:     time-minute        = 2DIGIT ;; 00-59

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2digit found at line 3559:
3557:     time-hour          = 2DIGIT ;; 00-23
3559:     time-minute        = 2DIGIT ;; 00-59
3561:     time-month         = 2DIGIT ;; 01-12

2digit found at line 3561:
3559:     time-minute        = 2DIGIT ;; 00-59
3561:     time-month         = 2DIGIT ;; 01-12
3563:     time-second        = 2DIGIT ;; 00-60

2digit found at line 3563:
3561:     time-month         = 2DIGIT ;; 01-12
3563:     time-second        = 2DIGIT ;; 00-60
3565:     time-subsecond     = *DIGIT

2000 found at line 2217:
2215:        criteria):
2216:            AND COMPARE "modtime" "+i;octet" "19951206103400"
2217:                COMPARE "modtime" "-i;octet" "19960112000000"
2218:        refers to all entries modified between 10:34 December 6 19
2218(continued):                95 and
2219:        midnight January 12, 1996 UTC.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2252.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 1300:
1299:     Values in this syntax are encoded as if they were printable s
1299(continued):                trings
1300:     with the strings containing a UTCTime value.  This is histori
1300(continued):                cal; new
1301:     attribute definitions SHOULD use GeneralizedTime instead.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2261.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1923:
1922:     snmpFrameworkMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
1923:         LAST-UPDATED "9711200000Z"            -- 20 November 1997
1924:         ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
1925:         CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@tis.com

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2262.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 818:
818:         LAST-UPDATED "9711200000Z"              -- 20 November 19
818(continued):         97
819:         ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
820:         CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@tis.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2264.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1715:
1715:      LAST-UPDATED "9711200000Z"            -- 20 Nov 1997, midnig
1715(continued):                ht
1716:      ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
1717:      CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@tis.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2265.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 554:
553:  snmpVacmMIB       MODULE-IDENTITY
554:      LAST-UPDATED "9711200000Z"            -- 20 Nov 1997, midnig
554(continued):         ht
555:      ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
556:      CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@tis.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2271.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1923:
1922:     snmpFrameworkMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
1923:         LAST-UPDATED "9711200000Z"            -- 20 November 1997
1924:         ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
1925:         CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@tis.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2272.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 818:
818:         LAST-UPDATED "9711200000Z"              -- 20 November 19
818(continued):         97
819:         ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
820:         CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@tis.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2274.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1715:

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1715:      LAST-UPDATED "9711200000Z"            -- 20 Nov 1997, midnig
1715(continued):                ht
1716:      ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
1717:      CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@tis.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2275.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 554:
553:  snmpVacmMIB       MODULE-IDENTITY
554:      LAST-UPDATED "9711200000Z"            -- 20 Nov 1997, midnig
554(continued):         ht
555:      ORGANIZATION "SNMPv3 Working Group"
556:      CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:   snmpv3@tis.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2280.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 2119:
2117:     missing, they default to:
2119:        flap_damp(1000, 2000, 750, 900, 900, 20000)
2121:     That is, a penalty of 1000 is assigned at each route flap, th
2121(continued):                e route

2000 found at line 2122:
2121:     That is, a penalty of 1000 is assigned at each route flap, th
2121(continued):                e route
2122:     is suppressed when penalty reaches 2000.  The penalty is redu
2122(continued):                ced in
2123:     half after 15 minutes (900 seconds) of stability regardless o
2123(continued):                f
2124:     whether the route is up or down.  A supressed route is reused
2124(continued):                 when

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2281.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 854:
852:     Santa Clara, CA 95054
854:     Phone: (408) 327-1900
855:     EMail: tli@juniper.net

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1900 found at line 863:
861:     Santa Clara, CA 95054
863:     Phone: (408) 327-1900
864:     EMail: cole@juniper.net

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2287.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1439:
1437:         DESCRIPTION
1438:             "The full path and filename of the process.
1439:             For example, '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc' would
1440:             be returned for process 'myyproc' whose execution
1441:             path is '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc'."

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1440:
1438:             "The full path and filename of the process.
1439:             For example, '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc' would
1440:             be returned for process 'myyproc' whose execution
1441:             path is '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc'."
1442:         ::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 7 }

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1441:
1439:             For example, '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc' would
1440:             be returned for process 'myyproc' whose execution
1441:             path is '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc'."
1442:         ::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 7 }

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1706:
1704:         DESCRIPTION
1705:             "The full path and filename of the process.
1706:             For example, '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc' would
1707:             be returned for process 'myyproc' whose execution
1708:             path was '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc'."

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1707:
1705:             "The full path and filename of the process.
1706:             For example, '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc' would
1707:             be returned for process 'myyproc' whose execution
1708:             path was '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc'."
1709:         ::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 6 }

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1708:
1706:             For example, '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc' would
1707:             be returned for process 'myyproc' whose execution
1708:             path was '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc'."
1709:         ::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 6 }

2000 found at line 402:
402:         LAST-UPDATED "9710200000Z"
403:         ORGANIZATION "IETF Applications MIB Working Group"
404:         CONTACT-INFO

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2292.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 547:
545:     #define ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER        0x80000000
546:     #define ND_NA_FLAG_SOLICITED     0x40000000
547:     #define ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE      0x20000000
548:     #else   /* BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN */
549:     #define ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER        0x00000080

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2298.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1310:
1308:     Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 00:19:00 (EDT) -0400
1309:     From: Joe Recipient <Joe_Recipient@mega.edu>
1310:     Message-Id: <199509200019.12345@mega.edu>
1311:     Subject: Disposition notification
1312:     To: Jane Sender <Jane_Sender@huge.com>

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2300.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 9:
7:  Network Working Group                        Internet Architectu
7(continued):           re Board
8:  Request for Comments: 2300                             J. Postel
8(continued):           , Editor
9:  Obsoletes: 2200, 2000, 1920, 1880, 1800,
9(continued):           May 1998
10:  1780, 1720, 1610, 1600, 1540, 1500, 1410,
11:  1360, 1280, 1250, 1200, 1140, 1130, 1100, 1083

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2308.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 873:
871:               NS2.XX.EXAMPLE.   600 IN NXT XX.EXAMPLE. NXT A NXT
871(continued):         SIG
872:               NS2.XX.EXAMPLE.   600 IN SIG NXT ... XX.EXAMPLE. ..
872(continued):         .
873:               EXAMPLE.        65799 IN NS  NS1.YY.EXAMPLE.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

874:               EXAMPLE.        65799 IN NS  NS2.YY.EXAMPLE.
875:               EXAMPLE.        65799 IN SIG NS ... XX.EXAMPLE. ...

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 874:
872:               NS2.XX.EXAMPLE.   600 IN SIG NXT ... XX.EXAMPLE. ..
872(continued):         .
873:               EXAMPLE.        65799 IN NS  NS1.YY.EXAMPLE.
874:               EXAMPLE.        65799 IN NS  NS2.YY.EXAMPLE.
875:               EXAMPLE.        65799 IN SIG NS ... XX.EXAMPLE. ...
876:           Additional

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 879:
877:               XX.EXAMPLE.     65800 IN KEY 0x4100 1 1 ...
878:               XX.EXAMPLE.     65800 IN SIG KEY ... EXAMPLE. ...
879:               NS1.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN A
880:               NS1.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN SIG A ... EXAMPLE. ...
881:               NS2.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN A

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 880:
878:               XX.EXAMPLE.     65800 IN SIG KEY ... EXAMPLE. ...
879:               NS1.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN A
880:               NS1.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN SIG A ... EXAMPLE. ...
881:               NS2.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN A
882:               NS3.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN SIG A ... EXAMPLE. ...

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 881:
879:               NS1.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN A
880:               NS1.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN SIG A ... EXAMPLE. ...
881:               NS2.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN A
882:               NS3.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN SIG A ... EXAMPLE. ...
883:               EXAMPLE.        65799 IN KEY 0x4100 1 1 ...

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 882:
880:               NS1.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN SIG A ... EXAMPLE. ...
881:               NS2.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN A
882:               NS3.YY.EXAMPLE. 65799 IN SIG A ... EXAMPLE. ...
883:               EXAMPLE.        65799 IN KEY 0x4100 1 1 ...
884:               EXAMPLE.        65799 IN SIG KEY ... . ...

2000 found at line 805:
803:          $ORIGIN XX.EXAMPLE.
804:          @       IN      SOA     NS1.XX.EXAMPLE. HOSTMATER.XX.EXA
804(continued):         MPLE. (
805:                                  1997102000      ; serial
806:                                  1800    ; refresh (30 mins)
807:                                  900     ; retry (15 mins)

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2311.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 269:
267:     Sending agents MUST encode signing time through the year 2049
267(continued):          as
268:     UTCTime; signing times in 2050 or later MUST be encoded as
269:     GeneralizedTime. Agents MUST interpret the year field (YY) as
270:     follows: if YY is greater than or equal to 50, the year is
271:     interpreted as 19YY; if YY is less than 50, the year is inter
271(continued):         preted

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 270:
268:     UTCTime; signing times in 2050 or later MUST be encoded as
269:     GeneralizedTime. Agents MUST interpret the year field (YY) as
270:     follows: if YY is greater than or equal to 50, the year is
271:     interpreted as 19YY; if YY is less than 50, the year is inter
271(continued):         preted
272:     as 20YY.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 271:
269:     GeneralizedTime. Agents MUST interpret the year field (YY) as
270:     follows: if YY is greater than or equal to 50, the year is
271:     interpreted as 19YY; if YY is less than 50, the year is inter
271(continued):         preted
272:     as 20YY.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 272:
270:     follows: if YY is greater than or equal to 50, the year is
271:     interpreted as 19YY; if YY is less than 50, the year is inter
271(continued):         preted
272:     as 20YY.
274:  2.5.2 S/MIME Capabilities Attribute

UTCTime found at line 268:
267:     Sending agents MUST encode signing time through the year 2049
267(continued):          as
268:     UTCTime; signing times in 2050 or later MUST be encoded as
269:     GeneralizedTime. Agents MUST interpret the year field (YY) as
270:     follows: if YY is greater than or equal to 50, the year is

1900 found at line 1972:
1970:     Mountain View, CA  94043

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1972:     Phone: (415) 254-1900
1973:     EMail: repka@netscape.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2312.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 1049:
1047:     Mountain View, CA  94043
1049:     Phone: (415) 254-1900
1050:     EMail: jsw@netscape.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2326.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 906:
904:     smpte-type   =   "smpte" | "smpte-30-drop" | "smpte-25"
905:                                     ; other timecodes may be adde
905(continued):         d
906:     smpte-time   =   1*2DIGIT ":" 1*2DIGIT ":" 1*2DIGIT [ ":" 1*2
906(continued):         DIGIT ]
907:                         [ "." 1*2DIGIT ]

2digit found at line 907:
905:                                     ; other timecodes may be adde
905(continued):         d
906:     smpte-time   =   1*2DIGIT ":" 1*2DIGIT ":" 1*2DIGIT [ ":" 1*2
906(continued):         DIGIT ]
907:                         [ "." 1*2DIGIT ]
909:     Examples:

2digit found at line 940:
938:     npt-hhmmss   =   npt-hh ":" npt-mm ":" npt-ss [ "." *DIGIT ]
939:     npt-hh       =   1*DIGIT     ; any positive number
940:     npt-mm       =   1*2DIGIT    ; 0-59
941:     npt-ss       =   1*2DIGIT    ; 0-59

2digit found at line 941:
939:     npt-hh       =   1*DIGIT     ; any positive number
940:     npt-mm       =   1*2DIGIT    ; 0-59
941:     npt-ss       =   1*2DIGIT    ; 0-59
943:     Examples:

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+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2332.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 2839:
2837:     1620 Tuckerstown Road               3260 Jay St.
2838:     Dresher, PA 19025 USA               Santa Clara, CA 95054
2839:     Phone:  +1 215 830 0692             Phone:  +1 408 327 1900
2840:     EMail: dave@corecom.com             EMail:  bcole@jnx.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2353.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 211:
209:     native IP DLC, this field is not used to convey a port number
209(continued):          for
210:     replies; moreover, the zero setting is not used.  IANA has re
210(continued):         gistered
211:     port numbers 12000 through 12004 for use in these two fields
211(continued):         by the
212:     native IP DLC; use of these port numbers allows prioritizatio
212(continued):         n in the
213:     IP network.  For more details of the use of these fields, see
213(continued):          2.6.1,

2000 found at line 1694:
1693:     At an intermediate HPR node, link activation failure can be r
1693(continued):                eported
1694:     with sense data X'08010000' or X'80020000'.  At a node with r
1694(continued):                oute-
1695:     selection responsibility, such failure can be reported with s
1695(continued):                ense
1696:     data X'80140001'.

2000 found at line 1841:
1839:  | the same connection network.                           |
1839(continued):                       |
1840:  +--------------------------------------------------------+------
1840(continued):                -------+
1841:  | Link failure                                           | X'800
1841(continued):                20000' |
1842:  +--------------------------------------------------------+------
1842(continued):                -------+
1843:  | Route selection services has determined that no path   | X'801
1843(continued):                40001' |

2000 found at line 1868:
1866:     will be able to exploit routers that provide priority functio
1866(continued):                n.
1868:     The 5 UDP port numbers, 12000-12004 (decimal), have been assi

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1868(continued):                gned by
1869:     the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA).  Four of these
1869(continued):                 port
1870:     numbers are used for ANR-routed network layer packets (NLPs)
1870(continued):                and

2000 found at line 1872:
1870:     numbers are used for ANR-routed network layer packets (NLPs)
1870(continued):                and
1871:     correspond to the APPN transmission priorities (network, 1200
1871(continued):                1; high,
1872:     12002; medium, 12003; and low, 12004), and one port number (1
1872(continued):                2000) is
1873:     used for a set of LLC commands (i.e., XID, TEST, DISC, and DM
1873(continued):                ) and
1874:     function-routed NLPs (i.e., XID_DONE_RQ and XID_DONE_RSP).  T
1874(continued):                hese

2000 found at line 2417:
2415:     the source port number is not relevant.  That is, the firewal
2415(continued):                l should
2416:     accept traffic with the IP addresses of the HPR/IP nodes and
2416(continued):                with
2417:     destination port numbers in the range 12000 to 12004.  Second
2417(continued):                , the
2418:     possibility exists for an attack using forged UDP datagrams;
2418(continued):                such
2419:     attacks could cause the RTP connection to fail or even introd
2419(continued):                uce

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2355.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1488:
1486:                0x00           Command Reject        0x10030000
1488:                0x01        Intervention Required    0x08020000
1490:                0x02           Operation Check       0x10050000

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2361.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 30:
28:     * video/vnd.avi; codec=XXX identifies a specific video codec
28(continued):          (i.e.,
29:       XXX) within the AVI Registry.
30:     * audio/vnd.wave; codec=YYY identifies a specific audio codec
31:       (i.e., YYY) within the WAVE Registry.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 31:
29:       XXX) within the AVI Registry.
30:     * audio/vnd.wave; codec=YYY identifies a specific audio codec
31:       (i.e., YYY) within the WAVE Registry.
33:     Appendix A and Appendix B provides an authoritative reference
33(continued):           for the

2000 found at line 354:
352:    Compaq Computer Corporation
353:    20555 SH 249
354:    Houston, TX 77269-2000 USA
356:    A.6     IBM CVSD

2000 found at line 1474:
1472:    PO Box 582
1473:    Stellenbosch Stellenbosch South Africa
1474:    27 21 888 2000
1476:    A.75    DF GSM610

2000 found at line 1487:
1485:    PO Box 582
1486:    Stellenbosch 7600 South Africa
1487:    27 21 888 2000
1489:    A.76    ISIAudio

2000 found at line 1545:
1543:    4900 Old Ironsides Drive
1544:    Santa Clara, California 95054 USA
1545:    (408) 492-2000
1547:    A.79    Dolby AC3 SPDIF

2000 found at line 1993:
1991:    A.104   DVM
1993:    WAVE form Registration Number (hex):    0x2000
1994:    Codec ID in the IANA Namespace:         audio/vnd.wave;codec=2
1994(continued):                000
1995:    WAVE form wFormatTag ID:                WAVE_FORMAT_DVM

2000 found at line 1994:
1993:    WAVE form Registration Number (hex):    0x2000

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1994:    Codec ID in the IANA Namespace:         audio/vnd.wave;codec=2
1994(continued):                000
1995:    WAVE form wFormatTag ID:                WAVE_FORMAT_DVM
1996:    Contact:

2000 found at line 3180:
3178:    707 California Street
3179:    Mountain View, California 94041 USA
3180:    650-526-2000

2000 found at line 3211:
3209:    707 California Street
3210:    Mountain View, California 94041 USA
3211:    650-526-2000
3213:    B.83    TrueMotion 2.0

2000 found at line 3239:
3237:    707 California Street
3238:    Mountain View, California 94041 USA
3239:    650-526-2000

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2368.txt +=+=+=+=+=
two-digit found at line 240:
238:     scheme is not a problem: those characters may appear in mailt
238(continued):         o URLs,
239:     they just may not appear in unencoded form. The standard URL
239(continued):         encoding
240:     mechanisms ("%" followed by a two-digit hex number) must be u
240(continued):         sed in
241:     certain cases.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2373.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 1192:
1190:        IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DI
1190(continued):                GIT
1192:        IPv6prefix  = hexpart "/" 1*2DIGIT
1194:        hexpart = hexseq | hexseq "::" [ hexseq ] | "::" [ hexseq
1194(continued):                ]

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2378.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 1078:
1076:     response = code [index] [field] text CRLF
1078:     code     = [-] LDIG 2DIGIT ":"
1079:     index    = number ":"
1080:     field    = 1*SPACE attribute ":" 1*SPACE

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2389.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 133:
132:          error-response = error-code SP *TCHAR CRLF
133:          error-code     = ("4" / "5") 2DIGIT
135:     Note that in ABNF, strings literals are case insensitive.  Th
135(continued):         at

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2397.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 107:
105:     a/TPg7JpJHxyendzWTBfX0cxOnKPjgBzi4diinWGdkF8kjdfnycQZXZeYGejm
105(continued):         Jl
106:     ZeGl9i2icVqaNVailT6F5iJ90m6mvuTS4OK05M0vDk0Q4XUtwvKOzrcd3iq9u
106(continued):         is
107:     F81M1OIcR7lEewwcLp7tuNNkM3uNna3F2JQFo97Vriy/Xl4/f1cf5VWzXyym7
107(continued):         PH
108:     hhx4dbgYKAAA7"
109:     ALT="Larry">

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2400.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 9:
7:  Network Working Group                        Internet Architectu
7(continued):           re Board
8:  Request for Comments: 2400                                     J
8(continued):           . Postel
9:  Obsoletes: 2300, 2200, 2000, 1920, 1880,                     J.
9(continued):           Reynolds
10:  1800, 1780, 1720, 1610, 1600, 1540, 1500, 1410,
10(continued):           Editors
11:  1360, 1280, 1250, 1200, 1140, 1130, 1100, 1083            Septem
11(continued):          ber 1998

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2407.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 832:
831:       Attribute #2:

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

832:         0x00020004  (AF = 0, type = SA Duration, length = 4 bytes
832(continued):         )
833:         0x00015180  (value = 0x15180 = 86400 seconds = 24 hours)

2000 found at line 848:
847:       Attribute #4:
848:         0x00020004  (AF = 0, type = SA Duration, length = 4 bytes
848(continued):         )
849:         0x000186A0  (value = 0x186A0 = 100000KB = 100MB)

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2409.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1257:
1255:     Field Size:                         185
1256:     Group Prime/Irreducible Polynomial:
1257:                      0x020000000000000000000000000000200000000000
1257(continued):                000001
1258:     Group Generator One:                0x18
1259:     Group Curve A:                      0x0

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2412.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1689:
1687:     As of early 1996, it appears that for 90 bits of cryptographi
1687(continued):                c
1688:     strength, one should use a modular exponentiation group modul
1688(continued):                us of
1689:     2000 bits.  For 128 bits of strength, a 3000 bit modulus is r
1689(continued):                equired.
1691:  3. Specifying and Deriving Security Associations

2000 found at line 2761:
2759:           Length (32 bit words):          6
2760:           Data (hex):
2761:              02000000 00000000 00000000 00000020 00000000 0000000
2761(continued):                1
2762:        Generator:
2763:           X coordinate:                   22 (decimal)

2000 found at line 2976:
2975:     [Stinson]    Stinson, Douglas, Cryptography Theory and Practi
2975(continued):                ce. CRC

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2976:                  Press, Inc., 2000, Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton,
2976(continued):                FL,
2977:                  33431-9868, ISBN 0-8493-8521-0, 1995

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2425.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1106:
1104(continued):                QkBF
1105:   hJob3dlc0BuZXRzY2FwZS5jb20xFTATBgoJkiaJk/IsZAEBEwVob3dlczBcMA0G
1105(continued):                CSqG
1106(continued):                2dXc
1107:   oX49LKiOmgeJSzoiFKHtLOIboyludF90CgqcxtwKnAgMBAAGjNjA0MBEGCWCGSA
1107(continued):                GG+E
1108:   IBAQQEAwIAoDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBT84FToB/GV3jr3mcau+hUMbsQukjANBgkqh
1108(continued):                kiG9

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2426.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1479:
1477:           MPVGltb3RoeSBBIEhvd2VzMSEwHwYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhJob3dlc0BuZ
1477(continued):                XRz
1478:           Y2FwZS5jb20xFTATBgoJkiaJk/IsZAEBEwVob3dlczBcMA0GCSqGSIb
1478(continued):                3DQ
1479:           EBAQUAA0sAMEgCQQC0JZf6wkg8pLMXHHCUvMfL5H6zjSk4vTTXZpYyr
1479(continued):                dN2
1480:           dXcoX49LKiOmgeJSzoiFKHtLOIboyludF90CgqcxtwKnAgMBAAGjNjA
1480(continued):                0MB
1481(continued):                cau

2-digit found at line 372:
370:     and minutes (e.g., +hh:mm). The time is specified as a 24-hou
370(continued):         r clock.
371:     Hour values are from 00 to 23, and minute values are from 00
371(continued):         to 59.
372:     Hour and minutes are 2-digits with high order zeroes required
372(continued):          to
373:     maintain digit count. The extended format for ISO 8601 UTC of
373(continued):         fsets
374:     MUST be used. The extended format makes use of a colon charac
374(continued):         ter as a

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2digit found at line 379:
377:     The value is defined by the following notation:
379:          time-hour       = 2DIGIT        ;00-23
380:          time-minute     = 2DIGIT        ;00-59
381:          utc-offset      = ("+" / "-") time-hour ":" time-minute

2digit found at line 380:
379:          time-hour       = 2DIGIT        ;00-23
380:          time-minute     = 2DIGIT        ;00-59
381:          utc-offset      = ("+" / "-") time-hour ":" time-minute

2digit found at line 2051:
2050:     utc-offset-value = ("+" / "-") time-hour ":" time-minute
2051:     time-hour    = 2DIGIT                ;00-23
2052:     time-minute  = 2DIGIT                ;00-59

2digit found at line 2052:
2050:     utc-offset-value = ("+" / "-") time-hour ":" time-minute
2051:     time-hour    = 2DIGIT                ;00-23
2052:     time-minute  = 2DIGIT                ;00-59
2054:  5.  Differences From vCard v2.1

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2440.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 3227:
3225:     Encryption Standard. This algorithm will work with (at least)
3225(continued):                 128,
3226:     192, and 256-bit keys. We expect that this algorithm will be
3226(continued):                selected
3227:     from the candidate algorithms in the year 2000.
3229:  12.8. OpenPGP CFB mode

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2445.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2234:
2232:                  ( ";" "BYDAY" "=" bywdaylist )          /
2233:                  ( ";" "BYMONTHDAY" "=" bymodaylist )    /
2234:                  ( ";" "BYYEARDAY" "=" byyrdaylist )     /
2235:                  ( ";" "BYWEEKNO" "=" bywknolist )       /
2236:                  ( ";" "BYMONTH" "=" bymolist )          /

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2288:
2286:       ordmoday   = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT       ;1 to 31

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2288:       byyrdaylist = yeardaynum / ( yeardaynum *("," yeardaynum) )
2290:       yeardaynum = ([plus] ordyrday) / (minus ordyrday)

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2388:
2386:     the month.
2388:     The BYYEARDAY rule part specifies a COMMA character (US-ASCII
2388(continued):                 decimal
2389:     44) separated list of days of the year. Valid values are 1 to
2389(continued):                 366 or
2390:     -366 to -1. For example, -1 represents the last day of the ye
2390(continued):                ar

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2461:
2459:     specified FREQ and INTERVAL rule parts, the BYxxx rule parts
2459(continued):                are
2460:     applied to the current set of evaluated occurrences in the fo
2460(continued):                llowing
2461(continued):                R,
2462:     BYMINUTE, BYSECOND and BYSETPOS; then COUNT and UNTIL are eva
2462(continued):                luated.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 6804:
6802:           (2000 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10
6803:           (2001 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10
6804:       Note: Since none of the BYDAY, BYMONTHDAY or BYYEARDAY comp
6804(continued):                onents
6805:       are specified, the day is gotten from DTSTART

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 6820:
6819:       DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970101T090000
6822:       ==> (1997 9:00 AM EST)January 1

two-digit found at line 1919:
1917:     of values. The format for the value type is expressed as the
1917(continued):                [ISO
1918:     8601] complete representation, basic format for a calendar da
1918(continued):                te. The
1919:     textual format specifies a four-digit year, two-digit month,

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1919(continued):                and
1920:     two-digit day of the month. There are no separator characters
1920(continued):                 between
1921:     the year, month and day component text.

two-digit found at line 1920:
1918:     8601] complete representation, basic format for a calendar da
1918(continued):                te. The
1919:     textual format specifies a four-digit year, two-digit month,
1919(continued):                and
1920:     two-digit day of the month. There are no separator characters
1920(continued):                 between
1921:     the year, month and day component text.

two-digit found at line 2610:
2608:     of day. The format is based on the [ISO 8601] complete
2609:     representation, basic format for a time of day. The text form
2609(continued):                at
2610:     consists of a two-digit 24-hour of the day (i.e., values 0-23
2610(continued):                ), two-
2611:     digit minute in the hour (i.e., values 0-59), and two-digit s
2611(continued):                econds
2612:     in the minute (i.e., values 0-60). The seconds value of 60 MU
2612(continued):                ST only

two-digit found at line 2611:
2609:     representation, basic format for a time of day. The text form
2609(continued):                at
2610:     consists of a two-digit 24-hour of the day (i.e., values 0-23
2610(continued):                ), two-
2611:     digit minute in the hour (i.e., values 0-59), and two-digit s
2611(continued):                econds
2612:     in the minute (i.e., values 0-60). The seconds value of 60 MU
2612(continued):                ST only
2613:     to be used to account for "leap" seconds. Fractions of a seco
2613(continued):                nd are

two-digit found at line 4583:
4581:     Values for latitude and longitude shall be expressed as decim
4581(continued):                al
4582:     fractions of degrees. Whole degrees of latitude shall be repr
4582(continued):                esented

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4583:     by a two-digit decimal number ranging from 0 through 90. Whol
4583(continued):                e
4584:     degrees of longitude shall be represented by a decimal number
4584(continued):                 ranging
4585:     from 0 through 180. When a decimal fraction of a degree is sp
4585(continued):                ecified,

2digit found at line 1911:
1911:       date-month         = 2DIGIT        ;01-12
1912:       date-mday          = 2DIGIT        ;01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01
1912(continued):                -31
1913:                                          ;based on month/year

2digit found at line 1912:
1911:       date-month         = 2DIGIT        ;01-12
1912:       date-mday          = 2DIGIT        ;01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01
1912(continued):                -31
1913:                                          ;based on month/year

2digit found at line 2258:
2256:       byseclist  = seconds / ( seconds *("," seconds) )
2258:       seconds    = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT       ;0 to 59
2260:       byminlist  = minutes / ( minutes *("," minutes) )

2digit found at line 2262:
2260:       byminlist  = minutes / ( minutes *("," minutes) )
2262:       minutes    = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT       ;0 to 59
2264:       byhrlist   = hour / ( hour *("," hour) )

2digit found at line 2266:
2264:       byhrlist   = hour / ( hour *("," hour) )
2266:       hour       = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT       ;0 to 23
2268:       bywdaylist = weekdaynum / ( weekdaynum *("," weekdaynum) )

2digit found at line 2276:
2274:       minus      = "-"
2276:       ordwk      = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT       ;1 to 53

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2278:       weekday    = "SU" / "MO" / "TU" / "WE" / "TH" / "FR" / "SA"

2digit found at line 2286:
2284:       monthdaynum = ([plus] ordmoday) / (minus ordmoday)
2286:       ordmoday   = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT       ;1 to 31
2288:       byyrdaylist = yeardaynum / ( yeardaynum *("," yeardaynum) )

2digit found at line 2292:
2290:       yeardaynum = ([plus] ordyrday) / (minus ordyrday)
2292:       ordyrday   = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT / 3DIGIT      ;1 to 366
2294:       bywknolist = weeknum / ( weeknum *("," weeknum) )

2digit found at line 2307:
2305:       bymolist   = monthnum / ( monthnum *("," monthnum) )
2307:       monthnum   = 1DIGIT / 2DIGIT       ;1 to 12
2309:       bysplist   = setposday / ( setposday *("," setposday) )

2digit found at line 2595:
2593:       time               = time-hour time-minute time-second [tim
2593(continued):                e-utc]
2595:       time-hour          = 2DIGIT        ;00-23
2596:       time-minute        = 2DIGIT        ;00-59
2597:       time-second        = 2DIGIT        ;00-60

2digit found at line 2596:
2595:       time-hour          = 2DIGIT        ;00-23
2596:       time-minute        = 2DIGIT        ;00-59
2597:       time-second        = 2DIGIT        ;00-60
2598:       ;The "60" value is used to account for "leap" seconds.

2digit found at line 2597:
2595:       time-hour          = 2DIGIT        ;00-23
2596:       time-minute        = 2DIGIT        ;00-59
2597:       time-second        = 2DIGIT        ;00-60
2598:       ;The "60" value is used to account for "leap" seconds.

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1900 found at line 2988:
2986:       DTSTAMP:19970901T1300Z
2987:       DTSTART:19970903T163000Z
2988:       DTEND:19970903T190000Z
2989:       SUMMARY:Annual Employee Review
2990:       CLASS:PRIVATE

2000 found at line 1716:
1714:     The following are examples of this property parameter:
1716:       DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19980119T020000
1718:       DTEND;TZID=US-Eastern:19980119T030000

2000 found at line 2029:
2027:     New York on Janurary 19, 1998:
2029:            DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19980119T020000
2031:     Example: The following represents July 14, 1997, at 1:30 PM i
2031(continued):                n New

2000 found at line 2822:
2820:     Property names, parameter names and enumerated parameter valu
2820(continued):                es are
2821:     case insensitive. For example, the property name "DUE" is the
2821(continued):                 same as
2822:     "due" and "Due", DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19980714T120000 is t
2822(continued):                he same
2823:     as DtStart;TzID=US-Eastern:19980714T120000.

2000 found at line 2823:
2821:     case insensitive. For example, the property name "DUE" is the
2821(continued):                 same as
2822:     "due" and "Due", DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19980714T120000 is t
2822(continued):                he same
2823:     as DtStart;TzID=US-Eastern:19980714T120000.
2825:  4.6 Calendar Components

2000 found at line 3566:
3564:     Time took effect in Fall 1967 for New York City:
3566:       DTSTART:19671029T020000
3568:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0400

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2000 found at line 3631:
3629:       LAST-MODIFIED:19870101T000000Z
3630:       BEGIN:STANDARD
3631:       DTSTART:19971026T020000
3632:       RDATE:19971026T020000
3633:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0400

2000 found at line 3632:
3630:       BEGIN:STANDARD
3631:       DTSTART:19971026T020000
3632:       RDATE:19971026T020000
3633:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0400
3634:       TZOFFSETTO:-0500

2000 found at line 3638:
3636:       END:STANDARD
3637:       BEGIN:DAYLIGHT
3638:       DTSTART:19971026T020000

2000 found at line 3647:
3647:       RDATE:19970406T020000
3648:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0500
3649:       TZOFFSETTO:-0400

2000 found at line 3665:
3663:       TZURL:http://zones.stds_r_us.net/tz/US-Eastern
3664:       BEGIN:STANDARD
3665:       DTSTART:19671029T020000
3667:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0400

2000 found at line 3672:
3670:       END:STANDARD
3671:       BEGIN:DAYLIGHT
3672:       DTSTART:19870405T020000
3674:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0500

2000 found at line 3688:
3686:       LAST-MODIFIED:19870101T000000Z
3687:       BEGIN:STANDARD
3688:       DTSTART:19671029T020000
3690:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0400

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2000 found at line 3704:
3703:       BEGIN:DAYLIGHT
3704:       DTSTART:19870405T020000
3705:       RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYMONTH=4;UNTIL=19980404T070000
3705(continued):                Z
3706:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0500

2000 found at line 3721:
3719:       LAST-MODIFIED:19870101T000000Z
3720:       BEGIN:STANDARD
3721:       DTSTART:19671029T020000
3723:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0400

2000 found at line 3728:
3726:       END:STANDARD
3727:       BEGIN:DAYLIGHT
3728:       DTSTART:19870405T020000
3729:       RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYMONTH=4;UNTIL=19980404T070000
3729(continued):                Z
3730:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0500

2000 found at line 3735:
3733:       END:DAYLIGHT
3734:       BEGIN:DAYLIGHT
3735:       DTSTART:19990424T020000
3737:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0500

2000 found at line 5352:
5352:       FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=FREE:19970308T160000Z/PT3H,19970308T200000Z
5352(continued):                /PT1H
5354:       FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=FREE:19970308T160000Z/PT3H,19970308T200000Z
5354(continued):                /PT1H,

2000 found at line 5354:
5352:       FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=FREE:19970308T160000Z/PT3H,19970308T200000Z
5352(continued):                /PT1H
5354:       FREEBUSY;FBTYPE=FREE:19970308T160000Z/PT3H,19970308T200000Z
5354(continued):                /PT1H,
5355:        19970308T230000Z/19970309T000000Z

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2000 found at line 6069:
6067:       RECURRENCE-ID;VALUE=DATE:19960401
6071: Related To

2000 found at line 6507:
6505:       RDATE;TZID=US-EASTERN:19970714T083000
6507:       RDATE;VALUE=PERIOD:19960403T020000Z/19960403T040000Z,
6508:        19960404T010000Z/PT3H

2000 found at line 6623:
6622:       DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19980101T090000
6623:       RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;UNTIL=20000131T090000Z;
6625:       or

2000 found at line 6626:
6625:       or
6626:       RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20000131T090000Z;BYMONTH=1
6628:       ==> (1998 9:00 AM EDT)January 1-31

2000 found at line 6630:
6628:       ==> (1998 9:00 AM EDT)January 1-31
6629:           (1999 9:00 AM EDT)January 1-31
6630:           (2000 9:00 AM EDT)January 1-31
6632:     Weekly for 10 occurrences

2000 found at line 6802:
6800:           (1998 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10
6801:           (1999 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10
6802:           (2000 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10
6803:           (2001 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10
6804:       Note: Since none of the BYDAY, BYMONTHDAY or BYYEARDAY comp
6804(continued):                onents

2000 found at line 6824:
6822:       ==> (1997 9:00 AM EST)January 1
6823:           (1997 9:00 AM EDT)April 10;July 19

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6824:           (2000 9:00 AM EST)January 1
6825:           (2000 9:00 AM EDT)April 9;July 18
6826:           (2003 9:00 AM EST)January 1

2000 found at line 6825:
6823:           (1997 9:00 AM EDT)April 10;July 19
6824:           (2000 9:00 AM EST)January 1
6825:           (2000 9:00 AM EDT)April 9;July 18
6826:           (2003 9:00 AM EST)January 1
6827:           (2003 9:00 AM EDT)April 10;July 19

2000 found at line 6897:
6895:       ==> (1998 9:00 AM EST)February 13;March 13;November 13
6896:           (1999 9:00 AM EDT)August 13
6897:           (2000 9:00 AM EDT)October 13
6898:       ...

2000 found at line 6920:
6919:       ==> (1996 9:00 AM EST)November 5
6920:           (2000 9:00 AM EST)November 7
6921:           (2004 9:00 AM EST)November 2
6922:       ...

2000 found at line 7612:
7611:       BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//xyz Corp//NONSGML PDA Calendar Ve
7611(continued):                rson
7612:       1.0//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:19960704T120000Z
7613:       UID:uid1@host.com ORGANIZER:MAILTO:jsmith@host.com
7614:       DTSTART:19960918T143000Z DTEND:19960920T220000Z STATUS:CONF
7614(continued):                IRMED

2000 found at line 7614:
7612:       1.0//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:19960704T120000Z
7613:       UID:uid1@host.com ORGANIZER:MAILTO:jsmith@host.com
7614:       DTSTART:19960918T143000Z DTEND:19960920T220000Z STATUS:CONF
7614(continued):                IRMED

2000 found at line 7640:
7638:       TZID:US-Eastern
7639:       BEGIN:STANDARD
7640:       DTSTART:19981025T020000
7641:       RDATE:19981025T020000
7642:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0400

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 7641:
7639:       BEGIN:STANDARD
7640:       DTSTART:19981025T020000
7641:       RDATE:19981025T020000
7642:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0400
7643:       TZOFFSETTO:-0500

2000 found at line 7647:
7645:       END:STANDARD
7646:       BEGIN:DAYLIGHT
7647:       DTSTART:19990404T020000
7648:       RDATE:19990404T020000
7649:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0500

2000 found at line 7648:
7646:       BEGIN:DAYLIGHT
7647:       DTSTART:19990404T020000
7648:       RDATE:19990404T020000
7649:       TZOFFSETFROM:-0500
7650:       TZOFFSETTO:-0400

2000 found at line 7740:
7738:       BEGIN:VALARM
7739:       ACTION:AUDIO
7740:       TRIGGER:19980403T120000
7741:       ATTACH;FMTTYPE=audio/basic:http://host.com/pub/audio-
7742:        files/ssbanner.aud

2000 found at line 7755:
7753:       PRODID:-//ABC Corporation//NONSGML My Product//EN
7754:       BEGIN:VJOURNAL
7755:       DTSTAMP:19970324T120000Z
7756:       UID:uid5@host1.com
7757:       ORGANIZER:MAILTO:jsmith@host.com

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2446.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 3347:
3345:     ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
3346:     DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
3347:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
3349:     UID:0981234-1234234-23@example.com

1900 found at line 3373:
3371:     BEGIN:VEVENT
3372:     ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
3373:     DTSTAMP:19970612T190000Z

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3374:     DTSTART:19970701T210000Z
3375:     DTEND:19970701T230000Z

1900 found at line 3410:
3408:     SEQUENCE:2
3409:     UID:0981234-1234234-23@example.com
3410:     DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
3411:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 3461:
3459:     DTEND;TZID=America-Chicago:19970701T180000
3460:     DTSTART;TZID=America-Chicago:19970702T160000
3461:     DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
3463:     LOCATION;VALUE=URI:http://www.midwaystadium.com/

1900 found at line 3505:
3503:     BEGIN:VEVENT
3504:     ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
3505:     DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
3506:     UID:0981234-1234234-23@example.com
3507:     DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:19970714

1900 found at line 3594:
3592:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=FALSE;TYPE=ROOM:conf_Big@example.com
3594:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
3595:     DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
3596:     DTEND:19970701T2000000Z

1900 found at line 3618:
3616:     SEQUENCE:0
3617:     REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success
3618:     DTSTAMP:19970612T190000Z
3619:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 3655:
3654:     DTSTART:19970701T180000Z
3655:     DTEND:19970701T190000Z
3656:     SUMMARY:Phone Conference
3657:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1900 found at line 3659:
3657:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
3658:     SEQUENCE:1
3659:     DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
3661:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 3680:
3678:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:Mailto:B@example.com
3679:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:Mailto:C@example.com
3680:     DTSTART:19970701T190000Z
3681:     DTEND:19970701T200000Z
3682:     SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results

1900 found at line 3686:
3684:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777a@example.com
3685:     SEQUENCE:0
3686:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
3688:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 3713:
3711:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:Mailto:C@example.com
3712:     DTSTART:19970701T160000Z
3713:     DTEND:19970701T190000Z
3714:     DTSTAMP:19970612T190000Z
3715:     SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results

1900 found at line 3714:
3712:     DTSTART:19970701T160000Z
3713:     DTEND:19970701T190000Z
3714:     DTSTAMP:19970612T190000Z
3715:     SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results
3716:     LOCATION:Green Conference Room

1900 found at line 3721:
3719:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777a@example.com
3720:     SEQUENCE:0
3721:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
3722:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 3738:
3736:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:Mailto:B@example.com
3737:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:Mailto:C@example.com
3738:     DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
3739:     DTSTART:19970701T160000Z
3740:     DTEND:19970701T190000Z

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1900 found at line 3740:
3738:     DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
3739:     DTSTART:19970701T160000Z
3740:     DTEND:19970701T190000Z
3741:     SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results - changed
3741(continued):                to
3742:       meet B's schedule

1900 found at line 3769:
3767:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
3768:     SEQUENCE:0
3769:     DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
3770:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 3884:
3882:     SEQUENCE:0
3883:     REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success
3884:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
3885:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 3906:
3904:     SEQUENCE:0
3906:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
3907:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 3936:
3934:     SEQUENCE:0
3935:     REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success
3936:     DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
3937:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 3967:
3965:     SEQUENCE:0
3966:     REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success
3967:     DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
3968:     END:VEVENT

1900 found at line 4072:
4070:     SEQUENCE:1
4072:     DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
4073:     END:VEVENT

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999


1900 found at line 4157:
4156:      RSVP=FALSE:Mailto:E@example.com
4157:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
4158:     DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
4159:     DTEND:19970701T203000Z

1900 found at line 4193:
4191:     ATTENDEE;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:Mailto:C@example.com
4192:     ATTENDEE;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:Mailto:D@example.com
4193:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
4194:     DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
4195:     DTEND:19970701T203000Z

1900 found at line 4232:
4230:     DTSTART:19980101T124200Z
4231:     DTEND:19980107T124200Z
4232:     FREEBUSY:19980101T180000Z/19980101T190000Z
4233:     FREEBUSY:19980103T020000Z/19980103T050000Z
4234:     FREEBUSY:19980107T020000Z/19980107T050000Z

1900 found at line 4236:
4234:     FREEBUSY:19980107T020000Z/19980107T050000Z
4235:     FREEBUSY:19980113T000000Z/19980113T010000Z
4236:     FREEBUSY:19980115T190000Z/19980115T200000Z
4237:     FREEBUSY:19980115T220000Z/19980115T230000Z
4238:     FREEBUSY:19980116T013000Z/19980116T043000Z

1900 found at line 4288:
4286:     ATTENDEE:Mailto:B@example.com
4287:     ATTENDEE:Mailto:C@example.com
4288:     DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
4289:     DTSTART:19970701T080000Z
4290:     DTEND:19970701T200000

1900 found at line 4319:
4319:     DTSTAMP:19970613T190030Z

1900 found at line 4359:
4359:     DTSTAMP:19970613T190030Z

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

4360:     DTSTART;TZID=America-SanJose:19970701T140000
4361:     DTEND;TZID=America-SanJose:19970701T150000

1900 found at line 5193:
5191:     to each of the start of each recurring instance. Hence, if th
5191(continued):                e
5192:     initial "VTODO" calendar component specifies a "DTSTART" prop
5192(continued):                erty
5193:     value of "19970701T190000Z" and a "DUE" property value of
5194:     "19970801T190000Z" the interval of one day which is applied t
5194(continued):                o each
5195:     recurring instance of the "VTODO" calendar component to deter
5195(continued):                mine the

1900 found at line 5194:
5192:     initial "VTODO" calendar component specifies a "DTSTART" prop
5192(continued):                erty
5193:     value of "19970701T190000Z" and a "DUE" property value of
5194:     "19970801T190000Z" the interval of one day which is applied t
5194(continued):                o each
5195:     recurring instance of the "VTODO" calendar component to deter
5195(continued):                mine the
5196:     "DUE" date of the instance.

2000 found at line 3346:
3344:     BEGIN:VEVENT
3345:     ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
3346:     DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
3347:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z

2000 found at line 3437:
3435:     TZURL:http://zones.stds_r_us.net/tz/America-Chicago
3437:     DTSTART:19671029T020000
3439:     TZOFFSETFROM:-0500

2000 found at line 3444:
3442:     END:STANDARD
3444:     DTSTART:19870405T020000
3446:     TZOFFSETFROM:-0600

2000 found at line 3595:

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

3594:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
3595:     DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
3596:     DTEND:19970701T2000000Z
3597:     SUMMARY:Conference

2000 found at line 3596:
3594:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
3595:     DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
3596:     DTEND:19970701T2000000Z
3597:     SUMMARY:Conference
3598:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com

2000 found at line 3681:
3679:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:Mailto:C@example.com
3680:     DTSTART:19970701T190000Z
3681:     DTEND:19970701T200000Z
3682:     SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results
3683:     LOCATION:Green Conference Room

2000 found at line 3901:
3899:      DELEGATED-FROM="Mailto:C@example.com":Mailto:E@example.com
3900:     DTSTART:19970701T180000Z
3901:     DTEND:19970701T200000Z
3902:     SUMMARY:Phone Conference
3903:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com

2000 found at line 3996:
3994:     SUMMARY:Phone Conference
3995:     DTSTART:19970701T180000Z
3996:     DTEND:19970701T200000Z
3997:     DTSTAMP:19970614T200000Z
3998(continued):                R

2000 found at line 3997:
3995:     DTSTART:19970701T180000Z
3996:     DTEND:19970701T200000Z
3997:     DTSTAMP:19970614T200000Z
3998(continued):                R
3999:      INVITATION

2000 found at line 4158:
4156:      RSVP=FALSE:Mailto:E@example.com
4157:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
4158:     DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
4159:     DTEND:19970701T203000Z
4160:     SUMMARY:Phone Conference

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 4194:
4192:     ATTENDEE;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:Mailto:D@example.com
4193:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
4194:     DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
4195:     DTEND:19970701T203000Z

2000 found at line 4233:
4231:     DTEND:19980107T124200Z
4232:     FREEBUSY:19980101T180000Z/19980101T190000Z
4233:     FREEBUSY:19980103T020000Z/19980103T050000Z
4234:     FREEBUSY:19980107T020000Z/19980107T050000Z
4235:     FREEBUSY:19980113T000000Z/19980113T010000Z

2000 found at line 4234:
4232:     FREEBUSY:19980101T180000Z/19980101T190000Z
4233:     FREEBUSY:19980103T020000Z/19980103T050000Z
4234:     FREEBUSY:19980107T020000Z/19980107T050000Z
4235:     FREEBUSY:19980113T000000Z/19980113T010000Z
4236:     FREEBUSY:19980115T190000Z/19980115T200000Z

2000 found at line 4236:
4234:     FREEBUSY:19980107T020000Z/19980107T050000Z
4235:     FREEBUSY:19980113T000000Z/19980113T010000Z
4236:     FREEBUSY:19980115T190000Z/19980115T200000Z
4237:     FREEBUSY:19980115T220000Z/19980115T230000Z
4238:     FREEBUSY:19980116T013000Z/19980116T043000Z

2000 found at line 4237:
4235:     FREEBUSY:19980113T000000Z/19980113T010000Z
4236:     FREEBUSY:19980115T190000Z/19980115T200000Z
4237:     FREEBUSY:19980115T220000Z/19980115T230000Z
4238:     FREEBUSY:19980116T013000Z/19980116T043000Z

2000 found at line 4290:
4288:     DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
4289:     DTSTART:19970701T080000Z
4290:     DTEND:19970701T200000
4291:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com

2000 found at line 4308:
4306:     ATTENDEE:Mailto:B@example.com
4307:     DTSTART:19970701T080000Z
4308:     DTEND:19970701T200000Z
4309:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
4310:     FREEBUSY:19970701T090000Z/PT1H,19970701T140000Z/PT30M

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 4340:
4338:     TZURL:http://zones.stds_r_us.net/tz/America-SanJose
4340:     DTSTART:19671029T020000
4342:     TZOFFSETFROM:-0700

2000 found at line 4347:
4345:     END:STANDARD
4347:     DTSTART:19870405T020000
4349:     TZOFFSETFROM:-0800

2000 found at line 4446:
4444:     SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
4445:     DTSTART:19970601T210000Z
4446:     DTEND:19970601T220000Z
4447:     LOCATION:Conference Call
4448:     DTSTAMP:19970526T083000Z

2000 found at line 4473:
4471:     SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
4472:     DTSTART:19970703T210000Z
4473:     DTEND:19970703T220000Z
4474:     LOCATION:Conference Call
4475:     DTSTAMP:19970626T093000Z

2000 found at line 4565:
4563:     SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
4564:     DTSTART:19970901T210000Z
4565:     DTEND:19970901T220000Z
4566:     LOCATION:Building 32, Microsoft, Seattle, WA
4567:     DTSTAMP:19970526T083000Z

2000 found at line 4601:
4599:     SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
4600:     DTSTART:19970715T210000Z
4601:     DTEND:19970715T220000Z
4602:     LOCATION:Conference Call
4603:     DTSTAMP:19970629T093000Z

2000 found at line 4631:
4629:     SUMMARY:Review Accounts
4630:     DTSTART:19980303T210000Z
4631:     DTEND:19980303T220000Z
4632:     LOCATION:The White Room
4633:     DTSTAMP:19980301T093000Z

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 4664:
4662:     SUMMARY:Review Accounts
4663:     DTSTART:19980303T210000Z
4664:     DTEND:19980303T220000Z
4665:     DTSTAMP:19980303T193000Z
4666:     LOCATION:The Usual conference room

2000 found at line 4690:
4688:     SUMMARY:Review Accounts
4689:     DTSTART:19980303T210000Z
4690:     DTEND:19980303T220000Z
4691:     DTSTAMP:19980303T193000Z
4692:     LOCATION:The White Room

2000 found at line 4730:
4728:     SUMMARY:Review Accounts
4729:     DTSTART:19980304T180000Z
4730:     DTEND:19980304T200000Z
4731:     DTSTAMP:19980303T193000Z
4732:     LOCATION:Conference Room A

2000 found at line 4781:
4779:     SUMMARY:Review Accounts
4780:     DTSTART:19980315T180000Z
4781:     DTEND:19980315T200000Z
4782:     DTSTAMP:19980307T193000Z
4783:     LOCATION:Conference Room A

2000 found at line 4811:
4809:     SUMMARY:Review Accounts
4810:     DTSTART:19980304T180000Z
4811:     DTEND:19980304T200000Z
4812:     DTSTAMP:19980303T193000Z
4813:     LOCATION:Conference Room A

2000 found at line 4863:
4861:     CLASS:PUBLIC
4862:     SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
4863:     DTSTART:19970715T220000Z
4864:     DTEND:19970715T230000Z
4865:     LOCATION:Conference Call

2000 found at line 4903:
4901:     SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
4902:     DTSTART:19970601T210000Z
4903:     DTEND:19970601T220000Z
4904:     DTSTAMP:19970602T094000Z
4905:     LOCATION:Conference Call

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

2000 found at line 5018:
5016:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
5017:     SEQUENCE:0
5018:     DTSTAMP:19970717T200000Z
5019:     STATUS:Needs Action
5020:     END:VTODO

2000 found at line 5179:
5177:     UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
5178:     SEQUENCE:0
5179:     DTSTAMP:19970717T200000Z
5181:     PRIORITY:1

2000 found at line 5236:
5234:     VERSION:2.0
5236:     DTSTART:19971002T200000Z
5237:     ORGANIZER:MAILTO:A@Example.com
5238:     SUMMARY:Phone conference minutes

2000 found at line 5358:
5356:     SEQUENCE:3
5358:     RDATE;VALUE=PERIOD:19970819T210000Z/199700819T220000Z
5359:     ORGANIZER:Mailto:A@example.com

2000 found at line 5365:
5363:     SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
5364:     DTSTART:19970801T210000Z
5365:     DTEND:19970801T220000Z
5366:     RECURRENCE-ID:19970809T210000Z
5367:     DTSTAMP:19970726T083000

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2447.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 421:
419:     ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR;ATTSTAT=ACCEPTED:mailto:sman@netscape.com
420:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=YES:mailto:stevesil@microsoft.com
421:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
422:     DTSTART:19970701T210000Z
423:     DTEND:19970701T230000Z

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

1900 found at line 475:
473:     ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR;ATTSTAT=ACCEPTED:mailto:foo1@example.com
474:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=YES;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:foo2@example.com
475:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
476:     DTSTART:19970701T170000Z
477:     DTEND:19970701T173000Z

1900 found at line 523:
521:     ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR;ATTSTAT=ACCEPTED:mailto:foo1@example.com
522:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=YES;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:foo2@example.com
523:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
524:     DTSTART:19970701T180000Z
525:     DTEND:19970701T183000Z

1900 found at line 584:
584:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
585:     DTSTART:19970715T150000Z
586:     DTEND:19970715T230000Z

1900 found at line 631:
629:     ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR;ATTSTAT=ACCEPTED:mailto:foo1@example.com
630:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=YES;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:foo2@example.com
631:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
632:     DTSTART:19970701T210000Z
633:     DTEND:19970701T230000Z

1900 found at line 722:
720:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=YES;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:foo2@example.com
721:     ATTENDEE;RSVP=YES;TYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:foo3@example.com
722:     DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
723:     DTSTART:19970621T170000Z
724:     DTEND:199706211T173000Z

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2455.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2-digit found at line 7166:
7165:            Since this object incorporates the Year 2000-unfriendl
7165(continued):                y
7166:            2-digit year specified in SMI for the LAST-UPDATED fie
7166(continued):                ld, and

2000 found at line 7165:
7163:            determining the level of the MIB supported by an agent
7163(continued):                .

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

7165:            Since this object incorporates the Year 2000-unfriendl
7165(continued):                y
7166:            2-digit year specified in SMI for the LAST-UPDATED fie
7166(continued):                ld, and

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2461.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 2347:
2345:                                   consecutive advertisements.
2347:                               Default: 2592000 seconds (30 days),
2347(continued):                 fixed
2348:                               (i.e., stays the same in consecutiv
2348(continued):                e
2349:                               advertisements).

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc2470.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 65:
63:     rely on manual configuration or router advertisements [DISC]
63(continued):          to
64:     determine actual MTU sizes. Common default values include
65:     approximately 2000, 4000, and 8000 octets.
67:     In the absence of any other information, an implementation sh
67(continued):          ould use

Appendix D:  Discussion of HTTP 1.0 Issues


   The main IETF standards-track document on the HTTP protocol is
   RFC2068 on HTTP 1.1.  It notes that historically three different date
   formats have been used, and that one of them uses a two-digit year
   field.  In section 3.3.1 it requires HTTP 1.1 implementations to
   generate this RFC1123 format:

        Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123

   instead of this RFC850 format:

             Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC

   Unfortunately, many existing servers, serving on the order of one
   fifth of the current HTTP traffic, send dates in the ambiguous RFC850

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

Section 19.3 of the RFC2068 says this:

     o  HTTP/1.1 clients and caches should assume that an RFC-850 date
        which appears to be more than 50 years in the future is in fact
        in the past (this helps solve the "year 2000" problem).

   This avoids a "stale cache" problem, which would cause the user to
   see out-of-date data.

   But to avoid unnecessary delays and bandwidth indicated in Scenario 2
   below, this should be extended to say that a date which appears to be
   more than 50 years in the past may be assumed to be in the future, if
   a future date is legal for that field.

   Scenario 3 indicates that servers may also want to follow these

    Here is some more background and justification for these arguments.

   The following headers use full dates:

           Expires:                # can be in the future
           If-Modified-Since:      # required to be in the past
           Last-Modified:          # required to be in the past
           Retry-After:            # can be in the future, also takes
                                           # relative time - number of seconds

           If-Unmodified-Since:    # required to be in the past

   Note that clock skew between hosts can lead to confusion here - see
   the RFC for details.

   Here are some scenarios of the implications of RFC850 dates, which
   include stale caches, unnecessary requests for things, which are
   validly cached, delays for the user, extra bandwidth, and presenting
   incorrect information to the user.

   Some cases involve comparisons with the current time, and others may
   involve comparisons between dates from different sources.  The
   abbreviation "/99" is used to imply an RFC850 date with the value
   "99" for the year.

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

   RFC850 date from server

   Scenario 1:
           If a client gets an Expires /99 date after the year 2000, it
           should interpret it as 1999, to avoid ending up with a stale
           cache entry.

           This is as already specified in RFC2068.

   Scenario 2:
           If a client gets an Expires /00 date before the year 2000,
           and subsequently is faced with a choice to either retrieve
           the document from its cache or look for an updated copy, it
           may interpret it as the year 2000, to avoid the unnecessary
           delay and bandwidth of an extra request.

   RFC850 date from client

   Scenario 3:
           If a server gets an If-Modified-Since /99 date from a client
           after the year 2000, it should interpret it as 1999 when
           comparing with the local modification date, in order to
           possibly avoid sending a full GET response rather than a HEAD

           Note that an If-Modified-Since header must never be in the

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RFC 2626  The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)  June 1999

Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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